The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 801 Professor Oak: I Also Tricked In To Kill And Watch (Three In One)

Chapter 800 Professor Oak: I also tricked in and killed him (three in one)

This is a complete Beedrill training manual.

And it is the only one in the entire Pokémon world, and the most powerful one.

Xia Yan didn't know how powerful Giovanni's Beedrill was, nor had he seen it.

But definitely not weak.

To be the champion, Giovanni's Beedrill can easily beat Du's Trump Card Dragonite, which is the best proof.

And that's without Mega Evolution being used.

If Giovanni's Beedrill is paired with Mega Evolution, Xia Yan can't estimate its upper limit.

But the method documented in this book.

Actually Beedrill doesn't work for everyone.

Because no one else can use the power of Vibrant to assist Beedrill's training like Giovanni.

Ordinary Beedrill, trained according to the method in this book, may have not seen the results of training, that Beedrill died of overwork first.

Xia Yan had tried to ask about the training methods of Bug Type Pokémon from Giovanni before.

There is no explicit Beedrill.

But what Giovanni is best at is undoubtedly Beedrill, so Xia Yan got what he wanted.

But he didn't say "Beedrill" after all.


Giovanni took the initiative to give him the book on how to better train Beedrill.

Xia Yan couldn't help feeling that a chill penetrated from the tailbone to the whole body.

The palms are a little numb.

Although this book is definitely a rare good thing for him.

After his Beedrill entered the Elite level, Xia Yan didn't have much clue as to how to cultivate it.

Because what is above the Elite level, he doesn't quite know.

Championship level?

So how does the Elite level move to the Championship level?

He didn't know either.

But now.

Giovanni's book describes how to train an Elite Beedrill to a Champion.

It also describes the features and differences above the Elite level.

It gave Xia Yan a clearer direction.


learn by analogy.

By cultivating the Beedrill, the cultivating of the rest of the Pokémon can also be deduced to a certain extent.

It can be said.

Giovanni pointed out the road that Xia Yan was going to walk after, the road that was still in the hazy fog, blowing away the fog and pointing it out.

But Xia Yan couldn't be happy at all.

Combined with Giovanni's temptation to him before, plus this book.

Xia Yan will inevitably have an absurd thought in his heart.

His undercover identity was known to Giovanni?

Then why didn't Giovanni expose him, didn't take action against him, and even handed him the "Silver Wing" and this important training manual?

Xia Yan pondered for a while, then slowly reacted.


He had made bold assumptions before.

Assuming Giovanni already knew his identity, would he still be used.

The answer is: yes!

"So, did Giovanni really know? He didn't say it in person, he told me through this book" Xia Yan murmured.

After a while.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

I vaguely understood what Giovanni meant.

"This behavior has another meaning. He wants to tell me that although he knows my identity, he doesn't care, so I don't need to worry?"

Then he frowned slowly again.

"So, what does he want from me, or what does he want me to do?"

shook his head.

"Then why do you still hit me with this book? Wouldn't it be better not to say it?"

Giovanni's mind, Xia Yan was really a little unpredictable all of a sudden.

"But it's not wrong that he wants to train me."

Train him and then let him do things?


Giovanni also complied with the previous agreement.

He killed Bishas, ​​and then the position of the highest executive that originally belonged to Bishas was also handed over to him.

All the signs point to it.

Giovanni who knew his identity.

Not only did he not intend to kill him, he even had the attitude of vigorously supporting him.

I thought about it for a while.

Xia Yancai let out a sigh of relief.

"Forget it, I can't figure out what his purpose is for now. But one thing is certain, Giovanni will train me and spare no effort, and the purpose must be for something, before I help him accomplish something, I am absolutely safe.

Even if it was revealed in front of Giovanni, he wouldn't care, but if it's done after that."

"So strength comes first."

If he can seize the time now, seize the help provided by Giovanni, and improve his strength to a certain extent, even if Giovanni turns his face in the future, he will have the capital to protect himself.

Increase strength.

This is absolutely not the wrong direction.

