The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 401 The Wave That Xia Yan Rolled Up (Two In One)

Chapter 401 The wave that Xia Yan rolled up (two in one)


Xia Yan let out a long breath, looked at the white fish belly that had already appeared in the sky outside the window, stretched out, and his body made a "crackling" sound.

After a night of hard work, I finally completed the unfinished paper on the evolution of Eevee.

Since I learned from Sakuragi that Umbreon and Espeon appeared, and got Sakuragi's consent, I began to write a paper on this.

I just couldn't finish it due to time constraints.

Coupled with preparing to evolve Cynthia's Eevee into Glaceon, it's like waiting for Glaceon to appear and then writing it all at once.

Although there is no Leafeon, Xia Yan gave a certain "conjecture". He believes that with the announcement of the evolutionary conditions of Glaceon and the announcement of this "conjecture", the appearance of Leafeon will not be too far away.

Whether or not an Eevee evolves Leafeon confirms, it doesn't matter anymore.

He also had no other Eevee to try.

In addition, Glaceon and Leafeon can actually be regarded as similar evolution methods. After one is announced, the other will not have a big impact even if it is not announced.

Once the paper is published.

It is very likely that Xia Yan will become an "expert" in "Eevee evolution" in the near future.

An authoritative one.

It also gave him the first achievement that belonged to him, except for the "intimacy" project that he cooperated with Sakuragi.

In this regard, it will inevitably make him go more smoothly on the road of "researcher" in the future.

It was precisely because he knew the importance of the content in this paper that Xia Yan had to seek Sakuragi's meaning first.

Although the discovery of Espeon and Umbreon was originally proposed by Xia Yan, the actual operation was Sakuragi.

Xia Yan's original intention was the same as the "Intimacy" project, and the two jointly signed.

But Sakuragi refused.

He said that he is about to become a professor, and the results are not of great importance to him. What he cares more about is the joy of studying Pokémon, and the excitement of exploring the mysteries of Pokémon.

And Xia Yan has only just started on the road of researcher, and he needs such achievements far more than him.

Besides, Espeon and Umbreon can be regarded as the two discovered together, but Glaceon's confirmation and Leafeon's conjecture, he did not participate at all, so he will not be involved.

Although Xia Yan said regretful, he was still very unkind and happy.

After writing, it took more than an hour to carefully review it from beginning to end, and then click the mouse to upload.

After doing this, I finally feel completely relaxed.

I had never been so serious when I was studying in my previous life.

After publishing, stand up and pick up a previously printed sheet of paper.

The above are some of the specific moves, abilities, abilities and future training directions that he wrote about Glaceon that may be learned and mastered.

It is not complicated for him to write this, after all, he will make some lists every once in a while according to the changes in his Pokémon, the direction that needs to be adjusted, etc., in order to better cultivate Pokémon.

This one of Glaceon is only a relatively basic thing. How to cultivate and develop it depends on Cynthia's own needs and Glaceon's Contest Condition.

He put the paper on the coffee table, pressed it with a cup, and then went back to the room and lay down on the bed.

Although he has a lot less need for sleep after becoming a Psychic, he still needs at least three to four hours of sleep every day to ensure tomorrow's Contest Condition.

It's just that he doesn't know.

As he fell asleep, at this moment, the forum where Alliance was watching the researcher interface exploded.

"'Dodo'! New paper published!"

"'Eevee's new evolutionary type and evolutionary requirements and new conjectures'? This Mr. Dodo really has a lot of research on Pokémon like Eevee."

"Finally waited! My Eevee has never known which one to evolve into, and finally let me wait!"

"Umbreon of the evil type! Espeon of the Psychic type! And the Glaceon of the ice type?! And speculation about the evolution of Leafeon?"

"Eevee has four more evolutions all at once! This is a total blockbuster for a Trainer with Eevee!"

"Four kinds? Isn't it three? Didn't the one upstairs see clearly?"

"Is it the people upstairs who don't understand? The results of Mr. Dodo and Sakuragi researcher are already half-published. Glaceon also has photos and actual data to prove that Leafeon is still fake?"

