The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 808 Battlefield! (Two In One)

Chapter 807 Battlefield! (two in one)


Xia Yan didn't believe it.

Anyone in the Hunter Guild can cooperate with Tom Ritchie, but only Q can't.

It is not that he has such great confidence in a person, but because he judges not according to the actual situation.


The hunter wasn't lying before, Xia Yan was sure of that.


There are only two possibilities.

Tom Ritchie impersonated Hunter Q, or rather hypnotized the group.

"seeing is believing."

Xia Yan said to himself.

In the dark, take the Pokémon to the other side.

From the mouths of these hunters.

They are just a group of people guarding here, and a group of people who don't deal with them very well, on the other side.

The movement caused by Xia Yan's attack on them was not small.

At this point, the group was probably ready.

But that's okay.

As long as Tom Ritchie or the other highest seats are not present, it is not too difficult for him.

as predicted.

When Xia Yan approached, the surrounding Pokémon who were ready to alert immediately sounded the alarm.

next second.

"Flame beast, Flamethrower!"

"Rapidash, Flamethrower!"

"Flareon, Flamethrower!"

"Magmar, Flamethrower!"


Dozens of voices sounded.

Immediately afterward, the overwhelming terrifying flames shone brightly, illuminating the entire area.

Where the firelight passed, countless vegetation turned into a handful of coke almost in an instant.

Dozens of fire-type Pokémon with varying strengths are not very strong in Xia Yan's view, but they can unite and convert quantity into quality.

in the firelight.

Xia Yan frowned.

Just this, Xia Yan can be sure that this group of people is definitely not comparable to the previous hunters.


One-on-one, hunters who are accustomed to licking blood, and hunters with stronger personal strength can press these people to fight.

But unite.

What is unity for hunters?


Infernape strode forward, covering his whole body with raging fire, and facing the overwhelming flames, he punched out.

Fire against fire!

Bang-! !

all of a sudden.

The flames were scattered, and countless sparks were like fireworks Normal, all bursting open.

Infernape's fist, also stopped at this moment, was forcibly stopped.

Even if its individual strength is much stronger than the Pokémon on the opposite side, in the face of the collective power, it is only equal in the end.

"Golduck, Hydro Pump!"

"Cloyster, Hydro Pump!"

"Gyarados, Hydro Pump!"

"Pelipper, Hydro Pump!"


Following the assembled "Flamethrower", there are dozens of condensed water columns.

Spiral, converging.

Form a bunch.


Aegislash stood horizontally, and the huge "King's Shield" phantom appeared in front of Infernape. Countless water currents impacted on the shield, but it failed to cause much damage.

"This is. Legion?"

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed.


Although they are also composed of Trainers, their existence and function are completely different from the vast number of Trainers.

The biggest advantage of Legion is that they can order, move in tune, and unite with relatively weak Pokémon, and unleash an attack far beyond the original strength of these Pokémon.

Alliance has legions.

Managed by the Federation.

This is the reason why Alliance dares to delegate power to various regions, and at the same time does not worry about companies of all sizes.

Because even the German company has no legion.

The Rockets also have legions.

One of the legion commanders, Xia Yan, can be identified.

That is Ma Zhishi, the gym owner of Vermilion City.

He was in charge of Team Rocket's electric unit.

There should be the rest of the troops.

It is ruled by the highest Executive four generals.

They are Archer, Ariana, Proton, and Petrel.

This is the information that Xia Yan obtained from the Rockets' materials. It is not clear what kind of strength and destructive power it has.

Whether the rest of the underground organizations have legions, Xia Yan does not know.

But the reason why the Rockets are special is that they are the biggest threat to the Alliance, and even the Alliance has to compromise to a certain extent.

It's because the Rockets have legions.

Why is Xia Yan's cheap Teacher Agatha aloof in Kanto Alliance?

Because she alone represents a Ghost Legion.

Available here.

Although there were only a dozen people, they cooperated tacitly, knew each other well, and the release and timing of the moves were just right, indicating that they had definitely been running in for a long time, and they were qualified soldiers or even officers in a certain legion.



In short, it can't be the Hunter Guild.

The Hunter Guild can have the largest membership of any underground organization in the entire Pokémon world.

But relatively is also the loosest.

If there is no external pressure, the Hunter Guild is constantly fighting within itself, how can it be possible to cultivate a legion.

No wonder this group of people looked down on the hunters who were slaughtered by Xia Yan Solaceon before.

One-on-one, they may not be able to compete.

But if there are more than a dozen people together, the hunters of the Hunter Guild will probably not be able to hurt half of their hair after all of them die.

