Chapter 345

Yongjira's Psychic is suppressed by Claydol.

This is the first time Yongjira has been suppressed by a Pokémon in his proud Psychic.

The battle between Yongjira and Claydol has gone from a battle of unleashing moves to the purest Psychic battle.

It is purely a competition of their Psychic strength.

There is a gap in strength between the two Pokémons, and Yongjira is naturally not Claydol's Rival.

However, Xia Yan's Psychic was quickly pulled away, but it was not Yong Gila's desperate behavior to fight against Claydol.


It is an uncontrolled behavior of Yongjira under the pressure of Claydol's Psychic.

In fact, with Yongjila's efforts, coupled with the top-level energy cubes provided by Xia Yan, and the Calm Mind method derived from Ho-Oh, its Psychic has already reached its limit.

When it merged with Xia Yan's Psychic for the first time, Yongjira felt the elite threshold that stood in front of it.

It's been such a long time since that time, and after entering the different dimension, there is a high-intensity battle every day.

It should have broken through to the elite level long ago.

But sometimes, being too strong isn't entirely a good thing.

It was the exact opposite of Honedge's situation at the time. It was too strong, so it was slow to take that step.

Or rather, it doesn't know how to take that step.

But now, under the high-intensity pressure given by Claydol, it finally found its own way according to Claydol's situation.

under pressure.

Either it is completely crushed, or it is ushered in a strong rebound.


Yongjira isn't a Pokémon that gets overwhelmed so easily, so belongs to his strong backlash.

here we go.

Psychic frantically grew out of its body, and the Psychic that led Xia Yan was also involved, which caused a stinging pain in his head.

However, this is not the most critical.

Crucially, Yongjira's body, which had inherited a part of its mother's dormant gene, was triggered.

Xia Yan had been worried before that Yongjira would inherit her mother's condition. Psychic is far stronger than her own strength and level, but what followed was the extreme instability of her mental state.

It's just that Yongjila has always been very good in Contest Condition from birth to now, and even Xia Yan almost forgot about it over time.

But this time, Yongjira's strength has reached a certain level, and Psychic is also rebounding strongly under high pressure, so where does the strength of the rebound come from?

This is the gene fragment that was suddenly triggered and awakened.

It was from Team Rocket's laboratory that a certain Pokémon gene fragment was softened, giving Yongjira the most rooted power at this time.


In the blur, Yongjira seemed to hear a crisp and soft Growl.

This Growl intoxicated it and made its Psychic more and more restless.

Even gradually began to get out of its control.

That being said, it can resist or even suppress Claydol.

But it also means that once there is no confrontation with Claydol Psychic, it is very likely that Psychic will lose control and become extremely unstable.


Its genetic structure is more stable than its mother's due to inheritance.

But there are still some unknown flaws.

After noticing his own situation, Yongjira's heart became a little flustered.

It can even predict that after the battle with Claydol is over, its control over its own Psychic will become very poor.

And that's definitely not what it wants to see.

But without the support of this power, it would definitely not be Claydol's Rival.

Then if this Claydol is also added to the other side of the battle, all the previous efforts may be in vain, and even Xia Yan's safety will be threatened.

And just when his eyes were bloodshot and he decided to defeat Claydol recklessly, Xia Yan's voice sounded in his mind.

"Yongjira, don't panic, think about how you usually do it, Calm Mind, use your most skilled Calm Mind."

Xia Yan's reminder made Yongjira react.


It also has Calm Mind, which is said to be derived from the Calm Mind way of the mythical beast Ho-Oh.

Yongjila immediately closed his eyes, his mouth moved, and characters with inexplicable syllables came out of his mouth, holding a spoon in one hand, and twirling the Buddha beads in the other.

The entire Contest Condition gradually became calm, and the madness of Psychic was also restrained. The invisible gene fragment in the body, after it entered the special Calm Mind, was also much more stable.

It slowly merges with the genes possessed by Yongjira itself.

At this time, Yongjila, although Psychic was constantly pouring out of his body, and even suppressed Claydol in turn, but from the outside, he looked like a monk quietly chanting with his eyes closed, and the string of beads in his hand was even more radiant. A faint red glow appeared, soothing Yongjira's spirit and Psychic.

At the same time, in the Psychic instigated by Yongjira, a pink streamer flows around, and with the flow of this streamer, the Psychic gradually stabilizes.

I don't know how long it took.

It could be hours, or it could be a brief moment.

Yongjira's eyes suddenly opened, the bloodshot in them has completely disappeared, and the center of the blue pupil has turned pink, not the pink brought by the fragments of the super slate, but a special kind of genetic awakening. The change.


Yongjira's Psychic stabilized.

No longer up but not down either.

This also means that its strength has come.

Elite class!

Entering the elite level, Xia Yan doesn't need to pay attention to Yong Gila.

Since it has completed the promotion of strength, it also means that it has enough strength to deal with Claydol.

Even if you can't win, you won't lose.

Hastily looked at Togetic again.

These two little guys are really enough, and they sent him the Trainer at the same time.

But when he turned around, out of the corner of his eyes, he vaguely saw a playful and petite figure looming beside Yong Gila.

When he thought he had seen it wrong and turned around again, he did not see the figure again.


For some reason, he always felt that the fleeting figure just now looked familiar?


Before he could think about it, Togetic's voice came from the other side.

He didn't care so much, and immediately looked towards Togetic.

I saw that the Togetic at this time was surrounded by rich Fairy energy, and the entire Contest Condition was not uncomfortable, and even a little enjoyable.

Because of the intervention of Beedrill and Doublade, the Cofagrigus finally stopped the crazy Togetic, giving the lucky little guy a comfortable environment.

Compared to luck, Togetic is indeed much better than Yongjila.

And its breakthrough seems to be much more comfortable and safer than Yongjila.

With the rapid filling of Fairy's energy, its strength naturally broke through to the elite level.

And successfully transformed from Normal and Flying Pokémon to Fairy and Flying.


Togetic shouted softly, and the Fairy energy around its body was quickly gathered.

Immediately after.

It blinked, put its palm on its mouth, and blew a kiss to one of the Cofagrigus Frillish.

And Cofagrigus, who was "sent" a kiss by Togetic, was in chaos.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

"Sweet Kiss!"


I should work hard for ten changes tomorrow. After twelve o’clock, the four or five will be sent first, and the rest will be sent after the code is ready. I hope everyone will give you a guaranteed monthly pass!

Fifth! 8-1=7! In October, I added 34w words, which is 10,000 words short of the target of 35w. However, in the middle of the family, I had a second illness, and my fever kept coming back and forth. It’s still too far behind. Come on in November!

(End of this chapter)

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