The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 802 - Picking Up Divine Beasts With Bare Hands (Two-In-One)

Chapter 801 - Picking up divine beasts with bare hands (two-in-one)

"Rainbow Wing."

Feather belonging to Ho-Oh.

The life energy escaping from it is the best proof.

Like the "Silver Wing" that I got earlier, it is an item that can summon Ho-Oh.

The difference is only.

Where Lugia exists, there are still traces to follow.

But Ho-Oh that really floats around the world, occasionally stopping at Bell Tower in Ecruteak City.


Xia Yan suddenly thought of an old friend.

Far above the sea, in the misty island, the Marshadow that guards Giratina and destroys the world of Imprison, and the dark Charizard.

Marshadow didn't just take orders from Ho-Oh.

Are you guarding there?

The relationship between Marshadow and Ho-Oh is not normal.

The legendary "Rainbow Hero" closely related to Ho-Oh is not Marshadow as the chief examiner.

Think about it.

Xia Yan still accepted the feather.

Even if it can't have anything to do with Ho-Oh, the power contained in this feather alone will not be small.

and many more!

Xia Yan suddenly thought of a very crucial question.

Where did these two feathers come from?

Reminiscent of Giovanni's strength and Professor Oak's strength

Why don't you give birth to a prick?

"Teacher, have you been to Johto Region recently?" Xia Yan asked suddenly after putting away his feathers.


Professor Oak gave him a somewhat surprised look, nodded and said, "Yes, I just went to chat with Kong Mu not long ago. He has a new discovery on the egg group."

Xia Yan was silent.

Professor Elm lives in New Bark Town, Johto Region, which is not far from Pallet Town, but there is a bay in the middle. If Professor Oak wants to go there, flying Pokémon is closer than going to Mt. Silver.

And the students taught by Professor Elm when Professor Oak was a visiting professor at Celadon College in Celadon City, also considered themselves students in the face of Professor Oak.

Barely regarded as Xia Yan's half brother.



A huge figurine crossed the space.

As it gets closer to Ground.

A light purple Pokémon jumps down.

After two laps on the ground, he stood up, staggered, and ran towards Professor Oak anxiously.

Seeing this little guy, Professor Oak immediately smiled.

Crouch down and open your arms to hug it.

As a result, the little guy didn't appreciate it.

Instead of rushing into Professor Oak's arms, he just stopped abruptly and looked at him warily.

"Little Kangaskhan?"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows, looked at the anxious little guy, and said its name.

"Yeah." Professor Oak scratched his head in embarrassment, "This little guy is"

"Garu! Karu!"

Little Kangaskhan interrupted Professor Oak directly, jumping up and down anxiously.


Sylveon heard the sound and came over.

When little Kangaskhan saw Sylveon's beautiful Pokémon, his face actually flushed, showing a somewhat embarrassed expression.

For a while, I forgot what my purpose was to find Professor Oak.


It wasn't until Sylveon approached and asked softly that little Kangaskhan suddenly reacted and shouted anxiously at Professor Oak again.

"What's wrong?"

Xia Yan looked at Sylveon.


Sylveon acted as a translator.

And Professor Oak finally understood what little Kangaskhan was talking about, and the smile on his face slowly faded.


Professor Oak said solemnly to little Kangaskhan.

He walked quickly in the direction that little Kangaskhan had come from.

After listening to Sylveon's story, Xia Yan also roughly understood the whole story.

Glancing at Professor Oak's back.


Little Kangaskhan walked on short legs while talking about things, and followed Professor Oak step by step.

Occasionally, he turned his head inadvertently, and looked at Sylveon out of the corner of his eye.

But because he happened to meet Sylveon's line of sight, he became embarrassed.

During this period, Professor Oak and Xia Yan also learned about what happened with more confidence.

Professor Oak Laboratory, although the Laboratory's appearance is not very grand, the scale is not very large, and there are even few researchers, mainly Professor Oak and his grandson Gary as assistants, and occasionally granddaughter Casey Mei will come to help.

But Professor Oak Laboratory occupies a large amount of Ground.

A large part of it is the residence of Pokémon.

This is the basis for Professor Oak's research on Pokémon, and it's what Professor Oak asked the Alliance to help build.

In fact, such ecological environment construction is much more expensive than simply building some large buildings.

So the backyard is huge and there are all kinds of environments.

Suitable for all Pokémon life.

But this Pokémon is more than one.

Disputes will inevitably arise.

After all, if it was in the wild, Pokémon in various environments would have fought each other long ago.

Although there are constraints, contradictions are inevitable.

So Professor Oak arranged for some Pokémon to act as mediators to keep order in the backyard.

In the future.

Ash's Bulbasaur, who is unwilling to evolve, will also undertake a similar job.

And the mother of the little Kangaskhan took on the job of a mediator.

That Kangaskhan, who is also the big housekeeper in this whole eco-region, has the strength to manage it with ease.

