The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 528 Do You Still Need Me To Teach Him? (Two In One)

Chapter 528 Do you still need me to teach him? (two in one)

The Lily of the Valley Youth Competition officially ended.

Many people gathered at Steven's villa for the final party. After the party was over, they would go their separate ways and set foot on their own paths.

The gathering is short-lived, but the friendship established between them is long-term.

As a patient with "social bullshit", Daye successfully stood out among the contestants and became the "leader" of this gathering.

Xia Yan also met a lot of trainers who will occupy important positions in their respective regions in the future through this spontaneous gathering, and also met some trainers who may not sound famous but are not weak.

This is his future network.

People are sometimes a more important resource than material things.

Speaking of which, compared to the material rewards he got at the end of this competition, maybe these connections are more valuable to him.

Among them, what Xia Yan remembers most is undoubtedly the two little ghosts brought by Casey Mei, Ash and Gary.

Some of Ash's questions sometimes make Xia Yan laugh and cry, and some of Gary's questions sometimes make Xia Yan ponder a little.

For these two living treasures, Xia Yan showed enough affinity as a senior.

However, there was not much in-depth communication. After all, they were only two children, and they were somewhat different in age from him. There was also a considerable distance in knowledge, and there was no common topic.

But their admiration for Xia Yan did not hide anything.

The only thing that puzzled Xia Yan was that Professor Oak, an authority in the Pokémon research community that Xia Yan had always wanted to contact, didn't come along.

Maybe it's because he thinks that this party is for young people, and his presence will make people unable to let go.

Or have something else to do.

Speaking of which, after the awards, Xia Yan never saw his cheap Teacher Agatha.

More than half of the party.

After all, Xia Yan, who was not quite used to such a lively scene, sat beside the swimming pool in the villa garden, put away the mobile phone that had just made a call, and lay on the grass looking up at the night sky.

Regarding the warning given by Darkrai and the news that Groudon is about to recover, Xia Yan has notified Long Yi who is far away in Hoenn Meteor Falls by phone.

And Long Yi, who got the news, said that he would tell the elders the information truthfully.

"In the Meteor" he would definitely go again, but not now.

The competition is over, and he has too many things to deal with and prepare for.

As the Gym Master, Agatha has already helped him, and Bertha, who is in charge of Sinnoh Gym affairs, also expressed his support for Xia Yan.

But the specific details need to wait for Xia Yan to go to the headquarters of Sinnoh Alliance before they can be finalized one by one.

As the runner-up in this competition, Xia Yan didn't get the reward right away.

Because he chose [any item from the Alliance treasury with a value of no more than fifty million Alliance Coins].

In this competition, the sincerity shown by Alliance is still very sufficient.

The most long-term value is undoubtedly the position of the gym owner.

But Xia Yan has already obtained this position through Agatha's relationship, so there is no need to repeat the choice.

So he retreated and chose this item, the one with the highest short-term value.

It is said that Cynthia chose this one.

There are too many things in the Alliance treasury, including props, Pokémon, cheats, and materials, and it is impossible to move all of them to the arena.

There are also many other people who have chosen this option, but the upper limit of the amount they can choose is not as high as they are.

And they can only be obtained by returning to the Alliance in the region where they are located.

And to become the master of the gymnasium, there are and only those who have entered the final four have the opportunity to choose.

It can be seen that with the development of the Alliance, the requirements of the Alliance for the selection of gym owners are also many times higher than at the beginning of its establishment.

Xia Yan was just going to the Alliance headquarters to discuss the master of the gymnasium, as well as the resurrection of the fossils, plus the rewards of the competition, it would save time to run all three things.

Once the details of becoming the gym owner are finalized, Xia Yan will start busy with a series of matters such as gym construction and gym promotion, so he will definitely not be able to leave Sinnoh in a short time.

In addition to the construction of the gym, Xia Yan's private Pokémon ranch is still in its prototype form, and many things and facilities are not perfect, and he needs to spend time to prepare.


The end of this competition is not only a time for Xia Yan to relax, but the beginning of his busy schedule.

"What do you think?"

Suddenly a soft voice came.

Xia Yan sat up and looked back, it was Cynthia with a blushing face.

They've all met the minimum age requirement for the Alliance's "Liquor Limit", so they all drank a little tonight.

No, Cynthia is on the face.

But to be honest, Cynthia's blushing face at this time was a little less distance than usual, and more cute.

Withdrew his eyes, stretched his arms, sat leaning by the pool, looked at the vast night sky, and shook his head, "No, just thinking about the future."

Cynthia walked over to Xia Yan.

Look at his feet in the pool.

Think about it.

He bent down and took off his leather shoes, revealing a pair of delicate jade feet, and rolled up his trousers to show his fair and slender calf.

Following Xia Yan's example, he sat by the pool.

The white soles of the feet touched the water, and a hint of coolness hit.

Cynthia frowned.

But still put it in, shaking slightly.

There are ripples in the swimming pool, and the stars are dotted,

Looking at Cynthia's appearance, Xia Yan couldn't help but chuckle and said, "The water in the early spring night is still relatively cold."

