The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 503 Doublade Destined To Explode (Two In One)

Chapter 503 Doublade destined to "explode" (two in one)

"Drapion, Toxic Spikes."

As Drapion took his last chance and sprinkled Toxic Spikes on the field, he fell heavily to the ground and was incapacitated.


Togetic clenched his small fists and held his head up as he circled the field, enjoying the cheers to him.

Defeating Drapion is a big test for it.

While the results were good, Togetic inevitably took some injuries.

Of course, it quickly recovered some of its Contest Condition with the Assist "Morning Sun" move after Taunt ended.

"Come back." Xia Yan shouted with a smile.


Togetic obediently flew to Xia Yan's side, lay on his shoulders, and took a breath.

so tired to say.

Xia Yan took out a Poké Ball.

Opposite Lei Si's face was sullen.

Lorelei and the others saw that Xia Yan was using him to practice Togetic, would he not see it?

But it was precisely because of this that Lei Si felt that he was being despised.

Looking at Xia Yan who recalled Togetic, and the Toxic Spikes sprinkled on Xia Yan's side at this time, Lei Si made a simple judgment.

Xia Yan will send Beedrill.

Either ignore the effects of these Toxic Spikes.

There wasn't much time, so he didn't have much time to think carefully. Under the urging gaze of the referee, Lei Si took out a Poké Ball again.

Two red lights flashed.


flapping its wings.

What Lei Si summoned was a Staraptor, a "house bird" from the Sinnoh Region, a Pokémon from the Normal and Flying types, and a Beedrill to restrain the Bug Type.

However, what Xia Yan summoned was not Beedrill, but Doublade!


This is Doublade's first appearance in this "Lily of the Valley Youth Competition".

When Doublade fell to the ground, he suddenly felt a little flustered under him. He looked down and found that they were purple diamond-shaped objects with spikes, glowing with a purple halo.

It's nice, but I don't know what it is for.

With a swipe of the magenta ribbon on Doublade's head, Toxic Spikes on the ground was swept aside.

Don't slap your feet anymore.


As a Steel Pokémon, Doublade can naturally ignore the influence of Toxic Spikes everywhere.

When Xia Yan summoned Doublade instead of Beedrill, Lei Si knew that he had made a mistake.

No way, Xia Yan only used Togetic and Beedrill in the previous game. Not many people knew about the existence of Doublade.

Xia Yan was not prepared to let Doublade play so early, but considering that other Pokémon should also be adapted to Pokémon battles, he released Doublade.

From the perspective of Attributes alone, the Normal-type Staraptor can be immune to Doublade Ghost-type moves, and Doublade can be immune to Staraptor's Normal-type moves, which is half a catty.

But Doublade's resistance is more advantageous. Staraptor Flying moves can only deal half damage to Doublade, but Doublade can deal full damage to Staraptor.

Therefore, in this round of Pokémon selection, Xia Yan has the advantage.

The battle is imminent.

"Sword Dance."

This time, Xia Yan seized the opportunity.

Seeing the red light on Doublade's body, he was about to use Sword Dance, and Lei Si didn't have time to think too much about countermeasures.

"Staraptor, Wing Attack!"


Staraptor's wings fluttered, approaching Doublade at great speed, and the "Z"-shaped fold left a trail of white light in the air.

But in the face of Staraptor's attack, Doublade was unmoved, even though there was concern in his eyes.

"So fast."

It's not about the speed of Staraptor, but the speed with which Doublade uses "Sword Dance".

"Sword Dance" is extremely difficult, just like when Xia Yan and Claire fought before, Claire made Kingdra use "Dragon Dance", these moves are very difficult, not only in terms of learning, but also in terms of proficiency In terms of difficulty, they are all very difficult moves.

But Doublade's "Sword Dance" release is fast, not Normal's fast.

After all, Beedrill's "Sword Dance" still has such high proficiency with Doublade.

clang! !

A crisp sound.

Staraptor's sharp wings collided with Doublade's metal scabbard, making a sound.

Despite being attacked, Doublade's "Sword Dance" was also successfully performed.

Squinting Doublade's eyes trembled when he was attacked.

After suffering the attack, he dared to open his eyes completely.

A little surprise, a little doubt.


'Eh? It doesn't hurt. ’

It was puzzled, and it landed on Staraptor's ear, as if saying "No pain, no food?"