"Actually, I'm more curious about the identity of this Mr. Dodo than Eevee's evolution."

"I am also very curious."

"I've read the information, why doesn't this 'dodo' even have any degree certificate?"

"What more proof do I need? To be able to cooperate with researcher Sakuragi and jointly sign, this is the best proof of strength."



It is completely different from the situation when Xia Yan first published the paper.

As soon as he published it, he received a lot of attention.

Moreover, it is not just these ordinary forum members who are concerned about him, there are many people who are also researchers, or even a higher level than researchers.

In addition, there are actual proofs and detailed data this time, which is very different from just conjectures last time.

Even, for some reason, this attention is still on the rise.

There are also some bigwigs who have expressed their views and comments on this.

Kanto Region, Eevee Laboratory.

"Teacher, Mr. Dodo has published the Eevee evolutionary paper." Sakuragi's assistant Kikuya trotted to Sakuragi who had been up all night with the document.

Sakuragi, who stared at the dark circles, raised his head and said with a smile: "He has already greeted me, and this is his problem."

"No, I didn't mean that, I meant. Should we say something?" Ju Cai panted, her chest heaving.

"Oh, yes, you use my account to show your support." Sakuragi then reacted.

"Teacher, don't you have to take a look?"

"No, I've talked to him a little bit. This paper is definitely fine. It is indeed a blessing for those Trainers who own Eevee. He is also contributing to the entire Pokémon world." Sakuragi sighed, only He felt that Xia Yan's image in his mind was a little higher.

"Okay, I understand." Ju Cai nodded.

"That's right." Sakuragi stopped her as she was about to leave, "The bachelor's degree you applied for with Silver College last time, let them hurry up."

"Bachelor degree? Silver Academy still has its own set of procedures to follow. Teacher, you also graduated from Silver Academy"

Sakuragi showed helplessness, rubbed her messy head, and said helplessly: "I know they are slow, but after all, it is my alma mater, and I still want to add some talents to them. I am afraid that this time they will slow down and the degree will be true. I can't give it out."

"Can't you give it out?"

Can I still get a degree from Silver College?

This is the first time that Ju Cai has heard that Baiyin College is the most famous Pokémon college in Kanto Region and even Kanto Region and Johto Region. I don’t know how many people have broken their heads and want to squeeze in. The certificate after successful graduation is just It is more popular than the master's degree certificate of the ordinary schools.

"This Mr. Dodo is not a Normal person. I know that he is in Sinnoh now, and I am really afraid that he will be dragged away by Sinnoh's Tianguan Academy." Sakuragi also expressed helplessness.

Xia Yan vaguely revealed that he plans to settle in Sinnoh Region.

Coupled with this Eevee paper and the "intimacy" paper that will be published soon, Xia Yan's identity must be unstoppable. The name "Dodo Bird" may be retained, but behind the name "Dodo Bird" The identity of Xia Yan is absolutely impossible to hide.

Alliance is not a fool, and it is impossible to turn a blind eye to such a talent once, twice or three times.

With Alliance's ability, if he really wanted to investigate the true identity of this "Dodo", Xia Yan would definitely not be able to hide it.

After all, even Alliance has to pay attention to such talents.

Sakuragi, who has experienced this feeling before, is still very familiar with these processes of Alliance.

"Teacher, are you saying that this bachelor's degree is for this Mr. Dodo?" Kikuchi was surprised.

She didn't expect that this person who was so valued by her Teacher, who was so talented in Pokémon research, didn't even have a bachelor's degree.

However, when Xia Yan came here, he was not too old. If you really want to count, it might be a grade before graduation.

But it is precisely because of this that people feel that Xia Yan's talent in Pokémon research is terrifying.

"That's right, in short, please remind me. If it really doesn't work, you can be a little tougher. I believe they will understand my difficulties in the future." Sakuragi emphasized.

Because Xia Yan promised not to reveal his identity for the time being, it has been kept secret.

But he was also a little anxious.

"Okay." Ju Cai responded quickly.

If the other party is this Mr. Dodo, then everything is a different story.

She also graduated from Silver Academy, and naturally she hopes that her alma mater can be better.

