The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 425 Sandstorm (2/10)

Chapter 425 Sandstorm of the half-baked (210)

Bury him!

Now that there are no constraints from the three Elite rescues, Xia Yan doesn't have to worry anymore.

Others want to kill themselves.


If he doesn't return it, he'll be annoyed.

Moreover, looking at him like this, it is really possible that he is an Elite Four currently serving in the Sinnoh Region, the grandson of Ryuichi Hoshino.

Now that their contradictions cannot be resolved, instead of facing the hostility of the active Elite Four after leaving this alien space, it is better to kill all possibilities here!

Although his words were light, in the quiet environment here, it was not difficult to hear.

When Hoshino Ryuzaki heard the words of Xia Yan Power Trip, he was immediately angry.

"Who do you think you are? You're just a reptile from the bottom of society!"

Not to be outdone, he responded, but his movements were not slow at all, and the Poké Ball on his waist continued to flash.

In the red light, four Pokémon appeared again.

Among them, standing at the front is a body shaped like a rockery. The main body is five navy blue stones. There are many orange crystal stones with sharp edges and corners distributed on it. Pupil's Pokémon.

Rock Pokémon, Gigalith!

And with the appearance of Gigalith, in the originally peaceful ruins desert, a large tract of sand and dust was raised again, quickly forming a Sandstorm.

Gigalith of the Sand Ability.

Along with it, there are Cianwood water system and Ground system Pokémon Quagsire, Gliscor suspended in the air and covered in silver gray, Heliolisk, the lizard whose upper part is Black and whose lower part is golden, and the last one that surrounds Hoshino Dragon The Flygon on the rugged side.

If you add Excadrill, who was defeated by Doublade in the previous sneak attack, these six Pokémon are a proper Sandstorm lineup!

With the appearance of Gigalith, Sandstorm became very rich, and the remaining Pokémon of Hoshino Ryuzaki also seemed to complement each other in Sandstorm.

In Sandstorm weather, non-Ground, Rock and Steel Pokémon will take continuous damage, and Pokémon with different abilities will complement each other with Sandstorm weather. Rock Pokémon can also get a lot of special defense bonuses.

The Sandstorm Ability's Gigalith is the weather player for the entire Sandstorm team. After he successfully activates the Sandstorm weather, his role will be transformed into a meat shield and a support for scattering rocks.

Quagsire's Ability should be water storage. When attacked by water-type moves, not only will it not be injured, but it will also be able to restore its own HP. In addition, the combination of water-type and Ground-type attributes, as well as its excellent Species Strength distribution and advantageous Physical strength is an absolute joint defense hand and meat shield.

Gliscor's Ability, sandy, will become elusive in the weather of Sandstorm, reducing the enemy's attack hit rate, thereby improving its own survival rate, and Gliscor's moves, Species Strength and other characteristics can make it an excellent first. Two attack.

The ability of Heliolisk is also Sand Shadow. Its main function is to prevent the rain team Pokémon from the most restrained Sandstorm team. Heliolisk, as the electricity and normal type, can not only restrain the water type Pokémon, but also can be used as a special attacker.

Although the last Flygon ability is floating and not fully integrated into the Sandstorm system, as a Ground-type and dragon-type Pokémon, even without the blessing of Sandstorm weather, it will also be Xia Yan's most fearful point.

If you add the Excadrill, which is the most open to the bottom, the team is almost complete.

Sandstorm's Excadrill will double its speed in Sandstorm. With Sword Dance and its already excellent physical attack attribute, he is the first physical attacker in the Sandstorm team.

When Xia Yan saw these Pokémons, even if they hadn't fought them yet, he had a good idea of ​​the abilities these Pokémons possessed, their role in the overall team, and the moves that each Pokémon should master.

Team Sandstorm.

He was all too familiar.

Once one of his favorite weather teams.

He knew exactly what each of these Pokémon were supposed to do.

I have to admit that Ryuzaki Hoshino, as the grandson of the active Elite Four Ryuichi Hoshino, has a great advantage over the rest of the Trainers when paired with his Pokémon.

Xia Yan also realized that after seeing the battle between Agatha and Pryce, he realized the combination of Pokémon and the core of the lineup.

As the grandson of Elite Four, Hoshino Ryuzaki obviously won't hide these things from his Elite Four grandfather.

The lineup is built early, and it only needs to be continuously deepened and cultivated. When it is quasi-Elite or even Elite, it will naturally be able to play its greatest role.

But Xia Yan shook his head, "Unfortunately."


After Hoshino Ryuzaki had summoned all the Pokémon, he was still very confident about the Pokémon that his grandfather helped him choose and how to match them.

Especially for some Trainers who don't have enough background, this kind of combination can be called "Mew".

Maybe some people don't understand the role of several Pokémon's Ability in Sandstorm weather, and the enhancement of ability.

Although none of these Pokémon was his favorite, only Flygon was his own choice among the six Pokémon, while the rest were arranged by his Elite grandfather long ago.

But even so, he felt that with such a match, he should be invincible among his peers.

How did it become a pity when it came to Xia Yan's mouth?

Xia Yan raised his head calmly, and put his hand on Yong Gila's back. The Psychic of one Pokémon quickly completed the fusion, and Yong Gila also opened the Psychic Terrain at the first time.

"Unfortunately, as the only Excadrill with the 'Sand Removal' ability and the greatest threat to me, you gave away the first time, and the Sandstorm team's power was reduced by one-third."

Don't doubt the importance of the Excadrill of the "Sand-Pushing" Ability in the Sandstorm team, it is the first attack output player, second only to the weather player.

The strongest spear was given away?

"Do you understand?" Hoshino Ryuzaki frowned, looking at Xia Yan who was talking with a little surprise.

Obviously, Xia Yan's words hit the weak point in his heart.

After Yongjira's Psychic Terrain opened up, Beedrill and Doublade didn't hesitate to use Sword Dance to boost, Yongjila used Calm Mind, Togetic showed cunning, and Nasty Plot was successfully used.

Xia Yan continued to speak.

"It's a pity, the weather player is only Gigalith, not Benguilas. But if you think about it, your grandfather also thinks that you are still young. Benguilas is not suitable for being a quasi-god. The growth cycle is too slow. You're overusing Gigalith."

Every time he said a word, Hoshino Ryuzaki's complexion sank.

Because every sentence Xia Yan said hit the pain in his heart just right.

"It's a pity in the end, this is the Pokémon that you should choose for Flygon, right? Actually, you should listen to your grandfather and choose a Chansey with the 'Natural Recovery' ability, or a special attack damage with the 'Magic Defense' ability. "

Hoshino Ryuzaki's eyes slowly widened.

Forget the previous words, but when he heard the last sentence, he really couldn't help it.


Why does he know so much about himself?

Know yourself before?

Do not! Hoshino Ryuzaki was sure that he had not seen Xia Yan before.

That's it. He knows his Pokémon outfits very well!

The kind that may know better than himself, even comparable to his grandfather.

If Xia Yan knew what he was thinking, he would definitely laugh.

Comparable to his grandfather?

As far as his knowledge of Team Sandstorm is concerned, Xia Yan can unceremoniously say to everyone in the entire Pokémon world: Everyone here is garbage.

Slowly raising his head and saying so much, the Pokémon's Contest Condition and buffs are almost superimposed.

A Sandstorm team without Benguilas, no first-object attacker, no sand-moving ability, or even a qualified special attacker, can it be called a Sandstorm team?

"Half Sandstorm, watch me tear it down."

What is the weather team most afraid of?

Is Attribute restraint?

Do not.

It's the weather!

(End of this chapter)

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