The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 811 You Lost (1.1W Big Chapter!)

Chapter 810 You lost (1.1w big chapter!)

Either you die or you die?

Tom Yuqi was amused by Xia Yan's words.

But don't know why.

She obviously wanted to laugh, but she couldn't laugh.

She felt an unquestionable determination in Xia Yan.


It's destined to be a winner.

It is also a day of life and death.

She was sensitively aware of this, and felt the pressure from the little man she had toyed with at the beginning.

"Since you want to die yourself, I don't mind fulfilling you."

Tom Lunch squinted his eyes, and the cold color flashed away.

Although Xia Yan's growth rate far exceeded her expectations.

But one thing she knew very well was that Beedrill wasn't as strong as Zapdos.

Whether in terms of breath or in terms of abilities.


As a Flying-type Pokémon Zapdos, he has an Attribute advantage over Bug Type and Poison-type Beedrill.

When she picked Beedrill as her Rival, she really didn't pick it casually.

"Zapdos, Lightning Storm!"

Tom Ritchie waved his hand and let out a coquettish cry.

see you.

The golden wings of Zapdos moved violently, and a tyrannical airflow condensed and formed in an instant. The terrifying airflow rose up, and the huge Twister almost covered the entire venue.

Immediately after, Maynard's swaying thunderbolt spat out of Zapdos' mouth and merged into Twister.

a time.

The already surging Twister is combined with lightning, and countless golden currents are combined with a terrifying hurricane.

Combination moves!

Facing the overwhelming lightning storm, Beedrill's forward figure came to an abrupt halt.

The scarlet compound eyes kept flashing and jumping, and it could feel the terrifying destructive power contained in it.

Tom Ritchie really digs deeper into Zapdos' abilities, and this combination of moves is the best proof.


Xia Yan shouted.

Beedrill understood and took a deep breath.

A dark red aura expands instantly. The leader's aura and Totem's aura are fused together. A unique aura that belongs to Beedrill's aura. It has never stopped excavating an aura that works. This moment finally burst out completely. came out.

Zapdos, the divine beast standing not far from Xia Yan, looked at Beedrill, who was surrounded by dark red mist, and a little surprise flashed in his eyes.

This is not the ability that the "chosen" Pokémon should have in its original impression.

In the hustle and bustle, Beedrill's figure seemed to have swelled and increased.


The divine beast Zapdos couldn't help shouting at Xia Yan, his folded wings tensed.

Xia Yan didn't squint.

After understanding the words of the divine beast Zapdos, Xia Yan's face was solemn, and Psychic flashed in his eyes, but he explained it briefly.

"We were never here to give you time to recover."

The strange color in the eyes of the divine beast Zapdos was even stronger.

Not to stall for time?

Is it really to defeat Rival?

But the gap in strength cannot be made up by changes in the aura.

Then the mythical beast Zapdos saw that Beedrill rushed into the lightning storm after inciting the aura.

What is this for?

To die?

But next second.

Xia Yan's body burst into a colorful halo, and strange energy surged out with the stone in his hand.

The bond between him and Beedrill has grown even closer.

"Beedrill, Mega!"

see you.

The spiral dance is accompanied by a large amount of thunder and lightning storms, surging out colorful energy, which flickers and dims, as if it is nurturing something.

Tom Ritchie also looked at this scene in surprise.

The appearance of this situation was beyond her expectations and beyond her cognition.

what is this?

the next moment.

boom--! !

The sudden roar sounded like rolling thunder roaring.

Immediately after.

The terrifying hurricane exploded in an instant, and the raging airflow splashed on the surrounding Thunder Spark walls, bringing one after another roar and jumping arcs.

"how is this possible?!"

Tom's eyes narrowed suddenly.

Looking at the center of the dissipating storm, a Saffron Pokémon who looked like a Beedrill, but with a more aggressive and intimidating appearance, slowly stopped his spinning body, and the dark red airflow gradually gathered as it rotated.

The Shield of Retaliation!

Xia Yan and Beedrill were the first to master, the first to use their abilities and skills acquired through training!


The previous Beedrill used either silk thread or the airflow provided by "Tailwind".

But this time, what it relies on is the aura that is like reality.


The fine electric current is constantly jumping on the wings as thin as cicada wings. The electric current mixed in the hurricane seems to be absorbed by the wings, and the wings are completely rendered Saffron color.

