The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 549 Pavilion Master Xia Yan (Two In One)

Chapter 549 Pavilion Master Xia Yan (two in one)

"I propose to join forces with 'Team Galactic'."

Sinnoh Region.

A meeting room in an unknown corner.

At a large round table, there were six people with different looks and clothes.

Some folded their arms and leaned against the back of the chair with a serious expression.

Some were slouching on their chairs, with one hand drooping down the back of the chair, and their hooked noses were particularly conspicuous.

Some with white beards and white hair hung their heads on crutches.

Some ate with big mouthfuls and slapped their mouths.

Some even put their feet on the table with disdain.

The one who spoke was a black men's suit and a small top hat, with her hands on the table, the only woman sitting with a smile on her face.

If Xia Yan was here, he would definitely recognize that the woman who spoke was the one who played him in Saffron City, the former Elite Four reserve of Kanto Alliance, and now the top five of the Alliance's most wanted list, the electric Pokémon Specialist, Tom Ritchie!

At the same time, outside this large round table, there is also a circle of seats.

Just formed the inner and outer circles.

If you count them carefully, you can see that there are twenty chairs in total.

It's just that some people are sitting on them, and some are vacant.

And what is being held in this huge conference room is the internal meeting of the Hunter Guild.

The six people, including Tom Ritchie, represented the six people with the highest rights and interests in the Hunter Guild, and the twenty chairs on the periphery represented the remaining 20 Hunter Guild executives.

After Tom Yuqi said his words with a smile, the entire conference room fell into absolute silence.

Even the member of the highest seat who was eating stopped what he was doing at this moment.

"You, a person who just sat on the highest seat, what qualifications do you have to speak?"

The one who spoke was the man who put his feet on the table, his eyes were deep, and his face was full of disdain.

As soon as his words came out, they got some approval.

"Our Hunter Guild has always maintained a neutrality and stayed away from all forces. You are disrupting the balance."

This time, it was the man with a serious expression on his chest with his arms folded.

"The old man does not recommend breaking the rules."

The old man, who held his cane and lowered his head, also agreed.

Tom Ritchie didn't express any opinion on their words, just looked at the other two with a smile.

"Regardless of the rules, it's okay to join forces, I'm so sleepy, are you finished talking? I'll go back to Rest after we're done talking." The lazy hook-nosed man hit Yawn with a long, languid look.

"Joining? I think it's good, I'm used to being bored anyway, and it's good to step out of my comfort zone, eh."

The eating woman pursed her slender and slender fingers, and was quite interested.

The top six seats were discussed, and the next twenty seats were not qualified to interject.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that Tom Ritchie has not gained much right to speak in the Hunter Guild for the time being.

"Hehe - since that's the case, then this matter will be put on hold for the time being?"

The smile on Tom Ritchie's face remained unchanged, and there was not much emotional change due to the words of others.

But if someone stared into her eyes carefully, they could definitely see the deeply suppressed killing intent deep in her eyes.

"Call me over for this crap?"

Agatha stuck his cane and stared at Xia Yan.

I, a disciple who can brag a few words in front of friends, actually called me from the Kanto Region to open a gym. Agatha wanted to go down with a cane and knocked his head off to see what was inside. what are all.

Oh, I forgot that I don't have many friends.

But that doesn't stop Agatha from having such an idea.

"You didn't ask what was going on." Xia Yan whispered softly.

"Huh?" Agatha squinted her eyes sullenly.

Xia Yan immediately showed a shy smile.

Although he was said to be Agatha's disciple, Xia Yan was a little worried about this cheap Teacher.

No way, who made Agatha moody and with such a good memory at such an age, especially to some people who had "turned away" on her.

"Cough, Teacher, it's not entirely for this matter, but also about the task." Xia Yan hurriedly appeased Agatha's heart that was about to move.

"Speak!" Agatha gave him another sullen look.

"Teacher, the identity trouble has been resolved, but I need help. Don't your search department have any help for me?"

Agatha asked Xia Yan to join the Hunter Guild to be an undercover agent of the Alliance. Xia Yan's request was to provide him with his identity. Agatha had almost helped him complete it some time ago, and the confidentiality level of his identity was raised to the highest level.

But Xia Yan felt that, letting him join the Hunter Guild by himself, and requiring him to sit on twenty-six seats within a few months, should he come with some help?

Agatha looked at him like an idiot.

"If I can help you, why don't I just let him do it?"

Xia Yan blinked.

He understands the reason.

After all, if Agatha assigns him an overly upright helper like Wat, it might just make things worse sometimes.

To deal with wicked people, you still have to bring wicked people along.

He was also ready to sneak in alone.

Then why even say that?

Isn't this an excuse to "cheat" Agatha over.

