Chapter 344: Awakened Fairy

Tyrantrum and Reaper Pad touch first, so Tyrantrum's ability becomes Wandering Soul, and Reaper Pad's ability becomes Jaw of Might.

Such conversions are acceptable.

Yanmega Assist was entangled with the three Cofagrigus with the Acceleration Ability, but because of the gap in number, it was finally touched by the Cofagrigus, the Acceleration Ability disappeared and turned into a mummy.

And without the ability to accelerate the speed of Yanmega, he can no longer entangle with these three Cofagrigus too much, and he may be severely damaged and defeated, and finally be included in their coffins and become their nutrients.

at this time.

After blessing the Sword Dance, Beedrill and Doublade were dispatched at the same time.

Beedrill feathered like electricity, and his body was like an arrow, rushing towards the death plate.

The "Wandering Soul" ability has been transferred to Tyrantrum's death plate, which has become the least threatening existence at present, and it is also the target that should be solved first.

Folded and wiped for a long distance, black light appeared on the long needle, Knock Off!

At the same time, in the dark ruins, above the arc dome, a sphere of light as bright as the sun suddenly lit up, and the warm sunlight accompanied by scattered Sakura petals attached to Beedrill's body.

Sunny Day!

Gift of Flower Ability, trigger!

Caught the gap between the death plate fight with Tyrantrum.


The Knock Off move successfully hit the death plate, and the evil move did a decent amount of damage to it.

At the same time, the moment Knock Off hits.

A piece of talisman paper with a messy and treacherous pattern was drawn slowly from the death plate.

Spell Tag!

Seeing the falling spell, Xia Yan's eyes flashed slightly.

At this moment, a black shadow quickly wiped from the ground. It was Doublade's shadow, and the trajectory it wiped was exactly where the Spell Tag fell.

Spell Tag was incorporated by Doublade.

Spell Tag: Full of quirky spells that increase the power of your Pokémon when using Ghost-type moves.

While nerfing the Reaper Plate, it also buffs Doublade.

Doublade as Shadow Sneak appears behind the Death Board.

The death plate wanted to turn around, but was killed by Tyrantrum, the black smoke surrounding Tyrantrum's teeth.


The sharp blade was wrapped in Ghost-type energy and wiped over the death plate, causing a lot of damage to it.


Beedrill's next move, Xia Yan wanted to see the death plate defeated.

So let Cherrim provide Beedrill with the blessing of Help moves in advance.

There is no doubt about the tacit understanding between Beedrill and Xia Yan, at the same time as Cherrim's Help fell, the dark needle pierced the gun, Assurance!

boom! !

Killed by Tyrantrum Bite's death plate was blasted straight out of Tyrantrum's mouth, slammed into the wall, and lost his ability to fight.

Solve one!

However, just as Beedrill and Doublade teamed up to take down the Death Plate, the three Cofagrigus on the other side were almost on the verge of defeating Yanmega.

Had it not been for Cherrim's timely Heal Pulse, it would have been lost long ago.

But when Yanmega couldn't hold on, Pokémon came to the rescue.

That is.



Togetic swaggered into the battle between Cofagrigus and Yanmega, holding a hand in a particularly conspicuous and hateful way.

Follow Me!

Although it is a Normal-type move, it is still effective against Ghost-type Pokémon because it is a change-type move.

Seeing the Togetic so Power Trip, the three Cofagrigus didn't hesitate to switch the target, the four black hands rubbed, and the Shadow Ball smashed towards the Togetic from three directions.

boom! boom! boom!

Shadow Ball has no doubt successfully hit Togetic, who has no intention of dodging.

However, when the smoke cleared, Togetic stood on the ground unscathed except for a little dust on his body, his raised hand still held up, his face full of disdain and mockery.

That's it?

Didn't eat?

Togetic, which is still Normal and Flying, has successfully immunized Shadow Ball from Ghost.

The smiles that the Cofagrigus had always kept were gone, and they looked at Togetic in surprise, not quite understanding what was going on.

Those who do not believe in evil again condense the Shadow Ball's, and continuously smash towards Togetic.

The result is of course the same.

Togetic came out unscathed.


As these Ghost-type Shadow Balls continued to fall, Togetic suddenly felt strange.

It seems that there is a silent force in the body, some are just around the corner, and it becomes uncontrollable.

And of course, when it noticed this energy, it suddenly swelled, frantically eating away the normal energy it often used.

What followed was that Shadow Ball gradually hurt it, and it felt pain.

And the pain seems to keep getting worse.


Togetic was a little panicked, and it looked at Xia Yan as if asking for help.

Xia Yan also noticed Togetic's strangeness, and looked at Togetic with a little bit of damage slowly under the baptism of Shadow Ball.



Togetic's Fairy energy, actually awakened at this moment?

In other words, it has already awakened, but the Fairy-type energy in the Pokémon world is too thin, and the Fairy-type moves it can perform are all maintained by eating Fairy-type energy cubes all the time.

But this space.

Not completely without Fairy energy!

This kind of change was something that Xia Yan did not expect.

"Togetic, stop 'Follow Me'!" Xia Yan shouted quickly.

If Togetic really awakens the Fairy type at this time, then the Ghost type Shadow Ball can do damage to it!

The three elite Cofagrigus had one round of Shadow Ball, and the senior Togetic, even with Cherrim's healing assistance, would definitely not be able to survive.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, Togetic also suddenly reacted.

When it entered this space, it faintly felt something, but it didn't think much about it at the time.

But now it seems that something is happening that it doesn't even know about.


Togetic hurriedly stopped using "Follow Me".

But the three Cofagrigus had already locked the target on it, and wanted to see how long such a "little guy" could last.

It doesn't matter if you are held back by the "Follow Me" move.

"Beedrill, Doublade!"

Seeing this situation, Xia Yan hurriedly summoned Beedrill and Doublade.

Luckily, Beedrill and Doublade had already dealt with the death plate.

Noticing that Togetic was in danger, he came to the rescue immediately.

"Quite yea!!"

Togetic cried out in pain.

The pain is already obvious, the Fairy energy in the body is like a flood of Normal, and the Normal energy in its body is quickly harvested. In the blink of an eye, almost half of it has been occupied.

And, as more and more parts are occupied.

It's like, it should have accumulated so much Fairy energy in its body, but it has been suppressed.

Today, they suddenly found a vent, spewing out like a flood.

Xia Yan gave Togetic the only Fairy-type energy cube in the entire Pokémon world early, and at this moment, the cumulative effect finally burst out.


The timing was a little unfriendly.

However, before Xia Yan could deal with Togetic's problem, his head was tingling, and Psychic appeared quickly.

When I focused my attention on Yongjila, I found that Yongjila's Contest Condition was also somewhat special.


Fight for ten more tomorrow, ask for a monthly ticket!

Fourth more! 7-1+2(2200/2400)=8!

(End of this chapter)

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