"Beedrill evolved?!"

The disbelief on Tom Ritchie's face never dissipated.

Beedrill, who is already in the final form of three stages of evolution, can actually evolve again? !

She had seen Giovanni's Beedrill.

The incomparable terror haunted her all the time.

It also prevented her from raising any hostility towards Giovanni.

But Rao is Giovanni's Beedrill, who can no longer be described as talented, and there is no evolution!

This was beyond Tom's comprehension.

more importantly.

Both Tom Ritchie and her Zapdos felt threatened after seeing Mega Beedrill.

Is this his trump card?

His reliance?

Tom Ritchie took a deep breath and put away the last bit of contempt in his heart.

He looked at Xia Yan and Mega Beedrill with great sternness.

Until now, she has really regarded Xia Yan as a Rival, as an evenly matched existence that must be squarely faced, completely erasing the shadow of the poor little sparring.

He has really grown up.

I have grown to the point where I have to face up to it, and I have to deal with it carefully.

Even the mythical beast Zapdos looked at Mega Beedrill in amazement.

I made a simple comparison in my mind.

Can Mega Beedrill be a threat to it?


Even if it is a prosperous Contest Condition, it needs to be careful to capsize in the gutter without using priestly power.

Xia Yan's face was cold, and he was unmoved by the look of astonishment on Tom's face.

Just that, does that make you feel stressed?

But this is not enough.

Don't let me down, don't make me think that those who try hard to defeat will be so unbearable. Xia Yan said silently in his heart.

After a brief stupor, the battle between Zapdos and Beedrill has just begun!


The two pairs of golden feather wings trembled slightly, accompanied by the diffusion of flocculent currents.

At first glance, it looks like the wings of Mega Beedrill, and it has expanded several times with the increase of golden current.

the next moment.

Mega Beedrill with sharp eyes appeared in front of Tom Ritchie Zapdos.

The long needle carried the momentum and the perseverance, and outrageously shot out!

So fast!

The thought flashed through both Tom's and Zapdos' minds.

However, Zapdos's strength is still very strong, and the reaction speed is fast enough.

Lightning flashes all over his body, and golden Electro Balls spit out.

boom! !

The Ground was blasted into a pit in an instant.

The flocculent current surrounds it for a long time.

Failed to attack Mega Beedrill.

see you.

The Mega Beedrills surrounded Zapdos, and what it had just destroyed was just one of its shadows.

Double Team!

"Sword Dance!"

Xia Yan's voice sounded in Mega Beedrill's mind.

clang clang-

a time.

The shadows of the dozens of Mega Beedrills were filled with dark red air currents, condensing into the shape of swords, forming a sword formation.

Using "Sword Dance" at such close range in front of Zapdos?

It's not as simple as Taunt.

"Zapdos, Discharge!"

Since it is impossible to judge which one is the real body in a short time, destroy them all!


A golden electric current the thickness of his arm burst out from Zapdos' body, sweeping the surroundings in a wide area.

Puff puff--

The phantoms shattered like Bubble under the baptism of electric current.

Zapdos' eyes swept around, looking for the real Mega Beedrill.

No? !

"Momo!" A shallow voice sounded behind Thompengqi.

Hear the sound.

Tom Ritchie's eyes flashed.


Zapdos reacted instantly.


A huge thunderbolt with the thickness of a grinding disc suddenly fell from the air, and it crashed down right above Zapdos' head.

Mega Beedrill, who attacked from above, was unwilling, but thanks to Xia Yan's reminder, he avoided the attack in time.

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes.

Look behind Tom Ritchie.

The outline of the sucker golem was looming.

If it wasn't for its reminder, a Mega Beedrill attack might have succeeded.

Tom Luqi turned a blind eye to Xia Yan's undisguised contempt.

With a big wave of his hand, he said, "Zapdos, Brave Bird!"

Brutal-! !

A long beep.

Zapdos put on a light blue coat all over and fluttered his wings towards the Mega Beedrill in the sky.

When the long wings vibrated, the distance was instantly shortened.


see you.

The figures of the two Pokémon flickered in the air, which was a competition of speed.

Zapdos carried the indomitable momentum of "Brave Bird", and in a short period of time, the speed was not inferior to that of Mega Beedrill.

It's just that with the continuous blessing of Mega Beedrill "Agility", the speed advantage was brought back to his hands again.

