The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 640 The Membrane Of The Earth! (Two In One)

Chapter 640 "The Membrane of the Earth"! (two in one)

Take on a powerful Pokémon.

Xia Yan's Pokémon are already very skilled in tactics.

Alakazam braces "Psychic Terrain".

Steelix is ​​slower, so Pokémons can take a little more time.

It's just that its huge size and thick metal body are a little helpless for Beedrill, who is good at finding the target's weakness.

But the main force of this battle is obviously not the physical attack type Pokémon with suppressed attributes like Beedrill.

Mainly rely on the Pokémon of Alakazam and Togekiss, the two special attack output.


Togekiss's eyes were cunning, and two "Air Slash" swung out.

Its first attack represents the official start of this battle.


With Steelix's massive size, Togekiss' "Air Slash" is hard to miss no matter how hard you try.


Togekiss's proud "additional effect" didn't work this time.

The disparity in strength is part of the reason.

In the process of Steelix's evolution, the pain of the body's transformation from rock to metal undoubtedly greatly enhanced its willpower.

Togekiss's "Air Slash" isn't without a hitch when it comes to facing a strong-willed Rival and is weak.


But even without additional effects, special attack moves can indeed cause a certain amount of damage to Steelix.

Even if it doesn't hurt much.

Feeling the pain, Steelix's already red eyes turned even redder.

After evolving from Onix to Steelix, this Pokémon's personality has also become more irritable.

Centering on one of the segments, the body begins to rotate slowly, and then becomes faster and faster.

The surrounding gravel and rubble were all driven by the Rapid Spin's body for a while, and the "Sandstorm" environment appeared.

Alakazam glows with a little star, and "magic defense" makes it unaffected by Sandstorm.

The spoon in his hand flexed, and a burst of Psychic emanated from it, sinking into Steelix's body.

Immediately before its eyes, some pictures of what Steelix would do next began to flash.


The spreading Psychic thread pulled, Togekiss's body panned, and a thick and strong tail was swung out of the "Sandstorm" that formed a tornado, glowing with a rich metallic luster.

Fortunately, under the drag of Alakazam, Togekiss failed to cause damage.

Because of the limited height of Flying in Rayquaza's different space, even if they are flying in mid-air at the moment, with Steelix's length and size, they are still within its attack range.

Help Togekiss dodge the attack, Alakazam condense "Psychic".


Beedrill was hurt by Sandstorm, and the electric current on the wings on his back was inexplicably pulled, and the jumping arcs pointed to the center of Sandstorm.

next second.

Steelix, wrapped in electromagnetics, suddenly flew out of the Sandstorm with limited visibility.


fly out.

The Steelix, which is wrapped in electricity, uses the move "electromagnetic levitation", which is enough to allow it to move freely in the air for a period of time.


Beedrill flinched, avoiding the attack.

Scarlet compound eyes Lock On Steelix, the leader's aura is surging, resisting part of the Sandstorm's intrusion, the whole body is wrapped in dark red airflow, Twineedle slowly rubs.



Togekiss's "Aura Sphere" hit Steelix in the head, knocking it out of the way.

However, Steelix's ferocity rose again, his tail swayed in the air, carrying Sandstorm and his unparalleled aura, rushing towards Togekiss.

Body Press!

A move that completely relies on its own defense to deal damage, and it is also one of the favorite moves of Pokémon with outstanding defense such as Steelix.

But facing the shock, Togekiss was not panicking.

the next moment.

Togekiss and Aegislash swap positions.


Aegislash, who held his shield, patted his own shield, and a halo flowed on it.

King's Shield!


The huge and heavy force directly pushed Aegislash back madly.

However, Steelix has no intention of stopping.

Aegislash stared.

It was also the first time that a Pokémon had been crushed like this while in a shield-up position.

Although it has the protection of "King's Shield", it doesn't take much damage, but it also makes the attack shield very uncomfortable.

Not even Taunt can do it.

However, Steelix blindly attacked Aegislash, giving the other three Pokémon a chance.

Togekiss chops out "Air Slash" again.

But it was swept by Steelix's tail, and it was smashed directly and halfway.

Steelix's movement speed is slow, but it doesn't mean that its attack frequency is slow in the range that it can attack.

Ding--! !

Taking advantage of the gap between Steelix's tail defending "Air Slash", Beedrill wiped Steelix's body, making a crisp metal collision.

Two criss-crossed white marks remained on Steelix's body.


Although its defense is high, the Beedrill's attack is not to be underestimated.

Steelix's body sank, but he still roared in pain.

Allows Aegislash to gain air escape.

But Xia Yan frowned when he saw this scene.

"Normal Steelix's defense should not be so strong."

