The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 812 Have You Seen The Divine Beast Legion? (1.8W Words Today! Ask For A Monthly Pass!)

Chapter 811 Have you seen the Divine Beast Legion? (1.8w words today! Ask for a monthly pass!)

Psychic has improved.

This was something Xia Yan didn't expect.

But it's a reasonable thing to do.

Only he himself knows how long Tom Ritchie's existence has been stagnant in his heart, how much of his hard work is for Retaliate.


Tom Luqi died, and Xia Yan's stagnation in his heart also dissipated.

Psychic is the embodiment of his spiritual embodiment.

Mastery of ideas.

Naturally Psychic is also all progress.

Slowly put down Tom Ritchie, who had completely lost his vitality.

In the end.

She actually has a lot of similarities with Xia Yan.

The difference is only.

Xia Yan has an advantage that she does not have.

He stood up and looked at the burly man who had taken off his cloak, revealing his tendon.

Wearing a tight jacket and camouflage pants, the identity is almost ready.

And the man's bear eyes are also staring at Xia Yan.

In fact, Xia Yan has a lot of questions to ask, and it is estimated that this man can answer a lot of them, but it is obviously impossible for the other party to answer his questions.

Maybe beat him.

Look at the darkness Lugia, Dragonite and Zapdos entangled in the sky.

A temporary balance has been established.

Professor Oak asked Xia Yan to find him before he set off, just to lend him this Dragonite temporarily.

And this Dragonite is also one of the reliances for Xia Yangan to go to Sanshen Island alone to find them trouble.

The burly man is afraid of Dragonite.

I must have guessed who the owner of Dragonite is.

"Xia Yan, Yan Xia, I didn't expect you to hide so deeply." The burly man said solemnly.

The grinning mouth and the scars on his face made him look particularly hideous.

"Actually, I'm more curious. How could a dignified Alliance commander get entangled with the betrayer of this Alliance and the mad scientist of Team Rocket. I wonder if your Excellency can help me?"

The burly man's mouth grinned even wider.

"I'll tell you when you're dead!"

With that said, throw out the Poké Ball.

in red light.

A huge orange palm rushed towards Xia Yan.

The palm is wrapped in dark red Fighting-type energy, and there is a fierce wind in the whistling.



A Psychic Barrier appeared in front of Xia Yan, and the barrier formed by strands of Psychic resisted Hariyama's heavy palm.

Alakazam, holding a spoon, appeared in front of Xia Yan.

But this is just the beginning.

I saw another white but agile figure, pulling it towards Xia Yan's side at a very fast speed, and the sharp breath scratched Xia Yan's face with pain.


Greninja jumped up, his fists condensed the water, and rushed towards the attacking figure.

Xia Yan's face changed slightly, "Don't take it hard!"

But it was too late.

Seeing that the figure's speed soared again, the seemingly weak knee, which directly pierced Greninja, kicked Greninja's abdomen accurately.

a time.

Greninja felt like he was hit hard by something horrible.

The pain caused by the unstoppable force made it tense up, and the body curled up like a lobster, smashing heavily beside Xia Yan.

one move.

Just a trick "High Jump Kick".

Actually killed Greninja in seconds!

This situation also far exceeded Xia Yan's expectations.


As the light body fell to the ground, the figure revealed its outline.

Master Itachi!

His long and narrow eyes narrowed, as if he had no mood swings about defeating Greninja.

Is Fighting a Pokémon specialization?

Xia Yan glanced at the burly man across from him.

It fits his image very well.

"I don't know how you beat her, maybe she's careless, maybe she's stupid, maybe you have some trump card. It's surprising that Professor Oak's Dragonite is in your hands, but that's all already."

The man shook his head.

Still seems relatively easy.

As long as the beast does not interfere.

He thought it was easier.

Besides, these Pokémons as Xia Yan's cards have already appeared, so he has nothing to worry about.

"Greninja, Hydreigon, and that Regirock, you've cultivated them too little. Did you catch them later?"

The man looked as if he had already detected Xia Yan and settled for him.

"But unfortunately, your rise time is too short, and it should be your limit to be able to cultivate a Beedrill and Alakazam to this level."

Xia Yan lowered his eyes.

Look at Greninja curled up on the ground.

must admit.

The opponent is powerful, maybe even stronger than Tom Ritchie.


Perhaps not only Tom Ritchie, but also the man in front of him, led the matter this time.