After making sure that he would be safe and sound in a short period of time, and that he didn't even need to be so careful with Giovanni, Xia Yan noticed the positive side of this matter.

Alliance resources and support, Rockets resources and support

Under the two-way blessing, it will provide a lot of help.

Abbreviation: Black and white take all.


This also made Xia Yan, who had already stepped into the status of an Elite Trainer with one foot and started to relax subconsciously, tense up again.

To get enough power before Giovanni turns his face.

To be able to fight against the Rockets, at least to ensure that they have the power to escape.

want to understand these.

Although Xia Yan felt the pressure again in his heart.

But it was precisely because of the pressure that he gained enough motivation to come out again.

Carefully shoved Ben into his arms.

Xia Yan took out the communicator and dialed the phone.

"Yanxia Executive?"

A slightly puzzled voice came from the phone.

"Yeah." Xia Yan first responded in a flat tone, and then slowly said:

"I need some books on Pokémon training in the Psychic department, and some material on the Psychic project research."


The real bird's voice revealed surprise.

After thinking about it, he replied:

"The Psychic Department Pokémon training book is not difficult, but the information of the Psychic Pokémon research project, this"

"give him."

There was a strong and energetic voice next to him.

It's Giovanni!

Xia Yan's heart froze.

But after hearing Giovanni's answer, Xia Yan couldn't help showing a smile.


Now that everything has been discovered, and since Giovanni has no intention of revealing it, Xia Yan feels sorry for the Astonish he suffered just now if the Rockets' wool is not plucked.

"Oh, oh oh!"

The real bird hurriedly responded.

Immediately hung up the phone.


Not only did he get what he wanted, but it also further confirmed Giovanni's attitude.

Rocket Hideout.

Giovanni, sitting in the shadows behind his desk, gently stroked Mr. Meow next to him.


The laughing smile slowly revealed.

"This little guy is very good at climbing up the pole."

There was no anger in Giovanni's voice, there was even a hint of teasing grin in his voice.

"But that's fine."

While speaking, he leaned towards the lazy Boss Meow next to him, and said shallowly:

"It shows that I am not wrong about him. And his character and behavior also show that there is still a lot of room for manipulation, don't you think?"


Boss Meow stretched and rubbed his head on Giovanni's palm.

Giovanni pointed out Xia Yan's problem, but didn't mention it.

Xia Yan wanted to understand the crux of the matter, but also did not clarify it, and even sent a signal to Giovanni by asking for information.

A tacit understanding between Xia Yan and Giovanni was built like this.

As for how long this tacit understanding will last.

In Xia Yan's view, there should be time for Struggle.

But in Giovanni's view

His gaze was directed straight ahead, but it didn't seem to fall on the wall in front of him, but passed through the unknown but endless future.

"Who knows?"

Giovanni's low laugh came.

Pallet Town.

Professor Oak Laboratory.

The sun is westward.

The afterglow of the setting sun reflected on the lush hillside, adding a bit of crimson to the whole world.

The huge windmill was slowly rotating in the mild evening wind, revealing a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Xia Yan arrived at Pallet Town before sunset and met the instant noodle expert, Professor Oak.

"Xia Yan, have a bowl? My bubble noodles are a must."

Who would have thought that Professor Oak, the world-renowned Pokémon research community, could only make a living from instant noodles every day.

It's no wonder why the relationship between Professor Oak's family and Ash's family is so good.

Because Ash fucking Delia.

Cooking is a must.

But most of the time, because Professor Oak was busy, he just had to eat instant noodles to solve the problem, and then he devoted himself to the research again.


Xia Yan was not pretentious, pulled up a chair and sat beside Professor Oak's research desk.

Seeing that he skillfully tore open the package, reversed the seasoning, and then rushed into boiling water in one go.

The movements cannot be said to be skilled, only quite skilled.

The two just sat on the steps in the backyard of the Professor Oak Laboratory.

While watching the slowly setting sun, while watching the Pokémon playing on the grass, each sucked the instant noodles.

This kind of stuff.

It smells good, but it actually tastes far less delicious than it smells.