That's the power of a team.

Xia Yan suppressed the various thoughts that had arisen in his heart.

Fix them first!

It is very irrational to play directly with the Legion.

The strength of the legion is strong, but the weakness is also obvious, and the ability of individual soldiers is not good.


There are only a dozen people, not a legion at all.

Taking advantage of the gap between Aegislash blocking the "Hydro Pump", Xia Yan's Pokémon also acted one after another.


Xia Yan himself had already had the idea of ​​the legion.

Injecting more power into the "infinite defense" system to create an "infinite army", this is the plan he made with reference to Agatha.

The improvement of Pokémon's individual strength is one thing, and the overall cooperation is another.

A little more exaggerated.

In a trainer of the same level, the role of the system and cooperation is greater than the individual strength.

Unless it's the kind of individual strength that can break the table like Giovanni's Beedrill.

And Xia Yan's "infinite defense" system, and even the "infinite legion" system after that, is very restrained by legion.

Strong army.

But the legion's weaknesses are also very clear.

And what Xia Yan's system is best at is catching weaknesses.

Use his strengths to attack his weaknesses.

Bang-! !

With the burst of fire.

The vanguard led by Infernape successfully opened a hole in the defense of the opponent's dozen Pokémons.

Then the opening got bigger and bigger, and finally collapsed completely.

Defeating them is much more troublesome than defeating the hunters.

But the gains are far greater.

Xia Yan stood in front of a corpse with a gloomy expression, playing with a Poké Ball he took from the corpse.

"Alliance's Poké Ball!"

The sound squeezed out between the teeth.

Alliance's Poké Ball is very characteristic.

One of them is a survey device installed inside the Poké Ball, which can collect data and aggregate it into the Alliance's vast data network.

at the same time.

Finding Alliance's Poké Ball also made Xia Yan certain.

These dozen or so veterans are from Alliance!

He glanced at the hunters of the Hunter Guild and the gloomy cave guarded by a dozen veterans.

There was an inexplicable halo in Xia Yan's dark eyes.

Alliance, how did you join forces with the Hunter Guild?


How did Alliance join forces with Tom Ritchie?

"No, it doesn't have to be a joint effort, maybe it's Tom Ritchie's successor in the Alliance."

Xia Yan's palm exerted a slight force, and the Poké Ball in his hand shattered under the pressure of the waveguide, and finally slowly slipped down with the lines of the brown gloves.

"The signal is isolated here, so it is unrealistic to want to lock On this person's information by investigating the Alliance database."

He originally wanted to leave a question or two just like he did with the hunters.

But a pity.

They were much more decisive than Xia Yan imagined.

After knowing that Xia Yan could not be stopped, he decisively ended his life on his own.


It made Xia Yan a little creepy.

Out of a messy forest, step into the cave.


A silver-white little guy fluttered his wings towards him and rushed into his arms.

Little Lugia.

Gently stroked its back, the little guy narrowed his eyes.

With Xia Yan's current ability, it is easy to find a place where the massage will make Lugia comfortable.

Walk slowly towards the cave.

Latios' Psychic is fully open.

Be wary of your surroundings.

In the darkness, Xia Yan's eyes flickered, thinking about the problem.

"She knew I would come, but she still left two groups of people outside, what does that mean?"

"Wait? Or touch my bottom? Or do you want to send a message?"

"I don't know, I don't know."

"But it doesn't matter, the answers are all there."

According to Slowking's description.

This is the passage from Sanshen Island to another space, and Beedrill, who is the "God Chosen", needs to lead the way to enter.

There is nothing in the cave.

There is only one altar.

Xia Yan summoned Beedrill, put away the rest of the Pokémon, hugged little Lugia, and walked towards the altar.

Xia Yan is already very familiar with this kind of thing that goes through space barriers.

Because of the existence of Beedrill.

So there is really no obstruction.

With the rippling ripples on the altar, Xia Yan quickly disappeared into the cave.

Walking out of the passage, Xia Yan immediately threw the Poké Ball and summoned Alakazam.

With Beedrill and Alakazam guarding, Xia Yan believes that his own safety has a certain guarantee.

This just looked around.

But soon his eyes filled with astonishment and doubts.

Because the surrounding environment is almost exactly the same as the cave when he came in.

Even the altar is the same.


Little Lugia's eyes were also filled with doubts.

Walk out slowly.

Still the same forest, the same vegetation.

The difference is only.

Before, because of Xia Yan's Sucker Punch and battle, the neighborhood was already in a mess, but it is still lush and green here.

Mirror world?

Do not.