And the real black hand behind it.

Maybe it's the "adult" they said before, and the "him" that Tom Xianqi told Xia Yan to be careful before he died.

And this "he" is very likely to be a high-level executive of Alliance.

Without the support of Zapdos, even if Xia Yan and Thompengqi were one-on-one, he would not be Rival.

Especially the man in front of him.

Take out the Poké Ball and put Greninja away.

"You are indeed very strong. As a legion commander, I am not surprised to have such strength."

Putting away Greninja's Poké Ball, Xia Yan took out another Ultra Ball.

Not thrown out.

Hold it in your hand and look at the other side.

"So I'm curious, your identity, which army commander are you?"

The burly man smiled disdainfully, "Guess what."

Xia Yan was not disturbed by the other party's tone, nodded and said:

"That's right, with your identity and strength, you don't need to think too much. Go back and check Alliance's files and you'll know everything."

Gently rub the surface of the Poké Ball.

"Even, according to your line, the adult behind you may be about to come out."

In this regard, the disdain on the burly man's face became more intense.

He said contemptuously, "Just you?"

Xia Yan said quite solemnly: "Just me."

Say it.

Throw the Ultra Ball in his hand.

In the red light, a hazy and illusory Pokémon appeared, and its four-meter-long body flickered and dimmed, showing a gradient of colors from its tail to its head.

Doron Bartto!

Aren't you a Fighting Pokémon?

Let's play a whole Ghost Pokémon with you!


Duolong Bartto appeared again, it didn't complain, just glanced at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't speak either, and nodded slightly.

Doron Bart's eyes lit up.

This reaction of Xia Yan told it that this should be the last time Duolong Bartto helped him.

Because next time it appears, it will appear as Xia Yan's real Pokémon.

"Doron Bartto?"

The burly man was stunned again.

As the commander of the army, Galar is not a secret to him, and the quasi-god of the Galar Region, Pokémon Doron Bartto, can not be considered unfamiliar.

Probably didn't know it before.

However, with the opening of the Alola Region, the focus of the Alliance was on conquering the Galar Region, so some Pokémon from the Galar Region also entered the attention of the Alliance executives first.

"Phantom Force."

With the appearance of Doron Bartto.

Xia Yan's counterattack.

also started.

Seeing the ghost-type energy radiating from Dolong Bartto's body, he swayed in the air, and his figure disappeared from their sight.

The burly man's expression changed slightly.

No longer hesitate.

The remaining four Poké Balls are thrown.

Qiang Qiang——! !

Accompanied by a clanging metallic sound.


Kommo-o with a metallic sheen all over appeared behind him, his huge tail swinging towards the void.

Sparkling ripples.

Doron Bartow appears.

It happened to be Kommo-o's tail that met it.

However, he saw Dolong Bartto's long and narrow eyes flashing a hint of playfulness, and his figure quietly dissipated.

Dodging Kommo-o's attack with a treacherous move.


Among the remaining Pokémons of the burly man, a Medicham catches Doron Bartto's position with Psychic and flies over his knees.

At the same time, the palm of Pangoro biting the bamboo stick was covered with a strong evil energy, and he also patted Duolong Bartto.

Bang-! !

The collision of three Pokémons.


But it ended with Medicham being ejected and Pangoro staggering back.

The burly man narrowed his eyes.

This Doron Bartto is strong!

The last Toxicroak puffed out the red sack on its cheek, and a strong poisonous mist Spit Up, barely stopped Doron Bartto's advance, curbing its pace.


There is still such a powerful Pokémon hidden, and while the burly man is shocked, he is also secretly relieved.


Only one.

Duolong Bart is strong.

But it didn't reach the level of that Dragonite.

As long as he concentrates and maintains a good formation and system, winning is also predictable.

But the next moment.

While he was concentrating on dealing with Doron Bartto, he heard a muffled sound behind him.

He turned sharply.

He saw his master, Itachi, flying upside down, with a lot of injuries on his body, his eyes closed, and he lost his ability to fight.

how is this possible? !

Even if Master Itachi defeated Greninja with "High Jump Kick", he suffered a lot of rebound damage, but he wouldn't fall in front of Xia Yan's Pokémon.

He had just identified carefully.

The tired Beedrill, the fairly good Alakazam, the Hydreigon and Regirock who didn't have a tacit understanding with Xia Yan, had more than enough to defend themselves, but not enough offense.

