The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 527: The Contest Ends

Chapter 527: The Contest Ends

Saying that this tactic has nothing to do with Xia Yan, the audience will not believe it at all.

Our pure, lovely, Attract sister cabbage, will use such tactics?

Now these Cynthia supporters in the Sinnoh Region have only one thought in their minds.

Don't let Xia Yan get too close to Cynthia! !

This man has a problem and is extremely dangerous!

Du and Steven put away the Pokémon, their expressions are really ugly than eating shit.

They know that Xia Yan's tactical ability is strong, but even if he was dealt with by Lorelei's "destroy the song" tactic, he didn't think the "destroy the song" tactic was disgusting at the time. relationship, so I chose to leave it behind.

But this time.

He and Steven were really not ready to release water.

As a result, it was "dirty" abruptly.

They always felt that in fact, in a one-on-one situation, although Xia Yan's tactics were "disgusting", it was not that there was no way to crack them.

But here comes the doubles.

It seemed to liberate him all at once, completely opening the terrifying "Pandora's Box" and releasing something amazing.

The only thing that is more fortunate is that Pokémon like Spiritomb are relatively rare and cannot be Mimic.

But they didn't know that Xia Yan's tactic was not prepared for Spiritomb at all. If it was replaced by a Gengar, they would find it even more incomprehensible.

It can only be said that Spiritomb is similar to Gengar to some extent.

Cynthia lowered her head and looked at her hands.

Only Lorelei could understand the feeling in her heart at this time.

Because of Xia Yan.

They have become "unclean".


Say something.

From this tactic of Xia Yan, she suddenly felt that she had misunderstood the use of Spiritomb before.


This is the strategy that fits Spiritomb better.


After all, in this doubles, she teamed up with Xia Yan, and the main core of the tactics was Spiritomb, not Togekiss.

If it works well, it seems that it can be used even without Togekiss.

As soon as the thought came to this, Cynthia shook her head again and again, and her face flushed.

been led astray.

What Sinnoh's cabbage fans were worried about happened before they were worried.

"Uh, haha ​​-hehe — Thank you for the" wonderful "doubles against me. I believe that everyone has seen it. Doubles are more particular about tactics. Pokémon's strength is secondary."

As Host wiped his forehead with a dry smile, he tried to ease the atmosphere.

A good closing ceremony, it should have been lively, but this time it was good, and suddenly it was cold.


As Host opened his mouth to break the silence, the audience gradually reacted.


Some of us may not be strong, but our tactical ability is not necessarily weak. Doubles may be a more suitable way out for us!

Although Xia Yan's tactics frightened many people, it still had a positive impact on the Alliance's promotion of doubles battles.

I believe that more and more people will start to try doubles in the future.

With the easing of the atmosphere, the arena finally showed the liveliness that the closing should have once again.

This made the Host take a long sigh of relief.

"Let's welcome the Elite Four from all regions to this competition!"

Elite Four!

Also "we".

The audience was instantly distracted by this topic.

"They are"

With the appearance of the Elite Four, Xia Yan and the other players who entered the knockout stage also came to the arena.

The Elite Four sat high on the podium chairs.

This competition is so lively, not only because it is jointly organized by the four regions, but also because the prizes of this competition are too generous.

Not just the substantive rewards on items, but also alliance-like positions, long-term resource supply, opportunities to enter special different spaces, and so on.

Anyway, the higher the ranking, the more and more generous rewards you can choose.

However, the competition did not break down the rankings in great detail.

Only the champion, Cynthia, and the runner-up, Xia Yan, knew clearly, and only Du and Steven stopped in the top four, and Diantha and Cattleya stopped in the top eight.


But this is not a kind of reward policy for changing direction.

"Next, let's invite our champion first - Cynthia!!!" Host's veins burst.

Whoa! ! !

Cynthia won the championship, which can be said to satisfy the wishes of many people.

Although it was a pity not to fight Xia Yan in the end, the final exhibition match made up for this regret.

Cynthia walked slowly to the stage and took the trophy representing the championship from Bertha.

Lift gracefully.

Firecrackers are equally famous.

At the same time, Cynthia quickly chose the reward she wanted from the catalogue brought by the staff.

After that.

"The next one is, our runner-up, our 'tactician master', Xia Yan!!!"

There was a brief silence in the audience, and then there was a thunderous cheer like Cynthia.

At this time, Xia Yan wanted to ask.

What did you mean by being quiet for a second?

Still, he walked up to the podium with a big smile on his face.

It's more searchable.

This time, the competition only prepared a trophy for the first place, and the second place was just a piece of Medal, and the grade went down all of a sudden.

That is, Xia Yan doesn't care about this at all.

But what surprised him was that as soon as he took the stage, except for Bertha who gave Cynthia an award before, the rest of the Elite Four actually took a step forward.

And this step does not seem to be what they negotiated.

After taking a step, they looked at each other in surprise.

To be honest, Xia Yan was also taken aback by this scene.

With so many Elite Fours, any one of them can knock him out.

In the end, Agatha took the lead in moving, patted Xia Yan's arm and said, "It's arranged."

That gloomy appearance was so "kind" in Xia Yan's eyes at this moment.

Agatha's words are telling him that the gym's affairs have been arranged, and this time the reward can be chosen with confidence.

When Agatha returned to her seat, it was Drake who came up.

A vigorous and powerful palm pressed on Xia Yan's shoulder, almost slapping him on the ground, who had not yet fully recovered.

There was only one word from Drake.

"We'll talk later."

Although Xia Yan didn't understand what Drake wanted to talk about, he nodded subconsciously.

Followed by Alder, grinning, although his face is rough, he feels very gentle, and he has only one word for Xia Yan.

"Thank you, little brother Xia Yan."

Then there was Drasna, a plump middle-aged woman, squinting her eyes and looking amiable.

"Cynthia is a good boy."

Xia Yan: ? ? ?

What's the meaning?

Is he not a good boy?

Finally, Xia Yan is most afraid of, and currently Sinnoh's oldest Elite Four, Hoshino Ryuichi.

It seems that it is not much different from an old grandfather next door, that is, the pure gold walking stick in his hand is a bit too much for Xia Yan.

And he said: "Xia Yan, there are just a few vacancies here, old man."

Full of intentions to draw.

Xia Yan did not show much rejection and joy, but nodded silently again.

This old man, at such an old age, his strength has not regressed and he can still sit firmly in the Elite Four, which shows that he is definitely not simple.

And the grandson just died in the previous incident, and now he can still look "kind", the city must be very deep.

After being "cared for" by several Elites one by one, Xia Yan finally came into contact with the catalogue of rewards.

When he saw the first one above, Xia Yan's eyes lit up instantly.

"I wipe"

【The post of Gym Master】

It turned out that there is really such a thing in this reward.


Thank you for the reward from the gangster of the sewer!

Another 1.1w day~~ Ask for a monthly pass! !

By the way, let's create character cards of Steven and Sister Cabbage, everyone can be more heart-to-heart, and you can also post more of their pictures in the book circle, ahem—

(End of this chapter)

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