The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 343 Cofagrigus And The Death Board

Chapter 343 Cofagrigus and the Death Board



A crack broke out on the stone Poké Ball held by Xia Yan, and the crack gradually expanded.

It may be that even the specially treated ancient Poké Ball is aging because it has been left for too long, or it may be .

Inside Imprison's Pokémon is strong!

Xia Yan's expression changed, and without hesitation, he threw the Poké Ball on the ground, and quickly retreated with a few Pokémon.

Is there really an ancient Pokémon who was used by Imprison in the Poké Ball, and can still live to this day without eating or drinking?

The instant he exited the room, the ancient Poké Ball shattered.

A Pokémon appears in the stone chamber.

And the Pokémon that was only imprison, also appeared in Xia Yan's sight.

The body is like a sturdy earthen pot, most of the body is black, a row of red eyes surrounds it, wraps around the body, two short hands and shorter feet, there is also a body on the body. A white mark resembling the Unown pattern, suspended in mid-air.

Ground and Psychic Pokémon, Claydol!

If it is Claydol, it is not very surprising that he is still alive.

It is said that Claydol, like Golurk, is a Pokémon created by the ancients. Through the kneaded clay doll and then irradiated by some mysterious light beam, unknown life will be attached to it, and finally become a living Pokémon.

What they need to survive is not food.

As soon as Claydol appeared, the majestic Psychic gushed out from its body. A circle of eyes first showed a brief confusion, and finally the gaze of Lock On Xia Yan became full of hostility in an instant.


Layers of Psychic spread from Claydol's body like rippling ripples.


Yongjira stepped forward and tried to fend off Claydol's Psychic attack with a spoon.


The two Psychics collided with the air, shattering the stone door including the door frame.

Yongji pulled frowning furiously and backed away frantically, and finally stabilized his body with Doublade's help.

Not Claydol's Rival.

"Elite level? Pavilion master level?"

It's just a collision, still can't accurately judge its strength, but one thing is certain, its Psychic is stronger, very strong!


Yongjira stood still and shouted towards Xia Yan.

Understanding Yongjila's meaning, Xia Yan did not hesitate and put his hand on its shoulder lightly.

One person, one Pokémon's Psychic is instantly integrated, and the perceptions between them are also shared.

In this way, Xia Yan had a clearer understanding of the strength of this Claydol.

Not the master class.

but elite.

But Psychic is very strong, and its strength in the elite class also belongs to the top existence.

With compressed Psychic Terrain, Life Orb, Yongjira with full spoon blessing, and Xia Yan's Psychic as support, it's still not its Rival.

A brilliant blue light suddenly appeared in Yongjira's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he heard it screaming.



See, Claydol raised his hands horizontally, and when his two stubby arms were raised horizontally, it looked like two muzzles, and then a sudden white light lit up.

boom! !

The two hands combined to shoot a bright white beam, which shot out with great destructive power, and even the wall on the other side of the ruins was directly pierced.

Hyper Beam!

A very powerful move.

But it also has a very obvious flaw. After using it, the Pokémon will fall into a rigidity for a period of time, and the body cannot move.

Because of Yongjira's special "Future Sight" ability reminder, both Xia Yan and Pokémon successfully avoided this attack.

"Chance!" Xia Yan shouted in a low voice.


Yongjira's reaction was the fastest, Teleport immediately activated, and in the blink of an eye, it appeared beside Claydol, and a swirl of Shadow Ball smashed out.



Before the other Pokémon could seize the opportunity to beat up Claydol together, Doublade gave a warning.

In the dark wall pierced by Hyper Beam on the other side of the ruins, several Pokémon were drilled.

The shape is similar to a coffin, consisting of yellow and blue, with red pupils, a golden mask on top of the head, four gray and black hands sticking out of the slit coffin, with a strange smile on his face, as if he was in ridicule.

Ghost-type Pokémon, mostly wandering in some ruins, temples or cemeteries, Cofagrigus!

