Chapter 250 Push and bite

"The mouth is very powerful." Clay lowered his voice, "I want to see if a seriously injured Absol and a few small shrimps can stop me."

While speaking, two more Poké Balls were thrown.

With the red light flashing.

An Ariados and a Drapion.

According to the strength of Nidoking, they should all be Pokémon at the master level.

However, it is clear that both Ariados and Drapion's Contest Condition are not very good, and there are obvious injuries on their bodies.

But three master-level Pokémon, plus a Trainer who knows them well, and reasonable tactics.

Even if Absol is stronger, with one against three, he may not necessarily win.

Unless it has broken through the main hall level and reached the quasi-Elite level.

You can know that Absol has not reached that level just by showing a solemn and vigilant appearance.

‘How did the previous Absol win? ' Xia Yan was a little curious.

In fact, it was because Xia Yan didn't know that when Clay and Absol met for the first time, they had just escaped from "In the Meteor" to avoid the pursuit of Draconid Tribe. The Pokémon on his body was more or less injured, so they fought against each other. It's just a close match with Absol.

After staying in Meteor Falls for so long, I used all the resources I had left to restore Nidoking, so the Nidoking Contest Condition as the Clay Trump Card was recovering ok.

'With one against three, even if Absol is stronger, it is still very difficult. Beedrill and the others are still in Jirachi's wishing Contest Condition, they should be able to gain some benefits, so it is best not to disturb them if they can. ’

Xia Yan quickly thought about how to deal with it.

'The only advantage now is that the opponent doesn't know that Absol's Contest Condition has resumed. Therefore, the collision in the first round is the most important, and he must be caught off guard, preferably to cause attrition. ’

Leaning over, squatting on Absol's body, pretending to whisper in his ear, but Psychic with Yongjira doesn't need to do that.

Xia Yan and Absol only met for the first time. They didn't know Absol's strength and Contest Condition very well. Absol also had his own fighting rhythm and method. He blindly wanted to direct Absol to fight. He might not only be unable to provide help, but also affect its performance.

So he just told Absol the tactical arrangements and goals, and how to operate and fight depends on him.

Just like his previous collaboration with Agatha's Haunter.

Listening to Xia Yan's words, Absol nodded from time to time.

Hearing the end, he looked back at him with surprise and disbelief.


"Opportunity!" Clay shouted in his heart, taking advantage of the moment Absol turned his head to attack.


Xia Yan slapped Absol and quickly backed away, throwing three Poké Balls at the same time.

Sharpedo, Shuckle and . Ditto.

When the Beedrills can't move for the time being, they can only let them protect themselves for the time being, so as not to be directly stolen by the other party.

"Ditto, become Sharpedo." Xia Yan said.

Then I saw a twist of Ditto on the ground, and another Sharpedo appeared in the field.

After all, they have been together for a while. Although the relationship between Ditto and Sharpedo is normal, it is not a problem to become Sharpedo.


Sharpedo roared softly when he saw the exact same self, his body trembling slightly.

'It's over, this terrifying human has found my replacement, that soft guy can become me, and now I don't even have the final role! ’

Sharpedo looked desperate.

I was already thinking about how I would be dealt with.

Braised? Or steamed?

Or the shark's fin that the man keeps talking about?

Then he saw Xia Yan looking at him with a smile.

Sharpedo twitched inwardly, smiling reluctantly.

"Listen to my orders later, be nice."

And help!

Sharpedo nodded, and if it had hands, it would have slapped its chest loudly.

On the other hand, when Xia Yan arranged Ditto and Sharpedo, Absol and Klay's three Pokémon also collided with Ember.

I see.

Nidoking leaned forward, a silver-blue energy beam spit out from its open mouth, Ice Beam!

And, it can be seen that when Nidoking spit out Ice Beam, a part of its body emits a faint light.

"Life Orb?" Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Forced Nidoking, one of the first gods of war, can be said to be a relatively popular routine in the Pokémon world at present. As a result, the price of Pokémon with forced ability is generally high, and Life Orb is even more expensive.

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.

At the same time, Ariados and Drapion also launched attacks one after another, and they still have injuries on their bodies, and more can only play a role in containment.

Drapion uses Brick Break, a Fighting-type move that restrains evil-type Pokémon, while Ariados uses Pin Missile, a Bug Type move that also restrains evil-type Pokémon from a distance.

Three-sided attack!

In Clay's eyes, no matter how reluctant Absol was, he would have to take damage from at least one or even two Pokémon to attack his Pokémon.

"Come on." Xia Yan said silently in his heart.

just see.

Absol's figure suddenly folded and flickered, and the Quick Attack move was used, not only avoiding the attack with the sudden increase in speed, but also quickly approaching Ariados.


Clay's eyes narrowed slightly, and he couldn't believe it.

Absol, Contest Condition resumed?


Then his eyes could not help but fall on Xia Yan who was calm not far away.

It's him?

However, before he could understand how Xia Yan did it, he heard Xia Yan slowly say:




Quick Attack's Absol knocked Ariados down.

A yellow halo flashed on the sharp corners of his head, and the thick and thick energy was transmitted to the soles of his feet, pouring all over Ariados.

Rock style moves, Stone Edge!

Ariados, who was pressed to the ground, didn't even have time for Struggle, and the Stone Edge broke out of the ground directly from under it, and the thick and hard huge thing directly pierced it!

Solve one!

This is the first target that Xia Yan explained to Absol, and it is also the target that may threaten him next to forced Nidoking.

Because Bug Type's Ariados restrains its evil Pokémon.

Although Drapion is also a bug, but after the evolution of Skorupi, its Bug Type Attribute is gone, and the threat is not as big as Ariados.

This tactic is also one of the tactics that Xia Yan arranged for Absol.


Forcibly push down!

Seeing Ariados go down, Nidoking and Drapion are splitting and attacking it frantically.

Absol, however, uses the Sucker Punch in reverse, again avoiding their attacks.

Returning to Xia Yan, he cast an admiring look at him.

This tactic is brutal and effective, and I like it a bit.

"Shuckle, Guard Split."

Shuckle, who had been ready for a long time, absorbed a white light from Absol's body, and then quickly reflected it to it.

Although the strength of Shuckle and Absol is very different, Shuckle, who is known for his defense, can still add some defense to it.

In this way, Absol is Harden.

Immediately afterwards, Xia Yan ordered Sharpedo and Transform to become Sharpedo's Ditto:

"Bah! Bite it!"

The two Pokémon didn't hesitate, biting Absol from the left and right.

Evil moves, Bite!

It's just that they didn't cause much damage to Absol because of active restraint.

But Absol, who was attacked by the evil-type move, emitted a white light on his body.

Righteous Heart Ability, triggered!

This tactic is called: "Bite".

(End of this chapter)

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