"By the way, Xia Yan, where's your Sylveon? Call it out and see."

While Professor Oak was enjoying instant noodles, he suddenly remembered one of his main reasons for calling Xia Yan.


In the red light, Sylveon was summoned by Xia Yan.

Lazily stretched his waist, the snow-white satin fluttered gently in the evening wind.

Seeing Sylveon, Professor Oak's eyes lit up instantly.

I can't even care about the instant noodles that I haven't finished eating, so I put it on the steps and pick up the magnifying glass to observe.


Sylveon glanced at the nasty old man who was close to him and his mouth was covered in oil with disgust.

Not following his wishes, with a few light steps, he bypassed Professor Oak and ran to Xia Yan's side.

The satin was tightly wrapped around Xia Yan's arm.

Staring warily at Professor Oak.


There are weirdos.

Sylveon said this to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan laughed dumbly.

Gently stroked Sylveon's neck twice, it immediately moaned twice comfortably, and squatted softly beside Xia Yan.

Being dodged by Sylveon, Professor Oak wasn't the least bit displeased.

He was used to this kind of treatment.

To be honest, when I first observed Rapidash, he had been kicked in the face many times, otherwise it would not be as flat as it is now.

On the contrary, seeing Sylveon and Xia Yan's intimacy, showing a little emotion.

Feeling so good.

Such a Trainer will be a successful Trainer.

He quickly regrouped and approached Sylveon again.

Sylveon originally wanted to run away, but he was a little reluctant to give Xia Yan's comfortable massage of his warm palms, and was in a dilemma for a while.

"It's okay, just observe, I won't do anything to you." Xia Yan comforted.

Only then did Sylveon let go of his vigilance, and Professor Oak got what he wanted.

As he observed Sylveon with a magnifying glass, he recorded the details of the observations, and from time to time he showed a sudden look.

"Xia Yan, is your Sylveon a different color?"

Professor Oak held a magnifying glass and observed Sylveon's bow. The silk Normal satin extended from the bow.


In this regard, Xia Yan admitted frankly.

After eating the last mouthful of instant noodles, I snorted two mouthfuls of soup.

It was only then that the mood swings that Giovanni had given him had calmed down.

"Sylveon has a new ability?" Professor Oak asked again.


Some Pokémon abilities can be found through observation, such as "hard head" and "rough skin".

Some are more difficult to rely on purely observation, such as Alakazam's "Magic Defense", Togekiss's "God's Grace".


Just because it's hard to see, doesn't mean it can't be judged.

It's normal for a top player like Professor Oak who started out by observing Pokémon to observe that Sylveon's ability is not all of the currently known abilities.

I saw him holding a magnifying glass, carefully observing Sylveon's hair.

Suddenly "tsk tsk", "This Ability is very special, it can convert the energy of the Normal type into the Fairy type, and even strengthen it."

Hearing this, Xia Yan gave him a slightly surprised look.

"As expected of Teacher. I call it the 'Fairy skin'."

Based on such a little time observation, can we roughly infer the characteristics of the "Fairy Skin" Ability?

It's not without reason that Professor Oak is convinced by so many people.

"'Fairy skin'? That's right."

Having said that, Professor Oak recorded this Ability in the way of naming it Xia Yan.

After a while.

Professor Oak stopped to observe with some reluctance.

Take a long breath.

"Okay, really good."


Xia Yan vaguely understood what he meant.

Professor Oak is sighing with emotion, the announcement of the Fairy department, and the birth of a form like Sylveon, right?

"Xia Yan, I have been researching a tool before, hoping to make it help all trainers, especially those who use travel, gyms, and leagues for the purpose."


Xia Yan's heart moved.

Just listen to Professor Oak continue: "Actually, Pokémon's ability, characteristics, moves, and strength can all be obtained through observation."

Xia Yan nodded in agreement.


Moreover, the more senior the researcher, the Trainer, and the Breeder family, the clearer the observation.

"So I'm going to put all the observations, summaries, and analyses of all my life into that tool."

It seems that Pokémon Pokédex is indeed coming soon.

