The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 639 Wild Steelix! (Two In One)

Chapter 639 Wild Steelix! (two in one)

From Ono's mouth.

Xia Yan obtained a useful piece of information.

No matter how many hedrons he collects, it is useless because he lacks the key core.

A colorful spar.

Xia Yan was thinking before, he has collected more than 200 spar, but he can't put all these spar on Latios, right?

More than 200 Latios are still affordable.

But obviously just more than 200 pieces is definitely not enough to reach the peak of Tianzhu.

What if more than 300, 500, or even more than 1,000 were collected?

Xia Yan didn't react until he heard the colorful spar from Ono.

Turns out that was the key.

But with his current strength, without Doron Bartto, trying to beat that Elite-level Hydreigon is nothing short of a dream.


When all his main Pokémons have reached the quasi-Elite level, there will be a little possibility.

This is only a slight possibility.


A group of master-level Pokémon, combined with a sufficiently smooth and sophisticated tactical system, can defeat a quasi-Elite-level Pokémon.

For a group of quasi-Elite-level Pokémons, it is undoubtedly much more difficult to defeat an Elite-level Pokémon with their cooperation and tactical system.

And this difficulty increases in geometric multiples as the strength of Pokémon increases.

Xia Yan still remembered.

Originally in Saffron City.

Agatha even used her Ghost Corps to deal with the Flash Charizard that ran wild.

Although it was because that Flash Charizard ate a lot of over-stimulating energy blocks and potions, its combat power exceeded its own strength, and Agatha had to devote part of her energy to dealing with another Elite-level Trainer's Pokémon, so it seemed Extra tough.

But that Charizard also didn't surpass the Elite level.

Rao was like that, and Agatha almost let it run away.

You know, that's Agatha.

Now in Kanto Region, it is almost equivalent to the appearance of Elite Four.

She fought so hard.

It can be seen from this.

As the power of Pokémon increases, the gap between each level of power will be larger and more obvious.

If Xia Yan wants to deal with the Elite-level Hydreigon, it may not be enough for all of his main Pokémon to reach the quasi-Elite level.

It also depends on what tier the Hydreigon belongs to in the Elite tier.

of course.

It's not that Xia Yan has no chance at all.

At least.

Hydreigon, which combines evil and dragon attributes, is quadrupled by Fairy-type moves.

If the ability of the Fairy system can be used reasonably, coupled with Audino's "Misty Terrain", there is still a certain possibility.

But all the premise is.

His main Pokémon should all be quasi-Elite.

At least.

Alakazam, Togekiss, and Aegislash are all quasi-Elite.

Watching Ono and Kommo-o "wrestling" in the central open space to test their strength, Xia Yan thought about the feasibility of the matter.

'Maybe. Kommo-o can also be counted as one of the combat Pokémon. ' Xia Yan thought to himself.

It happened that Ono's goal was also Hydreigon.

There is a possibility of cooperation.

After a while.

"Ono, do you know anything about the Rock area just now? Why are there so many wild Pokémon there, and they are not weak."

Looking at Ono and Kommo-o, who were sitting on the ground panting and entering the intermission, Xia Yan couldn't help asking.

"I do not know."

Ono blinked and looked at Xia Yan very calmly and simply.

Xia Yan: "."

All right.

He seemed to be taking it for granted.

"However, the guys in the Crag Area will fight every three days. Awu and I have also fought with them a few times, but there are too many of them, especially the three big guys who attacked you. They are very united. Exit." Ono tilted his head and said while thinking.

"Fight? Where?"

Xia Yan thought about it.

"Well, we have to go a little deeper. There is a place like a bowl. It is a very strange place, right, Wu?"

Ono hesitated, the vocabulary she possessed made it difficult for her to explain what she wanted to express.

As he spoke, he gestured.

In fact, Xia Yan is still a little curious about Ono.

Since she has no contact with her parents, who did she learn these languages ​​from?

It can't be self-taught, can it?

Maybe there was something in between that he didn't know.

But now Xia Yan's focus is no longer on this.

He frowned slightly after listening to her words.

A place like a bowl?

"Do you mean ravines? Or basins."


"Okay, tell me where the general direction is." Xia Yan pressed his forehead.

"Are you going? Those three big guys were amazing just now. If the bad guys didn't come suddenly. They were really amazing."