"Zapdos, Charge!"

Tom Ritchie immediately changed tack.

Although she didn't want to admit it.

But Zapdos really isn't the Rival of Mega Beedrill when it comes to speed.

Instead of chasing endlessly through the air, just wait and see.

Even if Beedrill evolves again, all abilities have been greatly improved, but one thing is unavoidable.

That's a physical problem.

The more Mega Beedrill is looking for opportunities to find Zapdos' flaws, the more constant harassment is needed to try to seize that fleeting opportunity.

Zapdos chased it, and it seemed that Mega Beedrill was a little embarrassed, but it happened to be in Mega Beedrill's favorite rhythm.

Looking at Zapdos hovering in the air, with thunder and lightning on his body, flickering and flickering.

Xia Yan silently took a breath.

Calm down the pain in my heart.

Rhythm is detected.

The pain of being forcibly interrupted.

Just as Tom Ritchie thought.

This kind of constant attack is what Mega Beedrill likes most, and it is also the rhythm it is most used to.

But Tom Ritchie reacted, but he didn't give him a comfortable sense of rhythm.

Instead, he forced Xia Yan and Mega Beedrill to adapt to their rhythm.

can only say.

Her combat experience and ability to control rhythm are really good.

If the previous chase continues for a while longer, Mega Beedrill will be able to grasp Zapdos' weaknesses and flaws.

Just a little bit.

It's like the right hand squirmed with a lot of effort, and it fell short when it was about to come out. That uncomfortable feeling made people feel bad breath all over the body.

Fortunately, Xia Yan is not a frizzy fool.

Mega Beedrill isn't an inexperienced Pokémon either.

Since you want to slow down, I'll accompany you!

"Beedrill, Encore, Sword Dance!"


Mega Beedrill's figure suddenly stopped, and the sword formation surrounded him with clanging sounds.

Watching Mega Beedrill rise again.

Tom Ritchie's eyes flashed.

Back to the beginning of the rhythm, but Xia Yan was uncomfortable, and she was also not very comfortable.

"Sword Dance" brought too much pressure.

"Continue Charge."

Zapdos and Mega Beedrill, the two Pokémons seem to have fallen into a truce, accumulating strength for each other.

This result will lead to.

Victory and defeat became a balance between one move.

A smile suddenly appeared on Tomluki's calm face.

Loudly said: "Although I don't know why your Beedrill can evolve again and improve its strength again, but it must not last long, right?"

If Mega Beedrill can stay like this forever, it won't be the same as Beedrill just now.

So Tom Ritchie quickly identified one of the characteristics of Mega Evolution.

Can't last!

"Laser Focus." Xia Yan said lightly, and gave up the use of telepathy.


In the end, it became the simplest and purest competition.

All skills and tactics are no longer important.


It is the last trick who is more destructive.

He glanced at the pretty face on the opposite side, and said slowly, "You're right, then you might as well guess how long Beedrill and I can last."

With his calm look, Tom Yuqi couldn't judge for a while whether Xia Yan was in Swagger or whether he had enough confidence.

She saw her pink tongue gently licking her slightly dry lips.

Interested: "I'm curious how you got this ability, can all Pokémon evolve again, or only Beedrill, or only your Beedrill?"

With just one touch, Tom Ritchie felt the power of Mega Evolution.

This kind of comprehensive ability improvement is the most exciting.

Xia Yan grinned.

"you guess?"

Thompson gasped.

Blinking his eyes playfully, "As an old friend, shouldn't we talk about it?"

Then he said lightly: "Anyway, after today, the grievances between us should end."

In other words.

Anyway, one is going to die today.

If she died, what Xia Yan said would have no effect.

If Xia Yan died, then this amazing method can't be buried, right?

"Heh." Xia Yan chuckled lightly, "So there's no need to tell you, anyway, your journey is coming to an end."


Tom Ritchie's expression instantly subsided.

The bright and delicate eyes appeared again, and it was many times more intense than before.


Xia Yan glanced at the Zapdos that had been bathed in "Charge".

"It's really uncomfortably indifferent." Thompson said coldly.

Now she has completely removed her disguise.

"bring it on."

Zapdos, who has accumulated strength.

The momentum climbed to the extreme Mega Beedrill.

Compete for the last resort.

"Zapdos, Zap Cannon!"