According to Little Kangaskhan's description.

The "that guy" in its mouth woke up.

And after waking up, the mood doesn't seem to be very beautiful.

He is also not very friendly to the surrounding Pokémon, and he injured a lot of Pokémon at once.

Mother Kangaskhan knew about it.

Blocked immediately.

As a result, Kangaskhan and "the guy" got into a fight.

The final result is unknown, because Kangaskhan asked little Kangaskhan to come to Professor Oak.

"This is too slow, Teacher, let's fly over." Xia Yan said.

Little Kangaskhan came over and asked Bidiao for help.


Professor Oak nodded.

Xia Yan immediately threw the Poké Ball and summoned Latios.

Latios are not small though.

But looking at its back, it doesn't look like it can sit down for two people.


Xia Yan and Professor Oak looked at each other.

At the same time, he looked away.

None of them had the idea of ​​squeezing a corner with a man.

"Well, Xia Yan, why don't you take little Kangaskhan first? I'll see if I can get another Pokémon to do me a favor."


Professor Oak saw a Fearow resting on the treetops next to him.

Immediately showing a happy look, he waved to it.

This Fearow looks quite majestic and seems to be well nourished.

I just don't know why, the color of the feathers on the tail and the feathers on the whole body are somewhat different.

Fearow snorted twice when he saw Professor Oak.

Slowly Earthquake moved his wings twice and flew towards Professor Oak.

"It's here, Xia Yan, you go first, I'll be there soon."

Not finished.

Xia Yan and Professor Oak raised their heads at the same time, watching Fearow Frillish fly over their heads.

The Growl of "quack-quack-", as if to say, "fool-fool--"

Most importantly, when flying over Professor Oak's head, a lump fell from the sky and hit Professor Oak's shoulder with precision.

After a while, the white research suit was dyed brown, exuding an irritating smell.

Xia Yan: "."

Professor Oak: "."

"Hehe, naughty." Professor Oak laughed dryly.

Xia Yan squinted at him.

Really just naughty?

Professor Oak was a little uncomfortable seeing Xia Yan, and after coughing twice, he explained:

"It's not a big deal. When I was studying it not long ago, I plucked two hairs, and the little guy has a grudge."

Xia Yan's eyes were even weirder.


How could he see that the fur on Fearow's tail was not the same color as his body.

"It's okay, I can ride the Dodrio too"

A cloud of dust drifted past them.

Two people: "."

"Tropius! Tropius must be fine, I didn't treat it well!"

Professor Oak seemed to finally see a savior.

call out--

I saw a fruit that looked like a banana, drawing a parabola from the air.

It landed precisely in Professor Oak's arms.

Then Tropius slipped away.

flew away.

Professor Oak: "."

Xia Yan: "."

After a while.

Xia Yancai sighed.

"Forget it, Teacher, let me offend you."

Saying that, with little Kangaskhan, he rolled onto Latios' back.

Then I saw the Psychic halo in Latios' eyes, and the invisible energy swayed Professor Oak.

Fly in the direction that little Kangaskhan pointed.

Latios is fast.

Xia Yan and little Kangaskhan sitting on its back are fine, but Professor Oak

Xia Yan held back his curiosity and didn't look at it.

Who made him a Professor, so disliked by the Pokémon in his own backyard?

Pulled Fearow's tail, cut Dodrio's nails, and pitted Tropius' fruit.

It's all for research though.

But in fact, Xia Yan's waveguide power can also be clearly felt, and these Pokémons do not dislike or reject Professor Oak.

Just being petty.

In fact, it is precisely because of this behavior that they have a good relationship with Professor Oak.


In the future, Ash's Muk will not press Professor Oak once a day.


The power of waveguide exists in the heart.

Originally, Xia Yan wanted to see Professor Oak Contest Condition like this, but he just started to use the power of waveguide, and he felt abnormal.

Close your eyes.

The power of the waveguide like radar spreads around.

Compared to Psychic.

The power of the waveguide has a stronger perception ability. It can not only detect the surrounding Pokémon, but even feel the Pokémon's Contest Condition, whether it is angry or hostile.

The gloves that originally belonged to Aaron from Xia Yankeng also made him not very unfamiliar with the display of the power of the waveguide.


Ground trembled slightly.

The surrounding temperature gradually increased.


Little Kangaskhan, who was standing in front of Xia Yan, grabbed Xia Yan's clothes tightly, pointed to the front and shouted.

Xia Yan has also opened his eyes.

Looks complicated.

Leaning over to look at Professor Oak.

Professor Oak's Contest Condition is not bad.

Although being hung in mid-air is a bit intimidating, but slowly I get used to it.

Moreover, there is a Psychic package, so that he is not affected by the airflow.

Mostly a roller coaster ride.

As if feeling Xia Yan's gaze, Professor Oak showed a helpless smile.

The surrounding temperature continued to rise.


Xia Yan and Professor Oak landed in a Rock area.

