The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 475 It's Time For Insect Monkeys (2 In 1)

Chapter 475 It's Time for Insect Monkeys (2 in 1)

Celestic Town.

When we returned to Celestic Town, it was already night.

As usual, Xia Yan still lived in Cynthia's house, and she was the only one in the empty house. The mustard professor was away all year round and rarely went home, so Cynthia didn't go home very often.

Although physically and mentally exhausted, physical hunger cannot be tolerated.

After eating dry food for a month in the different space of Regigigas, and after entering the different space of Groudon, he ate for more than ten days. Rao Shi Xia Yan had no requirements for eating this thing. After seeing the fresh ingredients placed regularly in the stove and refrigerator, I can't even move my feet.

To be honest, after eating dry food for so long, his mouth almost faded out.

Must have a delicious meal today!

No one comes!

But looking clean like a brand-new kitchen appliance, you don't have to think about it, Cynthia definitely won't do anything to eat.

It's okay to let her make coffee, but it's really embarrassing for her to cook.

I have lived with my grandmother kale since I was a child. Like kale, a professor who studies mythology and history, it’s good not to forget to eat, and can I cook?

It's not bad to dream.

There is nothing in a dream.

Cynthia also grew up busy with her studies and getting along with Pokémon.

If it weren't for these relatives from Celestic Town, she would probably have had one meal but not the next when she was a child.


If you want to eat, you have to rely on yourself.

Xia Yan took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and put on his apron skillfully.

Don't doubt the ability of a bachelor who has lived alone for over twenty years.

Can go through walls.

The only good thing is that although Cynthia doesn't cook, all kinds of facilities at home are still very complete.

Looking at Xia Yan's actions, Cynthia showed surprise.

"You still cook?"

"Hum--Afraid?" Xia Yan replied smugly.


Cynthia couldn't help laughing, and quickly covered her mouth and shook her head, but she seemed to realize that she shouldn't be shaking her head, so she nodded immediately.

"What do you want to eat?" Xia Yan ignored her actions.

"Hmm." Cynthia mused.

Press the forehead.

Shouldn't have asked, and subconsciously forgot that Cynthia is a dyslexic.

"The weather is cold, so udon noodles are the most suitable, and the noodles are naturally served with tempura, right?"

Cynthia's face flushed a little, and she replied in a weak mosquito voice, "Yeah."

Seasonal food.

Xia Yan turned and walked into the kitchen.

"Oh, by the way, these little guys, please help me take care of them for a while."

With that said, in the flashing red light, several of Xia Yan's Pokémon appeared in the room, including Chimchar who had just joined the team.

There has been no chance before, Chimchar has not played much.

This is the first time it has come to the world outside the different dimension. When it saw the scene in the room, it was stunned and at a loss.

There was Togetic by his side, introducing Chimchar to these new objects.

"Chimchar, you just conquered?" Cynthia saw Chimchar, who was looking around curiously but cautiously, her eyes slightly brightened.

She still knows what Xia Yan's main Pokémon are.

As the three fire family in Sinnoh Region, she is no stranger to Pokémon like Chimchar.

"An excellent Pokémon."

With her knowledge and cognition of Chimchar, a Pokémon, it is not difficult to judge whether Xia Yan, this Chimchar, is excellent or not.

"Well." Xia Yan Solaceon's echoing voice came from the kitchen.

For Chimchar's Contest Condition, he has not done a careful study and thought, but also wants to see if Cynthia, a native of Sinnoh, can give him some constructive opinions and suggestions on cultivating Chimchar, so that he can leave less. some detours.

Cynthia waved at Togetic and Chimchar.

"Chaco--" Togetic was still very fond of Cynthia, and when he saw her calling, he fell into her arms.

Chimchar was still a little unfamiliar with Cynthia, even if Togetic came first, he just came to Cynthia and didn't take a step forward.


Togetic rolled on the sofa, teased by Cynthia.

Chimchar is also slowly adapting to the new environment. He didn't feel the slightest malice from Cynthia, and gradually accepted the existence of Cynthia.

"Introduce you to a new friend."

Cynthia smiled and wiped her waist, and in the red light flashing, a petite and lovely Togepi appeared on the sofa.

"Chaco?" Togetic was stunned when he saw Togepi, staring blankly at it.

"It's just right."

Togepi didn't respond much better than Togetic.