Gym opening, Elite Four debut to support, how many cards to face?

"By the way, I suddenly remembered when I saw you. Are you hiding something from me? Huh?" Agatha suddenly remembered something.

"how come."

"Eevee, thesis."

Agatha said two words.

But Xia Yan's expression was stiff.

"Hehe - what, Teacher, I still have things to do, you Solaceon."

Saying that, Xia Yan walked away, walking faster and faster.

"This brat." Agatha scolded with a laugh.

Gym hall.

A lot of people have gathered, many come here because of their fame, and there are also many reporters from various newspapers and websites.

For example, Solaceon Town actually has a newspaper, but it is not very famous.

And the rest of the newspapers, Reporter, are

"Xia Yan."

As soon as Xia Yan came to the hall, Steven walked up to him with a smile, "How is it? Is it possible to arrange it?"

Naturally, it was invited by Steven, a real wealthy young master.

Xia Yan gave a thumbs up.

For Steven, things that can be solved with money are not things.

Among the people Xia Yan knew, only Steven could invite so many reporters from major newspapers and websites.

The first shot of this gymnasium will start today.

Of course, besides Steven, Xia Yan also invited others.

For example, Watanabe, Lorelei, Cynthia, Daya, Lucian, Aaron, Casey Mei and others.

This group of players who have become acquainted at the "Ling-Lan Youth Competition" has brought substantial benefits to Xia Yan not only in the future, but also now.

With their support, there is no doubt that the opening of the gym has become more popular.

Thinking about it, it is also possible to let the champions of the three Regions in the future come to support the field, and there is no one in this card.

Not to mention so many future Elite Fours.

If someone finds out the video of the opening of Xia Yan's gym in a few years, they will be greatly shocked by the people who participated in the opening ceremony of the gym.

Xia Yan will probably be known as the No. 1 person in the world of Pokémon!

Social Niubi plus!

"It's illegal for you to dress like this?"

Xia Yan's eyes swept across several people quickly.

That's fine with Steven and Watanabe.

They just changed into a new set of clothes, which they usually wear.

Although Du's cape was a little red and conspicuous, Steven's small suit was a little neater, with more crystal diamonds embellished, but it was still within the acceptable range.

But Lorelei you're going too far.

What black silk to wear?

I don't know if Reporter's photos are taken crookedly?

And Cynthia.

The neckline of your dress is a little too low!

The skin is so deep. Bah! The clothes are so white.

Too much anyway!

Still Casey is more reliable, so I wore a miniskirt.

"Didn't Xia Yan Senior ask us to support you?" Lorelei said with a smile while holding his glasses.

Cynthia also bent her eyes and covered her mouth with a chuckle.

"The question is, who is paying attention to me, the owner of the pavilion, when you dress like this?" Xia Yan looked down at himself.

Although Chrysanthemum also helped him order a little black dress of the same style as before.

But standing with them, it seems a little dwarfed.

One thing to say, these friends are really very face-saving, and they show up in full costumes.

Just a little overdone.

"Xia Yan, have you prepared enough Pokémon? I brought some from home."

Du took out a backpack with a dozen Poké Balls in it.

You can see through the clear glass of the Poké Ball, which is full of dragon-type Pokémon.

Xia Yan patted Du's shoulder.

"Have a heart."

Obviously Du was worried that although Xia Yan opened the Dragon Gym, the Pokémon in the Gym were not well prepared, so he brought some from home, just in case.

As for the quality of Pokémon, that's certainly nothing to worry about.

Moreover, Du is also very confident in Xia Yan's ability to understand Pokémon, and believes that he can command these dragon-type Pokémon well.

"I brought some too."

Cynthia opened the small bag she was carrying, and there were also several Poké Balls inside.

"no need."

Xia Yan smiled and waved his hand, rejecting the kindness of the two.

"Since I chose to open the museum, I am ready. You can rest assured and watch my performance."

These Pokémons are borrowed, if Xia Yan is given, it is necessary, but borrowing is unnecessary.

"Mr. Xia Yan, Bertha Elite is here, it's time to start."

Ju Cai, who was holding the schedule, came to Xia Yan and reminded him.

"it is good."

After Xia Yan nodded towards the crowd, he turned and walked towards the battlefield.

On the way, many people took the initiative to say hello to him.

In addition to these friends, some other gyms in Sinnoh Region also sent people to show their support.

In any case, Xia Yan will be one of Sinnoh's pavilion owners. If there is no obvious contradiction, it is the most basic etiquette to send someone to support him.

The so-called opening ceremony was actually Xia Yan accepting the challenge of the first group of challengers and passing on some initial impressions of the gym to everyone.

The biggest battle field in the gym.

The auditorium was almost full.