Beedrill actually left only two white marks.

You must know that Xia Yan's Beedrill is not an ordinary Beedrill.

at the same time.

Several "Psychic" condensed by Alakazam also hit Steelix one after another, and combined with Beedrill's power, he knocked it down from the air.

Bang! !

In the basin that was already filled with Sandstorm, a large piece of dust was raised again, and the ground cracked and spread.

As soon as Aegislash landed, unwillingness flashed in his eyes, and he instantly switched to holding a sword, turned into a shadow, and got into the diffuse dust.

Clang clang-! !

The more harsh metal collision and friction sounded, and the Aegislash flew upside down, and the dust that filled it also disappeared in an instant like an explosion Normal.

I see.

Where Steelix fell to the ground, a mass of silver-white metal was rapidly spinning in place.

Gyro Ball!

It was during the process of defending against Gyro Ball that Aegislash was knocked off by the enormous force of his heavy body.

With Steelix's slow speed, "Gyro Ball", a move that is more powerful with slower speed, can be used to its fullest.


Togekiss slashed out two "Air Slash" again, but it was only scattered at the moment of contact.

Beedrill couldn't find a good entry angle for a while.

Only Alakazam's "Psyshock" can do some damage to it.

But it only made the Steelix spin a little slower, and then returned to its original state again.

At this time, Steelix is ​​like a tortoise shell indented, which is helpless.


Steelix, who was attacked by Alakazam, no longer kept spinning.

Electromagnetism is still wrapped around it.

It actually slowly floated up and rushed towards the Pokémons.

In the face of this situation, no one can harden steel, and can only avoid it with the advantage of speed.

It's not just a turtle shell, it's the kind of turtle shell that bounces off when you touch it.

is too much.

Looking at this scene, Xia Yan also felt quite a headache.

This Steelix is ​​very strong.

It should also be regarded as a relatively top-notch existence in the quasi-Elite level.

Otherwise, it is impossible to occupy a place under the absolute dominance of the three Aggrons.

But the biggest headache for it is that the two special attack Pokémons, Alakazam and Togekiss, are not strong enough.

Want a Mega?

Xia Yan has already held the Key Stone in his pocket.

As long as Alakazam Mega, with Mega Alakazam's ability, can deal enough damage.


But before Xia Yan made a decision, Aegislash, who was swept away by Steelix, made a dissatisfied voice.


The look of publicity and caution in its eyes switched quickly.

Obviously, the attack shield was very dissatisfied with Shoujian's timid appearance at this time. It didn't have time to show its defensive power when he raised the shield just now, and was suppressed by Steelix with absolute strength and weight.

A Pokémon's two consciousnesses switch quickly, and they are also Struggle inside each other.

Xia Yan's eyes flashed.

I figured out a way.

"Aegislash, Gyro Ball."

Hearing this, Aegislash's gaze disappeared, although he didn't know what Xia Yan wanted to do.

With the strength of the master level, go to the hard steel quasi-Elite level?

With its slightly faster speed than Steelix, even if the two Pokémon are at the same level, it is probably not a Rival.

But Xia Yan's order did not need to be hesitant for Aegislash.

"Remember to go the opposite direction with Steelix."


An Arnold point of metal shedding ensues.

The airflow driven by the rotation of the two Pokémons caused two tornadoes, one large and one small, to appear in Sandstorm.

bump into each other.

But obviously in such a collision, Steelix has the absolute upper hand.


Xia Yan drank softly, and the thoughts of the two were connected under Psychic.

Alakazam understood what Xia Yan meant.

He threw the spoon in his hand and landed directly below Steelix, where he was fixed by Psychic.

Psychic surged in Alakazam.

Instantly swapped positions with Aegislash.

at the same time.

A pitch-black and transparent barrier centered on Alakazam spread to all sides.

Trick Room!

After studying with Oranguru for so long, "Trick Room" was finally used in actual combat for the first time.

a time.

Steelix's speed became the fastest Pokémon.

This conversion also reduces the power of Steelix's "Gyro Ball" to a minimum.

And Aegislash, who had swapped places with Alakazam, happened to be above Steelix at this time.


Alakazam's action has not stopped in the slightest, and it is flowing.


Centered on the spoon it flinged out of before, the massive Gravity rises vertically, enveloping Steelix and Aegislash.

Two Pokémon, two "Gyro Balls" falling vertically.

Metal versus metal, spin versus counter spin, head-to-head for the first time.

Clang clang-! !

In the continuous rotation, under the screeching sound of metal screeching sour teeth, flames splashed and sparks flew.

But obviously.

Even with the "Trick Room" Help, Aegislash's "Gyro Ball" is still not Steelix's Rival, and its spin rate is visibly slowing down.