In the distance, you can faintly see the fiery red magma tumbling.

This is about the edge of the area demarcated by the Professor Oak Laboratory.

Magma is also to allow some fire-type Pokémon to have a more suitable place to live.


After landing, Xia Yan and Professor Oak, who was still a little shaky, endured the discomfort in his stomach, were all attracted by the two Pokémon in front of him.

The sun has completely set.

But it was still daytime here.

The dazzling flame is like a small sun, flying in the air.


Rage's long cry was accompanied by the vibration of its wings and the surging flames that kept churning in the air.


There is actually a Moltres in the Professor Oak Laboratory? !

When Xia Yan sensed it with the power of the waveguide before, it was a bit unbelievable.

When he really saw this Moltres, even though he was prepared, Xia Yan was still surprised.

Look at Professor Oak.

On the other hand, Professor Oak looked helpless, but not surprised, obviously he knew it for a long time.

"Teacher you."

At first glance, it is surprising.

But think carefully.

With the identity and strength of Professor Oak, it seems reasonable to raise a Moltres?


You pulled me in on the front foot and said to observe the divine beast, but I found out and raised one on the back foot. Is it a bit too much?

Seemingly seeing the change in Xia Yan's eyes, Professor Oak pondered for a while, and then explained:

"This Moltres isn't my Pokémon, and it's not mine."

"Huh?" Xia Yan was stunned, "Could it be that I picked it up?"

"I really picked it up." Professor Oak said solemnly.

"Teacher, although I don't read much, I'm not stupid."

Pick up Moltres?

Give me a call, please.

"You don't read much?" Professor Oak looked at Xia Yan.

"Cough, that's not the point, Teacher."

Xia Yan coughed and his eyes flickered.

"Oh, oh." Professor Oak nodded.

Then he slowly explained: "I really picked it up."

"You remember I went to the Johto Region not long ago? When I came back, I saw this Moltres on the coast, completely unconscious and seriously injured.

So I took it back to the Laboratory.

Moltres is said to restore its Contest Condition by absorbing the energy inside the magma, so I put it here.

It's been a while with nothing moving.

I didn't expect to wake up suddenly today. "



Looking at Professor Oak's serious look, Xia Yancai finally believed it.

Really, pick up divine beasts with your bare hands?

This situation is not directly conceded by the ball.

As expected of Professor Oak.

Thinking back to that time, Tom Ritchie spent a lot of energy for the Zapdos in Saffron City, and the grass and snakes arranged the first hand in a gray line before catching it.

There are still differences between people.

Although this Moltres is not a Moltres with a priesthood, otherwise this area would have become a sea of ​​fire.

But it's still strong.

Even if the injury has not recovered, the strength displayed is also Elite.

"And that Kangaskhan, who was facing Moltres just now, is Teacher your Pokémon?"

Xia Yan pointed to the ground below, glared at Moltres proudly, and clenched his fists.

Looking at the sky and the sea of ​​fire, there are many powerful Kangaskhan behind him who are cheering for Pokémon.

This Kangaskhan also has Elite strength.

Xia Yan remembered.

When Professor Oak fought Agatha for the championship in his youth, his Trump Card was a Kangaskhan.

At that time, Kangaskhan defeated Agatha's Gengar using only Normal-type moves, which can be said to subvert many people's perception of Normal-type Pokémon and Ghost-type Pokémon.

until later.

After Professor Oak's research, people know that Kangaskhan also has an ability called "guts".

The "Courage" ability allows Normal-type moves and Fighting-type moves to hit Ghost-type Pokémon.

"that is not."

Professor Oak shook his head.

The little Kangaskhan at his feet is adding oil in the "Galum Karum".

Xia Yan did not raise any doubts this time.


This Kangaskhan is very strong and has Elite strength.

But in theory.

Professor Oak's Kangaskhan shouldn't have only such strength, otherwise it is impossible to beat Agatha's Gengar.

"It's my Kangaskhan child."

Professor Oak seemed to think of his Kangaskhan, and smiled.

It was also at this moment that Xia Yancai saw a little bit of Trainer's shadow from Professor Oak, an authority in the research world.

"A child?"

It's just a child, and now it already has Elite-level strength?

This was after Professor Oak had given up on martial arts.

So how strong is Professor Oak's Kangaskhan now?

Can you face Giovanni's Beedrill head-on?

Does Professor Oak have a better Pokémon?

Xia Yan raised various questions in his heart.

It also made him understand one thing.

Professor Oak, who dares to push Pokémon Pokédex without fear of academic opposition.

Not just because of his unique status today.

Also because.

His unfathomable strength!

"Xia Yan." Professor Oak suddenly shouted.

When Xia Yan looked at him.

He grinned. "Help calm this Moltres?"


PS: 1.1W ask for a monthly pass~~ It's the end of the month, and the monthly pass is about to expire, babies~~

(End of this chapter)

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