The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 426 The Role Of The Core (3/10)

Chapter 426 The role of the core (310)

"Cherrim, Sunny Day."

Xia Yan said softly.


Cherrim nodded. He had already used this method against Hippopotas, and now he is ready to deal with him.

The sandstorm that was raging all around began to subside as the soft warmth of the sun burst over Cherrim.

"Pang Yan!!" Gigalith stepped on the ground with both feet, and used the "Sandstorm" move, raising Sandstorm, which was about to disappear completely, up again.

"Baby!!" Cherrim pouted, and Gigalith was deadlocked.

The weather also kept switching back and forth between Sunny Day and Sandstorm.

On the other side, after Cherrim pinned Gigalith, it became a battle between four Pokémon and four Pokémon.

Beedrill and Doublade attacked first, Sacred Sword aimed at Heliolisk, Fighting-type moves had an Attribute advantage over Electric-type and Normal-type Heliolisk, and Steel-type Doublade didn't have to worry about Sandstorm's influence.

As the only special attack Pokémon in the current Hoshino Ryuzaki team, Heliolisk is the biggest threat to Doublade, and the rest are all attack-type Pokémon, and the thing that Doublade is least afraid of is attack.

But Heliolisk was not to be outdone, and a surging electric current was aroused from its thin body to meet Doublade's Sacred Sword.

Beedrill stopped Flygon who was trying to come to the rescue. As the Trump Card in the two teams, he had already met his eyes before, and in a few simple tentative collisions, Beedrill consciously controlled the movement of the battlefield position. .

Gliscor also tried to intervene in the battlefield, but was stopped by the thrown Water Pulse, and the small eyes of Togetic stuck on his waist had already locked on it.

Quagsire, the closest to Heliolisk, provided immediate support, and a turbid stream of water spewed out of his mouth, targeting Doublade.

As long as Doublade dares to attack Heliolisk despite its defense, then even if it hits Doublade, all it needs to face is Quagsire's Muddy Water and Heliolisk's Thunderbolt.

Such an exchange is not a loss for Hoshino Ryuzaki.

However, these four Pokémons have already played. Among Xia Yan's four, Yongjira, who is the core, has not yet played a role!

The core, may not fully represent the output.

In this sudden moment.

The Beedrill's wings that fought against the Flygon fanned the airflow, and the body Rapid Spin used the "Retaliation Shield" that had not been used for a long time.

In less than a second, the invisible Psychic wrapped Beedrill and Doublade, and the two Pokémon instantly switched positions.

Ally Switch!

As a result of the exchange, Beedrill's counterattack shield successfully intercepted Quagsire's Muddy Water and Heliolisk's Thunderbolt, because Beedrill moved his position intentionally before, and now Doublade and Ally switch, the position is just right behind Heliolisk .

Fury Cutter plus Sacred Sword!

Bang! !

The phantom of the huge blue sword body, with the power brought by the combination of Fury Cutter and Sacred Sword, smashed Heliolisk's back, and smashed the Thunderbolt that had just released it before it had time to react, and smashed it directly to the ground.

The second sword that followed.

boom! ! !

And then the third sword!

It was only then that Flygon realized that his Rival had been exchanged, and when he saw his companion Heliolisk being attacked, he was furious, and in his clenched teeth, purple flames were ready to go.

The third sword could not fall, but it was enough.

Yongjira's eyes flashed again, and he continued to use the Ally Switch, but this time the objects of the exchange were Togetic and Doublade.


The dark purple Dragon Pulse spit out from Flygon's mouth. Although it is not the best at special attack, its special attack ability is not weak. Besides, the special attack type Dragon Pulse will cause considerable damage to Doublade, whose special defense is very weak.

However, it was Togetic who accepted its Dragon Pulse baptism.

Under the impact of Long Yan, Togetic was unmoved.

If it is a dragon-type move of the physical attack type, Togetic may still hide it, but the dragon-type move of the special attack type.

Sorry, push harder.


‘Didn’t eat? ’

Togetic unleashes the artificial "Taunt" again.

"how is this possible?!"

The most surprised to see this scene was undoubtedly Hoshino Ryuzaki. He couldn't believe that Flygon's Dragon Pulse could not cause any damage to Togetic.

Hang up?

Yet the battle continued.

Doublade, who swapped positions with Togetic, faced Drapion.

Beedrill also successfully blocked Muddy Water and Thunderbolt's attacks after finishing the Shield of Return.

Quagsire's speed is slow, and it is purely a joint defense and a meat shield. It is not a threat to the speed-sensitive Beedrill. Heliolisk, who released Thunderbolt, is still in the Contest Condition where Doublade's two swords hit the ground, and he has not recovered.


Beedrill's wings twitched and he charged towards Heliolisk.

tuk tuk-

Quagsire's advance was blocked by Yongjira's Psycho Cut.

Xia Yan glanced at him and was still immersed in the shock of Flygon's Dragon Pulse being resisted by the Togetic "flesh", and decided to give him a surprise.

The clenched hands suddenly burst out with colorful lights, and the same goes for Beedrill on the way to fly.

"Mega Evolution!"

Mega Evolution can't be exposed to the eyes of others yet.

Unless it's a dead person.

Xia Yanlian used this trick just to show his determination.

Must bury him today!

Otherwise, your future life will not be better.

"What is this?! Can Beedrill evolve again?!"

Hoshino Ryuzaki's three views have been refreshed again.

Not only did he see a Togetic that was immune to Flygon Dragon Pulse today, but he also saw a Beedrill that could evolve for the third time.

Mega Beedrill completed the evolution in an instant on the way to Flying. Beedrill, who has used Mega evolution several times, is very familiar with his current Contest Condition. The mechanically charged wings vibrate, and the speed increases sharply. Heliolisk, who has just stood up on the ground, is A Fell Stinger!

Fell Stinger, who triggered the Resilience Ability, successfully harvested Heliolisk.

So far, Hoshino Ryuzaki's second Pokémon has lost.

This is the core role of field control.

What? Yongjila didn't play a big role?

The layout is small.

Its Ally Switch connected the audience.

Good news came one after another.

Togetic, who was unmoved by the Dragon Pulse after eating Flygon, simply ignored it, and the Quagsire on the ground was Magical Leaf.

Quagsire is a good match for Pokémon water and Ground, but its only weakness is quadruple weak grass.

After Togetic used Nasty Plot to boost itself, Magical Leaf dealt huge damage to Quagsire, and was very lucky to trigger the additional effect of Razor Fang, and fell into the cringe Contest Condition.

Yong Gila, who had already faced off against Quagsire and watched the audience at the same time, naturally would not miss such an opportunity.

Although it is the core of field control, it can also part-time special attack output.

After all, with boosts such as Psychic Terrain, Bending Spoon, Life Orb, and Calm Mind, they are not very good at dealing with special defenses. It is not Quagsire that Rock-type Pokémon has not received the special defense of Sandstorm weather, it is not easy to squeeze.

A few consecutive Psycho Cuts completed the fill-up.

The battlefield is changing rapidly, just a few breaths, the Sandstorm team that Hoshino Ryuzaki is proud of, with the cooperation of Xia Yan's several Pokémon, was torn apart in an instant.

Yongjira's Psychic Terrain, Ally Switch control field, Togetic control and immunity to dragon-type moves, Doublade's excellent physical defense and the combination of Fury Cutter and Sacred Sword, which is more and more comfortable to use, and finally Beedrill after Mega evolution.


It's really like a normal, when Hoshino Ryuzaki can't react, the battle is almost over.

(End of this chapter)

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