Xia Yan, on the other hand, stood on the opposite side of the battlefield, with a shelf next to him, on which dozens of Poké Balls were neatly placed.

Matching the appropriate Rival Pokémon according to the different strength levels of the challenger is also a required course as a gym owner.


Already customized.

Very domineering.

It is a pattern engraved with a dragon head, and the overall color is mainly purple and gold.

"Do you think Xia Yan will choose to position the gym? Is it for the more powerful Trainer, for the Rookie, or for all of them?"

In the first row of the auditorium, Steven leaned against the railing and asked with a smile.

"With the character of Xia Yan Senior"

"That must be the choice to take care of it all." Du took Lorelei's words.

Yidu's understanding of Xia Yan was very certain about this result.

"But this will inevitably lead to a difficult year-end performance appraisal for the gym." Cynthia also leaned on the railing and said.

She knows more about the inside information of these gyms than Do and Steven.

“As far as I know. Last year, we had so many gyms in Sinnoh, and there were a total of three year-end audits, but they were fined.

One of them was excusable because Rookie Gym had just taken over.

The other two are because the scope of challengers is too wide, and the Badge is issued excessively, but in the end, less than 10% of them can reach the Lily of the Valley Annual Conference, which is seriously below the target. "

Badges are not issued by gymnasiums if they want to.

If you send a Badge, it shows your approval and you need to take some responsibility.

One of the standards of measurement.

It is the person who obtained the Badge of the gym, can he finally enter the Lily of the Valley Annual Conference?

Not to mention the ranking.

Whether it can enter is the basic indicator.

If the ranking is higher, the Alliance will also distribute rewards and resource subsidies accordingly.

Regarding these doorways, after Xia Yan obtained the identity of the library owner from Bertha, a large part of the library owner book she gave was about this.

The gym is actually an intermediate assessment checkpoint set up by the Alliance for the Trainer.

It is one of the criteria to verify the strength of Trainers.

So it's important.

"Are you all ready?" Bertha came to the field.

"Yeah." Xia Yan nodded.

Bertha glanced at the corner of the auditorium, the hunched figure with a cane hidden in the shadows.

"Don't think you'll be fine if you call your Teacher. If she doesn't meet my requirements, I won't give her face." Bertha's assessment of the gym is really strict.

Xia Yan grinned, "Okay."

Seeing that Xia Yan was so confident, Bertha couldn't help but nodded slightly and gestured towards the referee standing beside the field.

This time, Xia Yan had a total of five challengers.

His goal is to send two Badges, even if successful.

"The first challenger please." The referee immediately shouted when he saw Bertha walk away.

One by one, the little boys, about fifteen or sixteen years old, hurried down from the auditorium.

Cool too.

A Trainer who has already earned three Badges.

Xia Yan's mind flashed some basic information about the challenger.

"Master of Tactics Xia Yan, I'm your fan!" Ryotai immediately shouted to Xia Yan excitedly when she came to the battlefield.

"Okay, let me see your abilities."

Xia Yan's expression remained unchanged, calm and calm, fully showing the temperament that a gym owner should have.

Then grab it and grab a Poké Ball from the shelf next to it.

Because it is the opening ceremony, the challenge rules are simply one-on-one.

As the owner of the museum, Xia Yan's responsibility is to give priority to dispatching Pokémon.

With the red light flashing.


Under the illumination of the Spotlight, the dazzling Cal was reflected.

On the stage, it is the aluminum steel dragon!

As soon as he appeared, he became the focus of the entire battlefield.

This is the little aluminum-steel dragon in the family of aluminum-steel dragons that Xia Yan subdued.

In order to thank Xia Yan, their family became a member of his gym Pokémon under Xia Yan's Sheng (wei) affection (bi) invitation (li) invitation (you).

The strength of this small aluminum-steel dragon is the senior level, and Xia Yan felt that it should be just right to match the challenger with three to five Badge.

But it seems that few people in the audience know Pokémon like the aluminum steel dragon, which suddenly puts Ryo too in a dilemma.

Xia Yan said with a smile: "This Pokémon is called the Aluminum Steel Dragon, the Pokémon of the steel and dragon types."

Having said that, Ryota hurriedly bowed in gratitude, and then took out a Poké Ball, "Steel Pokémon, then please, Monferno!"


An orange-red Pokémon appears.

Monferno, an evolution of Chimchar.

The basic Attribute restraint is still known, which means that the three Badges are not in vain.

"The battle begins!" The referee immediately announced the battle.

in the stands.

Everyone was surprised by this Pokémon they had never seen before.

In particular, Du and Steven were staring at the aluminum-steel dragon in the field.

Ferry: Dragon Element!

Steven: Steel!


Failed to ask for leave, a new volume begins~~

(End of this chapter)

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