Moreover, Sinnoh Region is still in the north.

"Hmm." Cynthia nodded noncommittally.

Swinging his feet, feeling the softness of the cool pool water in contact with his skin, his brows gradually loosened.

The girl's heart gradually rose, like two lovely white swimming fish, circling in the pool.

The water in the swimming pool, also driven by her, was changing with ripples.

After a while.

Cynthia gently stroked her loose hair, raised her head and looked up at the night sky like Xia Yan, and the bright stars reflected in her eyes.

"Are you sure about Solaceon Town?"


Xia Yan stretched out for a long time and lay down on the grass again.

Put one hand behind your head and stretch the other hand like a "big".

"What Attribute are you going to choose?" Cynthia's ankle wiggled less frequently.

"I don't know yet, haha—"

Xia Yan grinned.

From a commoner to a gym owner, no one knows the bitterness of the process, but from the results, everything paid for it is worth it.

Moreover, the master of the gymnasium.

For Xia Yan, it may be a relatively important milestone along the way, far from his end.

However, the Attribute selection of this gym is indeed a relatively important point, and to a large extent, it can be used as a gimmick to attract others to the gym.

"What advice do you have?" Xia Yan turned his head.

Cynthia pondered slightly.

She really helped Xia Yan consider this matter, from Xia Yan's point of view.

"Dragon system."

Not surprisingly, Cynthia's words really startled Xia Yan.

"Dragon system? You really look down on me." Xia Yan said with a smashed mouth.

Dragons are indeed a good gimmick.

Because as far as Xia Yan knows, there seems to be no dragon-type Pokémon gym in Sinnoh Region at present.

If Xia Yan can build a dragon-type Pokémon gym, it will be a very good attraction.

After all, in the eyes of most people, dragon-type Pokémon is synonymous with power.

Moreover, Xia Yan really has no chance to build a dragon-type gym.

The dragon-type Pokémon egg that is about to hatch, in his Pokémon ranch, there are the Noiven couple and their children, and the stronger one is the Turtonator, which can be used as the town hall Pokémon.

Even Tyrantrum is a good choice.

After all, many gym owners, some of the Pokémon they use for gym battles, are not their main Pokémon.

Otherwise, in terms of some particularly powerful gym owners, if the main Pokémon is used up, the ordinary Trainer has no chance of winning at all.

The most representative of them is Norman of Hoenn Alliance. His Slaking, it is estimated that the Elite Four of Normal may not be able to stand it.

The Gym is an organization that actually tests the young trainers of the Alliance. What it tests is not all the strengths of the trainers, but also their various qualities. Battles are just one of the ways to test them.


Who said that to build a Dragon Gym, Pokémon's Attribute must be Dragon?

It's okay to have "Dragon" in your name.


And those with "dragon" in their names are much cheaper than those with a dragon on the Attribute.

Cynthia stroked her hair again and said calmly, "When you come back from Alliance headquarters this time, you can come back to Celestic Town with me, maybe it will help you."


Xia Yan glanced at her in surprise.

Although Xia Yan has been to Celestic Town several times, in fact, he has not actively explored some of the secrets of Celestic Town.

"Sneaky, what are you talking about?"

At this time, another voice came.

The owner of this voice, Xia Yan didn't even have to look back to know who it was.

Without a doubt, it is crossing.

After Xia Yan disappeared from the party, Du was looking for him, and finally saw Xia Yan and Cynthia sitting by the pool with Cynthia in the backyard.

Although Claire repeatedly pulled the ferry, beckoning him not to go over.

But still came.

He also expressed puzzled over the eyes that Claire had cast many times.

What do you mean?

Friends get together to chat, don't let him go?

Then, under Claire's helpless gaze, he came to Xia Yan's side.

Seeing the two of them soaking their feet, he didn't shy away, so Mimic did the same.

"What is sneaking?" Xia Yan glared at him angrily.

Then he explained: "Let's talk about what Attribute to choose for the gym."


Du suddenly became interested.

As for Xia Yan's preparation to build a gym in Sinnoh, it is no longer a secret among them.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"Cynthia suggested me to choose the dragon type." Xia Yan said bluntly.

Cynthia nodded.

I don't know why, but her face was even redder than before.

Du's eyes lit up.

"Dragon type is good, I'm familiar with dragon type, dragon type. No, Xia Yan, do you have dragon type Pokémon?" Du reacted.

Whoever said that Xia Yan didn't have a dragon system, he could endure it, but he could only cross.

Xia Yan looked back at him.

"How many dragons do you have?"

"I" was at a loss for words.

Say goodbye to not revealing the scars.


Xia Yan said something that everyone was tacit, and it was spread on paper.

Cynthia covered her mouth and chuckled, her eyes curved into crescents.

"You are all breathing."

Another one came.

Wearing a small dress, Steven, who described his manner as aristocratic and elegant, appeared smiling, alleviating Du's embarrassment.

In the end, the top four of this competition actually abandoned the lively party in the hall and went outside.

Soak feet.

Cold water feet.

