The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 508 You Are Still Very Passionate

Chapter 508 You are still very passionate

This Flareon Ability of Da Ye is "Flash Fire".

Xia Yan had a certain understanding of this when he watched the previous battle videos and materials about Da Ye.

The Flareon of the "Flash Fire" Ability will be the Trump Card in the Fire Civil War, but for Beedrill, to be honest, this Ability doesn't work.

Another Ability of Flareon is "Perseverance". When you fall into Status Condition, your attack power will be greatly improved.

If it is matched with a "Toxic Orb", it can make Flareon's frontal explosive power usher in a terrifying increase. It can be used as the tactical end point in the "Baton Pass" tactics. If it is matched well, it can become the core of a team.

It should be fortunate that the Flareon of Daye is not the "Perseverance" Ability, otherwise the Beedrill of the Bug Type will be very, very difficult to beat.

Although it's hard to beat now.

Attribute restraint, strength suppression, even if Beedrill got the blessing of "Fell Stinger", there is still a big gap after all.

this round.

I am afraid that Da Ye will win.

This is almost everyone's mind.

Even those who have more confidence in Xia Yan feel that the key to Beedrill's fight against Flareon is not to defeat it, but to create how much damage it can create and how much advantage it can bring to the next Pokémon.


Even Xia Yan himself, the initial tactical arrangement, is like this.


Such a tactical arrangement was overturned in the pre-war communication between Xia Yan and Beedrill.

In fact, Beedrill didn't show any confusion, and he supported Xia Yan's tactical arrangement.

It is willing to take the greatest responsibility for the team, and is willing to make certain sacrifices for the team when necessary.

But Xia Yan saw a trace of well-hidden unwillingness in Beedrill's eyes, deep in his eyes.

Of Xia Yan's Pokémon, who does he know best?

It's not Togetic, who has the closest relationship with Xia Yan, nor Alakazam, who he brought to the big, nor Doublade, who has a similar personality to him, not to mention Chimchar who has just joined the team.

But this is Beedrill, who has followed him from the very beginning, through the most difficult times, and has always worked hard.

What character does Beedrill know best in Xia Yan?

It doesn't say it though.

But since Yongjira evolved into Alakazam and his strength has broken through to the main level of the hall, Xia Yan has seen everything in Beedrill's training focus, his attitude towards combat, his requirements for himself, and even his own additional training.

Just like Beedrill's willingness to grow up with him since he was weak.

The current Xia Yan.

I am also willing to go crazy with Beedrill at this moment.

Even if.

It is possible to lose the game.

But Beedrill is more important than the competition.

Besides, there is already Agatha's bottom line.


"Show yourself to the fullest, Beedrill." Xia Yan whispered.

Although he didn't show it, and even his expression didn't change, Daye on the opposite side felt the flame that was gradually burning in Xia Yan's heart.

"I take back what I said earlier, Xia Yan."


Daye grinned, clenched his fists, and said with a smile, "You're still quite passionate!"

He could feel the change in Xia Yan's mentality.

The battle is imminent.

"Beedrill, Sword Dance!"

"Beer beer!!"

To hedge against the master-level Flareon, Beedrill must at least be aggressive enough.

Simply put, at least make your own attacks enough to pose a threat to Flareon!

Beedrill is very excited now, it doesn't want to see Xia Yan showing a disappointed look.



An extremely arrogant aura surging out of Beedrill's body, wrapped in layers of "Sword Dance" aura, actually made Beedrill look more domineering.

"Oh? 'Leader's Breath'? This Beedrill is obviously the Trainer's Pokémon, how could it still have this?"

In the box, several Elite Four who were following the game naturally saw the changes in Beedrill.

"It's a bit irrational, but Pokémon isn't something common sense can measure, is it?" Drake said with a smile.

"These two teenagers are on fire." Alder, who sat up straight, faced a game in this competition for the first time.

Agatha raised the corners of her mouth, she felt that she seemed to understand Xia Yan a little less.

