The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 550 The Fish Pond Bureau Meets The King (2 In 1)

Chapter 550 The Fish Pond Bureau Meets the King (2 in 1)

Monferno is a Fire-type and Fighting-type Pokémon, but due to the combination of the Aluminium-steel Dragon's Attribute, Fire-type moves cannot restrain it.

However, the Fighting system is indeed one of the weaknesses of the aluminum-steel dragon.

"Monferno, Mach Punch."

As a challenger, not only does it have the advantage of being a late-player Pokémon, but it also has the advantage of being a first-player.

"Mach Punch" is a Fighting-type move, and it's a very fast move, so it's a good starting move.

I see.

Monferno swung his fists quickly, driving the movement of his body, as if surpassing the normal speed of sound, blasting his fists out.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the front of the aluminum-steel dragon.


A solid punch hit the aluminum-steel dragon's sturdy body, making a dull sound.

"Aluminum steel dragon, Breaking Swipe." Xia Yan calmly commanded without changing his face.


The little aluminum-steel dragon endured Monferno's punch, which was painful, but also succeeded in arousing its pride as a dragon-type Pokémon.

Quickly swung like spiky claws, it swept across Monferno, knocking it into the air.

Breaking Swipe: Dragon-type move, Fan Beat Up strike move, causing damage will reduce Rival's physical attack ability.

Monferno frowned in intense pain as he took the attack.


"Continue." Xia Yan didn't stop there.


The aluminum-steel dragon kicked on the ground with both feet, and rushed towards Monferno at a good speed.

"So fast." Liang Tai was very surprised.

Because as far as he knows, aren't Steel-type Pokémons all Pokémons with extremely strong defenses, but worrying about their speed?

Why is this aluminum-steel dragon so fast? !

Another solid shot of "Breaking Swipe".

After two attacks, Monferno's physical attack ability was reduced in a straight line.

"The speed of this steel Pokémon is really good." Steven's eyes are getting brighter and he feels that he has found a new target.

"'Breaking Swipe' is a very unpopular dragon-type move, but it seems to be very practical for an aluminum-steel dragon." Du also sighed.

Because it is not difficult to see from the combination of Attributes that the Al-Steel Dragon's weaknesses are Fighting and Ground, and the Fighting-style moves are mostly physical attacks. "Breaking Swipe" can reduce the physical attack ability and strengthen the survivability of the Al-Steel Dragon.

"The only shortcoming is that he can't fly, but the speed exceeds that of most steel-type Pokémon, which makes up for it." Du continued.

The more the two looked at it, the more they felt that this aluminum-steel dragon was pleasing to the eye!

in the venue.

After the three consecutive "Breaking Swipe"s of the Al-Steel Dragon, Monferno's physical attack ability is basically no longer a threat to it.

But soon.


Monferno staggered up from the ground, the flames on his tail were burning, and his momentum was growing rapidly.

"Rapid Fire" Ability Excited!

"Monferno, Fire Punch!" Ryo Tai was also extremely excited at the moment.

Since the Fighting-type moves are gone, use the Fire-type to attack!

Chimchar's whole body burst into flames, gathered on Chimchar's fist, three steps and two steps, rushed towards the aluminum steel dragon.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

He vaguely saw a little bit of the shadow of the big leaf on the body of the challenger Ryota.

Maybe this is the Contest Condition of the Fire-type Pokémon Trainer.

Bang! !

The aluminum-steel dragon stood still and took a punch from Monferno.

On the metal body, a charred fist mark appeared.

Ding Ding Ding-

The aluminum-steel dragon took three steps back.

This attack was still a bit painful, even though Monferno was weakened so much by it.

It also made the aluminum steel dragon a little surprised.

"Come on, Stomping Tantrum." Xia Yan gave the last command.


One of the aluminum-steel dragon's foot stomped hard on the Ground, and the Ground cracked layer by layer. A crack spread rapidly toward Monferno, and when it touched it, it burst with a bang.

At this moment, Xia Yan's first thought was

In the future, Ground-type moves will be used less often, and the damage ability of this ground will be full. How much will it cost to maintain it later?

cough cough.

"Monferno!" Ryota rushed into the arena and hugged Monferno, who fell to the ground and was incapacitated.

This ground-type move "Stomping Tantrum" completed the harvest of Monferno.

"I lost." Ryo Tai sat down on the ground, holding Monferno tightly.

Xia Yan walked slowly to the aluminum steel dragon, patted it with satisfaction, then looked at Ryotai, "You're good."


Ryo raised his head in surprise.

"My assessment criteria are not entirely determined by the outcome. You have met my requirements, so... it is yours."

Xia Yan took out a brand new Badge.

This was the first Badge he issued as a gym owner.

He didn't expect to see a good seedling in the first game today.

