The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 478 Is It A Dream? (3/10)

Chapter 478 Is it a dream? (310)

Body of Fire Ability.

In addition to burning the touched Pokémon in battle, falling into the burning Contest Condition, there is also a more practical role in daily life, accelerating the hatching of Pokémon eggs.

To this end, Xia Yan caught a few flaming cockroaches of the Flame Body Ability, as an incubator for his Pokémon ranch, speeding up the pace of ranch development.

And this powerful but sleeping Volcarona, Ability is also a flame body.


Will the same Ability have the same effect on different Pokémon?


Obviously not the same.

Take Beedrill for example.

Its Ability is the Snipe Shot hand. When it just evolved, it will be the same as it is now, using and developing the Snipe Shot Hand Ability, and even triggering the Snipe Shot Hand Ability. Is it right?

Say Togetic.

Its Ability is God's grace. When Xia Yan was training Togetic, the most common thing he said was to let Togetic feel the changes when Ability was triggered, to grasp and find that feeling, and gradually become familiar with it.

Ability is an ability of Pokémon, but whether it can be developed to the maximum extent also requires training and learning.

The same is true.

Both are the abilities of the body of flame, and Volcarona's body of flame must be different from the body of flame ability of the flaming cockroach.

At the very least, Volcarona's Fire Body ability should have a stronger effect on the accelerated hatching of Pokémon eggs.

And Xia Yan's dragon-type Pokémon egg won't take too long to get it.

It's been almost two months.

Not to mention hatching, there is not even the hatching time displayed on the incubator.

The lifespan of dragon-type Pokémon is top-notch among all Attribute Pokémon. Xia Yan has a multi-dragon Bartto who has lived for tens of thousands of years.

Although Duolong Bartto can live for so long is because of some arrangements of the ancients and its Ghost-type Attribute.

But it is undeniable that the longevity of Dragon Pokémon is long.

This has also led to an increase in the difficulty of dragon-type Pokémon having offspring.

Also, Dragon-type Pokémon eggs take longer to hatch than other Pokémon.

Another point is that the richer the dragon bloodline in the Pokémon egg, the longer the incubation time.

Xia Yan didn't know how long his dragon-type Pokémon egg had been in the dragon's nest in "Meteor", let alone how long it would take to hatch.

Even Doron Bartto doesn't know exactly when this Pokémon egg will hatch.

But today.

Inspired by Volcarona's "Fire Body", the hatching time of this Pokémon egg is finally displayed on the incubator.

"One year?"

Xia Yan frowned.

A year is too long for him. He has only been in the Pokémon world for a few months now, and he already has the strength of an elite trainer.

Even if the rate of improvement in strength will slow down later, Xia Yan felt that he should already have master-level strength after a year, and began to attack the quasi-Elite.

By then, this Pokémon egg hatches, and it will be a bit reluctant to catch up with Beedrill and their progress.

Even the current Chimchar, Xia Yan felt a little reluctant.

Doesn't that mean that even if it hatches, it can only become his second-tier Pokémon?

This made it a little difficult for him to accept.

Because in his plan, the Pokémon hatched by this Pokémon egg should become one of his main Pokémon.

Whether it is the Dragon Scale, Dragon Crystal, and the continuous influence of Duolong Bart used on it, it all shows that Xia Yan attaches great importance to it.

"No, it shouldn't take that long."

Xia Yan took the Pokémon egg from Doron Bartto's hand and approached the quiet Volcarona's cocoon on the ground.

The jumping numbers on the incubator are noticeably faster.

Xia Yan's brows were slightly loose, but fortunately, there was still help.

As expected of Volcarona, the body of flame effect is good.

According to this progress, if there is no accident, you can catch up with the last tail of Xia Yan's main team.

"Just don't know what Pokémon is."

Muttering, looking at Doron Bartto.


‘Don’t look at me, I’m not its mother, how do you know. ’

Doron Bart shook his head again and again.

Although it has become a "Pan Man", it doesn't know what the "Pick" it is.

"Okay, let's just draw the lottery."

Xia Yan also gave up speculation.

Sitting cross-legged next to Volcarona's cocoon, he took out another black, rounded oval object.

This is deducted from the solidified magma of the dead Volcano where Volcarona was born. If nothing else, it should be a Larvesta Pokémon egg, but it needs Alliance's technology to resurrect it.

with it.

Xia Yan took out another piece of gray-white fossil. From a certain angle, you can faintly see the shape of the head of Dragon Messiah.

Put two things together.


Doron Bartto groaned softly.

Xia Yan patted its head and said with relief: "Don't worry, it can be resurrected."

Now that Alliance has developed a device for resurrecting fossils, it is no surprise that both this Larvesta's egg and this Dragon Messiah can be resurrected.

Doron Bart nodded heavily.

It came out of the space of Regigigas for three things, the first is to complete the agreement with Xia Yan, the second is to complete the request to collect dragon crystals from Regigigas, and the third is to find his own tribe.

"Don't think too much, go straight to the bridge, today is a rest day, relax."

After speaking, Xia Yan lay down on the ground again with his head on his head.

Duolong Bartto curled his tail and lay beside Xia Yan.


A subtle snoring sounded from Xia Yan's body.

"here is?"

Xia Yan suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.

The surroundings were pitch black, and there was hardly anything substantial to see, only vague outlines.

Hazy, somewhat unreal.

Xia Yan frowned and shouted softly, "Duolong Bartto?"


The familiar response did not appear in Xia Yan's ears.

Not getting a response?

Xia Yan's heart sank instantly.

Now this phenomenon is absolutely abnormal, his consciousness is very clear, but he can't feel the existence of his Psychic, and all the Poké Balls on him have no response.

the most important is.

With the strength of Doron Bartto, he did not appear by his side.

Even Xia Yan didn't get any reminder from Duolong Bart.

The only good thing is that there is no danger for the time being.


As if to confirm Xia Yan's happiness, the surrounding environment gradually changed, and the original blurry scene also appeared in his sight little by little.

When Xia Yan saw the scene in front of him, his body completely froze, cold sweat broke out from his forehead, and his back was instantly soaked.

Here it is. Distortion World!

There are floating islands floating around, trees growing horizontally, and water flowing down.

the most important is.

The huge figure that stayed not far away.

The terrifying Pokémon that Xia Yan is known for.

Charon Dragon, Giratina!


As if feeling Xia Yan's sight, Giratina suddenly turned around.

Dark red eyes fell on him.

Xia Yan's hair all rose at this moment.

Biting coldness spread from the back of the body to the whole body.

Ho! !

Sit up suddenly.


Xia Yan stared, panting violently, his chest like a bellows.


Duolong Bart's doubtful voice sounded like sounds of nature to Xia Yan.

all of these.

Is it a dream?

But why is it so real?


The third one! Okay, the manuscript is gone, I'm going to start the current code~~ Everyone, don't wait, rest early. Finally, ask for a guaranteed monthly pass~~

(End of this chapter)

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