The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

476 The Location Selected By Xia Yan (1/10)

Chapter 476: Xia Yan's Selected Location (110)

A wrecked ship speeding on the sea.

It's the lava team.

Maxie, who received the news of the arrival of the Alliance reinforcements from Old Bill in advance, made a decisive decision and gave up some members of the Lava Team who were too late to return from the different space, and broke out abruptly before the Alliance reinforcements completely surrounded them. made a gap and successfully retreated.

But in any case, the loss of the Lava team this time is absolutely huge, and it has even reached the level of injury.

The top executive alone lost one, and the executive and elite captains also lost a lot, not to mention the ordinary members. Those who were arranged to enter the different dimension were all those with outstanding strength.

It can be said that the Lava Team has definitely suffered a loss in terms of personnel this time.

Yet it doesn't stop there.

The two powerhouses who were invited to delay the Elite Four also paid a very high price.

This kind of consumption has been accumulated by the Lava Team for many years, and it is still a bit too much to bear.

the most important is.

Courtney, who collected the fragments of Primal Groudon's carapace, failed to come out of the alien space with the things, which made this series of actions of the Lava team seem to be useless.


Maxie standing on the bow was a little embarrassed, but the eyes under the glasses were very bright.

In the hands behind him, he pinched a dark red fragment the size of his thumb.

Primal Groudon's Carapace Fragments!

Others thought he was a failure, but in his opinion, he was a success.

Fingertips rubbed against the uneven lines on the fragments, and the corners of his mouth slowly curved.


Celestic Town.

"Don't you stay for two more days?" Cynthia looked at Xia Yan, who had rested for a night and had completely recovered, and pursed her lips and asked hesitantly.

Xia Yan glanced at the sun that was about to be directly overhead, and said with a smile: "I'm going to Solaceon Town, not far from Celestic Town, you can come to me anytime if you have anything, I should stay there for a while."

Solaceon Town is at the foot of the mountain to the east of Mt. Coronet, not far from Celestic Town. At the Flying speed of Cynthia Pokémon, it is estimated that it can be reached in one or two hours at most.

If you look at it this way, you can even be considered a neighbor.

That's right.

Xia Yan's first target was Solaceon Town, a ranch town at the foot of Mt. Coronet.

Celestic Town is also good, but most of the people living in Celestic Town are relatives of Cynthia, and the number is too small, limited by the geographical environment, and it is too difficult to develop.

And with Celestic Town's historical status in the Sinnoh Region, it is estimated that Sinnoh Alliance will not agree to Xia Yan's request to establish a gym in Celestic Town.

But Solaceon Town is different.

It is a ranch-type town that is gradually declining, and it retains enough infrastructure, such as the Pokémon center, the Alliance store, etc., but the economy is not very developed, but the advantage is that the ground is large enough and there is a lot of room for improvement.

Most importantly, both Celestic Town and Solaceon Town are close to Mt. Coronet.

And what Mt. Coronet represents is rich resources, whether it is property resources or Pokémon resources, which can attract a lot of tourists to a certain extent and increase the economic income of Solaceon Town, the premise is to make certain Change, bring something that can be more appealing.

In this regard, Xia Yan also has some plans. If it is done properly, it can make Solaceon Town's popularity soar in a short period of time.

And Solaceon Town has the largest Breeder house in the entire Sinnoh Region, which is also a direction worth operating.

Xia Yan, who has been to Solaceon Town, also has a preliminary consideration for this town.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the entire Sinnoh Region, there should be no more suitable place for his precipitation and development than Solaceon Town.

Of course, the premise of all of this is that Xia Yan must first be recognized by the Sinnoh Alliance, and successfully pass the assessment of the gym owner, and become a qualified person to build his own gym.

And the next "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition" is a way for him to get the opportunity to be assessed.

"Solaceon Town?"

Hearing that Xia Yan said to stay in Solaceon Town for a while, Cynthia nodded slightly.

Not far from Celestic Town indeed.

The Breeder House in Solaceon Town is very famous, and Cynthia also buys some Pokémon food from time to time, or temporarily fosters Pokémon.


"Then I will go to you after I finish the first phase of the run-in training, and then help me to see if there is any room for improvement in Glaceon and Togepi," Cynthia said.

For now, in the entire Pokémon world, no one should have more say in Glaceon than Xia Yan.

"no problem."

Anyway, Du said that he will come after the work is done, and one more Cynthia is not too much.

After speaking, Xia Yan summoned Yanmega, stepped on its back, and waved at Cynthia.

"Then I'll go first."

Under the watch of Cynthia, Xia Yan rode the Yanmega and went away quickly, following the Mt. Coronet mountain range all the way down, and after passing through a thick fog area, he came to the outside of Celestic Town again.

The winter just passed, the snow and ice gradually melted, the vegetation sprouts green shoots, and a vibrant agricultural town appeared in front of him.

Compared to the last time I came, the current Solaceon Town is a bit more angry.

Xia Yan did not enter Solaceon Town directly.

Instead, it stopped at the junction of the foot of Mt. Coronet and Solaceon Town.

A place he had considered beforehand.

Dense vegetation, because this is the east side of Mt. Coronet, so the sun is much more abundant than the west side, so both vegetation and wild Pokémon are more active.

Surrounded by rugged rock piles on three sides, in the middle is a small low-lying area with very dense vegetation. Few people come to this place, so the number of wild Pokémon is high, but it also makes the land here very fertile.

Solaceon Town is a remote and sparsely populated place, and it is a place where even the residents of Solaceon Town are not very close.

Xia Yan took out a lot of Poké Balls.

The Pokémon he carried on his body was already quite bulky, and he had to find a place to put them, otherwise it would take a lot of time and resources to arrange them every day.

Regardless of whether the Sinnoh Alliance can pass his application or not, this place is not bad even as a temporary storage place.

The Froslass family was summoned first.

He also took back all the Pokémons that were stored in the Celestic Town forest.

Froslass and her three Snorunt children, Xia Yan arranged for them to live on the side closest to Mt. Coronet, and at the same time placed a "Millennium Ice", as long as a few days of precipitation, this place will be the most suitable for them. living environment.

And there is "Millennium Ice", and ice-type Pokémon like Abomasnow and Vanilluxe can also live in the same area.

After a short time in the Celestic Town forest, Froslass, Abomasnow, and Vanilluxe are all familiar with Pokémon, so don't worry about any conflicts.

With the placement of these ice-type Pokémon, Xia Yan began to place the Pokémon he carried one by one according to his own planning and the environmental requirements of different Pokémon.


Today's tenth update, according to the usual practice, I will send a few manuscripts first, and the rest will be sent after they are written~~ Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket~~ For the sake of the explosion and last month's update of 35w words~~

(End of this chapter)

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