The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 268 The Main Character Panel Honedge

Chapter 268 The main character panel Honedge

The auction is still going on.

But Xia Yan's mind was no longer at the auction.

Holding Honedge's Poké Ball and gently rubbing the smooth glass on it, Honedge stayed inside.

After some thought, open the Poké Ball.

Release the Honedge.

After coming out, Honedge didn't put on a weak and cowardly expression like he did before, but he was still obedient and cautious.

"Honedge." Xia Yan shouted.

Honedge looked at him with a little awe in his eyes.

Xia Yan rubbed his temples with a headache.

How did this character come about?

"Honedge, Togetic was joking just now, don't take it to heart."

Honedge nodded, showing understanding.

‘You don’t have to be eaten if you take it, understand. ’

But seeing what it looked like, how could Xia Yan not know that it didn't really let down its vigilance at all.

"Tell me about your past. I told you about ours just now. As sincerity, you should also tell about yours, right?"

No way, Xia Yan can only choose to try to start from its unknown past.

Maybe you can find the reason why Honedge is like this.

Honedge was silent.

It is quite rare to restrain its disguised expression.

It has been subdued, and it seems that it does not have much chance and ability to Struggle.

Maybe Xia Yan will feel the danger of this world after listening to its past, and he will be more cautious in his future work, so that it can be safer.

Honedge then begins to narrate its past, while Yongjira helps translate.

Slowly, Xia Yan finally understood why Honedge has such a character.

I also slowly understood the reason why it became like this.

Speaking of which, it's no wonder that Honedge has a protagonist panel.

As we all know, Honedge has only one ability of Pokémon, and that is no defense.

In the battle, the effect of no defense is to allow both sides to accurately hit the Rival, greatly improving the accuracy of both sides' moves, that is, a bayonet ability, not to play those flowers and virtuals.

But outside of battle, Pokémon with no defense ability is like a guiding light, attracting wild Pokémon to approach.

This is nothing, that is, you will encounter a little more wild Pokémon, just like the protagonists in some novels, even if they don't look for trouble, trouble will come to you.

one time.

I just left the place where I used to live for a long time, and I want to explore the world of Pokémon with pride. Like many predecessors of the same family, Honedge, who has left countless legends behind, came to Send God Mountain.

A proper protagonist panel start.


Coincidentally, the Undefended Ability comes into play again.

He was actually sending off the mountain, and he happened to meet Giratina, the Charon dragon who was about to break through the space barrier and break free from Arceus' bondage!

Because Sending God Mountain is the same as the misty island that Xia Yan has been to before, it is the weak point of Giratina Distortion World and Pokémon World.

Although Honedge did not know Giratina, Xia Yan identified her through her description.


How could Honedge, who was just ready to break out, have seen such a powerful and terrifying Pokémon?

In particular, its undefended ability also managed to attract Giratina's attention and have a "close encounter" with it.

How has Honedge, who has not yet been deeply involved in the world, ever seen such a big battle?

What I felt from Giratina was endless fear.

It had an indelible impact on its young mind at that time.

As a result, Honedge decided that the level of danger in this world was very terrifying.

Decided to face everything with a cautious character, and strive to live to old age and death.

Moreover, in order to increase his survival rate, he focused on exercising without hearing anything outside the window, and rarely showed himself in the eyes of others.

For, is to live to death.

Since then, Honedge no longer needs to suck the life energy of others to replenish himself.

For some reason, after coming into contact with Giratina, Honedge felt as if power was constantly surging within him, and his vital energy was no longer a necessity.

It is a pity that it was discovered by Phoebe's grandfather, who has a strong eyesight, and brought it to the interior of Sending God Mountain to prepare for cultivation.

How can Honedge, who is an ordinary steel sword, willing to show himself if he swears not to attract the attention of others?

I had no choice but to disguise myself.

But I didn't expect that Phoebe's grandfather had already detected its disguise, and wanted to take it down this mountain to better understand the world.

It's also the only involuntary Pokémon among so many Ghost-type Pokémons that follow Phoebe.

But after all the calculations, it was discovered by Xia Yan after disguising it for so long.

After listening to Honedge's narration, plus his own brain supplement, Xia Yan roughly understood the whole process.

The eyes became a little strange.

Isn't this the proper protagonist panel and experience?

The normal ending should be Honedge, who has been practicing for thousands of years, and evolved into Aegislash, but still thinks that he is very weak.

And the chickens and fish in its yard have become the top Pokémon in the eyes of others.

Unfortunately, it didn't survive.

It was discovered by Phoebe's grandfather and Xia Yan that it was different.

With a long breath, Honedge stood slumped.

No wonder.

At the beginning, it was relatively simple and it directly met Giratina, one of the strongest bosses in this world, and it was strange that there was no shadow in his heart.

Xia Yan, who understood the whole process, still had a headache.

How to adjust Honedge's character?

Not to mention, in the games I have played, Pokémon's character really has the "cautious" item.

However, Honedge has gone a little far on the road of "prudence".

A thought moves.

It's not entirely to correct Honedge's character. It's actually quite good. Xia Yan believes that he is also a cautious person, which can avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.

As long as you're not so cautious and timid, it's fine.

So the first step he had to do was for Honedge to build up the basic confidence and have a new and more accurate understanding of his own strength and the general strength of the Pokémon world.

Xia Yan suddenly said solemnly to Honedge: "The Pokémon you met, we also met."

Hearing this, Honedge raised his head suddenly, his face full of surprise.

It looks like it's saying, "Are you still alive?"

Xia Yan's mouth twitched, but he continued: "It's not as scary as you said."

"Cha Keyi?" Togetic stared at Xia Yan.

Before it could finish speaking, Yongjira covered its mouth and stepped back, giving Honedge a smile.

He whispered to Togetic, "Yong Ji."

‘It’s about to release gong, don’t you understand? ’

Honedge was not affected, but just looked at Xia Yan in shock.

Not scary?

Obviously such a terrifying existence!

Immediately react.

This time, I seem to be following a very remarkable existence. In the face of such a terrifying existence, I actually stand still and say that it is not terrifying at all!

In the eyes, there is worship.

A radian appeared on Xia Yan's face calmly.

You see, isn't this most basic confidence built up?

Although a bit exaggerated.

Fifth! 26-1=25! It's half over!

(End of this chapter)

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