Chapter 291 My Son Dragon



Beedrill and Vespiquen move at the same time.

I saw that a strange halo appeared on Beedrill's body, the golden lines on his wings trembled, and his figure turned into a lightning bolt. At the same time as Agility played its role, it rushed towards Vesquen.

Not to be outdone, Vespiquen flapped its wings and flew towards the Beedrill. At the same time, the wings quickly flapped, and a mixed airflow fanned out from its wings, turning into a bright white blade, Air Slash!

Pokémons like Combee have very limited moves before they evolve, but once they evolve into Vespiquen, they can learn a lot more moves.

Air Slash, is a very useful move that this Pokémon can master.


Although this Vespiquen also has elite-level strength, because there are a large number of Combees competing to do things for it, and even because the race is too large, ordinary wild Pokémon dare not provoke them at all, as if it has become the region's leader. A tyrant.

But as a result, Vespiquen lacked enough combat experience.

Compared to Beedrill, who has been fighting with Xia Yan since he was a child, the shortcomings of inexperience are too obvious.

Beedrill instigated the airflow, spinning his body, and the airflow from the Shield of Return successfully changed the direction of the Air Slash's attack.

And, while Vespiquen was in a daze, he seized the opportunity to perform Sword Dance.

After learning some "Sword Dance" tricks from Honedge, Beedrill has become more and more proficient in it, and has been able to seize the opportunity to use it proficiently.

The increase is completed in an instant.

The forward protrusion was close to Vespiquen, and under his slightly flustered expression, a shot of X-Scissor slammed into Vespiquen's body without hesitation.


Vespiquen was smashed to the ground hard, kicking up a large cloud of dust.


Seeing that their queen was attacked, the Combees were restless and couldn't help themselves, so they wanted to rush up to make Beedrill look good.


Xia Yan and Togetic slapped their faces at the same time.

Start so hard.

Even if he doesn't understand things between men and women, he knows Beedrill's behavior

Causing trouble!

"Om—" Vespiquen's eyes turned red, and he suddenly flew up from the ground. The X-Scissor, which was boosted by Sword Dance, caused him too much damage.

That is, Bug Type has no restraint effect on Bug Type, plus it fails to trigger Beedrill's Snipe Shot Hand Ability, otherwise it will be a fart.

But this kind of behavior also successfully aroused the anger of Vespiquen.

When has it been bullied like this?

"Beer." Beedrill shook his head.

To be honest, it is a bit disappointing. Vespiquen's strength is good, but the lack of combat experience makes it not show the strength that the elite should have.


Seeing Beedrill shaking his head, Vespiquen more Rage, Growl spread all over the area.

Hearing her Growl, a lot of Combees behind him immediately acted, surrounding Vesquen's left and right, and the dots of fluorescent light emanated from Combee's body and submerged into Vespiquen's body.

One of Pokémon's exclusive moves, Vespiquen, Heal Order!

You can summon your subordinates and restore half of your stamina through their Help.

Immediately afterwards, Vespiquen shouted again.

Attack Order!

Hundreds of Combees immediately became restless.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's expression changed slightly.

To put it bluntly, the strength of Vespiquen, to a certain extent, has a lot to do with the number of Combees it has.

Although there is no Combee, Vespiquen can still use its own hive to summon some small bees to play a role.

But if there is a Combee, it will direct the Combee to attack.

A dense number of Combees appeared under Vespiquen, like building blocks Normal, tangled in an orderly manner under Vespiquen's hive.

In the blink of an eye, the beehive under Vespiquen expanded dozens of times, and the aura oppressed by Beedrill was also several times higher.

Just looking at the breath, it instantly reached the peak of the elite level, and it was only one step away from the master level above the elite level!

Defend Order!

Beedrill's expression finally became serious, and he stopped Yongjira and the others who were about to step forward to help. The scarlet compound eyes were full of fighting intent.

That's interesting!


Sword Dance restarts!

The current attack power is almost at its peak.

Immediately afterwards, Beedrill's wings resumed, and the golden lines left fine lines, and Agility started immediately, and the speed increased sharply again.

In an instant, he appeared behind the huge Vespiquen.

Sharp long needle Frillish swipe.

Flying moves, Acrobatics!

Although the double power effect of Acrobatics did not appear because of the Silver Powder, the restraining effect of Flying-type moves on Vespiquen's Attribute did appear.

Holding his breath, he used the Beedrill of Focus Energy invisibly to enter the Contest Condition with absolute focus.

With every use of Acrobatics, dozens of Combees slough off the Vespiquen.

There is quite a sense of "weird hunting".

Beedrill, who was focused on the Contest Condition, didn't notice that, with every time he attacked Smack Down, a wisp of invisible gas floated out of Vespiquen's body and submerged into Beedrill's body.

Slowly, the aura on Beedrill's body changed.

Beedrill didn't notice this scene, but Xia Yan, who had been paying attention to it, felt it keenly.

In fact, such a change happened when Beedrill defeated Mightyena, who also had the aura of a leader, on the foggy island, but the change was too fast and too secret, so Xia Yan didn't notice it.

Only, Marshadow noticed.

But this time, because the continuity was too high and the change was a bit big, Xia Yan noticed the change.

With a stunned face, Beedrill's breath became more and more obvious, "Beedrill is... absorbing the leader's breath?"

And Xia Yan noticed that the golden lines on the back of Beedrill's wings became more and more obvious.

"The 'Pure Gold Feather' is still working?"

He originally thought that the effect of "Pure Gold Feather" on Beedrill was completely over. Except for giving Beedrill some speed bonuses and strengthening its control over electricity energy, it had no effect.

Who knows, in the face of Vespiquen, it actually plays a role again.

"That 'pure gold feather'. Isn't that a normal Zapdos feather?"

Although, after Beedrill absorbed the leader's breath, there were some changes, but not much.

But this means that the possibility of Beedrill's growth limit has been raised again!


After Beedrill exerted his full power, the Vestiquen, which had grown in size, did not show the crushing strength.

It is also because the size and speed become slow after getting bigger. Instead, Beedrill seized the opportunity to use dexterous and powerful attacks to show the ability of an assassin to the fullest.


Vespiquen stopped.

do not fight!

Looking at Beedrill's eyes, he couldn't stop it.

"Beedrill." Xia Yan waved to Beedrill.

Beedrill glanced at Vespiquen and returned to Xia Yan.

"how do you feel?"

Beedrill long needle rubbed his head.


It feels very good and seems to have an inexhaustible amount of power.

"I mean how do you feel about Vespiquen?" Xia Yan said angrily.

Of course, he knows that Beedrill's Contest Condition is very good now, and even Zhao Zilong from Changshan has seven in and seven outs, making Vespiquen keep begging for mercy.

Hearing this, Beedrill's expression froze.

Xia Yan looked into its eyes and said seriously, "Tell the truth."

Beedrill opened his mouth and brushed away Togetic who was eavesdropping on him.

Embarrassed, he didn't know what to say.

Xia Yanyu patted Beedrill's body earnestly, and said softly: "Beedrill, grandma often said. Bah, as the saying goes."

Immediately close to Beedrill's head, he whispered something.

Yongjira, who was beside him, had a strange expression.

Only it "accidentally" heard it with Psychic.

He patted the Beedrill hard again, shoved it forward, his eyes encouraged, and said, "Go, my son."

Beedrill looked desperate.

Xia Yan smiled.

It is impossible to enter a family in this life, but with so many "dowries", "marrying" is not impossible to consider.


Soft rice being eaten hard is also a skill.

(End of this chapter)

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