The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 809 One Step (Three In One)

Chapter 808 One step (three in one)

"Who are you?!"

The old man X stared at Xia Yan with a serious face, especially when he saw Charizard lying in the pit, his expression became even more gloomy.

"Oh, forget, you don't know me now." Xia Yan grinned.

In order to collect information before, he used the identity of Hunter N, and after coming in, he changed back to the identity of Xia Yan.

After all, if Tom Ritchie really led him here, he should be able to judge Xia Yan's identity from Beedrill.

Now is not the time to reveal that Yan Xia is Xia Yan.

"Should I know you?"

The old man narrowed his eyes when he heard Xia Yan's words.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

"No no no, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."

Without waiting for the old man to raise doubts, the corners of Xia Yan's raised mouth became more obvious.

"Anyway, you're all going to die."


The old man's eyes widened, and the old and withered palms rubbed against his waist.

In his opinion.

Although Charizard lost his fighting ability because of Xia Yan's sudden attack.

At a glance, Xia Yan also has three Elite-level Pokémons, Beedrill, Alakazam and Greninja.

Although it is troublesome, it is not enough to make him throw the rat.


Accompanied by subtle air vibrations.

As you can see, a golden light smeared a long distance between Xia Yan and the old man, and the speed was much faster than Normal Pokémon.

So fast!

The old man is still very experienced, and at a glance, he can see that Beedrill's speed is extraordinary.

Bang-! !

The quietly swollen Haze wrapped the old man and resisted Beedrill's lightning strike for him.

"Jie Jie—"

With the black energy surrounding, a Haunter appeared beside the old man, grinning in pain. Obviously, Beedrill's attack made it feel very painful.


But it also blocked the direct attack of the Trainer.

Gives the old man a chance to summon Pokémon.

Xia Yan pouted.

"As expected of a veteran hunter, he has a good sense of self-protection."

Beedrill's sneak attack failed, giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

But Xia Yan didn't panic.

He knew that the other party didn't have a system. There was a group of Elite-level Pokémon, but there was no suitable system. In fact, he was an empty-shell Elite-level Trainer.

In terms of Elite-level Pokémon alone, he has a lot of Xia Yan.

Flip two Poké Balls at will.


The sound of the urn gives a solid and reliable Regirock.


Moltres, who is wearing a fiery flame, has almost recovered from the Contest Condition. Although his temper is still a little grumpy, it is just now that Xia Yan has found a vent for it.



The old man recognized the Moltres, the one they had accidentally let go.

Articuno, who was lying on the ground in the back and receiving Audino's treatment, was also a little surprised when he saw Moltres.

However, after confirming the Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan, he can finally accept Audino's treatment with peace of mind.

As soon as Moltres appeared, he locked on the old man on the opposite side.

For a time, the anger could not be suppressed.

Flutter out.

The sky is full of fire.


The turbulent water rushed straight up.

Emerging in the red light, Feraligatr stirred the water towards Moltres.


The contact between the water flow and the flame suddenly made a "hissing" sound, accompanied by the rising water mist.

Starting with the confrontation between Moltres and Feraligatr, Xia Yan's Pokémon and the old man's Pokémon also completely clashed.

With his broad arms, Regirock stopped Venusaur, who was also steady and honest.

Although Attribute is restrained, Venusaur itself is not a very agile Pokémon. Two Pokémon are entangled together, and it is unrealistic to decide the winner in a short time.

And against Greninja, it was a Sceptile.

Also known for their agility and skill as a Pokémon, Greninja and Sceptile soon started a chase in the woods, and the two sides competed for bayonets.

As for Beedrill and Alakazam, the Rival arranged by the old man is a flaming beast and a Swampert.

All three Pokémons of the Royal Family.

The old man's Pokémon is very interesting. There is neither a quasi-god Pokémon that is difficult to cultivate, nor a Pokémon that can be easily cultivated but has a worrying limit.

Count the previous Charizard.

There are a total of six main players, all of which are the Royal Three Pokémons that are highly respected by the Alliance.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and glanced at Haunter, who was surrounded by the old man.