Although this guy is not very strong, Xia Yan has seen the bond with Pokémon.

Therefore, Xia Yan felt that he was qualified to get this Badge.

Such a person, as long as his fiery personality can be maintained, not to mention that he can reach the level of Da Ye, but at least his achievements will not be low.

Of course, the premise is that when you hit your head and blood is broken, you can always strengthen your heart.

"Thank you, Mr. Xia Yan."

Ryota got up in a hurry, bowed to Xia Yan, and took the Badge carefully.

Then, under a group of cameras, the dragon Badge was happily displayed.

The audience applauded.

"Is this a Badge? This person's ability is too different from Xia Yan." Lucian pushed his glasses and said.

Daye grabbed Lucian's neck, "What do you know, it's called passion, Xia Yan felt the passion of that young man and cherished each other."

He is also quite optimistic about the challenger Ryo too.

If he is the gym owner, he will definitely give out Badge.

"Cheering for each other?" Aaron glanced at the calm Xia Yan, then at the excited Ryota, and shook his head.

"But Big Brother Lucian, the challenger and Mr. Xia Yan have a big gap, it is inevitable, if you can fight back and forth with Mr. Xia Yan, it will be unexpected, right?"

"That's right, Xia Yan let out the water at the last Fire Punch." Lucian nodded.

Immediately, he lowered his head and opened a book again, which is Shauntal's latest masterpiece. "Call me when the next game starts, there are more than 300 pages left, and you should be able to read it in five minutes."

The challenger in the first game surprised Xia Yan.

However, the following three people made Xia Yan feel a little disappointed.

The second Badge was never sent.

"Senior Xia Yan's requirements are really high." Lorelei sighed.

"Isn't he worried that many challengers will be intimidated?" Steven also expressed surprise at Xia Yan's harshness.

"You don't understand." Du Que explained with a smile: "Isn't a trainer someone who knows it's difficult, but still wants to rush up?"

After Du said this, several people nodded thoughtfully.

It seems to make some sense.

during rest.

Haven't waited for Xia Yan to take over the information of the next challenger from Ju Cai.

Bertha called him aside.

"What's wrong? Bertha Elite."

Xia Yan looked at Bertha's slightly embarrassed and serious expression, a little surprised.

"Today's five challengers. I hope you can win the last game, no matter if you give Badge at the end."

Hearing this, Xia Yan raised his brows.

He felt that there must be some special reason for Bertha to say that.

"Must win?"

Bertha pursed her lips, her expression a little dignified.

"No, I mean hope you try your best to win, because you can't really win."

Having said that, it made Xia Yan more and more curious, what kind of challenger actually made Bertha take it so seriously.

"who is it?"

"A person who swept the Kanto Alliance and Hoenn Alliance's main halls some time ago, and won the first place in the final competition." Bertha said.

“Both Kanto and Hoenn.”

This made Xia Yan really a little surprised.

Although many gym trainers will not send the strongest Pokémon to fight.

But let Xia Yan go to challenge these gymnasiums now, he is not completely sure that he can win.

After all, some pavilion owners are really strong, and even if they pull their strength to the same level as themselves, they can still win with their rich battle experience.

Moreover, Bertha's use of the word "sweep" is indeed a bit too much.

“If the Alliance in Johto Region has been built, it may be the case in Johto Region,” Bertha added.

such a person

"His goal this time is our Sinnoh Alliance, although his appearance was instructed by the Alliance headquarters, and with his strength, he has a great chance of winning the next Lily of the Valley annual competition, but if we like To finish with a 100% record like Kanto and Hoenn did, it would leave us Sinnoh with a bad face."

Bertha also had a headache.

She was the last to come, and she didn't know who the five challengers who arranged to challenge Xia Yan this time were, otherwise, this person would never have been challenged when Xia Yan just opened.

It is estimated that the gym staff who arranged Rival for Xia Yan were also newbies. They did not conduct a detailed investigation of each challenger's information, otherwise they would definitely ask Xia Yan what he meant before the opening ceremony.

"So, who is it?"

Xia Yan is now more and more curious.

In fact, a name has already popped up in his mind now.

Just thinking about this person makes me feel a little bit absurd.

Without waiting for Bertha to answer, Xia Yan took the information of the next challenger from Ju Cai.

When I saw the photo attached to the information, it was printed with the slightly aged face and the name written on the first line of the form.

Xia Yan's pupils shrank.

Looking at Bertha in disbelief.

"I'm finishing the opening ceremony now, is it too late?"

Bertha ignored Xia Yan's question at all.

"It seems that you also pay attention to some of the Alliance's event information."

Follow Alliance's event information?

During this time, Xia Yan was either training Pokémon or observing the progress of gym construction. How could he pay attention to Alliance's event information?