There are three Cofagrigus, and one looks similar to Cofagrigus. The difference is that its outer shell is not a golden coffin, but a broken stone slab. The body is wrapped with a spiritual body, and the fragments of the stone slab are penetrated and pulled. The stone slab is also painted with dark red. The lines are messy and irregular at all.

It's also a Pokémon from the Ghost series, death plate!

But there is one more Ground Attribute.

Reaper Plates and Cofagrigus are similar Pokémons that also like to move around in ancient ruins.

Cofagrigus evolved from the Weeping Mask, and the Reaper Board also evolved from the Weeping Mask, but it evolved from the Weeping Mask of the Galar Region.

Four Pokémons, three Cofagrigus, and a death plate came out all at once, all blasted out by Claydol's Hyper Beam.

Seeing Xia Yan as the intruder and a group of Pokémon, he immediately attacked them.

Xia Yan's face sank.

Unexpectedly, one Claydol didn't solve it, and three Cofagrigus and one death plate came.

It is not known how strong they are, but their Ability makes Xia Yan feel very difficult.

Cofagrigus' ability is mummy, all melee attacks and touching Cofagrigus' Pokémon, then the Pokémon's ability will become mummy.

The Ability of the Reaper Board is the Wandering Soul. All the Pokémon that touch the Reaper Board will get the Ability of the Pokémon by melee attack, and the Pokémon Ability of the attack power will become the Wandering Soul and become the Wandering Soul Ability. After that, the Contest Condition will be similar to no Ability.

That is to say, whether it is Cofagrigus or Death Plate, as long as it is in contact with it, Ability will basically lose its effect.

This is a lot of trouble for Xia Yan and his Pokémon.

Because Beedrill and Doublade are both melee attack Pokémons, Doublade's undefended Ability is okay to say, Beedrill's Snipe Shot ability is one of its key abilities, whether it's becoming the "Mummy" Ability or being snatched by the Death Board, Not a good thing.

In the current situation, Beedrill and Doublade will be troublesome except Togetic and Yongjira who can choose to attack from a distance.

There is Claydol in the front, and the Reaper quartet in the back.

Even if Xia Yan wanted to go, he couldn't do it.

Claydol can also master Teleport moves, which is very dangerous once Yongjira is interrupted using Teleport.

At this time, don't think about what to keep or not, Xia Yan threw the Poké Ball and summoned Yanmega and Tyrantrum at the same time.

Although they and Xia Yan are basically not running in, it is impossible to turn the tables by directing them, but they are all elite Pokémons, so they should be able to buy some time.

"Yongji!!" Yongjira shouted heavily.

Its two Shadow Balls just now caused accidental damage to Claydol.

And it means to say.

I'll stop Claydol!

Xia Yan's eyes flickered, his Psychic and Yong Gila were fused, and after getting along for so long, of course he understood Yong Gila's intentions.

It wants to assist the pressure given by Claydol to complete the breakthrough!

However, before he could reply, Yongjira rushed up immediately.

It knew that Xia Yan would allow it.

On the other hand, Yanmega, who was assisting the Acceleration Ability and entangled with three Cofagrigus, and Tyrantrum, who was ready to deal with the death plate, were bad.

The three Cofagrigus and the death plate were stronger than expected.

There is no time for hesitation.

Make sure to build an advantage before Yanmega and Tyrantrum lose.

"it is good!"

Immediately, he said to Cherrim on his shoulder: "Sunny Day."


"Beedrill, Doublade, don't worry, Sword Dance!" Xia Yan commanded again.

At the same time, directly took out Beedrill's Mega Evolution stone and put it into Beedrill, holding the Key Stone in his hand.

Even if Beedrill's Ability will be transformed, there is a Mega Evolution to make up for it.

The point is to maximize the power of Ability when there is a limited amount of ability to trigger it.

"Togetic, Extrasensory!"


This battle will be the most difficult battle since Xia Yan came to this different space.

Whether it was him or any Pokémon, he felt a lot of pressure.

But it's also an opportunity.

It can really test the growth of Pokémon during this period, and it can also test the fighting instinct and fighting consciousness that they have honed in the battle.

even more.

An opportunity for Yongjira and Togetic, an opportunity!

(End of this chapter)

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