Although not a Gengar, this Haunter is not weak either.

So I temporarily gave up the option to hit the Trainer directly.

"However, that's not enough." Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

The old man was also very calm.

Although Xia Yan summoned Regirock and Moltres, it was somewhat beyond his expectations.

But he also saw that Xia Yan's Pokémon didn't cooperate much.

Even the experienced man could see at a glance that, except for Beedrill and Alakazam, the rest of the Pokémon were not cultivated by Xia Yan from scratch, but Elite-level Pokémon captured later.

How big is the gap, the stronger the strength, the clearer it is in my heart.

All he is confident.

As long as he is given a little time, he will eventually gain the upper hand and establish the victory. Sooner or later, it will be him.

But he missed one point.

Who says two Pokémons can't form a system?

Who said he would have to break the deadlock first?

In the direction of Beedrill's long needle, the sharp "Cross Fury Cutter" slashed into Swampert's frost-covered fist.

Beedrill pulled back as the ice crystals shattered.

A pillar of fire surged in the mouth of the fiery beast.

But blocked by Alakazam's Psychic.

After a short delay, with the speed of Beedrill, the attack was perfectly avoided.

After initially checking Rival's "quality", Beedrill took a deep breath, his compound eyes flickered, and a dark red sword formation surrounded his body.

Sword Dance!

"Stop it!"

The old man noticed the difference for the first time.

With Swampert blocking his sight, the flames on the back of the flaming beast erupted again, and the fiery breath mixed with the rolling heat waves swept toward Beedrill.



Beedrill dodged.

This kind of long-distance attack cannot attack it at all.

However, the purpose of the old man is not to attack Beedrill, but to stop Beedrill's "Sword Dance".

Although the "weak" Pokémon like Beedrill, the old man looked down on him.

But he also had to admit that once the "Sword Dance" took shape, the threat to his several Pokémon skyrocketed.


An unexpected scene appeared.

Beedrill not only dodged the fiery beast's attack, but the breath of "Sword Dance", but he didn't mean to stop at all.

With the continuous vibration of the wings, the momentum climbed rapidly and reached a peak.

"how is this possible?!"

Nothing is impossible.

It's just a matter of adapting the skills learned from Merdan.

Beedrill's compound eyes flickered in the electric shot, Twineedle rubbed, and the harsh sour voice loomed.

"Swampert, Ice Punch!"

The old man sank and commanded solemnly.

Seeing Swampert's fist clenched, ice crystals quietly condensed and smashed into Alakazam's face.

But see.

Alakazam's figure was blurred, and while the ice crystals were enveloped in the extremely cold breath, Assist "Teleport" appeared in front of the fire beast.

Spoons crossed.

Psychic surging.

A "Psychic" caught the Flaming Beast who had just finished attacking by surprise.

"Swampert, watch your surroundings!"

Although the Fire Beast was attacked, it was impossible to defeat it with just one move.

Now that Alakazam has traded in front of Fiery Beast, Beedrill is bound to find Swampert.

The old man thought this was reasonable.

After all, the fire-type fiery beasts have obvious restraint on Beedrill. If he is Xia Yan, he will not let Beedrill and the fiery beasts face each other.

Available soon.

He realized he was wrong.

Beedrill's speed is like electricity, and its shape is difficult to capture, and its position can only be judged by the arc of jumping in the air.

Seeing that arc, after getting away from it, there is no intention to stop.

The goal is.

The old man's turbid eyes flashed with light, and he made a judgment at the first time.


The goal is Feraligatr!

Swampert, knowing he had been tricked, immediately sprang to the spot where Feraligatr and Moltres were.

It is not as fast as Beedrill.

But as long as Beedrill's goals can be predicted in advance, it can still catch up.

Xia Yan thought about breaking the game with Beedrill, whose attack power skyrocketed after "Sword Dance", and did not hesitate to let Alakazam bear the pressure of Swampert and the hot beast.

Military risk.

But I just won't let it go!

The old man who wants to be here outlines the corner of his mouth.

His age, his rich combat experience, and his experience gave him a lot of confidence.

But see.

