The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 290 Kill Me, You Deserve To Have Me

Chapter 290 Kill me, you deserve to have me


The familiar sound of wings flapping.

When a few Pokémon dealt with the wild Pokémon onlookers, a loud noise came from afar.

Slightly similar to the sound of Beedrill flapping his wings.

Soon, a yellow thing like a thick fog appeared in their sight.

A bunch of Pokémon.

More prepared to say, a swarm of bee-like Pokémon.


Seeing this large group of Pokémon, Xia Yan was a little surprised.

The surprise is the number, not the type of Pokémon.

Combee, Bug Type and Flying Pokémon, looks like a small beehive, with three bee holes, and each of them has three bee faces, the top two faces each have an antennae, and the top two faces each have an antennae on the sides of the top two faces. has a wing.

There is something special about Combee Pokémon.

Because they are the few Pokémon in the entire Pokémon world whose gender affects evolution.

The evolution type of Combee is Vespiquen, but only female Combee can evolve into Vespiquen, while male Combee has no possibility of evolution in a lifetime.

Moreover, the Pokémon group of Combee is the same as most of the bee Pokémon. The queen bee has the highest status in the group. After birth, all drones have a lifelong mission to serve the queen bee.

This densely packed Combee, which is like normal clouds, brings a lot of visual impact.

Togetic looked carefully at Beedrill's side, and arched it slightly with his palms.


'Your relatives? ’

Beedrill gave it a sullen look.

It looks completely different, okay?

A Combee is not a big threat, but with so many Combees gathered together, even if not all Combees are strong, it still brings a lot of pressure to Xia Yan and the Pokémons.

This can't be done, just run away

But when it came to running, Togetic kicked Honedge, who was frantically nodding his head, and the first one refused.

He took the lead in front of Xia Yan.

Behind them is the barbecue they finally made together, and they are about to mature, how can they run away?

It is rare that Beedrill agrees with Togetic's words this time.

Seeing the attitudes of Togetic and Beedrill, Yongjira, who didn't really care, also expressed his position.

The three Pokémon all looked at Honedge.

Seeing them like that, Honedge drooped his head and muttered softly.


'Impulsive, still too impulsive'

He said so, but his body still came to Xia Yan in a very urban manner, and the poke section slowly pulled away from the scabbard.


The sharp blade shows the attitude.

Seeing the attitude changes of several Pokémons, Xia Yan smiled.

Since they want to fight, as a Trainer, how can he hold them back?

"Then fight."


Togetic's face was stern, his small fists clenched.


It's just, but when they were ready to fight with these Combees, the densely packed Combees suddenly gave way.

With a particularly dull wing vibration, a Pokémon with a very different appearance from these Combees slowly flew out from behind the Combees.

It is also a bee-like Pokémon, with red eyes, a crystal similar to Ruby in the middle of the eyes, two pairs of wings that are a little smaller than the body size, and a structure similar to the skirt at the bottom of the body, which occupies a large part of the body. The proportions of the "skirt" resemble a honeycomb.

This appearance is exactly the evolution of Combee, Vespiquen is undoubtedly!

After Vespiquen appeared, an aura that belonged to the king came to his face.

Ability: Oppression!

And, it's not just the pressure that comes with a sense of oppression.

"With such a large group of Combees, this is the leader's aura?" Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

The leader, Pokémon, is a special existence in the wild environment.

"And this color."

Xia Yan looked at this Vespiquen, it was not the usual yellow and black stripes, but the interlaced color of orange-red and yellow.

"Flash Vespique?"

Shiny Pokémon, also known as Heterochromatic Pokémon, are some special existences in Pokémon. For some reason, their own color is different from that of ordinary Pokémon, which is very rare.

Xia Yan still remembers the countless days when he was lying on the bed.

This is the first time he's seen a wild Shiny Pokémon other than the terrifying Flash Charizard.


After Vespiquen appeared, it did not attack directly, and the Combee behind it also obediently guarded behind it without any movement.

And Vespiquen's eyes fell on Beedrill.

That look.

Xia Yan's expression became a little weird.

Weird, and not just him.

Togetic arched Beedrill's body lightly.


'Looking for you. ’

Beedrill's expression stiffened, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

But in the spirit of taking responsibility, Beedrill flew forward and confronted Vestiquen.

At the same time, the strength of Vespiquen was also perceived by Beedrill.

Elite class!

Under the care of hundreds of Combees and the full supply of such a huge group, this wild Vespiquen actually possesses elite-level strength!

Feeling the strength of Vespiquen, Beedrill's eyes filled with fighting intent.

Elite-level Rivals are rare.

It's just that Beedrill's eyes were full of fighting spirit, but not Vespiquen.


Vespiquen screamed softly, and even the human being Xia Yan felt it.

This Vespiquen actually fell in love with Beedrill? !


Togetic couldn't help it at first, and laughed outright.

Yongjira also smiled, and Honedge looked dazed and didn't understand what was going on.

Beedrill's expression was completely stiff. It had a hunch that things might not be easy, but it just didn't expect it to develop in such a direction.

"Beedrill, why don't you just obey?" Xia Yan teased.

"Quite yea!!"

Togetic nodded again and again, and it was not too big of a deal to watch the fun, so he chanted.

It wants to settle things quickly, and wants to use barbecue when he goes back.

Beedrill stared and turned his head to look at Xia Yan, his face showing shame for the first time since he was born.

"Hahahaha-" Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.

Of course he was joking. The Pokémon that he cultivated so hard and the tacit understanding that he finally cultivated, how could it be possible to let it "involve" Vespiquen like this.

He's not a big fool.

But to be honest, the situation is quite similar. Butterfree, the big fool, ran away with a different color Butterfree.

It was also from that moment that the big fool completely started the road of unscrupulous "release".

"However, this is really not a private matter, why don't you take care of it yourself?"

Xia Yan, a single dog for two generations, can't figure out the affairs between men and women, let alone the affairs between men and women who are interracial to him like Pokémon.

"Beer!" Beedrill looked desperate.

Turning to look at Vespiquen.

In the end, it made the most correct decision.

Shake the long needle towards the Vespiquen.

'bring it on! Winning against me will only make sense to continue the discussion. ’

To understand in Togetic's words.

Kill me, you deserve to have me.


Honedge finally reacted, and looked at Vesquen warily.

'It turns out that female creatures are the most dangerous creatures in this world. ’

Hearing Beedrill's words, Vespiquen also understood what it meant, and with a low growl, his breath gradually became dangerous.

(End of this chapter)

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