The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 329 Descends From The Sky

Chapter 329 Descends from the sky

The line of sight in front of him quickly became blurred, and all the colors began to increase, black like ink, white like light, and colorful blocks of color intertwined with each other, and finally they were completely condensed into a chaotic piece.


The crisp sound was like a twilight drum clock running out, exploding in the ear, the pitch black in front of him was like sunglasses Normal fragmented, and light beams shot out from the fine cracks, the black fragments began to separate, and finally slowly melted like ice and snow.

Gradually, a feeling of falling suddenly hit him, and it slammed from the bottom up, messing up his hair, and at the same time, it finally made him see the situation clearly.

high altitude!

Below, there is a vast continent with no end in sight, yellow, green, and red. The pieces are clearly divided, and the whistling wind is the air flow brought by him when he falls.

Suddenly, Xia Yan of Smelling Salts was shocked and used Psychic involuntarily.

Save him at the current falling speed, and when he falls on the ground, he will not be able to find even a single piece of slag.

Is this how Xuefeng Temple trains Psychic?

Throwing people into the sky?

Use extreme danger to stimulate a Psychic outburst?

I have to say, they succeeded.

In order to slow down the falling speed, Xia Yan stimulated all his Psychic, but the effect on the falling still had little effect.

As a last resort, he could only change his strategy, concentrate the explosive thrust of Psychic, and slow down his falling speed step by step.

This finally worked.

But still very quickly, the green plate in his eyes was getting closer and closer, and he finally saw what the green represented.


The fall is still continuing, although the speed has been much slower than before, but maintaining such a speed to fall will undoubtedly cause huge damage to the body.

Xia Yan gritted his teeth and gave birth to the little Psychic left in his body, wrapping himself around.

next second.


The body sank into the dense forest, rolling up waves of leaves, and at the same time smashing off an unknown number of branches.


Xia Yan sat on the ground with a buttocks, his face was pale, and his head was full of cold sweat.

On the one hand, it's because Psychic is over-consumed, and on the other hand, it's because of fright.

"Is this really true?" Xia Yan murmured, his eyes full of disbelief.

He thought it was some kind of hallucination or a dream, but the clear pain in his butt told him, is this real?

If he had just held the idea of ​​"this is an illusion, this is a dream", I am afraid that now he can only discuss the depth, length, softness and hardness of the soil on the ground.

"What happened? I was teleported somewhere?"

Xia Yan stretched out his hand and wiped it towards his waist.

Feeling the cold touch of the Attribute on his waist, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the Pokémon are here.

If I had known this was the case just now, I should have summoned Yongjira and the others as soon as possible.

I almost fell myself to death, but no one was there.

Pat his butt and staggered to his feet.

But don't say, the feeling between life and death just now, especially when he fell into the woods, the very real feeling really inspired a lot of his hidden Psychic.

"If you fall like this once a day, it probably won't take long before you will be invincible." Xia Yan said sarcastically.

Raise Psychic this way?

Maybe before Psychic rises, he can't bear the mental pressure again and again and becomes an idiot.

"Where is this place?"

Take out Yongjira and Beedrill's Poké Ball, open it and look around.

From the perspective of temperature and light exposure

"Isn't this Sinnoh?"

I find this conclusion to be absurd.

A teleportation sent him to another Region?

Looking at the surrounding dense woods, thick trunks and towering treetops, it is not the vegetation situation that he had in the Sinnoh Region.



After Beedrill and Yongjira came out, they also wondered about their surroundings.

what's the situation?


Before Xia Yan could think clearly, a sudden sound of wing vibrations came from the dense forest.

Soon a huge dragonfly more than two meters, vibrating its wings, drove the surrounding Leafage to rush towards their location.

Covered with scarlet compound eyes like sunglasses with a black grille, a dark green body that blends with the surrounding forest, two pairs of wings as thin as cicadas are dotted with red at the ends, sharp spikes on the back, abdomen and tail. Flashing red spots, the tail has a pair of small wings like the tail of an airplane.


A ferocious predatory dragonfly, it is extremely aggressive and is good at high-speed Flying. Its six-legged limbs have the power to roll up adults. Its favorable wings and two jaws are powerful weapons for its attack. It is keen on fighting and has a violent personality.

Seeing the incoming Yanmega, Xia Yan had to gather his divergent thoughts.

"Yongjira, Psychic Terrain!"

"Beedrill, Agility!"

Command two Pokémon to battle.


Beedrill's wings vibrated, the golden lines flickered, and the speed was increased to meet Yanmega.

At the same time, Yongjila's Psychic Terrain opened up instantly, wrapping Beedrill and the flying Yanmega, Cianwood appeared in his eyes, the spoon was bent, and the Psychic beam shot out, coming first.


Yongjira's attack had some effect on Yanmega, which slowed it down a bit.

Beedrill, who seized the opportunity, quickly approached, and the Twineedle flashed fluorescent green Cal, and X-Scissor suddenly split.

Yanmega didn't have the slightest intention to dodge, his wings curled up and a bright white Air Slash met Beedrill's X-Scissor.


Feeling the power of Air Slash brought by Yanmega, although it did not make Beedrill cower, its strength was undoubtedly revealed.

Elite class!

After offsetting Beedrill's attack with Air Slash, Yanmega did not choose to entangle with Beedrill, but turned into a white light, folded forward, and aimed at the most vulnerable Xia Yan.

Quick Attack!

Feel the fierce hurricane, the strong Hideki current carried by Yanmega's powerful wings, and can even knock a grown man Whirlwind.

Xia Yan's expression remained the same, and he did not panic in the face of Yanmega who was getting closer.

next second.

Yongjira's instantly inflated Psychic wrapped him around, and his tight teleport took him away from Yanmega's attack.

Beedrill, who was chasing from behind, also stirred up the airflow, and his whole body suddenly turned into a shadow, assisting the speed blessing brought by Night Slash, and appeared under Yanmega in the blink of an eye.

Bottom up is another X-Scissor.

This time, Yanmega, who had exposed his weakness in the attack, was hit by Beedrill and successfully triggered the Snipe Shot hand's Ability.

Straight up interrupting Yanmega's movement, slamming it into Sky.

And what greeted it was the number of Pokémon blades that Yongjira had already accumulated.

bang bang bang-

Before reaching the highest altitude, he was Smack Down again by Yongjira's Psycho Cut.

However, the Fell Stinger, who was spiraling upwards by Beedrill, was forcibly avoided by its speeding up again.

Speed ​​up Ability!

Acceleration: The speed of each action increases.

But Beedrill still didn't stop playing Fell Stinger, and even turned the attack into a more ferocious stance.

On the other side, Yongjira's blue light flashed and appeared under Yanmega.

Immediately after.

Ally Switch!

Swapped yourself with Beedrill.

This time, the poised Fell Stinger successfully hit the Yanmega and triggered the Snipe Shot hand's Ability again.

Bang! !

Beedrill's body glowed with the color of Fell Stinger's successful harvest, and Yanmega slowly fell from the air.

It has lost its ability to fight!

It fell heavily to the ground, kicking up a large cloud of dust.

However, Yanmega's defeat was not the end.


In the dense forest, the same sound as when Yanmega appeared before was heard again, and it was more dense.

A large group of Yanmegas are approaching.

Xia Yan's complexion changed, and he threw the Poké Ball towards Yanmega, then quickly left here with Beedrill and Yongjira without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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