Xia Yan's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Beedrill, X-Scissor!"

I see.

In the golden light-filled battlefield, the surrounding bright environment seemed to be completely dim, leaving only the majestic figure of Zapdos suppressing the terrifying current.

between the wings.

The huge surging current turned into a pulse, and all the accumulated current was poured out.

Everything was eclipsed by this beam of light.

The mythical beast Zapdos, who was still recovering from Contest Condition, saw this scene, and his expression became solemn.

Both Zapdos and Electric Pokémon, it knows too well the terrifying power contained in this attack.

Even if it is under the prosperous Contest Condition, it does not dare to face it head-on.

"The Chosen One," does that unusual Beedrill dare?

The sight of the divine beast Zapdos, through Saffron's shining halo, was fixed on Mega Beedrill.

See it holding its breath.

Twineedle seemed to slow down deliberately and slowly lifted up.


The divine beast Zapdos froze for a moment and looked at Xia Yan, who was looking up with his head held high.

Seeing him nod his head slightly.

The beast Zapdos understood what he meant and trusted his judgment.

This is based on the trust that Mega Beedrill has shown enough strength.

next second.

Mega Beedrill's whole body bursts out with a terrifying Bug Type energy not inferior to Zapdos "Zap Cannon".

The increase brought by "Sword Dance" has already brought its power to its peak, which is the embodiment of the attack power being raised to the extreme.

It is also the highest level that Mega Beedrill can achieve today.

Twineedle cross.

Energy bursts.

Just as "Zap Cannon" and Mega Beedrill are about to make contact.

Tom Ritchie's expression suddenly grim.


Drink low.

The several Electric Pokémons behind her moved almost at the same time.

Several "Charge" beams, after a short distance, converged on Zapdos' body.

This last moment.

She would not hesitate to make an appointment with Xia Yan, the so-called one-on-one.

This Mega Beedrill is Xia Yan's biggest support. As long as it can be solved, the result of this battle of gods will be a foregone conclusion.


contract? promise? Head to head?

It's all a joke.

Brutal-! !


The accident happened suddenly.

While the rest of Tom's Pokémon gathered energy towards Zapdos, the mythical beast Zapdos, who had been staying by Xia Yan's side, suddenly appeared between them and Tom's Zapdos.

The blue lightning with the thickness of the grinding disc crashed down.

Two completely different currents bring about completely different electrical fields.

The shot of the divine beast Zapdos interfered with this increase in violation of the agreement.

at the same time.

The quietly spreading Psychic has also become the helper of the divine beast Zapdos.

I don't know when Alakazam, who was summoned by Xia Yan, appeared behind those Electric Pokémons in Thompachi.

Powerful Psychic also added to the distraction.


Mr. Mime, who had been lurking behind Tom Ritchie, also encouraged Psychic to confront Alakazam.

The sudden appearance of the divine beast Zapdos.

Not beyond Tom's expectations, her eyes kept falling on Xia Yan.

What if you predict that I'm not following the rules?

What if there is Zapdos Help?

What if your Beedrill has a special evolution?


Even if it's just a brief boost.

Zapdos' attack is no longer something Beedrill can resist.

She had foreseen the Beedrill turned to ashes in the golden "Zap Cannon".


The unmoving Mega Beedrill also released moves to fight when Xia Yan had predicted that Tom Luqi would be unruly.

What is the foundation?

The bottom line is!

"Savage Spin-Out!"

It's a "Z move"!

It's a combination of Mega Evolution and "Z-Move"!

all of a sudden.

The already rich Bug Type energy on Mega Beedrill surged again.

The cyan energy is overwhelming.

Facing the electric energy that dazzled the audience, a more powerful destructive force burst forth.

Condensed on Twineedle.

Xia Yan didn't know whether the books given by Giovanni had predicted the duel between him and Tom Ritchie.

But at the very beginning of the book, the theory that energy converges in a single point inspired Xia Yan and Beedrill.

All the energy, all the Bug Type energy, all gathered at the tip of the Mega Beedrill needle.

The terrifying energy was compressed into a little bit.

Although Mega Beedrill failed to achieve the ultimate in a short period of time.

There's no way to stop some of the energy from spilling out, and it can't be fully concentrated.

But enough!


The golden wings trembled violently.

At this time, the Mega Beedrill is like a long spear that is indomitable, and where the edge is caused, there is no way to avoid it!

