The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 326 The Legend Of Regigigas

Chapter 326 The Legend of Regigigas

Light blue head, pink eyes, yellow eyebrows, and long white whiskers on top of head and chin.

Just a head was bigger than Miu's entire body.

The face is not serious, except that the gaze that swept over Xia Yan and Kaiji was slightly sharp, Xia Yan even felt that it showed a smile, especially when facing Miyu.


Xia Yan slowly said the name of this huge dragon-type Pokémon.

He knew that there must be Pokémon's protection in the temple, and he felt it faintly when he approached it before.

I just didn't expect it to be Drampa, a Pokémon registered in the Alola Region.

And looking at the invisible pressure on Yongjira, I am afraid that the strength is very strong.

Drampa is a Pokémon of the Normal and Dragon types. It belongs to a relatively mild-mannered Pokémon. Normal lives alone in the mountains above 3,000 meters above sea level, and has a long and long lifespan.

This kind of Pokémon likes to communicate and get along with people and Pokémon most, and is especially gentle to children, just like an old man who treats his grandchildren.

It's actually this Pokémon's love of pure hearts, just as Togepi loves happy and friendly people.

Miwa was not afraid at all when she saw such a big Drampa, and even reached out her hand very curiously, wanting to touch the head of Drampa.

Not only did Drampa not mind it, but he took the initiative to let Miyu touch it.


Miwa's happy laughter sounded like a silver bell.

Drampa's smile became more pronounced, and his eyes narrowed.

"Drampa, it's me, little Cage." When Cage saw Drampa next to him, his expression was quite complicated, but he still took the initiative to say.

Little Cage?

Xia Yan's mouth twitched incessantly.

People in their 60s and 70s actually took the initiative to call themselves "Little Kaiji".

In this regard, Kaiji is also very helpless.

No way, when he first entered the Xuefeng Temple, Drampa was already there. After so many years, Drampa is still here.

Judging from his age alone, in front of Drampa, he really can only use the word "little" to refer to himself.

He didn't even know how long Drampa had been in the Xuefeng Temple. He only knew that even those seniors who were older than him were very respectful to Drampa.

Hearing Cage's words, Drampa looked at him in surprise.

After staring at him carefully for a long time, he recognized Kaiji's identity from the slightly familiar outline.

"Little Cage, are you back? That little Stephanie is"

An old voice resounded in the minds of the three of them.


The elderly Drampa is very skilled in the use of telepathy, and communicates with human beings very smoothly. If it is not for the appearance of Pokémon, he really looks like an old but still spirited old man.

Kaiji nodded with a complicated expression: "Yes, it's Takeda's child, and it's also Yuyue's child."

Hearing this, Drampa also showed a complicated look.

Silently sighed.

"come in."

With that said, Drampa stepped aside and made a way for them to pass.

"Mr. Yanxia." Kaiji shouted.

Just as Xia Yan was about to leave the place, he wanted to refuse when he heard Drampa say, "Come in together, Psychic is still very unfamiliar. Xiao Yanxia?"

Xiao Yanxia?

Xia Yan pursed his lips.

Fortunately, Yan Xia is not her real name. She comforted herself silently in her heart, trying to escape the "small" prefix.

But Drampa's words also surprised him.

It's not surprising that he can feel that he is a superpower. The feeling in Drampa's heart is so skilled, and he must have a good grasp of Psychic.

It was the meaning of his words that made Xia Yan think a lot.

After a little hesitation, he lifted his foot and walked in.


An organization as old as Xuefeng Temple knows a few tricks about Psychic's use of Psychic.

Otherwise, Drampa wouldn't have to deliberately point out the "Psychic" thing.

Although Xia Yan has awakened Psychic, his grasp of Psychic is still too unfamiliar, and he has never been able to find a suitable way to improve it.

If he can learn a little bit here, it will be of great benefit to him.

that's it.

Following Kaiji and the expectant Miyu, they entered the Xuefeng Temple.


The huge stone gate slowly closed.

The scene inside is finally presented in front of you.

The tall and spacious hall is covered with old-fashioned candles on the surrounding walls, and the dim light illuminates the hall.

There are exquisite murals engraved on the wall. If you look closely, you can find that they are all about Pokémon. This is the most Primal and the most effective way of inheritance for the ancients. Engraving some content that is worth remembering or needs to be passed down on the wall.

While scanning the murals, Xia Yan was also attracted by several of them.

I saw a burly giant engraved on the mural, standing on both feet, but it was not a human being.

The ancients' depiction of Pokémon is not completely accurate, but it is still recognizable, this is the legendary Pokémon, Regigigas!

What this mural tells is that Regigigas, the god of the earth, relies on his own ability to combine the ten thousand years of ice in the glacier, the earth rock buried deep in the mountain layer, and the special metal that is in the magma and does not melt to create a different The legends of Regice, Regirock and Registeel representing Ice, Rock and Steel.

The legend of Regigigas's creation of the Three Gods Pillars is also derived from this.

The next fresco depicts Regigigas leading the Three Pillars to quell the Volcano eruption that was likely to cause serious damage to the earth and life at that time.

Immediately afterwards, Regigigas, based on its own powerful strength, dragged the continent abruptly, completely eliminating the possibility of Volcano eruption, and accompanied by the appearance of Sinnoh Region Mt. Coronet.

In the end, Regigigas turned into a Shiny Stone because he was too tired and fell into a deep sleep.

In order to protect it, the Three God Pillars turned into three different Attribute pillars around the Shiny Stone.

In order to thank Regigigas for his contribution and to show his sincerest respect, a temple was built in the place where he slept. Since then, a group of people have become Regigigas as the god of the earth.

And this is the process of the appearance of the Xuefeng Temple, and the legend of Regigigas sleeping in the temple.

After so long, the people who believed in Regigigas still served it in the temple, but Regigigas never woke up.

Even, many people doubt whether these histories were imagined by the ancients, just a legend, and there is no Regigigas existence.

As a result, the temple gradually became in decline.

Until now, the number of believers who can still stick to the temple has become very small.

As a result, even the Alliance did not pay much attention to the Xuefeng Temple, and it also led to the reason why the Hunters Guild dared to reach out to this side with fear.

"Regigigas is real."

At this time, Drampa came to Xia Yan, looking at the mural, the voice slowly sounded in his mind.

"It's just that it's too tiring, and other Pokémon don't even dare to think about dragging the continent."

From the voice of Drampa, it is not difficult to hear its admiration for Regigigas.

Xia Yan nodded and said something in a voice that only he could hear.

"I know."

If nothing else, the target of the Hunter Guild may be Regigigas.

After hanging on the water for a day, I came back to sleep, and finally slowly recovered, and began to update the code words——

(End of this chapter)

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