It was purely because of the names and photos on this information sheet that he was too familiar.

"He is from a region that Alliance has not announced, because Alliance's entry into the region has been hindered a lot.

But this person is one of the supporters of the Alliance concept. His talent is very outstanding. In order to speed up the process of Alliance's settlement, he is specially allowed to leave that region and travel to various regions today.

And one of his goals is to challenge the powerhouses in each region and learn combat skills. "

Xia Yan thought about it with the form.

He asked tentatively, "Isn't he the champion of that Region?"

"Championship? He did win the region's annual league championship, similar to Kanto and Hoenn's championships." Bertha didn't seem to understand what Xia Yan meant.

But hearing her say that, Xia Yan was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, not as perverted as in the original.

Because that person's name is


This is the man who can confidently say in the future that in all official events organized by Alliance, he is undefeated!

In the future masters competition, he defeated the person who was crossing head-on.

Although Do sent red Gyarados instead of Trump Card Dragonite, nor Charizard.

But what his Rival Dandi uses is Charizard, which has the restraint on Attribute.

So in that battle, no one knows whether Du has released water or not.

But there is no doubt that this undoubtedly shows the extremely strong strength of Dan Emperor.

A man who became a champion at the age of ten.

But listening to Bertha's meaning, this champion is not another champion, otherwise it would be a bit appalling. After all, Chi Ye was eleven years old when he became the champion.

Moreover, Emperor Dan seems to have already swept two Regions, and now he has extended his "claw" to Sinnoh.

Xia Yan showed a helpless expression.

"Bertha Elite, it's not that I don't want to contribute, you also know that I'm just starting out as a gym owner, and I don't have many excellent dragon-type Pokémon in my hands. You let me win him, not because I don't want to, but because I'm afraid Can't do it."

This is the truth.

Although Xia Yan's dragon-type Pokémon has received a lot, but because of his low degree of running-in, his strength cannot be fully exerted.

And as the owner of the Dragon Gym, he can't send Attribute's Pokémon to it, right?

At least, there must be a dragon in the name.

Bertha naturally understands Xia Yan's situation.

She pondered a little and said, "You can borrow it from your friends, such as Cynthia, and I can explain it to you."

Xia Yan's Pokémon, like Noiven and Al-Steel Dragon are the main level of the pavilion.

But they are all master-level Pokémon captured in the wild, and the fighting awareness is still very different from the master-level Pokémon cultivated by Trainer.

So if you can borrow a Dragonite or Garchomp, it's not entirely without the chance of hitting a dozen.

Moreover, Xia Yan is still a Psychic, which can reduce the impact to a certain extent.

"Why don't we just think about it and let him pass, why don't you go to another gym to arrange him?" Xia Yan said tentatively.

It's not necessary.

Even if some of Dandi's actions are considered "Power Trips" in each Region.

But you arrange others to deal with him, don't find yourself a new gym!

"If you win, I will give you an extra 10 million Alliance Coins subsidy." Bertha didn't bother to talk nonsense with Xia Yan, and made a big move.

"It's not about money or money"

"Fifteen million!" Bertha added with a serious look, "Fight with all your strength, and lose half of it."

"No, Bertha Elite, are you listening to me?"

"thirty million!"

"make a deal!"

Xia Yan immediately stopped.

No way, she gave too much.

Xia Yan's gym has just been established, and the most lacking thing is funds.

Yesterday, he had just read the financial statement of the gym that Ju Cai gave him, and the deficit was all in deficit. If it wasn't for him to support it out of his own pocket, it was estimated that the closing ceremony would be held within three days after the opening.

Bertha just caught Xia Yan's weakness.

"One last question, why are you looking for me?"

Xia Yan asked carefully, this is the father of the gold master plus his immediate boss, and he cannot offend him.

Bertha glanced at him, and suddenly said with a smile: "People who swept gymnasiums in other regions, what do you think it means if they collapsed just after coming to our Sinnoh's first challenge?"

Hearing this, Xia Yan gave a thumbs up.

When Bertha left, Xia Yan approached Ju Cai.

"Jucai, wait until this ceremony is over and open the guy who arranged the challenger."

How do you do things? !

The fifth Rival is actually Dan Di!

Do you understand data research?

"Mr. Xia Yan, you chose the person." Ju Cai looked at him in surprise.

"I chose?" Xia Yan was stunned.

"Yes, you said to choose two, three or four Badge, two five or six Badge, and then choose one without Badge. He is the only one without Badge."

after all.

Who is so daring to go out and challenge the Dragon Element Gym?

Xia Yan: "."

He originally thought it was the fish frying bureau of the fish pond, but he didn't expect to meet the king who was also in the fish pond in a daze?

(End of this chapter)

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