Look up.

boom--! !

A Maynard swaying golden thunder, crashed down.

Immediately after.

Icirrus, the size of a goose feather, slowly fell.

But before it landed, it was melted by the bubbling heat wave, turned into rain, and poured down.

"Is this the battlefield that Slowking said?" Xia Yan murmured.

"God battle, what step has it reached?"

Brutal-! !

A loud, long beep.

I saw an Articuno swiftly passing through the air, and Cianwood-colored ice crystals spewed out with the movement of its mouth.

But then.

A group of fiery flames attacked, facing Articuno's "Ice Beam" head-on, and instead of falling into a disadvantage, Articuno was suppressed.

Fire hits.

The restraint brought by that Attribute made Articuno cry.

Articuno, who was already injured, was even more overwhelmed after the flames and fell downward.

"Jie Jie another one,"

The old hoarse voice was full of gloom, but the smile in the voice was beyond words.

next second.

A black and yellow Ultra Ball drew a throwing arc and threw it towards Articuno falling from the air.



The golden flocculent thunder was like electricity, and it crossed a short distance in the blink of an eye.

A sharp long needle pierced out.

A well-made Ultra Ball that pops right in the moment.

Immediately afterwards, a psychic supported the Articuno, causing it to slowly land in front of the cave and lay in front of Xia Yan.


Articuno didn't completely lose consciousness. He opened his eyes and looked at the human standing in front of him with anger in his eyes.

Pretending to attack again.


Beedrill shot out of the electricity and returned to Xia Yan again, holding the long needle vigilantly.

Seeing Beedrill, Articuno was visibly stunned.

Xia Yan squatted down with a smile, took out a special Potion spray for emergency treatment, and said:

"Long time no see, Articuno."

Articuno was in a trance.

Only then did Xia Yan overlap with a figure in memory, especially after Beedrill was added.

Although Beedrill has also undergone a lot of changes, especially the breath.

But Articuno remembered.

This is the Trainer and Beedrill we met on Mt. Coronet.

And this Articuno is the Articuno that went to Mt. Coronet after Xia Yan and Beedrill were strong enough.

Sometimes, it's just so coincidental.

Xia Yan summoned Audino.

Potion spray has stabilized its injury, and then it can be handed over to Audino, there is no need to waste so much spray.

He's not Steven, and can splurge on Solaceon.


This incident is not expected to end soon. Potion or something, can save a little or save a little.


A wave of healing emanated from Audino, which soon enveloped Articuno.

at the same time.

An arrogant Charizard, wrapped in anger, galloped towards Xia Yan and the others.

between wings.

The sonorous purple light covered the package, forming the appearance of a giant dragon.

Dragon Rush!

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and wiped his palms across his waist.

Sylveon appears in red light.

"Misty Terrain."

Sylveon understands.

all of a sudden.

A pink mist spread out around Sylveon.

The swift Charizard rushed into the mist, and at least one third of his ferocious dragon appearance was immediately consumed, and the operation of the dragon energy became sluggish.

Charizard was visibly stunned for a situation he had never encountered before.

But its attacks did not stop there.


Alakazam drank low, spoons crossed, Psychic twisted.

Several Psyshocks attacked the falling Charizard from the sky.

at the same time.

Beedrill fluttered his wings, his figure disappeared suddenly, and when he reappeared, he was already beside Charizard.


The "Yawn" bubble that flew out of Sylveon burst, Charizard's eyelids kept twitching because of the influence of "Misty Terrain".

The sharp long needle with the meaning of piercing without evasion, billowing purple around it.


Retreat in one hit.

With the puncture point as the center, purple lines spread.

Charizard is affected again.

the next moment.

Countless psychic threads wrapped around Charizard's body, yanking it down sharply.

boom--! !

The ground is cracked and dust is raised.

"Greninja, Hydro Pump!"

Greninja appeared in the red light, and the surging water column made a precise hit.

Just a few moments.

Charizard, who came alone, with the cooperation of Xia Yan and several Pokémon, failed to make any waves.

Know that this Charizard belongs to the enemy.

So Xia Yan didn't show any mercy.

To kill Rival is to strengthen yourself!

At this time.

Charizard's Trainer was long overdue.

An old man with hunched waist and white hair and beard.

Looking at Charizard who fell to the ground, and Articuno who was rescued by Xia Yan, his face was full of anger.

But I saw Xia Yan grinning.

"You're alone, old man X."

The highest seat of the Hoenn Region Hunter Guild, Hunter X!


PS: 1.1w is asking for a monthly pass~~I feel that it is almost smooth~~

(End of this chapter)

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