It seems that she should have seen the strength of the three Aggrons.

"I want to go and see, maybe I can get something." Xia Yan said calmly.

"Then keep walking along this road, and you should be able to get out at the end." Ono pointed to one of the intricate tunnels for Xia Yan and said.

She knows it well.

If Xia Yan didn't see how these Tunnels have existed for a long time, he would even wonder if she and Kommo-o dug them.

"it is good."

Xia Yan didn't hesitate, turned around and left.

To get the colorful spar from the Elite Hydreigon, it is very important to improve the Pokémon's strength.


After a month of precipitation, coupled with the continuous high-intensity battles in the past few days, the Pokémons digested and learned quickly, and they are not far from the quasi-Elite level.

"Then you have to be careful about that bad guy, it may not go far." Ono reminded.

Xia Yan had already walked some distance and waved his hand with his back to her.

Sitting on the ground with Kommo-o, watching the back of Xia Yan leaving, Ono propped his head.

"Awu, do you think there really is an outside world? Aweng said someone like me appeared."

"Wow—" Kommo-o growled softly, nodding hesitantly.

Ono's eyes brightened.

What is the outside world like?

"Then we have to hurry up and exercise. Aon said that only by defeating the bad guys and getting colorful stones can we have a chance to leave."

Ono stood up full of energy.


Kommo-o is also full of energy.

It had long been dissatisfied with the Hydreigon who was doing his best.

at the same time.

It can also be clearly felt.

Since I ate those delicious cubes from Xia Yan in the past few days, the energy that had been silent for a long time in its body seemed to be moving again.

Go straight along the Tunnel that Ono pointed to.

when it comes to an end.

When I walked to the Ground again, I was still in the Rock area.

Look up.

It was easy to find what Ono said, the basin like a "bowl".

There are plenty of wild Pokémon nearby.

Most of them are more mild-mannered Rock Pokémons, and they're pretty safe when he doesn't use the "Sweet Scent" nectar.

Xia Yan released the Pokémons again.

Seeing that Xia Yan was all right, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Eevee jumped directly into Xia Yan's arms, his head gently arching his chest.

After appeasing Pokémon, Xia Yan said to the side: "Duolong Bartto, can you deal with that Hydreigon just now?"

The invisible Doron Bartto slowly appeared.


While looking at Xia Yan suspiciously, he nodded without hesitation.

"Don't worry, I didn't want you to take action, I just wanted to know the strength of that Hydreigon." Xia Yan explained with a smile.

Doron Bartto was stunned, and then said a few words softly.


Although Hydreigon makes Doron Bartto feel a little threatened.

But that's because the dragon-type Pokémon and the dragon-type Pokémon have a relationship of mutual restraint, and the Hydreigon evil-type restraint the Ghost-type.

As Doron Bartto meant.

It could get hurt, but Hydreigon is bound to lose, and it's a no-suspense kind.

As soon as it said that, Xia Yan was somewhat counted in his heart.

Hydreigon still has an advantage over Doron Bartto in Attribute, but Doron Bartto said "may be injured", that is, it may not be injured.

It can be seen that the strength gap between Hydreigon and Dolong Bartto is still a bit big.

This made Xia Yan relax a little.

At least.

There's still a chance for a fight.

If the strength of that Hydreigon is similar to that of Duolong Bartto, then Xia Yan feels that he can give up in the short term.

Because even if his main Pokémon have been upgraded to the quasi-Elite level, Xia Yan doesn't think they can be the Rival of Duolong Bart.

Sometimes Xia Yan even wondered if Duolong Bartto had surpassed the Elite level.

It's just that he doesn't know this level very well, so he can't judge.

But since Duolong Bartto can lightly abuse Hydreigon, Xia Yan feels that he and the Pokémons will work hard, maybe some fights.

Going down the rugged stone slope, I came to the basin.


After arriving at the basin, Aegislash narrowed his eyes comfortably.

After its coating, the body that had completely fitted with the body and could not see much change, a layer of silver-white streamer suddenly flashed on the surface.

Noticing the change in Aegislash, Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Aegislash's coatings are no ordinary metallic coatings.

It is the special Metal Coat that Regigigas is looking for in order to make Registeel. It is a "Metal Coat" buried deep in the earth, squeezed and tempered by nature, combining the power of nature and Regigigas.