Aegislash's body glowed again with a metallic sheen.


Reduce your own weight and increase your speed.

But in "Trick Room", the speed increase is equal to the speed slowdown, and the effect of the speed slowdown is to make the "Gyro Ball" more powerful.

A milky white airflow swirled around him.

It's "Tailwind" by Beedrill!

Has the same effect as "Autotomize".

Two additions and two subtractions, plus the "Gravity" Help, Aegislash at the top has an advantage.

Its "Gyro Ball" and Steelix actually showed a trend of evenly matched.

Steelix is ​​a Pokémon.

But Aegislash is not.

After releasing "Gravity", Alakazam held a spoon and directly detonated the Psychic that had long been hidden in Steelix.

"Future Sight" broke out!

And Beedrill, who had been poised for a long time, also moved at this time.

It became extremely slow.

But now Steelix has no time to take it into account.

Beedrill's khaki halo "Drill Run" also stepped in.

The rubbing sound became more pronounced.

Onix's pace became even slower, and it was about to stop.

"Air Slash" by Togekiss, also dropped at this time.

The previous two attacks had not worked.

But this time.

After spending too much energy on Gyro Ball against Aegislash and "Drill Run" against Beedrill, Steelix has lost the willpower that he had before.



Steelix falls into a "cringe" Contest Condition, and his body comes to a sudden stop.

this moment.

This is the best time for Pokémon to explode.

"Trick Room" was actively lifted by Alakazam.

Aegislash stopped "Gyro Ball" with a look of excitement.

The blue phantom long sword slashed out, and the "Sacred Sword Fury Cutter" fell continuously.

"Drill Run", "Psychic", and "Aura Sphere" also fell one after another.

When Steelix regained consciousness, he only felt a lot of pain both physically and mentally.

This pain is something it has not experienced for a long time.


Just when it got angry because of pain.

see you.

A phantom blue sword slashed towards its head from top to bottom.

The "Sacred Sword" superimposed by "Fury Cutter" has been completed, and the power is already quite terrifying.

Togekiss also added a "Help" to further strengthen the power.

boom! !

A powerful sword.

The head that Steelix had just raised was smashed to the ground again, causing the entire Ground to tremble, the ground sank, and fine cracks centered on Steelix spread. .

So far.

Steelix is ​​completely incapacitated.

Aegislash, who was able to maintain the sword-wielding posture, was gasping for breath, but rarely saw uncontrollable excitement and joy in his sword-wielding eyes.

ka ka ka-

Haven't had time to wait for them to be happy.

Because of the continuous friction and rotation of the Gyro Ball on the ground, and the impact of the last blow.

Ground began to crumble.

The Pokémon stood up one after another.

Xia Yan also seized the last time to throw the Poké Ball, and took this powerful and extremely precious Steelix into the bag.

boom! !

In fact, the underground has long since become riddled with holes by Steelix's wanton excavation.

And collapsed with the shaking of Ground.

What caught Xia Yan's attention the most was the silvery-white metal fluid that was bubbling like a liquid, at a depth of about one or two hundred meters.

It is mixed with some sporadic dark yellow Rock particles.

"The membrane of the earth." Xia Yan murmured.

No wonder this Steelix is ​​so powerful.

Even though Steelix's defense is already very strong, it's not that Beedrill, who is at the quasi-Elite level and has a lot of boosts at the same time, can't completely break the defense.

It turned out that the "Metal Coat" it used was "the membrane of the earth".

This is the same material that Regigigas uses to make the Registeel body.

More precious than the "Metal Coat" in the Normal natural environment.

mentioned before.

The "Metal Coat" in the natural environment is the product of extrusion, separation and mixing of metal elements and minerals in the soil and rocks.

It takes a very long time to settle.

It is very different from the artificially made "Metal Coat".

And the so-called "membrane of the earth".

In fact, it is to increase the difficulty of this already cumbersome process.

It is necessary to replace ordinary metal elements and minerals with rare metals and rare minerals.

The small khaki-colored rocks mixed in the metal fluid below are the mineral rocks that have not been fully compressed.

It is not easy to find areas rich in ordinary metal elements and minerals, let alone rare metals and rare minerals.

Moreover, the improvement of materials will inevitably take longer time and form under greater pressure.

To put it simply, this "Earth Membrane" is actually a kind of "Metal Coat", its "advanced product".

It also explains why there are so many Rock-type Pokémon gathered here.

Because to form this "Metal Coat", the prerequisite must be extremely rich minerals, which is one of the best foods for many Rock-type Pokémon.


Aegislash's eyes were drawn the moment he saw the wriggling liquid metal.

(End of this chapter)

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