And once Pokémon Pokédex appears, who will cause the biggest impact?

It's academy!

The knowledge and knowledge they are proud of will all be lost to this Pokémon Pokédex from Professor Oak.


What Pokédex smoothes is only the gap in basic knowledge. In terms of tactical literacy, the academic school is still more powerful.

But it has been proven more than once.

After really fully grown up, the tactical ability of the actual combat school will not lose to the academic school.

And because the actual combat faction has experienced more things and will be more flexible, there are often some unexpected operations in the battle, which will establish the victory.

Once Pokémon Pokédex comes out, I am afraid that the living space of the academic school will be crazily compressed.


"I know it all."

Before Xia Yan could finish speaking, Professor Oak interrupted him.

See Professor Oak smiling.

"Something has to be done by someone, doesn't it?"

The emergence of Pokémon Pokédex will definitely greatly promote the development of the Pokémon world.

Let some teenagers who have the talent for fighting speed up the boring process of intermediate knowledge accumulation, and promote their growth earlier and faster.

This also drives the development and growth of Alliance.

deep meaning.

People like Chiye and Qinglu are actually one of the beneficiaries of Pokédex.

It's just that they're not clear enough.

Because Chi Ye and Qinglu don't know anything about Pokémon.

The real icon is Ash, who travels with little knowledge of Pokémon until he eventually becomes a Pokémon master.

He is simply the epitome of vested interests.

Looking at the gray-haired old man in front of him, Xia Yan seemed to be able to see what he was carrying on his slightly hunched back.

This is a great guy who really wants to move the Pokémon world forward.

Xia Yan couldn't help but feel awe.

Originally, his respect for Professor Oak was more due to what he had learned in his previous life, as well as Professor Oak's reputation in the research community.

But some things, you don't touch, don't go deep, it's just an audiobook, after all, it's just one of the three.

Now, with his identity and status, and knowing the contradiction between the actual combat school and the academic school, we can understand how much obstacles Professor Oak will encounter in implementing Pokémon Pokédex.

Alliance will support.

But not very supportive.

Because now in the Alliance, more than half of the powers are in the hands of the academics.

Even if it seems that the actual combat faction and the academic faction are rivaling each other.

But in fact, the actual combat school is the rising star.


Professor Oak, is a college born.

His cheap Teacher Agatha Elite was actually born in a school.

It's just that their actions later made people ignore their starting point.

But this mark cannot be erased.

And Pryce, who stepped down not long ago.

He is the real pure combat figure.

The results of it?

Pryce, about the same age as Agatha, stepped down.

Agatha has made a lot of trouble at the General League meeting more than once, and has proposed to resign many times, but was not allowed.

The previous Xia Yan couldn't understand it.

Just simply thought Pryce was tired.

Come to think of it now.

I just don't think it's that simple.


After Professor Oak was in high spirits for a while, he suddenly looked at Xia Yan with a smile, "Do you want to be together?"

Xia Yan: "."

He stared at Professor Oak in disbelief.


Are you like Giovanni?

They trick people in and kill them?

After his chest heaved for a moment, Xia Yan sneered, "That. Teacher, I don't seem to have the qualifications?"

politely declined.

The competition between the academic faction and the actual combat faction is the most serious in the Kanto Region.

This is inevitable.

Because Kanto Region is where Alliance first made its fortune, the existence of the two factions is also very distinct.

Even the final result of the Kanto Region academic faction and the actual combat faction will indirectly affect other Regions.

But Xia Yan didn't want to get involved.

He was already thinking about it.

Continue to grow and develop for a while, and then go back to Sinnoh to pick Hoshino Ryuichi.

The struggle between the two factions in Sinnoh Region is not that serious.

Like the Elite Four reserve, it was also first promoted by Kanto Region.

Even if.

The honor of co-developing Pokémon Pokédex is not inferior to the discovery of the Fairy system.

after all.

The discovery of the Fairy system is temporary, while the launch of Pokémon Pokédex has a long-term impact.

"No no no."

Professor Oak objected.

Staring at Xia Yan seriously, he said word by word, "Actually, you didn't notice your advantage."