Pokémons like Togetic are always rare, whether it is Xia Yan's Togetic or Cynthia's Togepi, it is the first time to see the same kind.

For a while, I was a little overwhelmed.

Togetic slammed into the kitchen and dragged Xia Yan out.


'Look, look at that! ’

"I know, I know, Cynthia's Togepi, don't scare people, get along well, you can impart some of your experience to it." Xia Yan said something and went back to the kitchen.

Tempura is very fragile, so you need to keep an eye on the heat at all times.

Pass on experience?

Togetic's eyes light up.

It's good at this!

You have to teach it your best moves!

He flew back to the sofa again and stood in front of Togepi.

Two Pokémon, big eyes staring at small eyes.






It seems to have become a kinship meeting.

Togetic and Togepi quickly got to know each other, pulling Chimchar up and down in the living room, Chimchar's restrained appearance was relieved a lot by them.

"It's very familiar."

Not long after, Xia Yan came out with two steaming bowls of udon noodles.

Udon noodles can be regarded as the most popular food in regions such as Sinnoh Region, which are relatively cold in the north.

Cynthia sat on the chair like a little girl, her white nose twitched slightly and her eyes flickered.

"It's fragrant and delicious."


After Xia Yan arranged the energy cubes for a few Pokémons, he also sat down on the chair and ate without hesitation.

When eating noodles, there was a lot of noise, but it didn't arouse Cynthia's dissatisfaction.

If it weren't for her instinctive restraint, she might be eating noodles as loudly as Xia Yan.

This bowl of noodles definitely deserves the sound.


The big bowl of udon noodles, Cynthia ate it all without falling to the ground.

This has exceeded her original appetite.

There is no doubt that Xia Yan's craftsmanship is really good.

"Just in time, after dinner, I want to ask something about Chimchar's cultivation." Xia Yan said.

"Well, I don't have Infernape, so I don't really know much, but I can give you a copy of the experience summed up by Sinnoh's Chimchar Trainer over the years."

Xia Yan's eyes lit up.

It's this kind of thing.

"By the way, what is your Chimchar Ability?" Cynthia asked with some doubts, "Like 'Iron Fist' but not like 'Iron Fist'."

"It's 'fire fire'."

Cynthia suddenly said, "'Rapid Fire'? But its talent in boxing moves is very good, and it can be further developed."

"Well, I think so too."


The fingertips pressed on a piece of paper and pushed it in front of Xia Yan.

"This is."

"The information I roughly collected through observation and judgment just now may be of some help to you."

Xia Yan looked down.

Pokémon: Chimchar

gender: male

Attribute: Fire

Ability: Blazing Fire

Strength Assessment: Excellent

Genetic moves: Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Fake Out, Power-Up Punch (the rest are unknown for now)

Mastery moves: Grab, Leer, Ember, Taunt, Flame Wheel, Nasty Plot

Suggested studies: Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Iron Tail, Low Kick.

Suggested development direction:

There are many things in it, which coincide with Xia Yan.

But Xia Yan knew when he saw "Fake Out" among Chimchar's genetic moves.

Everything started to sour.


It's time for insect monkeys to be born.

As we all know, a nickname of "the first tiger in the universe" Incineroar is called "Insect Tiger", and it can also be jokingly called "What does the fire-type move have to do with my insect tiger?"

It is because Incineroar has a very powerful and special combination.

U-Turn plus Fake Out.

If the Pokémon pairing is reasonable enough, it will become a very, very disgusting existence.

But in fact, Incineroar's combination of moves first started with .


Infernape can also learn the two moves U-Turn and Fake Out. The key is whether it can inherit Fake Out. If it is inherited, then Infernape can learn U-Turn to combine with it.

And Infernape also has an advantage over Incineroar.

Because of its faster speed, although it is slightly lacking in offensive ability, Infernape is better at the dual-blade ability of physical attack and special attack, and the learning of the double-benefit moves of "Nasty Plot" and "Sword Dance", combined with a large amount of learning. Practical and multi-Attribute moves can make its attack wider.

It is different.

Such a combination is just disgusting in the game, it is still a turn-based game, and in the real Pokémon world, it will only be more disgusting.

think about it.

If paired with a "Baton Pass" Pokémon that is also fast enough as a support, keep using buffs, Baton Pass, Fake Out, U-Turn, buffs, Baton Pass.

Infernape even needs only two moves to "shoot" the opponent alive.