It should be stable.

He raised his eyes and looked in the direction where the master Itachi flew upside down.

His expression was stunned, and his eyes flashed with astonishment.


I saw one that looked exactly like Alakazam, with a bigger head and thin limbs, sitting cross-legged in mid-air, with five delicate spoons lined up on its head.

What is this Pokémon? !

Doron Bart knows all of them, but this Pokémon, which looks like Alakazam, is beyond his cognizance.

A rather bold idea rose in my heart.

Alakazam evolved?

That's right.

Mega Alakazam!

The progress of Psychic has allowed Xia Yan to recover a certain amount of spirit and Psychic, and can fully withstand the second Mega.

In the face of Fighting Pokémon, obviously Mega Alakazam is the best option.

While the burly man was afraid of Duolong Bartto, Xia Yan ordered Alakazam Mega Evolution, and broke out the strongest attack, and worked closely with Beedrill to defeat the master Itachi.

Xia Yan is very clear.

A legion commander like a burly man must have a complete system.

In the face of such a strong system of sound.

Doron Bartto alone can't be beat.


Even if you need to pay some price, it is the best choice to drop one first.

Hydreigon next to him wanted to cry without tears.

Because it was the price paid, it took the master Itachi abruptly.

Fortunately, as a dragon-type quasi-god Pokémon, its body is tough enough.

Fortunately, Master Itachi did not dare to use "High Jump Kick" again, otherwise it would lose faster.


Mega Alakazam Psychic surged, and his figure disappeared in mid-air.

When it reappears, it is accompanied by a sprawling "Psychic Terrain", and a "Psybeam" that distorts space and consciousness.

Just beating a master Itachi was not enough.

We must solve one more before the opponent has integrated the system and lineup!

The goal is.


The burly man also realized Xia Yan's intentions.

Hidden in the shadows, the powerful Doron Bartto makes him a savage weapon.

Two Pokémon alone can't keep him safe, three Pokémon are enough.

"I discussed with Bruno that the lineup of Fighting trainers must be accompanied by an Achilles heel."

Xia Yan seemed to be talking to himself, and seemed to be explaining to the man.

"Their individual soldier ability is very strong, and the tactical cooperation after cooperation is bound to be better than Normal's Pokémon, but the biggest weakness is the ability to deal with space. Too bad!"

Xia Yan said so.

Because Fighting-type Pokémon, apart from relying on the speed of the body, once the battlefield is divided, it will be very troublesome.

And his defense system with Alakazam as the core, the biggest advantage is space!

Especially after Alakazam has been baptized by the energy of Mega Evolution and evolved into Mega Alakazam.

The control of space has reached the extreme.

The burly man was forced, or unconscious, to divide the battlefield because of an inadvertent contempt, and because he did not expect that Xia Yan was still hiding a powerful Duolong Bartto.

This point was cleverly grasped by Xia Yan and took advantage of it.

Seeing Mega Alakazam appearing in front of him, Hariyama's sword eyebrows and star eyes, Knock Off with both palms.

Bang-! !

The expected feeling of shooting on a fragile skeleton did not appear.

A pair of strong and heavy fists caught its palms, even if it was a little labored and embarrassed.

The positions of Regirock and Mega Alakazam have been swapped!

It's now!

Xia Yan's eyes flashed slightly.

Mega Alakazam's eyes swept to Medicham, who was guarding the burly man's side. The wonderful ability made it "copy" Medicham's Ability.

next second.

Mega Alakazam transferred Medicham's Ability, using "Skill Swap" to Beedrill.

And Beedrill's "Snipe Shot hand" ability is immediately overshadowed.


The power of yoga!

The effect of this Ability is very straightforward and simple, doubling the attack power!

At this time, Beedrill had just ended the battle with Zapdos, and it had already been fully stacked with the attack power of "Sword Dance". What would doubling it again bring?

Explosive watch!

A complete blowout!

Beedrill, who was already feeling a little weak at this time, immediately felt an incomparable force emerging from his body.

This power is enough to drive all Pokémon crazy.

And it, under the urging of this force, launched an attack again.

The speed surged to the extreme.

Complementary with strength.

Hariyama felt the pressure of the rapid approach behind him, his entire back arched, and the sharp airflow made him realize the consequences of taking the next move.


But before, it was still grabbing Regirock and wrestling, but now it has become Regirock entangled in it.

It doesn't take long.

one second.