Alakazam's vague figure appeared in front of it again, blocking the way.

Huge vines rose from the ground and wrapped tightly around Swampert's body.

Grass Knot!


A fiery flame came from behind Swampert, and the Fire Beast promptly supported, Burning Up the vines that bound Swampert.

After getting out of trouble, Swampert ignored Alakazam and smashed Alakazam with "Reflect" with his fist, and continued to run towards Feraligatr.

As for the flame of the flaming beast, although it also brings some damage to Swampert, as a water-type Pokémon, it is completely bearable.

But the next moment.

Alakazam, dusted off by Swampert, is indistinct.

What appeared again was a tall and straight figure wrapped in a golden arc.

Ally Switch!


Always Swampert!

Beedrill, who had already increased his speed to the extreme, quietly appeared behind Swampert, who had a hole in his back, while holding his breath.

The sharp long needle has not yet touched Swampert, but the fierce energy surrounding it has already made Swampert feel a tingling pain.

It was startled.

Hasn't Alakazam been dusted off?

want to turn back.

But there was a sharper sting.

The pain that almost made him lose consciousness in an instant, something hard, pierced the softest part of his body.

The pain caused Swampert to curl up unconsciously and uncontrollably.

Bang-! !

A neat "Cross Fury Cutter".

Trigger the "Snipe Shot Hand" Ability.

The old man thought that the purpose of Xia Yan and Beedrill was Feraligatr, but he didn't know that Beedrill, who was holding his breath while galloping, was always looking for Swampert's weakness.

Its flaws appeared when it was under the influence of "Grass Knot" to dust off Alakazam for the road.

This fleeting opportunity is undoubtedly what Alakazam and Beedrill do best.

Once the blow was successful, Beedrill did not retreat immediately.

It knew that it wasn't enough to get rid of Swampert once and for all.

So the tail is a long needle to make up the knife.

Fell Stinger!

boom--! !

Dust kicked up.

This truly completes the harvest, and the old man's first Pokémon falls.

It became part of the nourishment that gave birth to Beedrill's momentum.

Attack power increased again.

A long-overdue flame, drenched in dust, Beedrill, and Swampert.

But when the flames dissipate.

A column of water shot into the sky.

It turned out to be Greninja, who was a little confused and didn't know much about the situation.

In the face of the baptism of the flame of the fiery beast, it subconsciously burst out a stream of water to fight against it.

But soon.

Greninja reacted, and with Xia Yan's voice resounding in his mind, he understood the process.

This is the tactical system of Beedrill and Alakazam that Greninja has seen.


With its knowledge and understanding of Alakazam, Beedrill, and even Xia Yan, it is not enough to fully integrate it into the system.

But that's okay.

Even if it doesn't respond and doesn't play a role, it's enough.

Also a bit confused.

And in the woods, Sceptile, who was supposed to pounce on Greninja.

The Rival in front of him turned into a Beedrill?

This brief stupor and astonishment became the biggest weakness in Beedrill's eyes.

Puncture the long needle, sharp and sharp, dazzling electric light.

Cross Fury Cutter!

The ready-to-go cross-blade slashed into Sceptile's chest.

The stunned color has not dissipated, Sceptile's body swayed, and he couldn't catch his breath for a while, and the severe pain was like a normal tide, which engulfed its consciousness in an instant.

Fast change!

Truly changeable.

Almost just two breaths of effort, Beedrill, who was regarded by the old man as Xia Yan's desperate choice, really showed sufficient results.

Not only two strokes to solve Swampert.

Now it's a trick and a second Sceptile.

Five Elite Pokémon, the old man has already lost two.

"How, how is it possible?"

The old man stared with disbelief on his face.

He thought he had been careful enough, and feared enough of this Beedrill, whose speed was too terrifying.

But it was still bad.

But for Xia Yan.

Whether you value it or not, it doesn't matter at all.

The important thing is that you don't have a complete system, and in Xia Yan's eyes, it's all flaws.

Even if there seems to be no flaws, if you change the formation a little, you will be full of flaws because you try to deal with it.

All Beedrill needed to do was to explode his own attack and seize the fleeting opportunity.

