The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 330 Ancient Or Different Space?

Chapter 330 Ancient or Different Space?

Put away the Poké Ball with Yanmega.

Originally, Xia Yan still had the last glimmer of hope. Could it be the same fantasy world that Azelf let him enter, and could not conquer Pokémon.

As a result, Yanmega was captured directly.

Although the Yanmega that accelerates the ability is of good value, the speed of the Yanmegas who are chasing after him is not slow at all.

If he is caught up, if there are only two or three of them, that's fine. If there are dozens or more of Pokémons like Beedrill, then Xia Yan is really out of luck.

Run all the way.

While Yongjira occasionally used Teleport to distance himself, he could also feel the Yanmegas getting closer and closer.

The Acceleration Ability gives them a big advantage when flying in a straight line. Even if the dense forest affects their speed and Flying trajectory, it is still a big advantage for a two-footed human like Xia Yan.

And they are very familiar with this forest, and they are rarely blocked by trees.

As a last resort, Xia Yan could only summon Togetic and Honedge.


The result was four Pokémons running around alone.

black face.

Just now he tried to go back and touch the group of Yanmegas, only to make them run faster.

A large group of Yanmegas, so densely packed that it is almost impossible to judge the number.

And the strength of each one is not weak, the worst also has the strength of senior level.

Xia Yan really didn't understand where the people in Xuefeng Temple had left him, and why the wild Pokémon in this area were so strong.

Not only that, when he was in the sky just now, he also saw the general situation nearby. The area of ​​this forest is very large. It is estimated that it will take two days to run out just by running like this.

'Could it not have thrown me into the forest near the Mt. Silver vein? ’

No wonder he thought so.

Although the Pokémon of Yanmega is an existing Pokémon in the Pokémon world, it is not difficult to see from its name that this Pokémon actually has a very long history and is one of the few Pokémon that has survived since ancient times. The origin time is estimated not to be Shorter than Aerodactyl.

If such a Pokémon wants to encounter such a large group, it can only prove that this forest is definitely a region that few humans have set foot on.

And their strength is not weak, which means that the living environment is very good, and there is no human intervention except for natural enemies.

Just as his thoughts jumped, the Yanmegas caught up again.

"It's never ending, Togetic, Extrasensory!"

Xia Yan complained while speeding up again.


Just kidding, just tried it once and almost didn't come back.


Togetic's small face is also rarely full of solemnity, and the small hands are constantly waving, and invisible power is emitted from it again and again.

Assisting with the multiple combinations of Extrasensory, Razor Fang, and Heavenly Grace Ability gave them a chance to breathe, and the Yanmegas' pursuit slowed down again.

But don't think about it.

They have the Acceleration Ability, and they will catch up again soon.

Togetic's strength can't have much impact on elite-level Pokémon, and after a brief cringe, it will speed up to catch up again and become more violent.

And, the point is that Togetic won't last long.

Xia Yan's hand has silently clenched the large and small stones in his pocket.

Beedrill's Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone.

Instead of watching Togetic being consumed, it's better to go back and fight again.

It really doesn't work, just let Snorlax come out and sweep the battle.


Honedge, who was hiding in Xia Yan's shadow, was full of fear, shouted at Xia Yan, and stared straight at the more abrupt one among the flying Yanmegas.

"Depend on!"

When he saw the Yanmega that Honedge was referring to, Xia Yan couldn't help but utter a foul language and gave up the idea that had just arisen in his mind.

What's more, it's actually the Yanmega of the museum's main level.

"What kind of forest is this?!"

What else are you fighting for?

Yanmega, the master of the pavilion, plus a group of elite and senior brothers, don't have to think about how miserable the end will be if they are stopped.

No choice but to keep running.

I don't know how long it took.

"Haven't reached another Pokémon's territory yet? How big is the territory of this group of Yanmegas?"

Xia Yan can only hope to run out of Yanmega's territory and enter the territory of other Pokémon territories, so that there may be a chance to get rid of them.


I don't know how long it lasted, but when a gust of wind hit them, the group of Yanmegas behind them finally slowed down.

Xia Yan was panting heavily, his forehead was covered in sweat, and his back was completely soaked with sweat. After continuing to run two steps to widen the distance, he finally stopped slowly.


Another gust of wind blew, making him feel the coolness after being soaked.


It should be at the borders of the Yanmegas' territory.

However, he did not let his guard down, and even raised his heart even higher.

This means that they have moved from one dangerous place to another, and the resolution of the crisis is only temporary.


Suddenly Growl came.

It was followed by the sound of dense footsteps.

Hearing the footsteps, the Yanmegas panicked for a while, but in the Growl of the Yanmega leader of the pavilion level, calm gradually recovered.

Xia Yan's face changed slightly, and he said to Yongjira, "Find a place to hide."

Without him saying it, Yongjira also understood.

Psychic wrapped them, and Teleport led them directly to the trunk of a large, stout tree, through the dense Leafage, with a view below.

"Hurry up and recover."

After Xia Yan stuffed some energy cubes into a few Pokémons, he stared at the bottom.


The sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer, and it became more and more obvious, followed by a large cloud of dust.

Immediately after.

The Pokémons that came running appeared in the field of vision.

Most of the body is covered with large feathers, mainly in red, blue, yellow and a little cyan. It has a pair of huge wings. The ends of the wings are two sharp claws, with three sharp claws, strong and powerful. Their lower limbs allow them to run so fast that they can even glide briefly on their wings.

During the run, the long tail flew directly behind him, forming a straight line, and there were five blue feathers at the end of the tail.

Seeing this group of Pokémon, Xia Yan's pupils shrank.


The words were filled with disbelief.

The group of Pokémon who came to the "rescue", called Archeops, were a group of Pokémon that should have gone extinct in the Pokémon world.


Why is there a large group of Archeops here, seeing that this number is not inferior to the Yanmega on the opposite side.

If seeing Yanmega can be explained by the fact that there are few humans in this trackless Forest-like place, then such a group of Archeops, he can't explain it.

Because this Pokémon is indeed extinct.

Aerodactyl may still be found, but Archeops can only find their fossils at best.

But now.

Look down at the Archeops who have become entangled with the Yanmegas.

Xia Yan suddenly had an absurd thought in his heart.

Shouldn't it be. Back to the era when Regigigas was active?

Or, in a different space unique to Regigigas?

An alien space that retains a lot of ancient Pokémon?

(End of this chapter)

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