The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 402 Revisiting Mt. Coronet

Chapter 402 Revisiting Mt. Coronet

"Are you up?"

When she walked out of the room, she saw that she was sitting at the dining table and carefully studying the information document about Glaceon that Xia Yan wrote to her.

She originally planned to try to observe Xia Yan's Yanmega today, but now it seems that it is too late.

We will arrive at the gathering point of the trial tomorrow. Today, we must take advantage of the last time to get in touch with Glaceon, so that when we enter the trial in a different dimension, Glaceon and her can get better training.

No one knows what the situation is in the different space, and no one knows how dangerous it is. You must ensure that your Contest Condition can be adjusted to the best.

Xia Yan was a little surprised when he looked at the steaming breakfast on the table.

"You did it?"

Pulled out the chair and sat down, picked up a sandwich, took a bite and found that the taste was not bad.

"No, it's made by Aunt Misaki next door. When I'm here, Misaki Normal will bring me food." Cynthia said a little embarrassedly.

Xia Yan was stunned.


Cynthia is such a good-looking, strong, capable, and rich existence. If she can solve the problems of living and eating by herself, it is abnormal.

"Here, you said my Glaceon Ability is Xue Yin?" Cynthia asked, pointing to some of Xia Yan's descriptions on the paper.

"Yes, in the blizzard of Mt. Coronet yesterday, Glaceon's body showed looming and vague changes. It's just that he just evolved and he didn't know enough about his abilities, so it wasn't obvious." Xia Yan took a sip. He said after warming the milk.

Every morning, if someone brings you breakfast, and you can add a glass of hot milk, you will have enough energy for the day.

Cynthia nodded thoughtfully.

The "Xueyin" ability is good, but how to match her other Pokémons and integrate into her lineup and system is also a big problem.

It was a test of her personal abilities.

"Glaceon is good at special attack?"

"Yes, Glaceon's special attack is very strong, it will be very good, if you pair it with a few suitable Pokémon, it will be a very good special attack. Of course, this is something you need to consider."

Glaceon's special attack ability is very good, and with the "Snow Hidden" ability, he will become a very good special attack player for the snow team.

However, looking at the rest of Cynthia's Pokémon, it is obviously unrealistic to reorganize the Snow Team for Glaceon, and Cynthia's Trump Card Gabite is the first to not adapt.

"Hmm." Cynthia nodded.

This is indeed an issue that needs to be seriously considered.

But judging from the few Pokémon she has now, Gabite and Lucario are both physical attackers, Spiritomb can act as a meat shield with her excellent Attribute matching and a decent double defense ability, and Roselia is a part-time controller for recovery.

So Glaceon, the special attacker, can make up for the lack of Cynthia very well.

In the past, Spiritomb, who was a part-time attacker, can now also focus on becoming a meat shield.

Spiritomb, as a Pokémon of the evil and Ghost types, has no weaknesses until the Fairy type does not appear.

Coupled with the characteristic moves it can master, such as Curse, Destiny Bond, Pain Split, Foul Play, etc., it cannot be a pure meat shield, but it can be used as a starting point for defensive counterattacks.

"I'm done eating."

After eating, Xia Yan stood up.

"Going out?" Cynthia was a little surprised.

There will be a trial tomorrow, should you adjust the Contest Condition more today?

"Well, I would like to visit Mt. Coronet again." Xia Yan nodded.

Adjust Contest Condition?

Not required.

They just came out of the different dimension of Regigigas, the Contest Condition is not too good, and there is no need to strengthen it, there is not enough time, just keep it well now.

"Want me to accompany you?" Cynthia asked.

Xia Yan waved his hand, "No need."

After saying that, he opened the door and walked out.


The sun was shining, the wind was bright, and a white satin-like curtain fluttered overhead.

This is a special phenomenon formed above Celestic Town by the blowing snow from Mt. Coronet, driven and isolated by the airflow.

Throw the Poké Ball and summon Yongjira.



Yongjira understood, his eyes flashed blue light, and he pointed at the spoon, and took Xia Yan to use Teleport to disappear into Celestic Town.

When he reappeared, he was already in the snow on Mt. Coronet.

It was here yesterday, Yongjira's spoon, that reacted.

It's just that because the main goal of yesterday was not this, there was no exploration.

In fact, even today, Xia Yan is more prepared to explore the way.

Tomorrow is the time when the trials will gather, and it is too rushed.

Today, it is more about finding and determining a general scope, and then doing further investigation and exploration after the trial is over.

Throw the Poké Ball again to summon Beedrill, Togetic.

Doublade also emerged from his shadow.

I saw the strength of wild Pokémon on Mt. Coronet yesterday, and Xia Yan didn't dare to care about it, so he simply summoned all the main Pokémon.

And Cherrim, who also got out of Xia Yan's inner pocket.

It curled up under the snow, and could only barely see a small mouth.

"Let's go, pay attention to the surroundings." Xia Yan urged, and began to walk in the snow.

The path taken today is almost the exact opposite of yesterday.

Yesterday the main direction was on the back of Mt. Coronet, and today it is on the front of Mt. Coronet.

Yongjira stirred the Psychic, driving the spoon, which flickered on and off.

And as they walked in the right direction, the shimmering light on the spoon became more and more obvious.

"There is no problem with the direction, but no matter where you go here, the induction of the spoon is weakening, that is to say."

After walking for a long time, Xia Yan finally reached the point where a spoonful of shimmer stopped.

He looked at the snow and ice that stood in front of him.

"Is it in there?"


"Beer beer."

Beedrill stepped forward and Twineedle chopped an X-Scissor.

ka ka ka-

Accompanied by a large amount of snow and the breaking of ice, as well as the small Avalanche brought up when the snow rolled, under the support of Yongjila's Psychic, a dark, ice-crystal prism-covered figure appeared in Xia Yan's sight. cave.

The cave is not small. It was covered with thick ice and snow before. With the thickness of the snow, no one has approached it for many years.

"That's it."

Looking at the cave that leads to the depths of Mt. Coronet without end, Xia Yan hesitated slightly.

Looking at the sky, it is not too early.

And this cave is obviously not something that can be explored all at once.


Suddenly, a bright white icy beam shot out from the cave, and Doublade, who was the closest to protecting Xia Yan, reacted immediately.

A sword suddenly swung out, a huge blue phantom wrapped in a faint cyan Cal, Fury Cutter and Sacred Sword!

In a desperate situation, Doublade subconsciously used this combination move that was not very successful.

The "Aurora Beam" shot from the opposite side was also successfully stopped by Doublade.

When I followed the source of the attack, I saw Icirrus, a huge blue ice crystal prism.


(End of this chapter)

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