And looking for flaws, that's the job of Xia Yan and Alakazam.

"Alakazam, it's this Alakazam!"

The old man is indeed old and experienced, and he immediately judged the role that Alakazam played in it.

As for saying.

Greninja, Regirock, Moltres, they really don't matter.

So even if they were facing Pokémon whose Attribute restrained them, Xia Yan didn't force anything.

Not a big problem.

Stopping for a moment is enough.

Even if they don't cooperate with Alakazam and Beedrill.

Cooperation will also take the initiative to find them.

"Escape! Escape! Find help!"

After a brief period of horror, the old man quickly gained the upper hand, tremblingly trying to escape.


With Beedrill's current ability to harvest the battlefield and Alakazam's ability to connect the audience, how could he escape?

Bang-! !

The old man just turned around.

He heard a muffled sound behind him.

Venusaur's huge body fell heavily to the ground with a look of astonishment on his face.

Regirock, who was not far away, scratched his head, but he couldn't react at once, so he couldn't keep up with Xia Yan's battle rhythm.

Once again, Beedrill, who finished the harvest with two strikes, once again rose in momentum.

The "Fell Stinger" is simply the best weapon for a harvesting Pokémon like the Beedrill.

Sensen Poison Barb with the call of death.

Now Beedrill's attack power can completely crush all the Pokémon present.

Hearing the sound of the heavy object falling to the ground, the old man's beard trembled, and his heart trembled wildly.

But he still gritted his teeth, endured the fear in his heart, and took a step.


Another sound.

The Fire Beast also fell heavily to the ground, and the flames on its back shrank to almost invisible.

Take another step.


In Feraligatr's unwilling roar, under Moltres' stunned gaze, he fell to the messy Ground and came into close contact with the earth.

Finally. The last one.

The old man's back was completely soaked.

Bean-sized beads of sweat slipped to the tip of his nose, but he didn't know it.

Stiff all over.

Feeling the sharp and hard object pressing against his back, his trembling feet could no longer move.

One Pokémon one step at a time.

He felt that one more step, and he should be the one who fell.

As for saying.

The Haunter who guarded him had become a toy between Alakazam's spoons.

"Mr. X is in such a hurry, where are you going?"

Frillish's voice came from behind him, and the jokes and ridicule in his words were no longer his focus.

pat- pat-

Crisp footsteps.

Stepping on the blackened Ground, on the wet muddy water, on the messy lawn, and on his heart.

It's like a countdown to life.

With all his strength, he turned around stiffly.

The cloudy eyes trembled as they looked towards the approaching figure.

The young man with a wicked smile before had turned into a gloomy look.

A trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

The next second was overshadowed by surprise.

"Yes, is it you? N?!"

"Oh? I didn't expect that a mediocre ordinary seat would be remembered by the highest seat. It's an honor."

Xia Yan grinned.

With a swipe of his palm on his face, he returned to his original appearance again.

The old man was in a trance.

Staring at Xia Yan blankly for a long time.

In the end, like a deflated ball, Struggle's idea of ​​​​surviving was completely lost.

Xia Yan's expression returned to calm.

"For the sake of acquaintance, answer my questions, so as not to suffer."

The old man's face stiffened and he nodded sullenly.

"What are you doing here?"

"Grab the priesthood, catch the divine beast."

The old man was indeed honest, and his hoarse voice explained the facts.

This is what Xia Yan already knew.

Just wanted to confirm.

Xia Yan nodded calmly.

"Head is T? Tom Ritchie?"

"Yes and no."


"She also called for two helpers."


The old man shook his head, "I don't know."

Xia Yan pursed his lips, pondered for a while, and then tentatively said in a rather heavy tone: "Alliance?"

The old man raised his head, surprise flashed in his cloudy eyes.

"Yes, I'm not sure."

"Hey." Xia Yan sneered.

There's really no room for surprises.

"What about Q?" Xia Yan's tone returned to calm again.

"I don't know, maybe he's dead."

Xia Yan lowered his eyes unexpectedly, "Where are they?"

"Lightning Island."

The old man is also not sure.

