The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 509: A Battle With Gold Content (Huhu - Two In One)

Chapter 509: A Battle With Gold Content (Huhu - Two in One)

Beedrill was an unsolicited attack this time.

Its sudden burst was expected by Daye, but he just didn't expect to fight so hard.




Pressing Drill Run again and again does not give Flareon a chance to strike again.

There is a big gap between Beedrill and Flareon, but after several enhancements, it is comparable to Flareon in terms of offensive ability, so every attack it makes is a big threat to Flareon.

just in case.

In case of being hit critically, the "Snipe Shot" Ability is triggered, coupled with the Attribute restraint of "Drill Run", Flareon will also be hit hard.

If it is another Rival.

Maybe he chose to avoid the edge for a while, and slowly consume Beedrill and sooner or later he will be consumed by Flareon.

But Xia Yan's Rival is Big Leaf!

In his dictionary, there is no such word as "withdraw" and "avoidance".


Just hedge!

Obviously, such a hedging, even if Flareon will be hurt by it, the worst thing is Beedrill.

Its body gradually became weak, and the trauma on its body also increased in the forward thrusts again and again.

What doesn't change is its look.

And the breath that fluctuates more and more.

This kind of battle, although there is no exquisite tactical arrangement, no clever move skills, but it ignites the enthusiasm of the audience.

Who doesn't love a punch-to-the-meat romance?

"Xia Yan Senior is really rare." Lorelei looked at the battle on the screen and felt like he was burning up.

Du didn't say a word, clenched his fists and stared at the screen intently.

At this time, he wished that it was not Daye who stood opposite Xia Yan, but him.

There was a gleam in Cynthia's pretty eyes.

So you are such Xia Yan.

Steven also lost the graceful attitude he was used to, and silently cheered for Xia Yan and Beedrill.

Bang! !

As the battle continued, Beedrill's Contest Condition was far worse than before, with pieces of charred black on his body, looking very embarrassed.

Flareon on the opposite side was also injured, but compared to Beedrill, it was much better.

However, the frequency of breathing is very fast, which is not only caused by the battle, but also to inhale more air to stimulate the fire bag, which can cause it to stimulate a stronger flame.

Staring into Beedrill's eyes, approval.

For Xia Yan's Beedrill, Flareon agrees from the bottom of his heart.

"Sizzle beer."

Beedrill fell to the ground, Twineedle supported Ground.

If it wasn't for the support in his heart, it would have fallen long ago.


Flareon rams Beedrill away to gain space again, and casts "Flare Blitz" again, which will serve as its final admiration attack to send Beedrill away.

Xia Yan frowned, his heart beating again and again, like a twilight drum bell ringing in his ears.

dong dong -- dong dong --

two voices?

Looking towards Beedrill, it just happened to meet Beedrill's gaze.

The intimacy between Xia Yan and Beedrill was completed at this last moment, and they communicated with each other.

No words needed.

This battle, just look at this last look.


Beedrill gritted his teeth and flapped his wings again, and his momentum soared as it staggered into the air, surpassing all the heights it had reached before.

And it has no intention of stopping at all.

Threads and strands of khaki energy circled and gathered on his long needle.

After this battle, its understanding and mastery of the "Drill Run" move has also been greatly improved.

But most importantly!

When Beedrill rushed towards Flareon again, its momentum suddenly stagnated at a peak.

There was no earth-shattering movement, not even any undulating energy changes.

So naturally, Beedrill managed to break the shackles and took a small step forward.

And this small step, in exchange, is a qualitative leap.

Master class!


Some people noticed the change in Beedrill at this moment, some people didn't, but looking at the two Pokémons who were about to collide with each other again, everyone clenched their fists in unison.

boom! ! !

The movement that surpassed all previous collisions made the hearts of those watching the battle tremble.

next second.

Beedrill's figure was the first to fly out of the smoke, and at this moment, its eyes had turned into swirls.

Beedrill, incapacitated!

Everyone is not surprised by this result, and even Beedrill's ability to fight to this point has greatly exceeded their expectations.

Let's end it.

When it's over, you can take a good rest.

It has brought us a good enough game.


Is it really over?

After half a second.

Flareon's figure also flew backwards from the smoke.

What is shocking is that Flareon's eyes have also been completely closed, and there is no sign of Struggle on the way upside down.

That is to say

Flareon is also incapacitated? !



Beedrill and Flareon landed one after another, lying on the ground, silent.


There was an uproar.

Beedrill made it!

It really does!

This drama of the weak defeating the strong directly hits everyone's heart.

Immediately after.

Thunderous applause.

Not only for Beedrill, but also for Flareon, and Xia Yan and Oye on the court.

Thanks to them for a great fight.

Many people don't understand what happened just now.

As a result, several Elites who watched the game played some roles at this time.

