The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 313 Snorlax's Sea Of ​​Moves!

Chapter 313 Snorlax's sea of ​​moves!

The training ground behind the Pokémon Center.

After checking Beedrill's Contest Condition, Xia Yan took them to the training ground in the backyard.

Winter is the closed period of Solaceon Town Ranch. There are really not many outsiders. Most of the local farmers are ranchers. Usually, Pokémon can deal with some minor problems by themselves, and there is no need to go to the Pokémon Center at all.

Battles are rarer, and Pokémon are rarely injured.

Therefore, as Joy Linghua said, she is really free at ordinary times.

It also made the training ground in the backyard of the Pokémon Center almost empty.

Looking around, it was a little wasteful and there were a lot of weeds, and it became a training ground for Xia Yan alone.

So he didn't shy away from anything, and directly summoned all the Pokémon.

"Take a rest today, repair it tomorrow, and we will set off the day after tomorrow." Xia Yan said.

After all, it's been a few days' journey, plus the time to train on the San Anus, the Pokémons haven't had much time to relax for a day.

Occasional breaks also help to learn and grow better later.

Hearing the break, the happiest person was undoubtedly Togetic, who jumped high and dragged Honedge to find Sharpedo and Shuckle to play.

On the other hand, Beedrill and Yongjira still did not relax their training, and without Xia Yan's arrangement, they tried to strengthen their weak points by themselves.

Xia Yan did not stop them.

It's always good for a Pokémon to be strong.

And they still know the proportions, and they will be added to the Togetic and Honedge games after training.


Seeing them enter the Contest Condition, Xia Yan summoned Snorlax, and his main goal today was still on Snorlax.

After Joy Linghua's one-night treatment, Snorlax is basically the same as ordinary Snorlax except that it looks a little thinner.

As for the strength of Snorlax, who had barely recovered his vitality, Xia Yan finally discerned it.

Above the master level!

Stronger than Absol made him feel.

Absol is already the most powerful in the master class, even stronger than it, and it is not as strong as Snorlax, so there is no doubt that it is a quasi-Elite class!

to be frank.

Snorlax's size alone can easily give people a sense of security, and coupled with the quasi-Elite-level strength, it is even more reassuring.

Watching Snorlax lay on the ground, sleeping soundly.

It's not easy to wake Snorlax from sleeping, but Xia Yan has a way.

I took out a crystal clear energy cube, and a faint fragrance wafted out from it.

Before even getting close to Snorlax, it twitched its nose.


His eyes opened instantly, and his huge body shot up.

Although he's thin now, he's still a giant compared to other Pokémon.

It's hard to imagine such a Pokémon showing such swift speed and definitely a nimble fat man.

Xia Yan's eyes lit up when he saw the stance of Snorlax's ejection.

The weakness of Pokémons like Snorlax is undoubtedly their speed.

The slow speed can easily make them the target of the enemy. No matter how strong they are, they will always be consumed by the "kite flying" tactic, and they will be consumed sooner or later.

The speed of Xia Yan's Snorlax is no exception, not too fast.

This has been verified in the cave where it was captured, otherwise Yongjira would not have had a chance to escape with the Teleport.

But just now, what Snorlax showed was an instant burst of speed.

The explosive speed is not a simple speed, nor can it be completely measured by the speed attribute. It also involves many aspects such as strength and physical strength.

Although it is also linked to the speed attribute, it cannot completely follow the speed attribute.

In other words, Snorlax's movement speed will be relatively slow, but its instantaneous attack speed when it bursts will definitely not be slow.

This makes up for some of its shortcomings to some extent.

Needless to say, Snorlax's explosive speed must have been trained through countless hungry meals.


Snorlax stood in front of Xia Yan, with a body nearly three meters high, like a wall that could smash anyone to death at any time.

A normal Snorlax will be in the range of two meters to two meters and two when it is an adult, and the one in front of Xia Yan is nearly three meters tall.

This is a sign of good development.

Joy Linghua also said before that if it hadn't accumulated thick fat, it might have died before Xia Yan appeared.

It can be seen that before arriving at the cave, this Snorlax's food is still relatively good, and it is no wonder that it can grow to a quasi-Elite level in the wild natural environment.

Definitely a rare presence of Normal in wild Pokémon.

Snorlax looked at Xia Yan with narrowed eyes, and put his hands on his stomach. Although his mouth was closed, the saliva had slipped from the corners of his mouth.

However, Snorlax was not the same as before in the cave, and he immediately rushed up to smell the smell.


Because it recognized Xia Yan.

This guy is willing to be his free long-term meal ticket in the future, and still provide that kind of meal ticket that is really delicious and energy-packed.

Let me ask, who wouldn't treat their meal tickets better?


Seeing that Xia Yan's "meal ticket" was not self-conscious enough, Snorlax shouted again.

Xia Yan said with a smile: "You can eat it if you want, but Snorlax, since we want to get along with you in the future, I want to see what moves you can use. There is one for every move you show."

Trying to train a Snorlax is a fool's errand.

If it is a Pokémon who has been with Xia Yan since he was a child, then it is good to say that many habits can definitely be developed slowly.

But this kind of Pokémon, which has reached the quasi-Elite, and whose personality and habits have basically been completely solidified, can only be adapted by the Trainer after being captured, not by the Trainer.

This is why most Trainers who are relatively strong or have their own pursuits prefer to cultivate Pokémon from scratch, rather than directly conquering already formed Pokémon.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, Snorlax fell into contemplation.

Seeing it hesitated, Xia Yan smiled and took out another energy cube.



Snorlax nodded decisively.

Afterwards, he showed Xia Yan all the moves he mastered from start to finish, not even the "Defense Curl" move.

Try not to waste every opportunity to get an energy block.

This not only obtains the desired food, but also exercises the body and speeds up the recovery of the body, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

After watching the moves mastered by Snorlax, Xia Yan's eyes were full of surprises and surprises.

Judging from the moves it has mastered, it can definitely be called the word "excellent".

According to the situation shown by Snorlax, Xia Yan specially created a document about it on the computer, in order to use its strength as much as possible at critical moments later.

Pokémon: Snorlax

gender: female

Attribute: Normal department

Ability: Thick Fat

Strength Assessment: Quasi-Elite

Master Moves: Tackle, Edge, Amnesia, Lick, Chip Away, Yawn, Body Slam, Rest, Snore, Sleep Talk, Giga Impact, Rollout, Block, Belly Drum, Crunch, Heavy Impact, High Horsepower, Double Edge, Curse, Belch, Fire Punch, Recycle, Superpower, Thunder Punch, Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Hyper Voice

Looking at Snorlax's moves displayed on the computer, Xia Yan just wanted to say something.

The sea of ​​moves!

Fifth! 11-1+ (1200 monthly tickets) = 11!

(End of this chapter)

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