The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 502 The Conceited Lei Si (Two In One)

Chapter 502 The conceited Lei Si (two in one)

The second round of the knockout round has officially begun.

Xia Yan also knew the order of his appearance early and his Rival this round.

To be honest, Xia Yan thought he was mistaken when he first saw this person's name, but when he saw this person's character by chance, he realized that he was not mistaken.

"Xia Yan, get off to a good start." Du said with a smile to Xia Yan who was ready to play.

That's right, Xia Yan was the first to play in this round of battle.

"Come on," Cynthia also said.

"When you win, the thing you want will almost arrive." Steven is also very confident in Xia Yan's strength.

Lorelei: "."

Lorelei was in a trance again.

"Hopefully." Xia Yan shrugged, turned and walked into the player passage.

In the passage, he happened to meet Rival of this round, a boy with braids and a proud look on his face.

When he saw Xia Yan, he glanced at him coldly.


Turned around and strode out of the player channel.

Xia Yan touched his nose.

"It's really an unpleasant character. People have changed a lot."

"Chucky!" Togetic on his shoulder nodded in agreement, his little fist clenched tightly, as if he wanted to look good on him.

"Then you take the lead?" Xia Yan asked with a smile.


Togetic nodded forcefully, undeniably, indicating no problem.

Togetic's strength improved yesterday evening, but he lacked enough time to adapt. It is also a good choice to adapt in the battle.

As he spoke, he walked towards the exit.

Bright light shines in through the entrance, and when you walk out of the exit, your vision is briefly dazed.

Immediately after.


Mountains and tsunamis Normal cheers.

Most of them are excited because there is a game to watch soon, and a very small number are people who have become fans of Xia Yan.

They were either wearing clothes with Togetic patterns, or holding a cute version of Beedrill's brand, and they were also the group who cheered Xia Yan the most.

After a few days of competition, Togetic's cuteness and playfulness and Beedrill's rapid sprint successfully brought Xia Yan Absorb a lot of supporters.

After all, compared to Cynthia, Steven, Du, who have long been famous, Xia Yan, who is not well-known, and also uses a very "down-to-earth" Beedrill, a Pokémon Trainer, is more likely to cause some ordinary born Trainers resonance.

There are even some people with powerful computers who also found some photos of Xia Yan in the Silver Pokémon battle club in Saffron City. At that time, the appearance of training hard with Weedle confirmed Xia Yan's identity as an "ordinary" Trainer. It also has a lot of supporters.

As an audience, in addition to wanting to see intense and exciting battles, what I also want is a sense of substitution.

There is no more immersive trainer than Xia Yan, a "down-to-earth" trainer, and I am afraid that he is the only one in the top 32.

Now that Alliance's network is so developed, Xia Yan has not deliberately concealed it, so it is not too difficult to find these photos.

However, Xia Yan's supporters are really insignificant in terms of the scale of the entire arena.

In this game, the most supporters are Cynthia.

The number of boys holding the "Cynthia, I love you!" sign is even more numerous.

After all, this is the Sinnoh Region, the home of Cynthia.

Sister Cabbage's appearance, temperament, and strength are definitely on the level of "dream goddess" no matter from which aspect.

And second only to Cynthia is Steven.

If 90% of the boys in the game support Cynthia, then at least 60% to 70% of the girls support Steven.

Gao Fushuai, in the Pokémon world, Steven's crown name.

There are also those who support Du, Daye, Lucian, Lorelei, and even Casey Mei, who has retired, more than those who support Xia Yan.

There is a sense of substitution, there is a sense of substitution, support is support, two different things.

But Xia Yan didn't care much about these things.

"In this game, the contestants are Lei Si from 'Veilstone City' and Xia Yan from 'Saffron City'!"

Host made a brief introduction to the two participating in the competition.

At the same time, Xia Yan's calm face and Lei Si's cold face were displayed on the big screen of the arena.

Lei Si.

The name may be unfamiliar, he has another identity, that is, Ash's rival in the Sinnoh Region in the future, Shinji's brother.

A very gentle and warm person.

But that was the future Lei Si.

Today's Lei Si is simply a replica of Shinji in the future. It's really hard to make people feel good about him because he is so conceited.

I don't know how much Lei Si suffered from Brandon after that, so that his character changed so much.