The long needle is the gun head, the Spark is the gun barrel, and the energy is concentrated as the gun tip.

The Mega Beedrill seemed so insignificant in the face of the mighty "Zap Cannon."

But this gun, with unrivaled power, tore the "Zap Cannon" from the middle in front of Zapdos, in front of Tom Ritchie, Slash!

The burst of electric current completely shattered the Ground.

Only it can't have any effect on the Mega Beedrill that travels through it.

"how is this possible?!"

Tom Ritchie's face was full of shock and disbelief.

She has been switching freely between her original appearance and disguise, but at this time she has lost the management of expressions, the control of thoughts, and the judgment of the situation.

Everything was completely shattered by Mega Beedrill's move.

Pointed by the spear!

A little chill!

Bang-! !

The speed of Mega Beedrill has already made Zapdos lose the last chance to evade.

The Mega Beedrill, who had already observed it thoroughly, pierced Zapdos' chest with a long needle.

The sharp needle sank into Zapdos' body almost unhindered.

No blush drifted away.

Because at the moment when the long needle submerged, the terrifying Bug Type energy, the energy brought by the "Z move", burst out.

This terrifying destructive force destroyed all of Zapdos' defenses and thinking in an instant.

Flying system restrains Bug Type?

In "Sword Dance", in "Laser Focus" Lock On, in "Adaptability" Ability blessing, in "Z-Move" boost, in the concentration where all energy converges at one point, under heavy accumulation, it is doubled alone Resistance can no longer affect the final result.

At most.

Zapdos, who should have died, left his last breath.

boom--! !

With the last burst of energy.

Everything is silent.

All Pokémon.

All stopped.

He stared blankly at this scene.

Looks different.

Tom Ritchie's Pokémon, like herself, was full of astonishment, unable to believe that Zapdos, who gathered their powers, would be instantly killed by Mega Beedrill in the front.

Even because of the interference of the divine beast Zapdos, they only blessed a little.

But this is enough for Zapdos to crush all its peers.


What was the point of mastering this skill when they were trained by Tom Ritchie?

The mythical beast Zapdos also had surprise and surprise on his face.

Xia Yan reminded it with telepathy at the last moment, telling it that the opponent would not obey the rules of the game, and would definitely attack in groups, so I hope it can block, and only needs to block.

Originally, the meaning of the mythical beast Zapdos was that it came to help Mega Beedrill block this attack.

But Xia Yan refused.

"It all started and ended with Beedrill and Zapdos," he said.

In the end, the beast Zapdos chose to believe in Xia Yan and Beedrill.

And the result did not disappoint.

Even far beyond its expectations.

That last shot of the Mega Beedrill, does it hold up without assisting the priesthood?

The answer is to stop.

But definitely get seriously injured.

The destructive power of that move has already surpassed the category of the Elite class and moved to a higher field.

That's the realm of champions!

Even if it's not the power of Beedrill itself.

Even if it gets a lot of blessings.

But the process doesn't matter.

The important thing is that Mega Beedrill defeated Zapdos. Mega Beedrill has shown enough power to make the beast Zapdos face or pay attention to, that's enough.

Alakazam, who helped Xia Yan and Mega Beedrill resist interference, was equally shocked.

Although it believes 100% in Xia Yan and in Mega Beedrill.

But when I really saw this power, I was still uncontrollably shocked.

Is this, Beedrill's greatest hit right now?

The strength of the companion, in addition to making it feel happy, also has motivation.

To become equally powerful, or even more powerful.

"Inspired" by Mega Beedrill, Alakazam was also the first to react.

The Psychic that it instigated will push back and inflict heavy losses on Mr. Mime, who is stalemate with it.

And its attack broke out, awakening Thompinch and the rest of her Pokémon.

Really kicked off the melee.


One of the protagonists of this prelude.

But already fell to the ground.

Tom Ritchie, who built a lineup system with Zapdos as the core, lost one of her important cores.

Xia Yan's one-on-one challenge shattered her greatest support.

It also shattered her real thoughts.

Tom Ritchie's expression was a little dazed.

Zapdos lost?

She placed high hopes on her, was valued by her to cultivate, and was regarded by her as the confidence to turn around, so she lost?

Lost to a mediocre Beedrill, to a Beedrill that she used to look down on?

What an irony.

