The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 479 There Is A Hammer Behind It! (4/10)

Chapter 479 There is a hammer behind it! (410)

"You look tired?"

In a corner of Mt. Coronet under the night, two figures appeared here.

The speaker was a woman with silver-blue hair, wearing a black robe, full-coverage sunglasses, and carrying a lot of high-tech equipment.

Her name is Joe Anna, a core member of the Hunter Guild.

As for Qiao Anna's "concern", Xia Yan didn't give any reply, just said blankly: "The things have been given to you, remember to credit the money to my account."

What Xia Yan said is naturally all the Pokémon he wants to sell except Hoshino Ryuzaki's Sandstorm team and Barbaracle.

Joe Anna glanced at the bag full of Poké Balls.

As her senior hunter, it is not difficult to see that among these Poké Balls, there are quite a few Pokémons of quite good value, including even the owner-level ones.

"The quality is quite good." Joe Anna sighed pointedly.

"Then sell me a reasonable price, and I'll be happier." Xia Yan's tone was calm, pretending not to understand Qiao Anna's words.

Hearing this, Qiao Anna raised her eyebrows, "This is not a small amount, so you're not afraid that I will lose the ink?"

Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

"These are nothing compared to one of the top six seats you want."

After a slight pause, he gave her a deep look, "Besides, one of your Salamences is enough to top everything here."

Joe Anna also laughed, "Very good, that's the momentum, I like it very much, if you have the strength, you can just grab my Salamence.

Of course, the premise is that the person behind you does not shoot. "

Xia Yan waved his hand.

"What do I want?"


Qiao Anna threw a USB flash drive and gently stroked her hair, which was slightly messy from the wind. "The labor union has been messy recently, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get these things."

Xia Yan reached out to catch the USB flash drive.

I rubbed my fingertips lightly, and after confirming that there was no problem with the surface of the U disk, I put it away.

"Chaos is what we want."

Given the current chaotic situation within the Hunters Guild, it is estimated that there is not much energy left to run around and mess around.

Qiao Anna's goal is to be one of the top six seats in the Hunter Guild, but the first thing she has to do is to sit in those twenty seats. With her current strength, it is obviously insufficient. The longer the time, the better chance she has.

What Xia Yan asked for was the current situation within the Hunter Guild, as well as the list of some members.

Of course, Joe Anna will not hand over all the lists, most of which are a group of people who are related to her competition for Rival.

However, Xia Yan didn't care, he just wanted to find the shadow of Tom Rumqi's activities from some details.

By the way.

Help Joe Anna solve a few competitive Rivals.

If everything goes well, Qiao Anna should be able to succeed in this civil strife in the Hunter Guild and become the hunter who dares to even try to capture the beast, "Hunter J".

Xia Yan, who chooses to cooperate with her, can also gain a lot of convenience, whether it is selling on Pokémon or buying on Pokémon.


If Qiao Anna really doesn't break her promise, Xia Yan has a chance to sit on the seat of the "Supreme Council" of the Hunter Guild, which will undoubtedly allow him to better grasp the whereabouts of Tom Luigi and her plans.

Becoming one of the top six seats in the Hunter Guild is definitely not the ultimate goal of Tom Ritchie, an ambitious woman.

Otherwise, she would not choose to leave the Alliance.

Although the preparatory Elite Four are far inferior to the Elite Four, their status is still much higher than that of ordinary gym owners.

If you take it slow, it's not completely impossible to become an Elite Four.

She just wants more.

"Indeed." Qiao Anna nodded, agreeing with Xia Yan's words.

After speaking, Qiao Anna hesitated for a while and asked tentatively, "Can the person behind you make a move?"

Xia Yan looked at her with a playful expression.

behind him?

There's a hammer behind him!

What she said was naturally the Teacher Xia Yan fabricated.

At the Xuefeng Temple, when Xia Yan brought Regice and Duolong Bart to take the shot, Qiao Anna was also there. She witnessed the scene of Tom Luqi being hammered. Afterwards, she took the initiative to find Xia Yan. After "testing", it was confirmed Its relationship with Xia Yan.

So the relationship between the two has become so delicate.

Xia Yan was not worried that Qiao Anna would find her head along the line of Xuefeng Temple.

Anyway, he and Xuefeng Temple and the others used fake identities from start to finish.

And Xia Yan didn't think that people like Yuyue and Kaiji in Xuefeng Temple would tell Qiao Anna about themselves.

If they really dare to do this, they also worry about whether they can withstand the wrath of an "old-fashioned powerhouse".

Besides, now give Qiao Anna some courage, she will not dare to approach the Xuefeng Temple.

At least, until her strength has fully grown, she will not dare.

Being looked at by Xia Yan like this, Qiao Anna also knew that she thought too much.

"Well, yes, if the old gentleman made his move, it is estimated that the guild would end the civil unrest in order to resist."

What is the best solution to civil unrest?

There is a foreign attack that has to be united to resist.

"It's good to know." Xia Yan restrained his expression, "Help me exchange these for money as soon as possible, there is a shortage recently,"

Joe Anna smiled, "Don't worry, it's just some Pokémon. Although the guild is in chaos, all channels are still there."

As she spoke, she threw the Poké Ball and summoned her domineering Salamence.

Rolling over and jumping up, "Three days at most. Actually, next time you can provide some more difficult Pokémon, I'll be more interested."

"Difficulty?" Xia Yan's expression was weird, he glanced at her, and said lightly: "There are naturally high difficulties, I'm afraid you won't dare to touch them."

"Heh—and the Pokémon that our Hunter Guild dare not touch?"

Joe Anna felt that she and the entire Hunter Guild were underestimated.

"Pokémon from Elite Four, do you dare to sell it?" Xia Yan looked at her mockingly.

He also has Hoshino Ryuzaki's Sandstorm team, and a Barbaracle to shoot.

"Elite Four?"

Joe Anna was stunned.

After reacting, he patted Salamence on the neck, "Go."

Selling Elite Four's Pokémon?

What a joke.

Even if the Hunter Guild is in full bloom, it will be considered carefully, let alone now.

However, she was also a little surprised that Xia Yan actually wanted to sell Elite Four's Pokémon, how courageous he was, and dared to reach out to an Elite Four.

So in her opinion, the one who wants to sell Pokémon may be the "Teacher" behind Xia Yan.

But he didn't know that what Xia Yan was going to shoot was just a Pokémon from the second and third echelons of the Elite Four.

Looking at Qiao Anna, who was running away, and Salamence, who fluttered and galloped, Xia Yan pouted.

"It's boring."

Even Joe Anna didn't dare to touch it. It was estimated that the Sandstorm team and Barbaracle were really going to rot in their hands.

"But Salamence is really handsome, isn't he?"

"Bart ya--" Duolong Bart, who had appeared, was full of disdain.

What's so cool about this?

It goes down in one mouthful of Draco Meteor, anything handsome or not, it's all fake.

Xia Yan couldn't help pressing his forehead.

"The impact of that dream is really big, is it foreshadowing something to me?"


"No, go back."

Summoned Yongjira and teleported back to the room in the center of Solaceon Town Pokémon.


Fourth more! Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the guarantee~~

(End of this chapter)

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