Chapter 267 Am I brave?

"Oh? Did you choose Honedge?"

In the VIP room, when the old man heard Phoebe's story, a hint of surprise and surprise appeared in his eyes.

Phoebe doesn't know about Honedge, that's because it rarely interacts with other Pokémon and Phoebe, so they don't know about Honedge.

But he is different.

I've been with Ghost Pokémon all my life, and I still have that vision.

Although I don't know why Honedge did it, I still have a certain understanding of Honedge's strength and ability.

This Honedge is also special and needs to absorb the life energy of others, otherwise he won't let it follow Phoebe.

The reason for this is also because of some of its special experiences.

In the eyes of the old man, Honedge's strength and talent are unique among the Ghost-type Pokémon that follow Phoebe.

If it weren't for some reason it was too cautious, maybe the old man wouldn't have sent it out, but let Phoebe take it.

Because it's really unique.

However, it is precisely because of its character that if it cannot be used or properly guided, it may become a burden rather than a help in the future.

The old man believed that he could do it, but Phoebe was too simple and had no experience. She couldn't do it, so she didn't let her accept Honedge.

"Yeah, grandpa is a good man. I heard that Xiaojian is relatively withdrawn, so I hoped to help him." Phoebe nodded his head and continued: "Grandpa, you are right, not all of them are in the black market. Bad guys, there are some good guys."

Listening to Phoebe's words, the old man seemed to be able to imagine the embarrassment of Xia Yan facing Honedge's special character.

The old man smiled and just patted Phoebe's head lightly.

Glancing past her.

Look at the shadow behind her.

A Gengar quietly emerged from her shadow and nodded towards the old man.

And there was a glimmer of light in his eyes, and he told the old man again what happened just now, as well as its perception and judgment.

After that, the old man was even more surprised.

He exclaimed: "It seems that Honedge has indeed followed a quite amazing Trainer."

"Yes yes yes."

Phoebe fits.

It's just that she didn't understand the deeper meaning of the old man.

the other side.

If Honedge knew about the old man, he would definitely give him two big mouths, if he dared.

At this moment, it was curling up in the corner, looking desperately at Xia Yan who was walking towards it, with Yong Jila by his side, looking at it "with bad intentions".

"You said that there was a Pokémon in Stephanie's shadow just now, and it was much more terrifying than them?" Xia Yan asked as he walked.

When Phoebe came in just now, Yongjira showed unusual vigilance.

He thought it was for the Ghost-type Pokémon, but it seemed to be because of the one hidden in Phoebe's shadow.

"Yongji." Yongjila nodded solemnly.

It didn't find the Pokémon, and it didn't know what Pokémon it was, but instinctively felt a strong threat.

The kind of threat that might not even be able to escape.

Since learning the "Future Sight" move from Jirachi, Yongjira's sixth sense has become more and more clear.

It can even be similar to Absol to a certain extent, predicting the coming of danger.

Of course, that's a lot worse than Absol.

Xia Yan was thoughtful.

'It should be the Pokémon that sells spoons, Grandpa Phoebe? ’

However, the other party did not show any hostility, it should be just to protect the safety of his granddaughter.

After all, judging from the current situation of Phoebe, it is indeed a bit too naive. Except for the appearance, there is absolutely no trace of becoming an Elite Four in the future.

Immediately, he turned his attention to the Honedge in front of him.

He didn't really feel the strength of this Honedge until he touched it just now.

Otherwise, this harmless expression and cowardly look, no matter how you look at it, it seems to be very powerful.

'Almost really missed this guy, he was too cautious. ’

Even Xia Yan was almost deceived.

If it weren't for a coincidence, he probably wouldn't have been able to find out.

But now

Xia Yan squatted in front of Honedge, showing a smile that he thought was very friendly and kind.

But in Honedge's eyes, it was very much like what it had experienced, the terrifying Pokémon that had been lingering in its mind like the nightmare Normal.

It is precisely because of witnessing the horror of that Pokémon that it completely changed Honedge's character and made it so cautious.

Of course, it is precisely because of the contact with the terrifying Pokémon that Honedge no longer absorbs the life energy of others.

Because it's not needed anymore.

"Honedge." Xia Yan shouted softly, looking at it still with the same fearful appearance, showing helplessness.

Sit directly on the ground and look at it.

Throws the Poké Ball at the same time, summoning the Beedrill and Togetic.

"Beer beer."


As soon as the two Pokémon came out, they also noticed the presence of Honedge.

With Yongjira's explanation, the process was roughly understood.

Beedrill is very frank, and Xia Yan wants to subdue the new Pokémon. In his opinion, isn't that one-handed and one-handed?

Togetic's reaction was a little bigger.

The small-eyed thief turned around twice, and flew towards Honedge with "goodwill" on his face.

Honedge saw Togetic's cute Pokémon, but his sense of defense weakened a lot.

Teacher Bo, who is known as the "flower of communication", took the shot, and Xia Yan also seized the opportunity to try to communicate with Honedge.

However, even with a wave of Teachers, Honedge's vigilance is still high.

no way.

Xia Yan can only use the big move.

Suddenly. Bah, talk.

"Honedge, I don't know what you've been through that made you so careful and what to do to gain your trust, but I think it all starts with mutual understanding"

Then, in a very "sincere" tone, Xia Yan briefly described his encounters, acquaintances with Pokémons such as Beedrill, Yongjira, and Togetic, and the process of becoming a fully trusted partner.

This move was indeed useful. Honedge stared blankly at Xia Yan who was talking about slowly, and his expression of resistance gradually subsided.

"It seems. The process is very smooth, very safe, and not very dangerous."

"How? Can we learn some stories about you?" Xia Yan asked after taking a sip of water.

Honedge lowered his head and said nothing.

"Just yep." Togetic patted its hilt encouragingly, a look of consolation.

‘Don’t worry, we are insane, you have no meat, unlike the one we have encountered before, it looks very delicious and comes with an Onion Stick. ’

Honedge: "???"

Honedge looked shocked.


Xia Yan's expression was also stiff, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Didn't see him finally "break" Honedge's heart defense?

Togetic's words made his previous saliva go to waste.

However, Honedge's next move exceeded his expectations.

The blue satin at the end of the sword hilt flew quickly and swept towards Xia Yan's waist.

Just when the other Beedrill and Yongjira thought it wanted to do something to Xia Yan, they saw that Silk and Satin grabbed an empty Poké Ball from Xia Yan's waist and actively pressed the button of the Poké Ball.

Accompanied by a red light, he was taken in directly.

The Poké Ball didn't even shake or flash the red light.

Just after the "dong" sound, it returned to calm.

At this time, Honedge's heart was actually like this.

'The cutest one here, the mouth is full of ** spirits? ’

‘Understood, if you don’t obediently be subdued, you will be eaten, right? Even if it is not eaten, it can be melted by fire, frozen, or even stabbed. Although it is impossible to bite oneself with human teeth, what if? I can't afford to bet on this one in ten thousand probability. ’

'The outside world is too dangerous, and there are still people who want to stab Honedge! I really just wanted to be a sword in peace.'

Honedge's heart was fluctuating, of course Xia Yan and several Pokémon didn't know.

Just staring blankly at the Poké Ball on the ground.

that's it?

Xia Yan felt that all his previous saliva was wasted.

"Chucky!" Togetic looked excited.

‘Am I brave? ’

Sure enough, as soon as Teacher Bo, the "social flower", makes a move, there will be no

Although the process is a bit strange, the result is the same.

Fourth more! 27-1=26!

(End of this chapter)

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