People who pay so much attention to the potential of Pokémon and the Pokémon race fall into the hands of a Pokémon that most people despise.


Pokémon races, divine beasts, quasi-gods, royal families, ordinary Pokémon, what is the meaning of this division?

She looked in a trance, and she didn't mean to let Xia Yansheng want to keep his hand.

This woman is too dangerous, too scheming, too heavy-handed.


Just to get rid of her!


Ground tremors.

Standing outside the battlefield of the gods, the burly man and the thin researcher not far from the Thunder Light Curtain felt the vibration and the huge movement inside.

Although they didn't know what was going on inside, they instinctively felt that the situation might not be as optimistic as they expected, and they all sullen.

The thin researcher licked his lips, and the madness in his eyes was briefly suppressed.

"Tom Ritchie's handling of this little guy may not go as smoothly as he imagined."

The burly man gave him a sidelong glance.

"Xia Yan has indeed become famous, and he has brought surprises to the Alliance more than once, whether it is in terms of trainers or researchers, but there is an essential gap between his strength and that of Tom Ritchie.

Even with the mythical beast Zapdos, the result is the same. "

In order to ensure that Zapdos of Tom Ritchie can obtain the priesthood 100%, they deliberately drove the dark Lugia, which severely damaged the beast Zapdos.

What if you can't win in this situation?

"Without Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno can't hold on anymore." The burly man looked up at the sky.

Originally, Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno, the three mythical beasts, could barely fight against the dark Lugia, but without Zapdos, the other two could no longer hold on.

"Oh, it's inevitable." The skinny researcher sneered, appearing a little complacent, "Let that kind of kid get a Professional degree, such a judgment system is really becoming more and more unconvincing, the ability of a researcher is not dependent on It's written with a pen."

He made no secret of his contempt for researcher Xia Yan's abilities.

In his opinion.

A real researcher should actually do it and come up with an earth-shattering research, preferably to create a new species, that's really amazing.

The burly man obviously knew that the thin researcher was a lunatic, so he didn't refute this matter, he just asked:

"Is there any dark energy that can control these two divine beasts?"

Although Moltres and Articuno looked unbearable in front of the dark Lugia, they were divine beasts after all.

Hearing this, the thin researcher shook his head decisively.

"All the dark energy is used to control Lugia. The energy you gave is too little. Give me ten more, and I will help you control all the beasts in the whole world."

"Oh, you dare to think about it."

The burly man sneered.

Then he said, "How much do you really think this dark energy needs?"

The skinny researcher didn't care about his cynicism and shrugged: "It's not me who lost anyway, I just want that little Lugia now."

With Lugia and little Lugia for reference.

He might be able to create a fertile beast!

The changes that brought about.

Thinking about my body makes me want to shiver.

The burly man opened his mouth, just about to say something.

Suddenly looked at the light curtain.

"The result is out."

The skinny researcher hurriedly followed his line of sight.


The light curtain composed of thunder gradually faded and slowly faded away.

Several figures slowly emerged.

"It seems to have succeeded." Seeing Tom Ritchie standing on the edge with a cold face, the thin researcher raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

The burly man frowned slowly.

Did it work?

Then why is Tom Ritchie's face so ugly?


The raging thunder and lightning continued.

The terrifying electric energy was overwhelming, and after the light curtain faded, it still blocked their sight.

See you later.

Tom Ritchie waited until the light curtain disappeared, and strode towards them with a dark face.


The burly man asked in a stern voice.

Tom Ritchie nodded.

go to them.

The thin researcher rubbed his palms, "Where's little Lugia? Little Rocky?"


A sudden sharp pain came from the chest.

His eyes widened, looking at Tom Ritchie in disbelief.

Only at this time did he realize that Tom Ritchie's dark face was terrifyingly gloomy, and under his seemingly calm eyes, hysterical madness was hidden, and he couldn't hold back and broke out completely.


The thin researcher's mouth twitched, and a large amount of blood spurted down his throat.

Tom Ritchie was unmoved by his appearance.

Just a familiar touch in the inner pocket of his clothes.

An instrument gleaming with Haze was caught in her hands.

This is the device that controls the dark Lugia, the work of a skinny researcher.

"what are you doing?!"

The burly man was also taken aback by Tom Ritchie's behavior, and he took two steps back and shouted sharply.

