The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 327 Long Live Friendship

Chapter 327 Long Live Friendship

the other side.

While Xia Yan and Drampa were watching the mural, Kaiji was holding Miyu's little hand, and with a woman, they were performing a "mother and daughter recognizing" drama.

But don't mention it, although Miyu's mother looks in her thirties, she looks like she is in her twenties. She is dressed in a white linen robe, white waistcoat and hood. The vision of religious nuns.

But seeing Miyu's mother being guarded by several waiters who were also dressed in Mai, but the color was gray, she knew that her status in the Xuefeng Temple should not be low.

It also explains some of the reasons why Miu's father can have a top quality Shiny Stone.

If it was through Miyu, a mother with a high status in Xuefeng Temple, it would be clear.

After all, what Regigigas changed after falling into a deep sleep was also a Shiny Stone.

He doesn't know if it has anything to do with the Shiny Stone in Xia Yan's hands, but he can be sure that the believers in the Xuefeng Temple that have guarded Regigigas for thousands of years are definitely not just because of their belief in Regigigas.

Of course faith from the heart is the main reason, but it doesn't prevent them from getting the benefits.

Looking at the young woman who was hugging and crying with joy, Xia Yan was a little curious, how did Miyu's father get such a beautiful woman with a distinguished status, a top-notch appearance, and maybe not weak.

Let someone give birth to a baby for him.

But they didn't live together, but flew away with the baby.

It wasn't until I was about to die that I suddenly remembered that my baby had a mother.

It's almost like watching a cliché TV series.

And he did see it from the perspective of a bystander.

It seemed that he felt Xia Yan's doubts, or he liked to communicate, and Drampa's voice sounded in his mind.

"Mitsumi Yu's mother is called Yuyue, she is the goddess of this generation of Xuefeng Temple, and the supreme leader of all Regigigas believers."


Supreme Leader?

Xia Yan looked weird, "Don't tell me, this so-called goddess can't get married and have children?"

If so, that would be too bloody.

However, Drampa looked at him in surprise, "Why do you think so?"

Xia Yan shook his head, "It's fine if it's not."

"No, in fact, this problem has troubled Xuefeng Temple for a long time. It has even led to infighting in Xuefeng Temple many times, and it is also one of the main reasons for Xuefeng Temple's decline." Drampa's tone was heavy. said.


Xia Yan was stunned.

For a goddess to marry and have children, civil turmoil?

But it is important for the devotees who serve Regigigas according to ancient customs and ways.

With Long Wenglong's explanation, Xia Yan gradually understood the general truth.


At the beginning of the establishment of Xuefeng Temple, the goddess was Stephanie with special abilities and responsibilities, and was the only channel for believers to communicate with Regigigas, so she had a lofty status and power.

But the ancients had old thinking and believed that goddesses should be perfect and holy, so the original goddesses were indeed not allowed to marry and have children.

But the generation of goddesses does not guarantee that every goddess can live such a life willingly.

Until a generation of goddess gave birth to a child on the back of Xuefeng Temple.

At the beginning, the Xuefeng Temple was almost completely violent, and everyone demanded that the goddess be removed and the "dirty" bloodline be killed.

But the goddess tried her best to protect it.

Gradually, people discovered that the child of this goddess was incredibly talented, even more powerful than her mother, and could try to communicate with Regigigas at a young age.

In the end, human reason prevailed over old ideas.

That child became the next goddess.

But the goddess' decision to protect the child greatly weakened the power of Xuefeng Temple and its influence at that time.

However, the final result was good, and the Xuefeng Temple has since abolished the rule that "Goddesses are not allowed to marry and have children".

But within the Xuefeng Temple, there is still a faction that opposes this matter, and they are called "conservatives".

The biggest turning point has come.

Miwa's father was originally a member of this conservative faction.

But the final result is already known.

He turned away from his faction and realized that his original thinking was wrong.

But his behavior, instead of giving the "conservatives" reflection, greatly stimulated their already fragile heartstrings and launched a strong counterattack again.

As a last resort, Miyu's father could only take her to escape from this place, so as not to let the two of them become the constraints of Miyu's mother, Yuyue.


The incident subsided, and the conservatives completely disappeared in the Xuefeng Temple. Except for a few powerful beings who escaped, the Xuefeng Temple no longer had that old thinking.


As this goddess, Yuyue has decided to open the door of Xuefeng Temple and contact the Sinnoh Alliance, which is currently in charge of Sinnoh.

They have to look up and look forward to the new era. They can no longer be immersed in the past, or Xuefeng Temple will sooner or later disappear into the long river of history.

After listening to the story, Xia Yan sighed: "He is a very courageous and capable person."

Drampa nodded in agreement.


At this time, I saw Yuyue holding Miyu's hand, bringing Kaiji and several waiters to Xia Yan.

He bowed slightly towards him gratefully, "Mr. Yan Xia, I really appreciate your help this time. If it weren't for you, our mother and daughter might not be able to meet again in this life."

When Xia Yan communicated with Drampa just now, Kaiji should have also told her the general story.

As for who is going to attack Miyu, and what is the purpose, maybe he should already know.

"Just do things with money." Xia Yan waved his hand.

"But I still want to thank Mr. Yan Xia for 'doing what he says'. I know that he must have gone through all kinds of obstacles, but he still insists on completing the commission. This is not just about taking money to do things, but Mr. Yan Xia In order to make yourself feel at ease, you only said that you were making excuses for yourself."

Yu Yue rolled her eyes and was very sure of her own words.

'I almost believed it. ' Xia Yan complained in his heart, but on the surface he just shrugged silently, neither agreeing nor opposing.

Just slip.

Let yourself figure it out.

Yuyue said sincerely: "Our Xuefeng Temple is going to contact the Sinnoh Alliance, and I hope Mr. Yanxia can become one of our spokespersons."

It seems that Jue Shao gave Xia Yan an excuse to comfort himself, and Yu Yue thoughtfully found one for him.

"You will be able to reap the friendship of Xuefeng Temple."

Xia Yan lowered his head and pouted his lips. The Xuefeng Temple has become so lonely. How much is friendship worth?

It's like a bad check.

Rather be realistic.

And most importantly, Xia Yan's current identity.

In their eyes, he is "Yan Xia", an identity that is more difficult to handle and explain.

"And the Psychic of exercising and the method of training Psychic," added Hazuki.

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment, then slowly raised his head, showing a sincere smile, touched Miyu's head very smoothly, and said:

"longlive friendship."

Yongjira, who was next to him, turned his head slowly, pretending not to know.

In Yuyue's eyes, Xia Yan's impression of her was solid.

"Mr. Yan Xia is indeed a hard-mouthed and soft-hearted person."

(End of this chapter)

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