Chapter 265 Phoebe

There are so many Ghost-type Pokémon, not only the Ghost-type Pokémon of Hoenn Region, but also several other Regions.

Xia Yan looked at Phoebe in surprise.

Normal people, who would bring so many Ghost-type Pokémon around?

Except that mad woman Agatha.

But that's the Ghost-type Elite from Kanto Region!

What about this little girl in front of you?

'and many more. ’

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, and once again looked up and down Stephanie's appearance, skin color, and so many Ghost-type Pokémon.

‘Could it be Hoenn’s future Ghost Elite? ’

What flashed in Xia Yan's mind was Hoenn Region's future Ghost-type Elite, Phoebe!

There is a pair of grandparents living in Sending God Mountain, and a special ability, similar to Psychic's telepathy, which can communicate with Ghost-type Pokémon.

Sending God Mountain is the famous burial place of Pokémon in Hoenn Region. Many trainers will bury their dead Pokémon in Sending God Mountain. Over time, it has become an unwritten custom.

With so many dead Pokémon gathered, Sending God Mountain has become a favorite place for many Ghost Pokémon.

Moreover, in addition to burying Pokémon corpses, it has also become a place where many Trainers try to capture Ghost-type Pokémon.

Xia Yan had more conjectures and cognitions about the identity of this Stephanie in front of him.

Although the clothes were not the ones he was familiar with, he was 90% sure of her identity.

'In the future, the Ghost-type Pokémon of the Ghost-type Elite Four should not be bad, right? ’

He'd always thought the bonus Ghost-type Pokémon was an optional extra.

But now it seems.


That spoon is the tip?

Funny at the thought that popped into my head.

But Xia Yan also put aside his contempt and began to observe these Pokémon carefully.

to be frank.

He doesn't know much about Ghost Pokémon.

Because few books describe Ghost-based Pokémon, his more knowledge is still limited to his knowledge of previous games, anime and comics.

However, as a half-hearted Breeder family, they still have some ability to judge whether Pokémon is good or not.

These Ghost-type Pokémon seem to be pretty good.

"How about little Gastly? It's lively and has no major flaws other than being a little mischievous. It can stay in your shadow or go wherever it wants to go."

Phoebe began to recommend these "little friends" of hers.

They are all Pokémons sent to the Breeder of her grandparents in Kamiyama, and this time I heard that she was going to come out, so they came along.

They are very curious about the outside world, so Phoebe promised them that he would find them a few Trainers.

And this is also one of the reasons for using a Ghost-type Pokémon as the "additional head".


Xia Yan nodded in agreement.

This is indeed a good choice, even the most preferred.

Whether it is now or in the future, Gastly's final evolution, Gengar, can occupy a very important position in all Ghost Pokémon.

Especially after the emergence of Mega Evolution, the Gengar capable of Mega Evolution is even more so.

Moreover, Xia Yan also knows a lot about Gengar's tactics and dirty routines.

If you choose Gastly, you can really maximize its ability and strength.

However, Xia Yan looked at the naughty appearance of this Gastly and thought that he already had a living treasure like Togetic in his team. If there was another one, he was afraid that the atmosphere of the entire team would be ruined.

But Gastly is really tempting, so Xia Yan took it as the first choice. If he couldn't choose a better one, he would choose Gastly.

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't make a statement, Phoebe continued to introduce: "How about Xiaoye? It can enter and exit the spiritual world freely. Oh, the spiritual world is"

"I know."

Xia Yan interrupted her.

Duskull and its evolutionary type should be the Pokémon with the highest compatibility with the spiritual world of all Ghost-type Pokémon, and even its final evolutionary type, Dusknoir, is known as the "spiritual world gatekeeper".

It's just that the evolutionary type of Dusknoir has not been discovered or published.

He actually has a piece of Reaper Cloth that can make Dusclops evolve into Dusknoir. It is also a good choice to publish several papers on this topic.

And freely entering and leaving the spiritual world means that you can obtain the resources of the spiritual world. Although it is also accompanied by dangers, the benefits are not bad.

This is also a good choice.

"Where's Shuppet? Although she's not very talkative, when she does speak, she is very powerful."

Shuppet's evolution is Banette, which is also a Pokémon that can Mega Evolution.

It's just that this Pokémon is special.

Because they like resentment very much, have an almost obsessive love for resentment, and resentment is one of their sources of strength.

But compared to Gastly and Duskull, Shuppet's priority here in Xia Yan is not so high.

Phoebe was very active in introducing these Ghost Pokémons to Xia Yan, quite like a salesman.

After Xia Yan guessed her identity, she also paid enough attention.

Eyes keep sweeping across these Pokémon, observing their Contest Condition and personalities.

Finally, his eyes fell on the not very lively Pokémon in the corner, like a cold sword, silently leaning against the wall.

"What about it?"


Phoebe followed his line of sight, "Xiaojian, Xiaojian is also very strong, but it has fewer companions, so it is a bit introverted and not very willing to show itself."

Honedge is a Ghost-type Pokémon registered in the Kalos Region. It evolves into Doublade and can evolve into Aegislash by using Dusk Stone.

Aegislash is a very special Pokémon, it has a unique Ability, so it can have two completely different forms, one is a sword form with very powerful double attack, and the other is a shield form with very strong defense.

And Aegislash has the rare ability to manipulate the minds of humans or Pokémons.

Therefore, in the Kalos Region, there are many legends about this kind of Pokémon.

If Xia Yan's Dusk Stone is still in hand, it may become one of the candidates, but unfortunately he just gave out the Dusk Stone.

Moreover, Honedge is similar to Pokémons like Chandelure and Lampent that Xia Yan encountered before. They like to suck the lives of others or Pokémon. If this problem cannot be solved, it will be a big trouble.

In addition to these few, there are Ghost-type Pokémons such as Crying Mask and Drifloon.

But Xia Yan didn't have much interest in these.

'So in the end it's a choice between Gastly and Duskull? ’

Xia Yan was lost in thought.

But on second thought.

still have a question.

"These Pokémon were all cultivated?"

This is critical.

If someone has cultivated it, it is destined to be branded with this person's imprint and habits. If he takes over and wants to cultivate, it will become very troublesome.

Especially in this way, many of their personalities and habits have been formed. If they do not fit with themselves, it will not only delay themselves, but also delay these Pokémon.

"Oh, they are all Pokémon from my father. They are all Pokémon raised by the seller, but don't worry, they have not been subdued. They are still pure wild Pokémon, but they are not weak."

Halfway through, Phoebe remembered again, "By the way, Xiaojian is not. It plays alone. It has a relatively withdrawn personality and may be relatively weak."

"I understand."

Xia Yan nodded.

There is a choice in mind.

After pondering for a while, he asked, "Can I get in touch with them?"

(End of this chapter)

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