"Building a gym?" Steven rubbed his chin lightly and said with a smile, "Maybe I can provide a little help too."

Before Xia Yan could speak, he heard him continue: "There should be a team of workers working in Jiayuan City. I can call two teams to help you build the gym."

Xia Yan's eyes lit up, "Won't it delay your home project?"

Steven waved his hand, "It's a small project, it's not a big problem, I'll report it to my dad when I go back, and make a phone call."

"it is good."

This is a practical help.

Although Alliance promised to help build the gym.

However, the speed of Alliance construction, Xia Yan estimated that he would have to sleep in the open for a long time, and with the help of Steven's construction team, it would undoubtedly be much faster.

The German company is rich and rich, and its business not only covers the entire Hoenn Region, but has begun to radiate to the surrounding Regions.

Moreover, as a mining company, Devon Corporation does have a good reputation in housing construction.

Somewhere in the garden of a villa on Lily of the Valley.

"Agatha, if you have something to say, don't use a knife or a gun."

Professor Oak was in a cold sweat.

It is estimated that no one has ever seen Professor Oak, who is always calm and smiling, show such a side.

"I didn't use a knife or a gun, but I just wanted a few kids to 'play' with you." Agatha's low, hoarse voice came.

Professor Oak stared at the dense, at least hundreds of Ghost-type Pokémon with a stiff expression.


You are not good at math, I can teach you!

"Let your Dragonite come out! I'll see if it has regressed during this period of time. If it regresses, hum!"

Agatha snorted coldly, and there was a chill in her slowly raised eyes.

Professor Oak still smiled and said with a dry smile, "Hehe--Isn't that necessary?"



A red light flashed and a Poké Ball opened in Professor Oak's inner pocket.


A Dragonite with a strong physique and excellent mental outlook appeared behind Professor Oak.

He flapped his wings, his face full of confidence.

And with the appearance of this Dragonite, Agatha's dense Ghost army appeared for a brief period of rigidity.

Even Agatha's Gengar, with a smile on his face, looked at the sudden appearance of Dragonite with a serious expression.

"This child" Professor Oak reluctantly looked at the Dragonite that appeared.

Agatha's eyes narrowed as she glanced up and down at Professor Oak's Dragonite, her original serious and grim appearance, but slightly restrained.

"Fortunately, it's still not completely abolished."

The object of discussion, of course, refers to Professor Oak.

Professor Oak smiled wryly, "I haven't been a trainer for years."

The two were good friends when they were young, and Professor Oak was also one of the few people who were willing to approach the withdrawn Agatha. For Professor Oak at that time, Agatha's feelings were also very complicated.

But it wasn't until Professor Oak announced that he had given up on Trainer and turned to focus on Pokémon.

Agatha thinks that Professor Oak betrayed her and betrayed what they had agreed upon, so she is full of hatred against Professor Oak.

Now that I see that Dragonite is not completely abandoned, I feel a lot better.

"Hmph—" Agatha snorted, "I don't care what you do, but I warn you, keep me away from that kid Xia Yan in the future, he's my disciple!"

"Your disciple?" Professor Oak was taken aback.

Immediately, a strange look appeared on his face.


"That. I'm afraid it won't work."

"Huh?" Agatha rolled her eyes.

"You shouldn't know, your disciple has another name on the Internet, right?"

Professor Oak sneered. He also felt guilty about Agatha, so he was very polite and friendly to Agatha.


"'The Dodo'."

Because he wanted to help Xia Yan get the bachelor's title of Yinbai Academy, Professor Oak learned some details in order to help Sakuragi to urge.

Although, not many people knew about this, and even most of them didn't associate Xia Yan with "Dodo Bird" at all, thinking it was just the same name.

After all, no one could have imagined that such a young person would have achieved such a high level of achievement in Pokémon research.

At present, there are not many people who know that Xia Yan is a "dodo bird".

Agatha was taken aback.

Of course, Agatha has also heard of the "dodo" that caused quite a stir in the Pokémon research community some time ago.

But she really didn't know that "Dodo" was her disciple Xia Yan.

"you sure?"

"I wasn't sure before, but after watching the game, I was sure about the close relationship between him and Pokémon." Professor Oak said bluntly.

Agatha narrowed his eyes slowly, with a dangerous gleam in them.

Suddenly, Professor Oak felt his whole body loose, and the feeling of being stared at by hundreds of ghosts suddenly disappeared.

Then I saw Agatha turned around and walked towards the villa.

Only one sentence remained.

"Teach him well, teach him badly, teach him disabled, hum-"

Does Agatha look down on Pokémon research?

Obviously not.

As an Elite Four, she understands the critical role Pokémon research plays in the development of the Alliance.

She just looked down on Professor Oak who abandoned Wu Congwen.

It can't be said to be despised, it should be said to be full of Grudges for Professor Oak who left her alone.

Don't beat him this time.

Listening to Agatha's words, Professor Oak smacked his mouth and murmured, "Does he still need me to teach him?"


Another chapter of nearly 5,000 words~~ Today is a bit sloppy, and it may be a little slower. Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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