Tom Ritchie just glanced at him and said nothing.

Grip the device in your hand tightly.

Thought connected with the dark Lugia.

"Are you crazy?! He said the device can't connect Solaceon with Lugia, or the dark energy in it will consume your mind and body!"

The burly man narrowed his eyes.

But seeing Tom Ritchie tilting his head, he said coldly, "Shut up!"


The burly man's eyes widened.

I couldn't believe Tom Ritchie dared to speak to himself in such a tone.

Available in the next second.


Accompanied by whistling air currents.

Dark Lugia fell from the sky and hovered beside Tom Ritchie.

Dark body, red eyes.

The burly man took a few steps back again, his face was very ugly, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Control of Dark Lugia was taken away.

Tom Ritchie didn't know if he would be affected by dark energy, or what, he was already hysterical.

Touching her head at this time is very irrational.


He couldn't help but be curious.

What happened in the battlefield of God?

What about the rest of Tom's Pokémon?


There was the sound of Pokémon falling.

see you.

The thunder that covered the sky faded away.

This seemingly ferocious lightning is actually an empty shell.

It was Tom Ritchie's last curtain to hide the burly man and the skinny researcher, giving her time for the Snatch Lugia controller.

It turned out great.

The two had no idea that Tom Ritchie would fail, nor did they expect her to be a Snatch controller.

What exactly happened?

Soon he knew.

As the thunder light faded away, the mess behind it was revealed.

Holding little Lugia, covering its eyes, Xia Yan was pale and sweaty, but his expression was cold.

The end of Mega Evolution is back to the original Beedrill.

Stand by his side and support his Alakazam with Psychic.

Regirock, the Rock giant guarding his other side.

Hovering over his head, Hydreigon full of rebelliousness.

Greninja standing not far away with a negative hand.

And Audino, who stood behind Xia Yan and treated him with tentacles.

There is also the mythical beast Zapdos, which spread its wings in the sky, and its momentum has recovered a lot from before.

What about Tom's Pokémon?

What about her Zapdos?

The burly man saw it!

Eyes could not help shrinking.

They all lay in the rubble, and have all lost their ability to fight.

"Lost, failed?!" There was an uncontrollable astonishment in the words.

Can this be lost?

How much have they prepared for this battle of gods?

How much is laid out?

Even Lugia got caught.

Did it fail?

And those Pokémon, aren't the Pokémon that Xia Yan should have?

Then, according to the situation at the scene, the burly man understood Tom's operation.

But he still didn't want to believe it.

really lost?

No wonder it's so hysterical.

He knew Thompachi, and on the surface he attached great importance to Xia Yan, but in his heart he still regarded Xia Yan as a pawn that Solaceon could play with.


The chess pieces backfired.

As a chess player, how can you endure it?

"Xia Yan, Yan Xia, hahahaha-"

Tom Ritchie laughed wildly and hysterically, even tears in the corners of his eyes.

Yan Xia?

Hunter N Yanxia of the Hunter Guild?

Is that Xia Yan? !

The burly man was shocked.

I immediately understood where Xia Yan's other Pokémon came from.

He stared.

Another thing he didn't expect.

The genius supported by Alliance, the youngest Professor Xia Yan, is actually Hunter N of the Hunter Guild?

how can that be?

But Xia Yan's indifferent expression acquiesced to all this.

I heard Xia Yan's cold voice.

"you lose."

"I didn't lose!"

Tom Ritchie, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, immediately jumped up and growled, "I didn't lose!! How could I lose to a pawn?! You are just a pawn in my hand! I can knead you with Solaceon!"

Under the influence of dark energy.

Tom Ritchie, who could barely keep his calm before, had completely lost his ability to think at this time.

Xia Yan grinned.

The most intolerable thing for a self-proclaimed chess player is that the chess pieces are out of control, right?

Slowly shaking his head, he said loudly, "No, you lost."

"I! No! Yes! Yes! Yes! Lose!" Tom Ritchie squeezed out a sentence word by word through gritted teeth.

Then he shouted hoarsely: "Lugia, shred him for me!"

The burly man took a few steps away from Tom Ritchie again.

The frustration of losing to the chess piece, the daze that she had been planning for several years but fell short, and the erosion of dark energy, she had completely lost control.

But considering the situation, the burly man still said, "I haven't lost yet, but you must calm down."

"To shut up!"