"Not everyone can connect with the divine beasts like Reshiram, Zygarde, and Xerneas. You have an advantage that no one else has. Observe the divine beasts!"

Xia Yan: "."

He opened his mouth, not knowing how to respond for a while.

Professor Oak's expression softened again.

He said earnestly: "Xia Yan, this is my biggest wish right now. As my student, Teacher needs your help."

Is it too late for us to sever the teacher-disciple relationship now?

Xia Yan murmured silently in his heart.

He thought before.

If you can get involved with Professor Oak and become a student of Professor Oak, isn't the Alliance going sideways?

Maybe there is still a chance to rub the signature developed by Pokémon Pokédex.

I'm so stupid, really. I only know that hugging my thighs can be beneficial, I don't know that when I grow up, I will become someone else's thighs.

Xia Yan weakly said: "Teacher, can I refuse?"

"Of course, it's your power."

Professor Oak took his words calmly.

Just when Xia Yan couldn't help feeling moved, he heard Professor Oak continue:

"It's a pity, I'm getting old and I won't live for many years. I can't achieve my lifelong wish. After all, I have to leave with regret."

Is this a love card?

"But it doesn't matter. After I die, I will tell others that my unfulfilled wish will be fulfilled by my student Xia Yan."

Xia Yan immediately put away the emotion in his heart.



Is this also possible?

Sideways means that no matter what, he has to touch it?

Have you ever seen such a rude student?

Xia Yan was speechless.

"I know" said

It's like a deflated ball.

Actually, it wasn't that hard in my heart.

To be honest, he can see everything Professor Oak does for him.

He can apply through Professor at the age of less than 20 years old.

Professor Oak definitely played a part in it.

Before he became famous, Professor Oak also gave recognition under his thesis almost every time.

Professor Oak also has a lot of credit for Xia Yan's rapid development.


Put aside the potential bipartisan struggle behind Pokémon Pokédex.

Some real benefits are obvious.

The first is prestige and fame, which are all beneficial for him to compete for a higher position in the future.

The second is the economic benefit.

Pokémon Pokédex will definitely be popular all over the world, even if Professor Oak is willing to give it for free, Alliance can't give it for free, and the profit sharing in the middle will inevitably be without him.

at last.

And the most crucial point.

Although there is a troublesome matter of fighting between the two factions, in fact, the top leader is Professor Oak. He is a rising star, and he is not valued.

Professor Oak seemed to "pull him into the water", but the advantages far outweighed the visible disadvantages.

Think about it.

Any trainer who holds a Pokédex in the future will proudly reply when someone asks.

"Yes, this is the Pokémon Pokédex jointly developed by Professor Oak and Professor Xia Yan."

Such fame brings, in addition to substantial benefits.

It's that Alliance can't touch him anymore.

Can't move, can't move.

Just like Professor Oak now.

Even knowing that the launch of Pokémon Pokédex will affect the status of the academy.

But would the academy dare to attack him?

Believe it or not, rebels are organized all over the Alliance the next second?

Those underground forces probably laughed crookedly.

That's the benefit of fame.

It's a bit like the famous scholars in the Three Kingdoms novels that Xia Yan once read, the great scholars at home.

To move them, it is necessary to consider the influence of the gentry.

Likewise, when moving Professor Oak, all Trainer influences must be considered.

Therefore, even if Xia Yan didn't want to get involved in this matter, he still insisted on pulling him in because of Professor Oak's character.

On the one hand, it is because he really needs the information of the beast.

On the other hand, it is Professor Oak who is really paving the way for Xia Yan.

Seeing Xia Yan agree, Professor Oak's old face immediately turned into a chrysanthemum, exactly like Agatha.

Then he carefully took something out of his pocket.

"this is for you."

Seeing the thing in his hand, Xia Yan's breath stagnated.


"Could it be fake?"

Looking at the golden feather and the vigorous vitality on it, Xia Yan was silent for a long time.


Just like Giovanni.

The same trick to come in and kill, and then the same as a feather as a reward?

(End of this chapter)

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