"Also." Sakuragi stopped Chrysanthemum again, and said after a little indifference: "Contact my old friends and ask them to help put pressure on them."

Chrysanthemum looked at him in surprise.

It was the first time that Jucai saw Teacher so caring about a person.

After nodding, he left quickly.

Sakuragi Chu thought about it on the spot, fumbled around on his body, and pulled out a mobile phone from nowhere.

Sinnoh Region, Sandgem Town.

Professor Rowan, who had just woken up to eat some dessert and continued to work today, happened to see the paper published by Xia Yan while browsing the academic forum.

Since the last time I had a simple contact with Xia Yan, and because of Xia Yan's reminder, Professor Rowan, who has many new inspirations, has a good impression of Xia Yan.

When I saw this paper and it was still so popular, I just clicked into it.

Read Xia Yan's paper from beginning to end.

At first, I was watching while eating, but when I got to the back, the cake I was holding in my hand was about to melt, and I wasn't finished yet.

His eyes were full of light.

"Interesting, so the Eevee of Cynthia has evolved into a Glaceon? Evolve with pure ice energy that has been deposited? The concentration must reach a certain threshold."

After reading it, Professor Rowan thought about it and chose to leave his own opinions and comments below.

Unexpectedly, the content he posted was already dozens of pages away.

However, with his identity and name, even at the end, he will be pushed up a little bit.

And his appearance has undoubtedly raised the popularity of this paper by a few grades again.

Different from Xia Yan's Rookie, and also different from Sakuragi who has already made a name for himself, but has not yet become a Professor, Professor Rowan is a famous Professor in the entire Pokémon world, an authority in the Sinnoh Region.

His comments are absolutely life and death for this paper.

But obviously, Professor Rowan can't say anything bad, and because this paper is really good and constructive.

"Speaking of which. Cynthia seems to have said that Xia Yan is not an academy and has never been to Pokémon Academy, so he should not have obtained a degree yet"

Xia Yan now has the Khoury fruit of the Eevee evolutionary type, and the results of "intimacy" will also be available soon. In addition, he promised Xia Yan to sign him on his results, so it must be included in the "egg group" theory. results.


All of a sudden it is three constructive results!

Many well-known researchers may never have written a constructive paper in their entire lives, and Xia Yan, who has no degree, has already covered three articles.

It's hard to imagine what new papers and ideas he will come up with in the future.

Such a person, I believe that Tianguan Academy should be very willing to take this "cheap".

Thinking of this, Professor Rowan brought the phone from the table.

Kanto Region, Pallet Town.

The morning mist is light, and the sky is gradually showing.

Professor Oak, who slept much less as he got older, has always had a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early.

My morning habit is to walk half a circle around my backyard after breakfast.

Then come back to the energy that is going to be handed out to the Rookies.

He was watering a few Bulbasaurs with a Squirtle water bottle, but he remembered the phone in his wide pocket.

Take out your phone and take a look.

After pressing the connect button, he said with a smile: "Sakuragi, call me so early, you haven't slept all night, right? Let me tell you, young people should have it even more when they are young."

Before he could finish speaking, he was stunned.

"The 'dodo' last time? Published the Eevee evolutionary paper again, discovered a new Pokémon, Glaceon?" Professor Oak's eyes flashed.

New Pokémon!

Nothing excites him more than discovering a new Pokémon.

This means that he will have a new observation target.

"Oh - degree, Silver Academy. I'm not familiar with that place."

After a while.

"Okay, okay, I know, I know, I'll help and ask."

"Is there a photo of Glaceon in the paper? Is there a detailed description, as well as moves and abilities?"

Professor Oak's attention was drawn to Glaceon again.

"Okay, I'll remember it, don't tell me again, I'm not forgetful."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw a little boy running towards him excitedly holding a computer.

A look of helplessness appeared on Professor Oak's face.

While putting away the phone, he murmured, "Even if I want to forget, this little guy at home won't allow it."

Immediately, he restrained his expression and greeted him with a smile.

A wave that Xia Yan didn't even know about was caught up in the Pokémon research community.


I just finished the code, I have to go out for something, send it first and then change it.

(End of this chapter)

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