Lei Si's strength is still very strong, although he later became a less famous Breeder family, but he began to travel to various regions very early, and got eight Badge of Kanto, Johto Region, Hoenn, Sinnoh four regions , also participated in the elite competition, won a good ranking.

So Lei Si is a little famous and has many supporters.

"In the knockout stage, each player can use three Pokémons. Pokémons are allowed to rotate during the game. When all three Pokémons lose their fighting ability, it is over."

"Now, please send out your own Pokémon."

The lively scene became quiet.

Lei Si on the opposite side glanced at Xia Yan and the Togetic on his shoulders, his eyes were solemn, and he threw the Poké Ball in his hand.

"In that case, go, Togetic."

Xia Yan said softly.

When I said let Togetic get used to it, let it go.


With a look of excitement, Togetic immediately flew from Xia Yan's shoulder to the field.

On the other side, Lei Si's Poké Ball opened, and what appeared in the red light was a purple Drapion.

An elite Drapion.

From the outside, it's still pretty good.

The vicious Drapion is in stark contrast to the lovely Togetic.

And in Attribute, Drapion also has great advantages.

"Battle begins!"

As the flag in the referee's hand fell, the first game of the second round of the knockout round officially began.

Lei Si started first and seized the opportunity.

"Drapion, Taunt!"


Drapion hooked his fingers at Togetic with a face full of disdain, and a faint wave of evil elements submerged into Togetic's body, making him unable to use changing moves for a short time.

It is clear.

Although Lei Si expressed deep disdain for Xia Yan, he did some research on Xia Yan and Togetic.

Compared with Electric Terrain, which restricts Togetic's "Yawn", Lei Si's Drapion uses Taunt more thoroughly, and other moves like "Safeguard" and "Lucky Chant" can no longer be used.

For Drapion's Taunt, Xia Yan was very calm and changed his strategy in time.

Actually there is no strategy.

The existence of Togetic itself is a bug.

"Water Pulse."


Togetic's eyes glowed with a faint halo, and a crystal-clear Cianwood-colored water polo formed in front of Togetic's body.

Togetic, who wanted to "teach a lesson" from the arrogant Lei Si, became even more angry after Drapion's Taunt.

So angry!

Does anyone actually want to limit it?

"It's useless." The opposite Lei Si said coldly, and then quickly commanded: "Drapion, Cross Poison!"

Lei Si carefully studied the video of Xia Yan Togetic's battle.

When Togetic played against Denji Luxray, I found the clue.

After analysis, it was finally judged that it was the difference in willpower between the two parties, which made Togetic's suppression of Luxray not enough to make it completely fall into the "cringe" Contest Condition.

And Drapion is the Pokémon that Lei Si plans to use against Togetic.

He has absolute confidence in Drapion's willpower and strength.

Plus Togetic's trickiest is the invisible "Extrasensory" move, but the evil-type Drapion is immune to Psychic-type attacks.

And he also knew that the attacking moves used by Togetic were relatively scarce, and he used "Magical Leaf", "Extrasensory" and "Water Pulse" before and after.

"Extrasensory" can be ignored, "Magical Leaf" can't do much damage to poison-type Drapion, only "Water Pulse", but it is not on the list of his worries.

Drapion's poison-type and evil-type Attribute combination is quite good, and there are only Ground-type moves that can restrain it.

He also studied Xia Yan.

I know that in Xia Yan's Pokémon, the Ground-based Pokémon has not yet appeared.

That's why Lei Si was so disdainful of Xia Yan.

Because in terms of tactical preparation, he believes he has done his best.


Drapion didn't disobey Lei Si's orders either, and rushed straight towards Togetic, a huge and powerful pair of pincers glowing with a deep purple light.

What confronted it was the "Water Pulse" released by Togetic, which was too late to avoid.


One of Drapion's pliers, without hesitation, slashed straight at the incoming rich water energy.


The water polo suddenly burst.

But the calm Lei Si's face immediately showed a little confusion.


Drapion was caught in the "creeping" Contest Condition.

Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged, but he gave a thumbs up to Lei Si's ability.

This person is really capable and talented. This Drapion is very restrained by the combination of Togetic, but he can't think of it. Yesterday's coincidence, Togetic has made up for one of his shortcomings.

Changes in willpower brought about by changes in mood, Togetic's willpower is not to say how strong, but it is no longer a weakness at the same level.

