The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 314 Snow Country World

Chapter 314 Snow Country World

two days.

Xia Yan completed renovations at Solaceon Town.

During the period, Joy Ling, who was resident at the Pokémon Center, often came to chat with him, asking him about some things he encountered during his travels, and would talk about some topics about Pokémon battles.

Xia Yan can see it.

This Joy Linghua looks like a professional Nurse Joy on the surface, but in fact there is a heart to become a Trainer.

In fact, although the Joy family is obviously Nurse Joy from the Pokémon Center, this family almost controls the very important medical facilities of the entire Alliance and plays a pivotal role in the Alliance, but not all members of the Joy family are Nurse Joy. .

There are still some Joy's ideals not to heal others or Pokémon, but to be a Trainer or Breeder's house.

In Xia Yan's impression, the most profound thing is that there is a Joy in the Joy family, who is not only powerful, but also has an Articuno that many people dream of, which can be said to be one of the strengths of the entire Joy family.

Obviously, Joy Linghua was unwilling to be a Nurse Joy, not only passed the qualification certificate of "Advanced Breeder Family", but also never stopped training Pokémon.

Her Chansey has elite strength, and that's the best proof.

However, these have little to do with Xia Yan. To Joy Linghua, he can only be regarded as a passer-by at most, telling her a little about the life of travel and battle that she yearns for.

Saying goodbye to Joy Linghua, Xia Yan continued on the road to Xuefeng City, the northernmost city in Sinnoh Region.

But the foggy region shrouded in the north of Solaceon Town has become his biggest obstacle.

Fortunately, the communication with Joy Linghua is still a little feedback.

She taught Xia Yan a method to minimize the effects of fog, which she heard from some traveling Trainers.

This saved Xia Yan a lot of trouble.

After a bit of fumbling and fighting with wild Pokémon in the mist, the mist area was successfully left.

He could have gone to Cynthia's hometown "Celestic Town" for a nap.

But in the end, he didn't give up, but went all the way north, taking advantage of the good Contest Condition of the Pokémon, ready to reach Xuefeng City in one fell swoop.

Because Celestic Town is located in the Mt. Coronet Mountains, it takes a lot of time to get there.

As the smallest town in the entire Sinnoh Region, Celestic Town has a population of no more than 30 people, and most of them are relatives of Cynthia. Without Cynthia, it always feels strange to come to the door to bother.

But although Celestic Town is the smallest town in Sinnoh Region, it is also the oldest town in Sinnoh and the town with the most complete preservation of Sinnoh history and ancient way of life.

There are some historical documents to follow about the creation legend of the Sinnoh Region, including statues and murals of the "gods of the lake" Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf.

Moreover, don't underestimate this small town, but there are many famous people in it.

Now the most famous is of course Cynthia's grandmother, Mustard Professor, followed by Cynthia, who gradually rose to fame and will become Sinnoh Champion in the future, and Drasna, who left Sinnoh and eventually became a Dragon Elite in the Kalos Region.

A small town with a population of less than 30 people can cultivate a Professor, a champion and an Elite, which shows how powerful this town is.

seven days later.

Xia Yan, who went north along the Mt. Coronet Mountains without entering Celestic Town, finally left the area covered by the Mt. Coronet Mountains and entered a world completely shrouded in ice and snow.

Currently known, one of the northernmost areas in the entire Pokémon world, the boundary of Xuefeng City.

Sinnoh Region, which is the northernmost, is Xuefeng City, which is the northernmost of Sinnoh Region. In addition, it is winter and Icirrus is floating from Mt. Coronet. It is conceivable how low the temperature will be.

The plain-covered silver makeup is everywhere, and thousands of miles are frozen.

As an authentic southerner in his previous life, Xia Yan saw such a scene for the first time.

If Psychic is not awakened, it can be used to keep warm to a certain extent. It is estimated that after entering the boundary of Xuefeng City, it will be frozen into a dog.

Stepping on the white snow, each step makes a "crunching" sound, and it still feels a little novel.

It was also the first time that he saw this situation, and it wasn't just Xia Yan.

Beedrill, Yongjira, Togetic and Honedge are also firsts.

This is the benefit brought by travel. You can constantly see a different side of the world, see more new things, increase your experience, and at the same time appreciate the different beauty of this world.

Just like now.


A round Snowball smashed into Xia Yan's body, and the ball formed by the crystal clear Icirrus spread out at the moment of contact with the body, turned into several petals, and finally scattered on the ground.


Togetic snickered and covered his mouth, but the crisp laughter still came out of his mouth uncontrollably.

The Snowball just now came from its hands.

Xia Yan turned around unexpectedly, and saw Togetic kneaded a ball of Snowball again and smashed it straight at his face.


Xia Yan couldn't dodge in time and was directly hit in the face.

The scattered Icirrus was clinging to his face, hair, and clothes, looking a little embarrassed.


Looking at Xia Yan's appearance at this time, Togetic couldn't help it, bent down and laughed loudly, tears squeezed out of the corners of his eyes.

"It's fun, isn't it?" Xia Yan's face sank.

"Chaco?" Togetic's expression froze.

'Angry? ’

Then I saw that Xia Yan's stern face couldn't hold back in a few seconds, his hands were spread out, and each Snowball slowly rose from the ground and surrounded him.

At this time, it was discovered that Xia Yan was pretending to be angry Togetic, and it was too late to hide.

Snowballs were thrown at it one by one, and soon they were covered in crystalline ice crystals.

"Exactly!" Togetic protested.

'Can't have fun? ! Actually using Psychic! ’

Immediately launched a counterattack.

But obviously, the speed of rubbing Snowball with his hands is definitely not as fast as Xia Yan's direct use of Psychic.

Psychic for snowball fights?

I guess he was the first.

But Togetic can't handle it, and that doesn't mean other Pokémon can't either.

Soon the little guy rolled his eyes and dragged Yongjira into the water.

Only Psychic can fight against Psychic!

As soon as Yongjila joined, the "battle situation" suddenly changed.

As a last resort, Xia Yan could only "recruit" Beedrill and Honedge into the team.

But Beedrill has a long needle with both hands, and Honedge has no hands at all. It is not Rival after Togetic and Yongjira teamed up.

In addition, they are also very naughty, and Yongjila even gave Togetic a Psychic Terrain during a snowball fight, so that its Secret Power can be transformed into Confusion.

In this way, Rival becomes two Pokémon who can use Psychic.

No way, Xia Yan had to throw Poké Balls in a row, calling out Sharpedo, Shuckle, Ditto and Pidegeotto.

All of a sudden the number occupied an absolute advantage.

The other Pokémons were fine, but when Sharpedo came out, it was a real cry.

It was originally a shark living in the warm waters of the southern country, but now it has been thrown into the ice and snow for a snowball fight.

In its view, it may not be a human, but Xia Yan is a real dog.

Curled up in the snow, "enjoying" Snowball's care, silently enduring a "pain" that Sharpedo should not endure.

But snowball fights, once Psychic is involved, it's really not one or two Pokémon that can make up the gap.

Xia Yan and they are still at a disadvantage.

As a last resort, Xia Yan used the "Trump Card" to summon Snorlax to become a real "meat shield".

In this regard, Snorlax said

You play with yours, I sleep with mine.

After gradually regaining its shape, the thick fat layer, this little snow Absorb Bulb could not affect it at all.

In this way, the two sides finally entered a deadlock.

And just when Xia Yan and the others were playing, a Pokémon was attracted because of the cheerful noise.

(End of this chapter)

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