Chapter 266 That's it

After all, choosing Pokémon, Xia Yan is more cautious.

After knowing Phoebe's identity, he paid enough attention to these Ghost-type Pokémon.

In any case, it is also the Pokémon shot by Elite Four in the future, and it is also the Ghost Pokémon sent to Kamiyama, and after being taken care of by Phoebe's grandparents, the Pokémon that can be seen by them, at least not bad.

He also happens to need a Ghost-type Pokémon.

Whether it is to make up for the lack of the team or to increase its own security, the Pokémon of the Ghost series is undoubtedly a very good choice.


The premise of all this is that these Ghost-type Pokémon are good enough.

Now Xia Yan is also qualified and able to select Pokémon. If he cannot meet his standards, then the selected Pokémon may only assume the responsibility of protecting his safety.

Will not be an official member of the team.

But after all, it is to protect his Pokémon closely, and it still needs to be strictly controlled.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, Phoebe had no objection, and even had a little favor for Xia Yan because of it.

Nodding in agreement: "You really should touch it, you can feel more things."

Choosing Pokémon is a very careful thing. If Xia Yan chooses one of them just by looking at it, Phoebe will inevitably have some distrust of his ability and responsibility.

But Xia Yan's cautious attitude gave Phoebe a lot of goodwill.

In this way, under the arrangement of Phoebe, Xia Yan made contact with these Ghost-type Pokémon one by one.

Gastly, gas Pokémon, superior strength, able to move freely through any object.

Duskull, the communicator of the spiritual world, is also a superior-level strength, with some traces of the spiritual world remaining on his body. He is also the Pokémon who most hopes to follow Xia Yan among this group of Pokémon.

In other words, all the Ghost-type Pokémon present did not refuse to follow Xia Yan more or less.

In the contact one by one, Phoebe felt some curiosity and surprise from these Pokémon.

It was the first time she saw these Ghost-type Pokémon, and she was not so repulsive to others.

In this regard, Xia Yan actually felt it.

After a little thought, he roughly guessed the reason.

Probably because he has the breath of Marshadow on him.

As an Eudemons in Ghost-type Pokémon, Marshadow is definitely one of the top existences in Ghost-type Pokémon.

It has a good relationship with Xia Yan, and the breath left by it will definitely have a certain impact on these Ghost-type Pokémon.

At the beginning, Agatha's Gengar also felt the Marshadow breath left by Xia Yan for the first time. Even if Agatha's Haunter can cooperate with Xia Yan so well, the influence of Marshadow cannot be ruled out.

In addition to Gastly and Duskull, Xia Yan also came into contact with Shuppet, Drifloon and Crying Mask one by one, almost all of them with excellent strength.

As for Misdreavus, that's Phoebe's own Pokémon, not in the pick.

The last one was the quietest, and also Honedge, who didn't seem to want to follow Xia Yan so much.

Xia Yan hesitated.

Honedge can absorb the life energy of others through contact, and also has the ability to control its human mind.

He was somewhat conflicted about it.

Moreover, no matter how you look at this Honedge, it looks like a "sick" and not very strong.

Possibly the weakest among all Ghost-type Pokémons in the field.

It seems that there is no need to continue, Xia Yan has already made a decision in his heart.

Just choose between Gastly and Duskull.

Although they have more or less the brand of Grandpa Phoebe on their bodies, it is more troublesome to completely erase them, but there is no doubt that they are also the most talented among the Pokémon present.


Seeing that Xia Yan seemed to have no idea of ​​choosing himself, Honedge secretly breathed a sigh of relief, his cowardly eyes narrowed a little, and there was a flash of relaxation and joy.

'fine. ’


Honedge's expression and the change in his eyes just fell into the sight of Xia Yan, who turned around again.

After thinking about it, he couldn't treat it differently. Even if he didn't choose Honedge, he had to get in touch, otherwise he'd already been in contact with other Pokémon. What does it mean if he didn't touch it? What will Phoebe think?

Moreover, Honedge is not confident in the first place. If he does not touch it alone, it will inevitably bring another blow to his lack of self-confidence.


Coincidentally, Xia Yan's eyes and Honedge's eyes met.

The brief silence and the awkwardness of the atmosphere pervaded between Xia Yan and Honedge.

After being stunned for a second, Honedge immediately reacted, blinked hastily, and returned to his cowardly, even a little silly, naive look again.

And Xia Yan, who witnessed the whole process, was also stunned.

tight and his expression became weird.

This Honedge.

Dressing up?

Xia Yan has seen a lot of people who pretend to be strong, brave, have someone on their head, and have brothers behind them.

But it was the first time he had seen this person who pretended to be timid, withdrawn, and stupid.


Seeing Xia Yan's expression of interest, Honedge panicked.

'It's too bad, I can't hide it anymore.'

"It's Xiaojian's turn." At this time, Phoebe made up for it in a timely manner.


Xia Yan nodded, and Honedge's reaction successfully caught his attention.

Go to Honedge.

However, seeing it was full of fear, kept retreating, and looked nervous and aggrieved, their appearance was really like the drama of "The Bully and the People's Girl".

But the box was not big, and soon Honedge reached the corner, and there was no way to retreat.


Xia Yan's hand was tightly clasped on Honedge's hilt, and the end of the hilt was like a sword spike of a blue ribbon Normal, which also subconsciously wrapped around Xia Yan's arm.

'It's over, I really can't hide it. ’


Yongjira next to him saw this scene, and Psychic subconsciously agitated.

But before it could act, Xia Yan reached out and stopped it.

And looked at Honedge, who was still "timid and scared" with some surprise.

'Life energy, not absorbed. ’

Honedge, though like Chandelure, can absorb the life energy of others and feed on it.

But unlike Chandelure.

Honedge, and its evolution, can control whether or not it wants to do this, that is, to see if the blue satin-like sword spike at the end of the hilt will wrap around the person.

However, this Honedge clearly did so, but Xia Yan did not feel the passing of life energy.


Yongjira, who had absorbed the crystal of life, also felt this and was a little surprised.

Honedge looked at Xia Yan embarrassedly, showing a begging and pleasing expression.

‘Big brother, let me go, I just want to be a sword in peace.’

"Xiaojian will not absorb life, although I don't know why, but the seller mentioned it and said. It doesn't need it."


Xia Yan raised his hand slowly, and he felt the heavy weight of Honedge.

It seems, much heavier than Normal's Honedge?


Through contact and observation, Xia Yan finally felt the true strength of this Honedge.

Looking at Phoebe with a strange expression, he asked, "You said just now that it trains alone, right?"

Train alone without imprinting others.

"Yeah, it's not very gregarious." Phoebe nodded.

where is this not very gregarious

There's absolutely no need to train with those Ghost Pokémon!

Not a grade.

Immediately, Xia Yan made a decision in his heart.

Although Gastly and Duskull are tempting.

But sorry.

"That's it."

Hearing this sentence, Honedge looked desperate.

The outside world is so dangerous, how could I be discovered even though I hid it so well?

(End of this chapter)

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