As for the additional effect trigger is luck?

Good luck isn't that a normal operation of Togetic?


Xia Yan said slowly.

This is what Xia Yan discovered last night when Togetic and Togetic got used to their ability changes after their strength improved.

It may be because Togetic naturally realized after the intimacy between Xia Yan and Togetic reached the threshold yesterday.

After all, this is a move closely linked to intimacy.

For Togetic, "Return" is a move that requires external assistance to learn, that is, using the so-called "move cheats".

But things like "move cheats" are not meant to assist some special external forces and methods to teach the use of Pokémon moves.

This is something that is engraved in Pokémon's genetics, but it can't be learned naturally through the improvement of strength like other moves.

Xia Yan guessed that what happened to him and Togetic yesterday happened to trigger some of the requirements of the "Return" cheat, so that Togetic learned this trick.

Although it has just been learned, it is relatively unfamiliar, but the opposite Drapion has fallen into the "cringe" Contest Condition, what does it matter if it is unfamiliar or not?

Togetic growls in a low voice, his mind is connected with Xia Yan's at this moment, a faint white light radiates from his body, and the aura of happiness fills his body, and he slams into Drapion.

Bang! !

At the same time that Drapion was knocked into the air, Struggle came out of the "creeping" Contest Condition.

Lei Si frowned.

He found that Xia Yan's Togetic and the Togetic in the images he watched were stronger!

Moreover, the moves mastered, as well as the originally weak willpower, have been strengthened.

"Come on, Water Pulse."

Next, came Togetic's ultimate "torture" time.

In one-on-one battles, as long as the control of Pokémon is good enough, it does have an advantage over some aggressive Pokémon.

Drapion was lucky enough not to fall into the "creeping" Contest Condition, but don't forget that Togetic has the advantage of Soaring in the sky.

Player backstage.

Todo and Cynthia are also staring at the battle displayed on the screen.

When Lei Si sent Drapion, they also judged the strengths and weaknesses of Xia Yan Togetic, and broke into a cold sweat for him.

"Xia Yan's Togetic has become stronger?" Steven said hesitantly.

"Strong." Du was very determined.

In Cynthia's mind flashed yesterday, Xia Yan rushed out of the villa holding the glowing Togetic.

That rich happy atmosphere, in exchange for a stronger Togetic?

"But the power of this Return move is really strong." Du sighed again.

"Just a little rusty," Claire added.

No one objected to this.

Must have just learned.

"So. Xia Yan Senior is treating the competition as training?" Lorelei hesitantly raised his doubts.

Treat the game as training?

Adapting Togetic to change?

Everyone was silent.

As it turns out, Lorelei was right.

But this seems to be a big blow to the conceited Lei Si.

in the stands.

"Ha! Gary, what did you just say? Togetic must lose to Drapion? Me and Casey win!"

Ash taunted Gary and high-fives Celebrate with Casey, who was sitting next to him.

Gary's immature face was puzzled.

He didn't think that the information he had made before, based on the capabilities and strengths of both parties, would be wrong.

Casey's slender hand pressed Gary's head, "Xia Yan, it's very strong."

After Casey Mei announced her retirement, she couldn't enter the backstage of the players.

But it doesn't matter, Gary and Professor Oak, who knew she chose to retire, took the initiative to find her.

Although Gary was puzzled by Casey Mei's withdrawal, after all, in his opinion, that Chansey's tactics, although disgusting, were really strong.

On the contrary, Professor Oak understood this, because he knew that Casey was not suitable to be a trainer, and supported her choice.

Gary said that he couldn't understand Xia Yan more and more.

He already thinks that he looks at Xia Yan very much, and thinks that Xia Yan can win this match against Lei Si, but in the battle between Togetic and Drapion, the two Pokémons, he chose Drapion, which has more advantages in Attribute and ability.

Looking at Casey Mei, "Sister, do you know Xia Yan well?"

Casey Mei propped her chin, "I can't say much about it, but, emm, it's about the same."

Yesterday's sunset flashed in his mind, Xia Yan said from the bottom of his heart that he liked Pokémon, and the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

How bad can someone be so passionate about Pokémon?

"What do you mean by almost?" Gary was speechless.

How much do you know?

Professor Oak looked at the arena, rubbing his chin lightly, "Return, intimacy."


Ask for a monthly ticket every day~~

(End of this chapter)

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