Do things sanely most of the time.

But sometimes surprising choices are made.

Just like the last time Xia Yan directed her Haunter to sneak attack on an Elite-level Trainer, it helped her turn the tide of the battle to a certain extent.

This kind of choice may seem unimaginable to others, but Agatha feels that Xia Yan should have a lot of confidence.

It's just that this grasp is a bit puzzling in the eyes of others.

Xia Yan: ? ? ?

"More than passion, how could we possibly lose! Flareon, Flare Blitz!"

Daye's passionate command.


Flareon did not hesitate in the slightest, and the four of them stepped forward, rushing with all their strength, and the body was instantly enveloped in red-golden flames.

There were deep black scorch marks on the ground.

After all, Flareon was a Pokémon who was replaced later, and Beedrill still had some time to deal with the "Sword Dance" boost after ending.


Beedrill's body trembled slightly, and one after another identical phantoms appeared around its body.

Double Team!

Support Beedrill to hedge Flareon, but it doesn't mean to be reckless.


Flareon's sense of smell is very sensitive, his nose twitches slightly, but after hesitating for a moment, he finds the location of Beedrill's real body.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Since it can't be avoided, it really can only be hedged.

"Drill Run!"


Beedrill took a deep breath and instinctively used "Focus Energy". He held his breath and focused his attention. The long needle was swung horizontally and the mellow khaki energy surrounded it.

Faced with the Flareon who is close at hand, he will not flinch.

The Ground-type move "Drill Run" is Beedrill's most advantageous move against Flareon.

the next moment.

Beedrill, wrapped in earth-yellow energy, and Flareon, covered in red-gold flames, had their first collision.

boom! ! !

The violent roar resounded throughout the arena, and the tyrannical power brought about by the impact and collision directly caused a lot of dust to be raised in the field.

It didn't make the audience wait too long, Beedrill's figure flew out of the dust, and Flareon gradually appeared in the dust, shaking his head, I don't know if it was Beedrill's Drill Run that hurt, or because of "Flare Blitz" The rebound it brought made it stagnant for a short time and failed to pursue Beedrill.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Flareon has the absolute upper hand in this collision.

Beedrill flew in front of Xia Yan quite embarrassedly, his chest heaving violently, his body was slightly burnt black, and he was injured a lot.

Xia Yan looked at it.

Beedrill was injured though.

But its look didn't change.

More importantly, the "leader aura" on it has become more active.

And driven.

The breath of Beedrill's whole body was surging.

this moment.

Xia Yan suddenly realized.

Beedrill, from the main level of the museum, is actually only one step away.

This may be a test for it, but it is also an opportunity!

Beedrill has been waiting a long time for the opportunity.

If it were another Pokémon, Xia Yan might not see this as an opportunity, but Beedrill is different.

Beedrill evolved through Mega early, and felt the strength of the main hall. What is it like.

In other words, in Xia Yan's Pokémon, Beedrill was the first to "experience" the master-level strength of the pavilion.

The tacit understanding between Xia Yan and Beedrill is undoubtedly high.

So what he was thinking, and what Beedrill was thinking at the moment, were the same!

Beedrill turned back and nodded slightly towards Xia Yan.


"Then let's give it a shot and see if you fall down first or transform first." Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Forge this piece of solid iron with fiery flames, and see if he first turned into refined iron after thousands of tempering, or he couldn't hold on to collapse.

It all depends on whether Beedrill can persevere.


Beedrill, there is no reason to refuse.

"Come on, Drill Run!"

Isn't it just hedging, who is afraid of who!


Thanks to the big boss! Thank you Fan Yuan for the great reward! Thank you for your support!

I know everyone wants to watch it all in one go, but after all, there is still a baby to take at home at this point. I tried my best to finish this battle today, but I don't know if I can catch up.

Anyway, I will post it when I write it, and it will be posted at the latest after twelve o'clock!

Ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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