Staraptor got angry.


Staraptor is angry or not Doublade doesn't know, it only knows

good chance!

Above the long sword, the virtual blue Sacred Sword phantom appears, and at the same time, the emerald Bug Type energy is attached, and the combination moves, Sacred Sword Fury Cutter!


A few brown feathers fell from Staraptor's body, and Staraptor, who received the sword, immediately pulled away, a little shocked.

Do a sneak attack?

"Staraptor, Brave Bird!"

Lei Si saw that Staraptor was in the sky, which was the chance to cast "Brave Bird".

Seeing that he was instantly covered with a layer of light blue energy, he mustered all his strength and rushed towards Doublade.

"The 'Brave Bird' of the 'Sacrifice' Ability?" Xia Yan squinted at this scene.

Staraptor's ability is either "intimidate" or "sacrificing". Doublade was not affected when Staraptor played just now, so it can only be "sacrificing" ability.

And the Pokémon with the "Sacrifice" Ability will make the move stronger when he uses a move that will cause rebound damage to himself. "Brave Bird" is such a move.


In the long cry, Staraptor crashed straight into Doublade from top to bottom.


It was greeted by Doublade's buoyant Sacred Sword Fury Cutter.

This is the second sword.

The virtual blue Sacred Sword phantom collided with Staraptor wearing a light blue energy coat in mid-air.

The fierce collision stirred up the venue and raised a faint layer of dust.

The two sides actually fell into a stalemate.

Soon, however, the situation changed.

I saw another huge blue phantom jumping out of the smoke and smashing towards Staraptor, which was stuck in the air.

When Staraptor saw this scene, Ling Yu shivered.

Staraptor: Referee, it fouled, with two hands.

Bang! !

The slash that fell from the top smashed Staraptor to the ground, leaving a big hole in the ground.

Referee: "Staraptor is incapacitated, please replace the Pokémon with Lei Si."


In a fundamental sense, Staraptor just took the sword of Doublade and lost.

Doublade's neat takedown of Staraptor caused quite a stir in the audience.

"What a powerful sword."

"It's two swords."

"Is this a combination move?"

"Sacred Sword Plus"

"Fury Cutter."

"This Doublade is so strong, I thought he would send Beedrill."

"But why does Doublade's eyes seem to be afraid? Is it afraid of Staraptor?"

"Idiot, are you afraid of winning? You are afraid. You are afraid of hacking Staraptor to death. Yes! Afraid of hacking Staraptor to death!"

"Oh~~~ So that's it, I understand, I understand."


Then, this "top-level understanding" became the consensus of the audience.

Afraid of hacking the opposite Doublade.

Even some spectators watching the game online got the information.

Before long, a GIF of Doublade went viral.

The picture is the scene of Doublade's second sword slashing Staraptor, and it is also enthusiastically accompanied by the text, "Don't come here! I'm afraid to hack you to death!"

Instantly Doublade was on fire.

Of course, these had nothing to do with Xia Yan and Lei Si who were playing.

Lei Si sent a third Pokémon with a dark face, and he knew that he was probably hanging this time.

But still want to Struggle.

The last one sent was a Bibarel.

Normal and water Pokémon.

A type of Pokémon that is relatively common in the Sinnoh Region, with a status similar to the Raticate in the Kanto Region.

But Pokémons like Bibarel are actually not as "weak" as people think.

First of all, Bibarel's Ability is pretty good.

Regular abilities are "Simple" and "Simple".

Just looking at these two abilities, coupled with its round eyes, can tell how "pure" this Pokémon is.


Back to the point.

The "Simple" Ability allows Bibarel to double the ability change when he uses ability change moves.

What concept?

That is, if using "Sword Dance" once, Bibarel gets the equivalent of releasing "Sword Dance" twice, which is an exaggeration.

Among the regular moves that Bibarel can learn, there is the move "Sword Dance".

The "Pure" Ability can ignore the opponent's ability changes.

For example, when Doublade used "Sword Dance" just now to superimpose his physical attack ability, when he attacked Bibarel, the increase brought by "Sword Dance" would be gone.

At the same time, when Bibarel attacks a Pokémon that uses the "Defense Curl" move, for example, the defense boost brought by "Defense Curl" is useless to him.

Finally, Bibarel also has a hidden Ability, "Uncertainty".

