The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 251 The Ever-Changing Battle Situation

Chapter 251 The ever-changing battle situation

Righteous Heart triggers.

One of the questions that Xia Yan and Absol raised when exchanging tactics was about Absol's Ability.

Maybe Absol doesn't know what his Ability is, but it doesn't matter, Xia Yan can rule it out through some of its descriptions.

In the end, Lock On is the Heart of Justice.

Heart of Justice: When attacked by Dark Type moves, his own attack is increased to a certain extent.

Ditto Transform becomes Sharpedo, plus Sharpedo itself, two Pokémon use the evil-type move Bite on it, regardless of the damage result, the effect of the Heart of Justice is activated.

This is why Xia Yan arranged for Ditto to become Sharpedo.

It's not the tool that Sharpedo thinks it's steamed or braised.

Although it is indeed a good choice.

Absol mastered the "Sword Dance" move, which Xia Yan also confirmed.

But in the face of an experienced hunter like Clay, using Sword Dance in front of him is tantamount to exposing weaknesses and waiting to attack.

Therefore, Xia Yan can only choose to take the second place and find a breakthrough from the Ability of the Heart of Justice.

Of course, his arrangement is not just that.

There is Yongjira's Psychic as a tandem between Xia Yan and Absol.

Even if you discuss tactics, you don't need to crouch down to its ears to discuss.

All of this was done for Clay on the opposite side.

But any normal person would not miss such an opportunity.

This is the first trap set.

Using Klay's lack of comprehensive knowledge of Absol's information, not knowing that Absol has fully recovered, and then assisting the opponent's perceived sneak attack and contempt for Absol, he was able to kill Ariados unexpectedly.

This is the second trap.

From a pair of threes to a pair of twos, plus the two triggers of the Heart of Justice and Shuckle's Guard Split, one strengthening and one weakening, the situation of the battle changed in an instant.

And, as long as the opponent doesn't attack, Xia Yan will keep letting Ditto and Sharpedo trigger Absol's Righteous Heart Ability, constantly strengthening its attack, and the balance of victory will be irreversibly tilted.

Moreover, it wasn't long before Absol ate the Dragon's Saliva, and the medicinal effect of the Dragon's Saliva was still working in his body.

The little scars left by Sharpedo and Ditto healed in the blink of an eye.

Clay grimaced.

Of course, he also knew what Xia Yan was doing. He had fought Absol once and knew Absol's Ability very well.

Originally despised by him, he didn't even bother to waste Pokémon's energy attacking Xia Yan's choice.

It seems really stupid now.

This "little guy" who made him not pay attention at all is using his own ability to turn the situation around.

Or rather, the situation has been turned around.

Now that I want to attack Xia Yan, I can't do it anymore.

Absol, whose attack power has been strengthened, must be taken by Nidoking and Drapion together.

But no matter what, Absol can no longer continue to superimpose the blessing of the Heart of Justice.


The sharp corners of Absol's head gleamed as Clay gave the order.

Future Sight!

Absol's red eyes flickered, and it had roughly predicted what would happen next.

"Ugh." Absol hummed softly.

I saw it slowly lift its feet, and then fall Frillishly!

Moves, Me First!

Me First: Increase the power and use the move that Rival wants to use first. If you can't use it first, the move will fail.

"Earth Power!"

I saw Nidoking raised one foot and stepped on the ground heavily. With the slight tremor of Ground, a ferocious Ground-type energy quickly attacked Absol along the ground.

Xia Yan took Pokémon back a few steps.

He has already done almost what he needs to do, and then it's up to Absol to play himself.

As for how it fights, Xia Yan will not intervene too much.

Just like now.

Xia Yan's mouth moved, and he timely offered his understanding and suggestions.

Against Nidoking's attack, Absol is faster.

It fell before the Nidoking's foot fell.

Therefore, the effect of the Me First move is activated.

Earth Power!

Furthermore, it is Earth Power with enhanced power.

I have to admit that Absol's unique ability to predict, coupled with the particularity of Me First's move, makes it very buggy in combat.

Clay was not surprised to see Absol use this move, because he had seen it before when he fought Absol.

But he still chose this move.

Because Earth Power is a special attack type of move, Absol's Heart of Justice strengthens physical attack, it does not strengthen the special attack, and it does not strengthen the power of Me First, but it is based on the original power of the move.

Forcing Ability plus Life Orb's Nidoking, the enhancement of Earth Power moves is not inferior to Absol, or even stronger.

Converted into data, Me First strengthens the power of moves by 50%, while forcibly adding Life Orb strengthens them by 30% respectively, for a total of 60%.

Nidoking's Earth Power is more powerful!


Once again, something unexpected happened to Clay.

Nidoking's Earth Power attacked Absol, but Absol's Earth Power attacked


Because, Xia Yan's suggestion.

The Earth Power of the Ground type, whether it is against Nidoking or Drapion, has twice the damage of restraint.

Moreover, compared to Clay, Xia Yan is more familiar with the power conversion of these moves.

Absol may or may not win, it doesn't matter what the outcome is, because this move won't beat Nidoking.

In the same way, even if Absol, who is not restrained by Attribute, accepts this move, he will not be defeated.

Take some damage at most.

But it's different for Drapion.

Drapion, which had a poor Contest Condition, was doomed to lose its ability to fight after taking this move Earth Power.

Based on Clay's understanding of Absol and the judgment made in a short period of time, he did not think that Absol would make such a choice, and Xia Yan did not say anything, so he had already asked Drapion to step forward to "output".

However, the result of misjudgment is .

Drapion loses, Absol takes damage.

The battle situation changed from one-on-two to one-on-one again.

Obviously, the last trace of Dragon's Saliva relieved Absol's pain.


At this time, Clay finally realized that the communication between Xia Yan and Absol was not through words, but Psychic.

behavior from the very beginning.

Just a trap!

"Damn!" Clay couldn't help but burst out.

His reaction was fast, but no matter how fast, it was too late.

Everything is to be blamed on the contempt for Xia Yan, and the "arrogant" words of Xia Yan before, which made many mistakes in his judgment.

From the beginning.

He was counted!

A chill rose in Clay's heart, not towards Absol, but towards Xia Yan, the young man he had never looked at from the very beginning.

Xia Yan chuckled softly, this time he didn't hide his voice.

"It's time to end."

On a one-on-one basis, Absol is more dominant.





Beedrill, Yongjira, Togetic, all woke up after getting some benefits!

(End of this chapter)

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