Here, there is actually a reaction.


There's a good thing hidden in this rock area.


Alakazam points to a corner of the basin where a dozen Pokémons live.

For Xia Yan's group of outsiders, he watched vigilantly, but did not take the initiative to attack.


A very docile Rock and Steel Pokémon who likes to live in groups and take special care of their offspring Shieldon.

In the Pokémon world, it is an extinct Pokémon, similar to the Tyrantrum that Xia Yan once conquered.


Bastiodon is also a "dragon", right?

Suddenly this thought flashed by, Xia Yan couldn't help but smile.

Immediately wave his hand.

"It's okay, they don't take the initiative to attack, don't care."

Bastiodon will rarely attack, as long as they don't provoke them and pose no threat to their child, Shieldon.

Hearing what Xia Yan said, Alakazam relaxed a little.



As Xia Yan and the others approached the center of the basin, Ground began to tremble violently.

Bastiodon in the distance felt the movement, and drove the Shieldons back into the cave behind him, and used his face like a city wall to cast an iron gate.

While Xia Yan and the others were wrapped in Alakazam's Psychic, they slowly left Ground.

click! !

I see.

Huge fractures appear in the basin.

A heat wave is coming.

Immediately afterwards, with the flickering of silver light, a behemoth suddenly emerged from the crack, and roared with an oath of sovereignty to the approaching Xia Yan and Pokémon.


This time it's really a behemoth.

Even bigger than the three Aggrons I encountered before.

A huge body of nearly ten meters, a sturdy body, pieces of metal connected together, red eyes and a tail like a nail.


An evolution of Onix, the Steel and Ground Pokémon.

Xia Yan remembered.

It seems that Alliance has not announced the conditions for Onix to evolve into Steelix.

It may be known that it has not been announced, or it may not be known.

Wild Steelix is ​​not absent, but extremely rare.

Kind of like Milotic who offered to go with him before.

Belongs to a very rare Pokémon.

Because it is very difficult for Onix to evolve into Steelix without human intervention.

The most normal and the most popular evolution method in the future is to "coat" Onix.

It can evolve into Steelix by turning its body from the outside to the inside, completely transforming it from rock to metal.

But for Onix in the wild.

They also have a chance to evolve if they are not lucky enough to encounter a formed "Metal Coat".

First, you need to find a piece of land or mining area that is rich in metal elements.

And then dig all the way underground, to a very deep level.

Finally, he quietly buried himself in the ground.

Through the power of nature, the extrusion of the earth, and the rich metal elements in the soil and Rock, let yourself be transformed little by little.

Achieving a more difficult but also more thorough way to evolve than using the "Metal Coat" evolution.

After all, the all-natural "Metal Coat" was born in this situation.

Onix just placed himself in such an environment, treating himself as a piece of ore and the power of the earth as a hammer.

Through the "tempering" of the earth.

Allow yourself to complete the transformation from rock to metal.

It's a way of evolution from the inside out.

Therefore, it is more thorough than using "Metal Coat", and the strength is undoubtedly stronger.

But no one can say how long this process will take.

Some Onix succeeded and evolved into Steelix.

But most Onix should fail.

He couldn't bear the terrifying pressure from the ground, couldn't bear the long wait, couldn't bear the pain caused by the transformation of his body.

Eventually it turned into a handful of loess and became part of the earth.

So most of the Steelix, when it was discovered, were deep underground.

But this one in front of me.

Although it looks fierce and strong.

But it broke ground quickly, and it was obviously not deep underground.

Combine that with Aegislash's reaction when he just arrived in the basin.

Xia Yan has reason to suspect that there may be a pure natural "Metal Coat" buried under this basin.

And the amount is not small.

Otherwise Onix has evolved into Steelix, but it can still make Aegislash react.


Probably more than just "Metal Coat".

Otherwise, there would not be so many Rock-type Pokémon gathered in this Rock area.

Looking at the ground where Steelix ran out, the steamy place, Xia Yan rubbed his chin.

"No matter what, this Steelix must be dealt with first."

Not easy to deal with.

This is normally a creature with stronger defense than Aggron.

But like the Aggron, it has obvious shortcomings.


"Do it."

With Xia Yan's soft voice.

The Pokémons got into action.

(End of this chapter)

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