The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 315: The Demon Girl In The Snow

Chapter 315: The Demon Girl in the Snow

Tired from the snowball fight, Xia Yan and the Pokémon sat around Snorlax.

Snorlax now not only works as a meat shield, but also part-time as a bed.

During this time, when Xia Yan and the Pokémons were sleeping in the wild, the quality of sleep was really much better.

The fur and fat of Snorlax is simply soft, much softer than most beds, and sleeping on it is like sleeping on a warm goose down blanket.

And the size of Snorlax is already big, Xia Yan's is much bigger than ordinary Snorlax, enough for them all to sleep.

The only thing to worry about is that Snorlax may roll over unconsciously when he is in the Rest, and a person who is not careful may change from a sleeping pad to a pad.

Now, Snorlax also acts as a hand warmer for walking in ice and snow.

Pass the hand through the Snorlax's not too thick fur, and hold it tightly against its body, and the warmth will be transferred to the hand.

Xia Yan looked up at the sky while warming his hands. The sun was about to set, and the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower.

"I should be able to arrive in Xuefeng City tomorrow. Let's find a place to rest here today." Xia Yan said.

Togetic, who had been thinking about the soft bed before, now holds Snorlax's arm, completely forgetting the taste of the bed, and nodding his head.

Let me ask, who is still in the midst of ice and snow in winter, who can refuse a "bed" that is soft and has its own constant temperature function?

I played a snowball fight to vent my exhaustion from traveling for seven days. When I enter Xuefeng City tomorrow, I will definitely meet someone from the Hunter Guild. Although the Hunter Guild does not know his identity, it is necessary to be prepared and vigilant. .

And a good night's sleep is naturally the basic condition for maintaining the Contest Condition tomorrow.

Put away Snorlax and Sharpedo and get up to find a place where Togetic can use Secret Power to open up a secret space.

At the very least, a tree thick enough to make sure the secret space is large enough to not be crushed by the thick snow or blown down by the Blizzard.


As night fell, a biting cold wind blew through the silver-clad woods.

Rao is that Xia Yan has a Psychic barrier to keep warm, and unconsciously tightens his clothes.


The howling wind grew stronger and stronger, and gradually turned into a blizzard, and finally became a Blizzard.

In such an environment, it becomes more and more difficult to move. If the figure stops a little, snow will accumulate on the body. If you stand for a minute, it may become an ice sculpture.

And the Icirrus, which brushes quickly and densely, will obstruct the line of sight and reduce visibility.

A looming shadow moved freely in the wind and snow, constantly changing its position.

What's more, Blizzard became bigger and bigger under its deliberate instigation, and the snow on the ground was several centimeters higher in just a few minutes.

"Although it's the first time I've seen Blizzard, it's a little too big." Xia Yan frowned, blocking the wind and snow with one hand in front of his eyes, and circled the lake with one hand, slowly moving the Psychic stretches out.

In order to cooperate with Xia Yan, Yongjira also opened up his Psychic perception, and even added the perception of "Future Sight".

However, after scanning back and forth several times, I couldn't find anything unusual. It seemed that it was really just an ordinary, slightly larger Blizzard.

But this result did not satisfy Xia Yan.

I don't know why, after awakening Psychic, he always felt that his sixth sense became very accurate, and when it felt abnormal, he was often not wrong.

A thought moves.

Whispered something to Yongjira's side, letting him convey his meaning to a few Pokémons.


Yongjira did.

Then, I saw Xia Yan and several Pokémon moving in the snow and the speed getting slower and slower.

Dense Poweder Snow piled up on them, and within a minute, they were completely covered by Icirrus and turned into several standing "snowmen".

By the time they were completely silent, Blizzard actually slowly got smaller.

Although it didn't stop completely, it was indeed a lot smaller than before.


A floating black shadow quickly approached, surrounded by the snow sculptures formed by Xia Yan and the others, and let out a sweet laugh.

Immediately afterwards, I saw it roll up the snow sculpture and leave quickly.

And after it left, Xia Yan and the others appeared here again.

Squinting at the Pokémon who just left quickly.


Although it is not too real to see, the name of Pokémon is about to be revealed by his white body suspended in the air and the ability to control ice and snow.

Froslass no doubt.

The behavior is also very consistent.

Froslass will roam Blizzard in search of unsuspecting humans and prey, using their abilities or control, or freezing them into ice sculptures to capture them.

Froslass are said to secretly show off the frozen corpses of their prey.

It is a Pokémon with a bad temperament, and will actively hunt Pokémon and humans in the snow.

One of the Pokémons to be careful with in the snow.

Xia Yan pondered slightly.

"Go and see."

Immediately followed closely with the Pokémons.

Froslass is an Ice- and Ghost-type Pokémon, and judging from its ability to evade Yongjira's Psychic perception, it doesn't seem to be weak.

Following Froslass, Xia Yan and the others came to a small cave full of ice crystals.

Froslass flew in with the fake "snow sculptures" in his arms.

"It's a good place to live. It's not only sheltered from the wind and snow, but also has enough space." Xia Yan murmured and walked into the ice cave.

It is full of all kinds of ice crystals, and the ground is covered with a thick layer of ice cubes. When walking, be careful not only of the smooth ground, but also of the icicles of different sizes that may fall on your head at any time. Spear.

Because the ice crystals are crystal clear enough to reflect Cal, the cave is not dark, but full of faint fluorescence, so you can clearly see the environment inside.

"This is."


Xia Yan found that in the surrounding ice crystals, a Pokémon that was completely frozen can be seen almost at any time, and even a human who has been frozen for an unknown time can occasionally be seen.

The expressions are vivid, and they seem to be frozen unconsciously.

Xia Yan's face darkened slightly, and his brows were furrowed.

These are presumably what Froslass calls "collections".

If Xia Yan and the others are not vigilant enough, they may become one of them.

The ferocious Blizzard makes people and Pokémon's bodies stiff, and their ability to perceive temperature changes is reduced. Coupled with Froslass's elusive ability, it may be frozen.

"Be careful." Xia Yan urged in a low voice.

Beedrill and Yongjira also nodded solemnly, while Togetic shrank directly into his arms, slid into his clothes, revealing a pair of small eyes.

This ice cave gives a very poor sense.

Step by step, I approached cautiously, and slowly came to the deepest part of the ice cave.

Xia Yan, who was hiding behind a huge ice rock, watched with joy as he prepared to clean up the snow on the "Snow Sculpture" and clean the creatures out of it.

And just as it was cleaning, three little heads poked out from the cracks in the ice cubes, and Froslass immediately greeted them happily.


However, one of the Snorunts caught Xia Yan's attention.

Because the color of the Snorunt's appearance is not the same as the other two Mikey.

Flash Snorunt!

At this time, in the crack of ice not far from Xia Yan, a cold voice suddenly came.

"Who are you?"

Xia Yan was slightly startled.


(End of this chapter)

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