Therefore, when Xia Yan saw that Cynthia concluded that Chimchar's moves included "Fake Out", he knew that from this moment on, things began to change.

Xia Yan has no doubts about the Chimchar genetic moves that Cynthia observed.

In Breeder's house, there is an assessment indicator, which is to judge some moves that Pokémon has mastered based on observation of Pokémon. The number of moves that need to be judged for different levels of assessment is different.

Xia Yan can judge some moves mastered by some Pokémon based on some knowledge of Pokémon.

He hasn't learned much about Pokémon like Chimchar, so he's a little uncertain, but Cynthia's understanding of Pokémon like Chimchar is undoubtedly much deeper than his.


When it is completely stabilized, Xia Yan will still test the moves he has mastered with Chimchar.

Not only to know what it will do, but also to know how well he has mastered these moves, and based on the test results, plan the training method for the next period of time.

Since he promised Chimchar to make it stronger, he couldn't break his promise.

"Very constructive suggestion." Xia Yan stared at the paper for a long time and sighed.

Cynthia smiled, "It's good to have Help."

Last time, Xia Yan helped her evolve Glaceon, and gave her a full sheet of paper on Glaceon's abilities, training methods, and suggestions.

Compared with the detailed data given by Xia Yan, she is very concise.

"Then while you still have some time, let me help you take a look at your Togepi." Xia Yan said.

There are back and forth, in order to keep this friendly exchange going.

"Would you like to take a break first?"

Looking at Xia Yan's visible fatigue, Cynthia asked politely.

"It's okay, soon." Xia Yan waved his hand.


Saying that, Cynthia hugged Togepi.


The little Togepi looked ignorant and was handed over to Xia Yan by Cynthia.

Because Xia Yan has a Pokémon like Togepi, in order to better cultivate Togepi, he also read through a lot of information and found a lot of data.

So as soon as you touch Cynthia's Togepi, you can feel a lot.

"It seems that the food before being subdued is good, and the weight is a little heavy." Xia Yan said with a smile.


Togepi looked at Xia Yan, and when he heard someone say he was heavy, he couldn't hold back.

However, before it showed fullness, Xia Yan put his hand on the connection between Togepi's carapace and his head, and gently dialed his fingers.


Togepi groaned suddenly, squinting his eyes showing a comfortable look, the sharp corners on his head trembled, it was really cute.

Looking at Xia Yan's actions, Cynthia's eyes lit up.

Understand that Xia Yan is telling her that this is the most comfortable place to massage Togepi.


'I also want! ’

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan's Togetic immediately squeezed into Xia Yan's arms and sat on his lap with Togepi.

"Good good-"

For Togetic's request for a massage, he never refused.

Giving a Pokémon a massage not only relaxes their spirits and relieves their fatigue, but also helps to boost their energy circulation and reduce the chance of injury.

"Just 咿~~"*:(`):*

"Just 咿~~"*:(`):*

Seeing the expressions of the two little guys, Cynthia covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Almost, I understand the general situation." Xia Yan said.

Then just like Cynthia, I made a simple form and gave some suggestions.

Pokémon: Togepi

gender: male

Attribute: Normal department

Ability: Grace

Strength Assessment: Excellent

Genetic moves: Mirror Move, Foresight, Nasty Plot, Lucky Chant (the rest are unknown for now)

Mastery moves: Growl, Charm, Metronome, Encore, Follow Me, Wish

Suggested studies: Thunder Wave, Heal Bell, Toxic, Protect, Grass Knot, Return.

Suggested development direction:

Speaking of which, Cynthia's Togepi is a male, Xia Yan's Togetic is a female, he made up his mind.

Let these two Pokémons communicate less in the future.

But look at the sofa.

Togetic looks like a "boss", Togepi looks like a "little brother"

I guess he thought too much.

Xia Yan's Togetic is still very arrogant.

It is estimated that very few can overcome it.

Cynthia's Togepi has not awakened to the Fairy system, and its position and responsibilities in the Cynthia team are still somewhat different from Togetic's position and responsibilities in Xia Yan's team, so Xia Yan's suggestion to Cynthia The matching moves will also be different.

Of course, if it evolves into Togekiss, it will remain the same.

Tianen aircraft is invincible!

Cynthia took the information and suggestions written by Xia Yan, and said sincerely: "Thank you."


In 30 days this month, I added 35w words, which is considered a "small" goal.

So, it's decided, ten more tomorrow! Try to keep it in December, ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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