Chapter 292 Lost Deer Leg

Beedrill went up to "communicate" with Vespiquen.

However, seeing how excited they were, it seemed that the communication process was not going well.

It's okay to let Beedrill fight, of course it's not very comfortable to communicate these things.

But it doesn't work, and it doesn't mean that others can't either.

Xia Yan gave Togetic a wink.

Togetic understood instantly.

As the famous "socialite" Bo Teacher, as soon as it appeared, the atmosphere became a little subtle.

But the result seems to be ok.

Beedrill returned with a look of despair.

Togetic had the look of a winner, his head held high, quite proud.

"How?" Xia Yan asked curiously.

The value of an elite Vespiquen is not low, especially this Vespiquen is still a Shiny Pokémon. Although it lacks combat experience, it also means that its plasticity is not low.

The most important thing is that such a Flash Vespiquen also brought a large group of Combees, and there were hundreds of them that left the nest with it. Although the strength was uneven, the number was there.

If Vespiquen's combat experience was a little richer, his commanding ability was stronger, and nothing else, this group of Combees alone would be enough for Xia Yan to drink a pot, and it would not have been so easy to be picked by Beedrill.

And Pokémon, Combee, has a special ability. They can collect "Honey", a sweet honey that is very Captivate to Pokémon. It is also rich in a lot of natural nutrients, and the price sold in the market is not high. Low.

Vespiquen can have the current elite level strength, which is provided by "Honey" under the hard work of countless Combees.

It can be seen that its nutritional value is not bad, comparable to Beedrill's honey.

If you can take down this Flash Vespiquen and its countless "people", it is blunt to say that you will harvest a "Honey" production line.

Its value is even more than the value of the Flash Vespiquen itself.

Does Xia Yan really want Beedrill to "talk about feelings" with Vespiquen?

how is this possible!

Others don't know Beedrill, how can he not?

But this Honey "production line" really gave him a lot of new ideas.

the most important is.

Xia Yan saw the process of Beedrill absorbing the leader's breath, maybe Beedrill could communicate with Vesquen about the possibility of becoming the leader Pokémon.

In the end.

He actually had the idea of ​​kidnapping the entire Combee group.


Togetic made an "OK" gesture.

But Xia Yan still didn't quite know what they exchanged.

At this time, Yongjila stood up and explained to Xia Yan that it "accidentally" heard the content of their exchange just now.

After listening, Xia Yan understood.

Beedrill doesn't say he has a favorable opinion of Vespiquen, but at least he doesn't reject it.

But Vespiquen wants Beedrill to stay, and even willing to give the entire Combee clan to Beedrill to rule.

In this regard, Beedrill firmly refused, so it was a little unpleasant.

But with Togetic's intervention, it clearly understood Xia Yan's thoughts, so it was also the one who made the biggest noise before.

Togetic gave advice, Beedrill was reluctant to stay, Vespiquen could follow along. Emotions can't be forced, but they can be cultivated.

What if?


It's just that Vespiquen couldn't let go of its clansmen, so there was a stalemate at one point.

At this time, it was Teacher Bo's words that woke up Vespiquen.

You can take your clan and go together!


Everyone is happy!

Vespiquen realized it, ready to take the clan back to sort out the entire clan, follow Beedrill, or leave with Xia Yan!

A woman who is in love is so irrational.

Although it may be unrequited love.

However, the result was good, Xia Yan's purpose was achieved, and Vespiquen's purpose was also achieved.

Otherwise, Xia Yan may be about to be rough and take down this group of Combees with absolute force.

Whether it's for Honey or Beedrill's leader.

Just Beedrill

Xia Yan patted it and said with relief: "It's okay, if you don't like it, don't force it, you can meet less in the future."

Beedrill's face turned slightly better.

As for whether you like it or not, who knows?

But it is impossible to make it as love at first sight as Vespiquen.

Through Togetic's message, Xia Yan's meaning was passed on to Vespiquen's ears.

Don't let it rush, they have to deal with some things first, and then come back to pick them up next time, and also give Vespiquen some time to calm down and think about whether they really want to do this.

It probably doesn't matter if it changes its mind later.

Vespiquen agrees.

After leaving a large group of "Honey", he went back with a mighty group of Combee.

At the same time, it also announced the end of this incident, which means that they can finally eat the barbecue that they have been waiting for for a long time.

Led by Togetic, they all rushed to the fully cooked roast.

Xia Yan silently put away the group of Honey.

The effect of this thing is not worse than that of Sweet Scent, and even considering other aspects, it is even better than that of Sweet Scent.

Being able to get a stable "production line" will bring him a steady stream of monetary income.


at this time.

"Just ooh!!!"

Togetic's very miserable Growl came, and the "heartbreaking" in his voice was the sadness of the hearer and the tears of the hearer.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yan walked over and asked.

Immediately he saw the reason why Togetic was so sad.

It turned out that on a whole roasted whole deer, the leg of the biggest and fattest girl was gone, and at least one-fifth of the whole roasted meat was lost.

"Huh?" Xia Yan frowned.

He wasn't angry at losing a deer leg, and he wasn't a snack guy like Togetic, just a little puzzled.

Looking at Yongjira.


Yongjira hesitated for a moment, then shook his head.

This time, Xia Yan was really surprised.

Because of the conflict with the Combee group, Yongjira's Psychic Terrain has been open, and Psychic also radiates to cover the surrounding area to prevent sudden attacks.

But that's what made him feel weird.

Is there any existence that can "take" a deer leg without knowing it under Yongjila's Psychic perception?

Not that there are no such Pokémons.

Although the strong Psychic Pokémon in the wild environment is rare, it is not impossible.

The point is, the other party only took one deer leg.

If you really like grilled meat, with wild Pokémon temperament, shouldn't you take it all?

The strength is more than Yongjila, but only for barbecue, and only stole a deer leg, which is a bit intriguing.

Yong Gila also understood Xia Yan's doubts.

Yet it is more puzzling.

Because it really didn't sense any approaching presence, and it didn't even sense that the deer legs were being dragged or taken away.

"Perhaps, it's a Pokémon with a bottom line." Xia Yan could only come to this result in the end.


Yongjira nodded hesitantly.

However, although Xia Yan said so, an unrealistic thought popped up in his heart.

"Forget it, even if one deer leg is missing, it's enough to eat." Xia Yan shook his head and abandoned that thought.

To Sharpedo: "Eat seventy percent full? Eating too much will make you gain weight."

If you gain weight, you will be slaughtered?

Sharpedo seemed to "understand" the deeper meaning of Xia Yan's words, and nodded again and again.

And said that in the future, you only need to eat seven points full.

It will be a healthy shark in the future, not noisy or noisy, go to bed early and get up early, and eat on time!

"Ying bell--"

Barely audible and slightly smug laughter echoed through the area without anyone noticing.

"Huh?" Xia Yan, who was cutting meat, raised his head.

However, under the urging of Togetic, he continued to cut the venison.


Fourth more! 19-1+ (1000 monthly tickets plus more) = 19!

(End of this chapter)

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