Tom Ritchie ignored his persuasion at all, "Send your Pokémon to fight! Tear him up! He has three heads in Alliance, Hunter Guild, and Team Rocket, don't kill him now, his rise can't be stopped, he must now kill him!"

The burly man pondered a little.

Although Tom Ritchie is crazy.

But she had to admit that she was right.

Therefore, Xia Yan must be killed before Tom Ritchie still has any sense of reason, and then control of Lugia must be taken back.

In this way, although the plan still failed, the darkness Lugia is still in control, and he can barely make a deal when he returns.

The burly man tore off his cloak, exposing his knotted muscles, holding the Poké Ball, and he was about to do it.

It's just that Xia Yan completely ignored him.

Looking at the crazy Tom Ritchie, he raised the corner of his mouth, and there was a kind of fun from beginning to end.

A knot in his heart has been completely loosened.


Facing the incoming dark Lugia, Xia Yan just took out a plain and ordinary Poké Ball from the inner pocket of his clothes.

"Please stop Lugia."

With that said, throw out the Poké Ball.


next second.

A stout figure, but with an aura far surpassing all of Xia Yan's Pokémons, stood proudly in front of him.


Seeing this Dragonite, the burly man's pupils shrank.

Lost voice:

"How is this Dragonite possible?!"

Dragonite nodded slightly towards Xia Yan, flapped its wings and flew towards the dark Lugia.

Although it was immediately at a disadvantage.

But Dark Lugia wants to win in a short time, but it is impossible.

Coupled with Zapdos, which has slightly recovered the Contest Condition, it is completely deadlocked.

The smile on Xia Yan's face was even greater.

Feel sorry.

With a great teacher, he can really do whatever he wants.

Step up and step out.

Alakazam "Teleport" launched.

Xia Yan appeared in front of Tom Luqi.

Looking at this crazy, but still delicate and pretty woman, even the madness gave her a strange beauty.

It's just that Xia Yan was unmoved.

"Xia Yan!"

Tom Yuqi looked at Xia Yan who appeared in front of him, without fear or flinch, squeezed out two words containing Grudge.

"I'm here." Xia Yan said softly, her eyes softened, and her palm lightly rested on her head.

"Xiao Nai, don't be afraid, I'm here."


Tom Ritchie's expression froze.

Listening to this former name, with a long mouth, I want to say something but can't say it.

next second.

There was a huge shock in the head.

Vitality breaks.

The power in the body quickly drained away.

death gate.

right in front of you.

But at this moment, Tom Ritchie seemed to be coming over as Smelling Salts.

The madness on his face disappeared, and it became the playful and cute little front desk at the door of the club again.

A lifetime of Struggle, in a blink of an eye.

For the Struggle who was in the early days of the Alliance, for the Struggle who gained strength, for the Struggle who got rid of everything, for the .

Her lightest, happiest days.

It was like the days when I was in the club, watching the trainers, trainers, and Pokémons coming and going, smiling.

"Xia Yan."

A timid voice sounded.

Xia Yan's expression has also softened.



Xia Yan shook his head silently.

They are all poor people, but they are driven to play with by the world.


All grudges will vanish, and dust will return to dust.

Two lines of clear tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

Among them, perhaps the most is regret.

"Be careful, be careful Alliance."

Xia Yan said softly:

"I know, I understand the information you left me at the entrance."

The corners of Anna's mouth rose slightly, revealing a poignant and reassuring smile.

She herself didn't know why she left that message.

Perhaps it was because she also felt that Xia Yan, like her, was a poor person at the mercy of others.

"And. Be careful, be careful. Be careful of him."

Xia Yan didn't know who the "he" she was talking about was.

But it must be the one who made Anna come to the present.

Looking at the woman who had closed her eyes and completely lost her life.

Xia Yan nodded and replied.

"it is good."

click -

There was a screeching sound in my head.

At the same time as the idea is mastered, Xia Yan has not improved Psychic for a long time, but at this time, he has made progress.


PS: Some friends in the group told me that I won’t post a big chapter today, I won’t finish it, and I won’t give me a monthly pass. I was so frightened that I quickly wrote a big chapter of 1.1w words, and ended this grievance completely here~~ For the sake of my sincerity, I ask for a monthly ticket~~ (Because of the rush of time, I will send it first and then change it~ ~)

(End of this chapter)

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