It was Bertha who spoke, and his avatar was displayed on the big screen.

"A wonderful battle." First, he affirmed the battle with a sigh, and then explained:

"Beedrill succeeded in breaking through himself in the end, and under enormous pressure, his unyielding will made it successful to reach the master level. Fortunately for him, the final blow of 'Drill Run' hit Flareon the crux of the matter.”

The audience was stunned.

The coexistence of strength, perseverance and luck contributed to this wonderful battle.


Is it really just luck?

Beedrill and Flareon have collided so many times, have they really missed Flareon's weakness at all?

Don't forget, one of Xia Yan's training Beedrill projects is to make it look for Rival's weak points again and again.

Xia Yan and Daye walked onto the arena and hugged their respective Pokémon.

Their gazes interacted while making the same actions.

The two smiled at each other.

Xia Yan has long known that Daye is very strong and can threaten the existence of Cynthia.

Daye also recognized Xia Yan, he was just calm on the surface, but in fact his heart was burning like a duck.

And for such a Rival, Daye will only burn more!

return to their respective positions.

Xia Yan summoned Cherrim and asked him to do a simple treatment for Beedrill's injury.

Beedrill had already been declared incapacitated, so the on-the-spot treatment wasn't a foul.

"You set an example, Beedrill."

After patting it lightly, I entered the battle again.

The battle will continue.

Now Da Ye has only one Pokémon left, Xia Yan has a Pokémon that has never been summoned and a Togetic who is injured but still has some fighting power.


The scale of victory has been tilted.

It's all Beedrill's credit.

The next battle was originally Xia Yan's most confident battle, because it was the only battle in which he had an Attribute advantage when he faced Daye.

The two throw the Poké Ball at the same time.

Red light is flashing.

Big Leaf's Trump Card, Infernape Burning debut.

The soaring flames burned above its head, and the fiery flames rose, representing the surging heart of Infernape.

Flareon's battle has made his whole body boil.

And Xia Yan called.

It's Alakazam!

Never appeared before, let him hide until now Alakazam!

It is also the only one of Xia Yan's Pokémon that originally reached the master level!

In this last battle, Alakazam from the Psychic department had an Attribute advantage against Infernape from the Fire and Fighting department.

Originally in Xia Yan's plan, his idea was to let Togetic work hard to weaken Da Ye's first Magmar.

Then let Beedrill harvest Magmar for a boost, giving Flareon the most damage possible.

To reduce the cost of Alakazam defeating Flareon, and guarantee the most perfect Contest Condition against this Infernape.

but now.

Xia Yan and Alakazam not only have the advantage in attributes, but also in information.

Da Ye didn't know Xia Yan's Alakazam, which gave him more room for manipulation.

The fierceness of Beedrill versus Flareon has stirred the enthusiasm of all audiences.

At this point in the final battle, only constant cheers remained.


Alakazam clung to the spoon in his hand, and Beedrill's battle succeeded in making the normally calm one feel fresh.

This battle!

It will never lose!

At the moment of his debut, a light pink stand spread out with Alakazam as the center, enveloping the entire field.

Psychic Terrain!

"Infernape, Taunt."

For the Psychic Terrain coverage, Da Ye was unimpressed.

Seeing that Infernape hooked his fingers on Alakazam extremely "Power Trip", a black awn shot from its body and submerged into Alakazam's body.

This interrupted the "Calm Mind" that Alakazam was going to enter with his knees crossed, and he had to fight against Infernape.


At this level of strength, "Taunt" is about to become a regular move, and it is correct that Casey Mei was promoted to the top 32 and quit in time.

"Alakazam, Future Sight."

The spoon in Alakazam's hand bent slightly, and a Psychic shot from the spoon, in the blue light of his eyes, into Infernape's body.

next second.

Alakazam stirred up Psychic again, and the black ball condensed by the super-strong spirit suddenly smashed out, but it did not point at Infernape.


Bang! !

Obviously did not attack Infernape, but Infernape seemed to bump into it on his own initiative.

Get hit hard by Alakazam's "Psychic".

Da Ye looked at Xia Yan's Alakazam in surprise.

Is this Future Sight?

But Infernape, who was hit by Alakazam's "Psychic", didn't seem to be affected at all, and immediately jumped from the ground again.

Bear! !

The flames above his head covered his entire body.

Flare Blitz!

And, Infernape's "Flare Blitz" is faster than Flareon.

It can be seen from this that Infernape is worthy of the Trump Card and Earl Dervish Pokémon of Da Ye, and has been trained even better.

Alakazam is now unable to use "Teleport" to dodge due to Taunt.

And trying to avoid Infernape's attack purely by physical strength?

So Alakazam has to fight against it.

But with the blessing of "Psychic Terrain", "Bent Spoon", "Life Orb" and even slate fragments, would he be afraid of a simple confrontation?

