The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 289 The Bloody Case Caused By A Barbecue

Chapter 289 The bloody case caused by a barbecue

Binena provided some information on the Hunter Guild, and Lorelei provided some.

But Lorelei's offerings are much more official than the darker ones that Binena offers.

Come to think of it.

As a student of her Pokémon Academy, even if she wants to try to understand, she has no chance.

Combining the information provided by the two and what Xia Yan knew, he had a rough outline in his mind for this hunter guild.

First of all, the Hunter Guild is divided into two parts: internal formal members and peripheral members.

Needless to say about the outer members, among the inner members, it is not a single Mo individual, but a group of people who control the power of the Hunter Guild.

This is very different from forces like the Rockets and Team Aqua.

It is they who constitute the core council of the Hunter Guild, also known as the "Hunter Council", with a total of 26 members, from the code letter "A" to the code letter "Z", in no order.

However, according to the incomplete information provided by Binena, although this Hunter Guild is jointly managed by twenty-six people, six of them have power over the other thirty. The proposal, even if the other thirty people add up, can't refute it.

At the same time, these 26 seats are not fixed, and the internal members are not the only ones. If the other full members have confidence and strength, they can also choose to challenge publicly. If they win, they can take over the position, but if they lose

Not everyone can challenge, it is said that certain task specifications and strengths need to be met.

Of course, some of this information was heard by Binena and her crew from the black market and other sources, and it may be true or false.

But the status of these twenty-six people should be assured.

After reading these materials and getting a preliminary understanding of the situation, Xia Yan rubbed his temples and fell asleep.

the next day.

Pack your bags and set foot on the road again.

According to the plan, if nothing else, it should be possible to reach Lake Valor before evening.

Today, Xia Yan absorbed yesterday's lesson, and instead of letting Honedge open the way, Yongjira used Psychic to push away the branches and bushes that were blocking progress.

At the same time, a thin layer of Psychic was attached to Xia Yan's feet to prevent leaving traces such as footprints.

Even if they encounter an inevitable wild Pokémon attack, they leave after the traces are dealt with.

Avoid possible troubles.

Moreover, Xia Yan also released Togetic and Beedrill.

Wild Pokémons also become stronger after entering the inner forest area.

The most important thing is that they were allowed to stay in the Poké Ball for a day yesterday, Togetic complained and pestered Xia Yan for a long time last night, I hope he can let them follow him outside today.

I'm used to being outside, and being in a Poké Ball for a long time is really uncomfortable.

Time passed quickly in the process of hurrying.

lunch time.

Xia Yan deliberately found a stream next to him, set up Courtney, prepared food other than energy cubes for the Pokémons, covered them with food, and eaten something new.

Pokémon only need to eat energy blocks to meet all the needs of growth and progress, and even eating some less nutritious foods while eating energy blocks may have a bad effect on their growth.

But Pokémon aren't machines either, and occasionally eat something else for a change.

No matter how delicious the energy cube is, if you eat too much, you will feel tired. If you eat something with a different taste, when you go back to eat the energy cube, it will be a different feeling.

Sometimes Xia Yan will also improve their taste, but this is the first time in an environment like the wild.

Togetic is naturally the most excited when he hears something new to eat.

"Chaco yee? Chaco yeh?"

He kept asking what to eat, and his small eyes were full of curiosity and Covet.

When it comes to food, no one in the entire team is more attentive than it.

Xia Yan flipped its head with a smile, and ordered: "Beedrill, you go hunting, ordinary animals will do, as long as they can satisfy everyone's appetite. Yongjila, Honedge, you cooperate and build a barbecue with stones."

Hearing the words, several Pokémon acted immediately.

That's right, Xia Yan is going to try to make a barbecue.

well known.

But for all travelers, the barbecue skills are full.

He has never tried it, but as the saying goes, he has never eaten pork, and he has always seen pigs running.

Besides, he still has a secret weapon, which is not too bad.


'And me? And me? ’

Togetic flew beside Xia Yan.

"You." Xia Yan touched his chin, and under Pokeji's anxious gaze, he chuckled and said, "Come with me to adjust the soul sauce."


'Sauce? ’

"Because this time I'm going to use this thing."

Saying that, Xia Yan took out a glass bottle from his backpack, which was full of a jar of honey.

It wasn't ordinary honey, it was Beedrill's honey, which was stolen from Mankey, and then ate a little for Beedrill, but there was still some left.

Seeing this honey, Togetic's eyes lit up.

"Wipe your saliva."


Togetic sucked his mouth, only to find out that Xia Yan was playing tricks again.

"Ha ha ha ha--"

The hearty laughter spread far.

The long-lost sense of leisure, Pokémon are not very urgent, but the tacit understanding that has been cultivated for a long time makes them very efficient.

Honedge was in charge of cutting, Yongjira was in charge of building, and soon a stone grill was built.

And Beedrill lived up to expectations. In a forest with abundant supplies, he hit a wild deer, enough to feed all Pokémon, even adding the most appetite Sharpedo.

For Sharpedo, Xia Yan did not treat them differently.

Later, with the help of Yongjila, the venison was processed. After much anticipation, a whole deer was finally placed on the barbecue.

The next step is to wait for the flame to bake, and slowly brush on the secret sauce prepared by Xia Yan and Togetic.


The strong fragrance diffused away, attracting many wild Pokémon to approach, but under the intimidation of Togetic's "fierce", these wild Pokémon were shocked by Togetic's "prostitute" and retreated one after another.


With the sound of saffron-colored fat being roasted from the venison and dripping into the fire, smeared with a layer of Beedrill honey as the raw material and more Saffron sauce, sprinkled with a little pre-prepared cumin, etc. Various accessories.

The scent can't be stopped at once.

suck - suck -

This is Togetic.

At this time, there is only this whole piece of barbecue in its eyes.

The rest of the Pokémon were similar, swallowing quietly, especially Sharpedo, who was taking a bath in the river, and there was a little bit of dread in his Covet eyes, it was simple.

'He can really grill, he can really grill! ’

And this time, such a rich roast meat mixed with Beedrill honey finally attracted a lot of wild Pokémon again, and even Togetic's "deterrence" was useless.

Although Togetic's "deterrent" may also have side effects.

Which wild Pokémon have been "tested" by this scent?

It's normal to be unstoppable.

Ursaring, Staravia, Bibarel, Golbat, Chatot

Too much too much.

Xia Yan said with a smile: "Before you start eating, let's warm up."

He also didn't expect that a "unremarkable" barbecue could attract so many wild Pokémon.

What more Sweet Scent?

Do you want to sell barbecue in the future?

The hanging price is a little cheaper than Sweet Scent, and it should be able to make a lot of money.

Of course, this is a joke, and the main attraction of these Pokémon is actually Beedrill's honey.

final result

A bloodbath caused by a barbecue.

The hardest one was actually Togetic. In order to protect the food, he had to use all his milk power, so he almost didn't use his "Metronome" trick to press the bottom of the box.

If you really use it, I'm afraid you don't need to eat this lunch.

However, it is not just these Pokémon that are attracted, there are also some more special existences

(End of this chapter)

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