The effect of this Ability is that when Bibarel attacks or acts, one ability is greatly improved, while another ability is slightly weakened.

If you are lucky, when you attack, the physical attack ability will be greatly improved, while the special attack ability will be slightly reduced.

It is a very lucky Ability.

To sum up the three abilities, it can be seen that the Pokémon of Bibarel is actually very useful, and it is a kind of Pokémon that is very suitable for civilian trainers.

Bibarel's Normal Attribute and Doublade's Ghost Attribute are hedged again.

But Bibarel is different from Staraptor. The combination of Normal and Water allows Bibarel to take more damage when facing the Fighting-type move "Sacred Sword".

There are several reasons why Lei Si still has to send Bibarel in the end.

The first is that Bibarel is somewhat resistant to Doublade's steel-type moves, and the second is that .

His Pokémon only has one Swalot left to play, but the poison-type Devourer will be more passive against the steel-type Doublade.

So there is no way, he has to gamble with Bibarel to see if he can create a miracle.

Lei Si had a straight face.

"Bibarel, Sword Dance!"

His Bibarel Ability is "Simple", if Sword Dance can be used successfully, he will get two bonuses, and there is a little chance of winning against Doublade.

So he's betting that Doublade, the Steel Pokémon, isn't fast enough to stop Bibarel.

Judging from the proficiency of the "Sword Dance" move, Bibarel and Doublade are not even a little bit worse.

"Shadow Sneak."

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Although he was curious about what Lei Si's Bibarel's ability was, he didn't want to see it.

Doublade is slow, but it has "Shadow Sneak" to make up for its shortcomings.


Doublade sank into the shadows, and a dark shadow approached Bibarel at great speed.

Seeing the speed of the shadow, Lei Si's expression changed.

Too late!

He found that Xia Yan's Doublade has a high proficiency in the mastery of moves, whether it is the previous "Sword Dance", "Sacred Sword", "Fury Cutter", and even the current "Shadow Sneak".

"Bibarel, give up, use the Stomping Tantrum on your shadow!"

The "Stomping Tantrum" of the Ground line has twice the restraint against Doublade.

Lei Si also knew that Doublade who used "Shadow Sneak" would inevitably emerge from Bibarel's shadow, so he let Bibarel use moves on his shadow.

This trick.

Can't hide.

Then there is no need to hide!

One move "Stomping Tantrum" is nothing but a deadly threat to Doublade.

Xia Yan made a quick judgment.

"fix it."

In one sentence, Doublade understood what Xia Yan meant.

The Sacred Sword Fury Cutter slashed out while the body was in pain as it slammed against the ground-type energy covered on the soles of Bibarel's fallen feet.

boom! ! !

A huge pit, bigger than what Staraptor had left before.

A sword.

With just a single blow, Bibarel lay in the cracked pit, eyes rolling, incapacitated.

Doublade wiped his chest a little scared.

so close.

Fortunately, the coating made it Harden before.

Although injured, the battle is over and it is not in the way.


The whole place was boiling again.


See you again!

The referee was very professional, and immediately gave the result after Bibarel lost his fighting ability.

"Bibarel is incapacitated, and Lei Si's three Pokémon are all incapacitated, so the winner is Xia Yan!"

Togetic stood on Xia Yan's shoulders and waved his little hands vigorously towards the cheering audience in the auditorium.


It likes the high-profile feel.

Doublade stood cautiously at Xia Yan's feet, the magenta ribbon tightly wrapped around Xia Yan's ankle. It was the first time he had experienced this situation, and it was a stark contrast to the excited Togetic.

Although Xia Yan had a smile on his face, he was not as excited as Togetic.

Only the top sixteen.

Looking at Lei Si, who was gritting his teeth and looking unwilling after taking Bibarel back, Xia Yan thought deeply.

If Lei Si's temperament will change drastically in the future and become like in the original book, it's not that he can't communicate, discuss and explore the knowledge of Breeder's family, and find him a job at the same time.

Of course, this is estimated to take a while.

In the cheers, Xia Yan walked back to the player channel.

Obviously, after Doublade's neat swords, the number of her supporters will usher in a certain increase.

at the same time.

"I'm afraid of you" Doublade, also ushered in a short-term popularity on the Internet.

I believe this GIF will be used frequently in some future chats.

(End of this chapter)

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