"Psychic" blasted again.

With such damage, Infernape rushed in front of Alakazam, then smashed the Barrier it built with Psychic, and slammed into Alakazam's body.

boom! !

With a huge impact, Alakazam groaned and flew backwards.


Under the protection of Psychic, Alakazam did not allow himself to take the secondary damage of the landing.

at the same time.

After the attack was completed, Infernape made a muffled sound within his body, curled up uncontrollably, and fell to one knee on the ground.

The attack of Future Sight, which only erupted at this moment, combined with the reaction force brought by "Flare Blitz", suffered huge damage.


Da Ye shouted loudly.

He didn't show concern because of Infernape's injury, but in his eyes, a flame was burning.


As if hearing Daye's cry, Infernape stood up from the ground again.

The flames on its head, which were already burning brightly, ushered in another surge.


Infernape's Ability "Rapid Fire", after it suffered the trauma of Alakazam's "Future Sight".


This is not a fake fire like Magmar, but a real "fire", coupled with the burning hearts of Infernape and Daye, the fighting spirit is rising.

The increase brought by the "fierce fire" will make every subsequent attack by Infernape extremely terrifying.

I see.

Infernape made three steps and two, and a clenched "Fire Punch" slammed into Alakazam's face.

Bang! !

No way, after being "Taunt", Alakazam can't use any tactics. He can only hit Infernape with the attack at the same time as Infernape hits himself.


The "blood lock" started again.


In this Fire Punch in Infernape, the "Taunt" that restrained Alakazam finally disappeared.

It was also from this moment that Alakazam really began to show himself.


"Teleport" immediately disappeared from Infernape's sight, and Psysshocks came from behind it.

No matter how strong the fire-type moves are after letting Infernape's "Rapid Fire" Ability trigger, as long as it can't hit Alakazam, it's all in vain.

Alakazam also behaved well this time, keeping a distance at all times, not giving Infernape a chance to cast "Taunt" again, and making the most of his flexibility.

This battle made Xia Yan understand something.

If you go back and don't hoard a lot of "Mental Herb", you will be sorry for your "rancher" status.

In the future, each Pokémon will carry three "Mental Herbs" to avoid the effects of "Taunt".

Otherwise, as soon as the opposite "Taunt" opens, any tactics will be in vain.

Although Daye's Infernape is strong, he can face the extremely flexible Alakazam, and coupled with Attribute's restraint, there is also a time limit for "locking blood".


After Alakazam's second "Future Sight" erupted, Infernape fell to the ground unwillingly, incapacitated.

Xia Yan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

You really shouldn't be underestimated against an "emotional" Trainer like Daye, otherwise Alakazam would have been beaten to the point of being beaten, and Infernape still didn't fall.

It's nothing like Beedrill's hedging against Flareon, where Alakazam was dodging from Infernape and almost got flipped.


Why doesn't Alakazam hedge with Infernape?

Ha ha--

The "emotional" Trainer refers to Da Ye, not Xia Yan.

Knowing that you can't beat it, you have to use your own disadvantages to hedge against the advantages of others. This is not "burning", it is stupid.

Xia Yan can even guarantee that if Alakazam and Infernape hedge, the final result is that Infernape is more likely to win, which can be seen from the first stage of Alakazam being "Taunt".

So after that, Xia Yan and Alakazam stopped giving Infernape the chance to cast "Taunt".

It caused Infernape to be stunned and unable to do anything.

As for Daye's Infernape, it was Xia Yan's most targeted Pokémon.

Information advantage, Attribute advantage, do not hit the front.

That's what made Alakazam almost overturned.

"Infernape lost his ability to fight! So the winner is Xia Yan player!!"

this battle.

It is quite valuable, especially the disadvantage in the second game and the reverse Attribute comeback and tie, which reversed the situation and created more opportunities for Alakazam later.

Otherwise, Alakazam will face Flareon and Infernape successively, and the outcome will be uncertain.

At the same time, through this battle, Xia Yan gained a large number of supporters, far exceeding the previous total.

after all.

Anxious battles are always more interesting than overwhelming battles.

And Xia Yan, an ordinary trainer from civilians, is also remembered by more people.

There are even many trainers who also come from civilians, who regard Xia Yan as their idol in their hearts.

in particular.

The teenage bug-catchers in shorts and nets catching Bug Type Pokémon in the forest.

Unconsciously, Xia Yan has become a representative of the young insect-catchers.

This was probably something he hadn't even thought of.


Xia Yan.

Advance to the quarterfinals!


I'm here, I'm here, I promise you (being coerced by hundreds of people in the group), it's late but it's here!

Thanks to the leader who misses the big brother, Qing Gu and the big brother for the five thousand rewards, and thanks to the dark star emperor for the fifteen thousand rewards! Thanks to all the friends for the rewards! Finally ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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