Except for this Sanshen Island, which is almost a mirror image of the outside world.

In the waters outside Sanshen Island, there are also three small islands of different shapes, representing the Three God Birds.

That's where the real competition for priesthood comes in.

"What's their trump card?"

Although Xia Yande admitted that Tom Yuqi was very strong, the two people she called were not weak.

But it shouldn't really compete with the three divine birds, especially here in addition to the three with priesthood, there are many existences like Moltres and Articuno beside Xia Yan.

Hear this question.

The old man's pupils shrank, as if he remembered something that frightened him.

However, he had given up hope of living, and in order to suffer less torture, he moved his lips and spat out the name.

"Lo, Lugia."

Xia Yan's eyes also shrank in disappointment.

Knew it.

Although I was already prepared in my heart, I still had the idea of ​​withdrawing.

As for Giovanni's capture of Lugia?

That was just a bold assumption that Xia Yan made to comfort himself.

If Lugia really got caught by the Rockets.

Giovanni and the Rockets won't be so quiet, honestly waiting for Mewtwo to be born.

Besides, it's no wonder that the aggressive capture of Lugia doesn't cause the Alliance to bounce back.

The Alliance's attention to Giovanni is many times higher than it is to Tom Ritchie.

He just hoped that Boss Giovanni had caught Lugia, so he would have less pressure.

"How did you do it?" Xia Yan asked with a deep breath.

"do not know."

"OK, thanks."

Xia Yan patted his shoulder.

The old man nodded in relief.

"She's been waiting for you." A whisper came.


The highest seat of a hunter's guild has quietly disappeared into the Pokémon world.

The Hunter Guild lost another ruler.


is predictable to the naked eye.

But he still had to die.

"Wait for me?"

Xia Yan murmured, "Actually, I've been waiting for her too."


Alakazam handed the Poké Ball on the old man.

Xia Yan opened them one by one.

Moltres and Articuno, a total of four, appeared in front of Xia Yan.

These are the old guys caught.

As a senior hunter, the efficiency is very high.

When these Pokémon saw Xia Yan, they immediately wanted to fight back.

Fortunately, the Articuno that was rescued by Xia Yan before stood up in time and explained a few words to them before they finally let go of their hostility towards Xia Yan.

Looking at the six divine beasts in front of him, Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth.

So many mythical beasts gathered together and were known to the outside world, it was estimated that there was another uproar.

Arrange for Audino to deal with their injuries.

Find a place to rest.

Then asked them some questions, Xia Yan obtained more information and intelligence, thinking about the feasibility of the next thing, and collecting the information of the so-called Lugia, to measure whether to continue.

After a while.

Xia Yan stood up, "I know you should have a lot of clansmen, can you gather?"

Several Moltres and Articuno nodded.

"Gather together, let's go and see."

Immediately they fluttered their wings and flew in different directions.

Looking at them away, Xia Yanxu narrowed his eyes.

"No Zapdos"

far away.

on Lightning Island.

Several people in black robes stood.

Looking up to the sky.

Moltres in golden flames, Zapdos in thunder, and Articuno in ice crystals, fighting a Pokémon.

The two sides were at a stalemate, with one enemy and three, and they did not fall into the disadvantage.


A lot of ordinary three gods are entangled with some Pokémon, growl constantly, pay special attention to the high-altitude battle, want to help, but can't open their hands.

"he came."

A beautiful female voice sounded.

"How much do you want to consume?" A man's voice sounded.

"Almost good."

"Hey, you are also interesting. You obviously look down on that kid, but you are still so careful. With this guy here, is it necessary to be so careful?"

Another urn-like man's voice sounded.

"No, he's not easy now, but well"

A pretty face plate sticks out from under the hood.

Bright eyes, watching the Pokémon standing still in the sky under the three divine beasts Beat Up, bent into a crescent shape.

Smooth body, vigorous movements, ferocious attacks.

Isn't it the existence that Xia Yan is afraid of, "God of the Sea" Lugia?


The dark color that appeared in the flash was not the existence in Xia Yan's impression.

That is

Darkness, Lugia!

(End of this chapter)

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