Just a second.

at the same time.

Realizing what Xia Yan wanted to do, the burly man gritted his teeth, and Pangoro strode towards Regirock.

The distance is not far.

It can even arrive in less than a second.


This distance has become a moat!

Mega Alakazam.

It's Mega Alakazam again!

"Teleport" appeared in front of Pangoro.

Pangoro could feel the urgency of the burly man, but also the urgency of Hariyama.

So it mustered the attack of evil energy and slapped Mega Alakazam without hesitation.


Mega Alakazam grinned, blurred.

Meet Pangoro's.

It's Hydreigon!

Hydreigon couldn't help but want to swear.

First Master Itachi, then Pangoro.

Do you really think it's bullying?

A quasi-god Pokémon anyway.

Hydreigon mustered the dragon energy, took a surging Dragon Breath, and confronted Pangoro head-on.

It is not known what the result will be.

But Hariyama's outcome was already doomed.

Bang-! !

Beedrill, who has just learned to condense its power into one point, even without the blessing of Mega Evolution, even without the boost of "Z-movement", its current attack power alone is enough to crush all Elite-level Pokémon!

A sharp sting came from Hariyama's back.

Even if it puffed up its muscles and tried to resist.

But to no avail.

The effect of replacing the "Snipe Shot" Ability with "Yoga Power" means that every attack of Beedrill is now a critical strike!

Knife crit!

Hariyama can't be defeated in one move.

But two strokes are enough.

Tuk Tuk!

A crisp sound.

Regirock could clearly feel Hariyama's power fading quickly.

The result gave the scarred Regirock a sigh of relief.

He let go of Hariyama's hand and, with it, fell to the ground.

The difference is.

Hariyama was completely incapacitated, while Regirock was just exhausted.

boom--! !

Raise dust.

The second one.

Fall down!

The price is that both Hydreigon and Regirock are nearly incapacitated.

Xia Yan took them all back with Poké Ball.

He's left with Doron Bartto, Beedrill, and Mega Alakazam.

On the opposite side are Pangoro, Kommo-o, Medicham and Toxicroak.

It seems that the opponent still has an advantage in numbers, but in fact they are already evenly matched.

The fall of Master Itachi and Hariyama happened in an instant.

The burly man wanted to react, but he couldn't do it.

Xia Yan seized the opportunity before the role of the lineup could be brought into play.

The role of Doron Bartto is crucial, and the presence of Mega Alakazam also plays an unexpected role for the burly man.

This time.

Bad fight.

The burly man had a sullen face.

I kept cursing Tom Ritchie in my heart.

Even if it fails.

He still hasn't forced all of Xia Yan's cards.

Make him passive.

Xia Yan is relatively better.

He rubbed his palm on his waist.

Five Poké Balls are held in the hand and grow larger as they are thrown.


The burly man looked at Togekiss, Aegislash, Latios, Infernape, and Sylveon who appeared, and couldn't help but let out a foul language.

Who's going out with so many Pokémons?

Can you command it?

Xia Yan just wanted to say that the role of Psychic is not only reflected in self-preservation.

With Psychic, give him enough energy to command more Pokémon.

The burly man gritted his teeth.

He also touched his waist again.

He didn't bring as many Pokémons as Xia Yan, but it wasn't that he didn't.


Before waiting for him to call, he saw Xia Yan showing a bright smile.

"Hey, Legion Master, have you seen the Divine Beast Legion?"


The burly man frowned.

He raised his head and looked towards the air behind Xia Yan.

Suddenly he took a breath.

I see.

From the sky of Sanshen Island, dozens of figures flew over.

Half of them were blazing into the sky, and half of them were flying snow.

It's Moltres and Articuno!

There are still many!

This is. Divine Beast Legion?

The burly man's heart skipped half a beat.

Even if it doesn't form an army.

So much Moltres and Articuno, enough for him to drink.


Not all Moltres and Articuno are Elite.

Also not all Moltres and Articuno have a prosperous Contest Condition.

But the visual and psychological pressure brought by so many Moltres and Articuno cannot be underestimated.

This is another hole card of Xia Yan.

He didn't expect to solve Tom Ritchie so quickly, and he didn't expect to end the resistance it brought so quickly.

It's just that the special form of the battle of gods gave him a chance to fight against Tomluki.

The burly man's inadvertent contempt gave Xia Yan a chance to break through them one by one.

Originally, according to his plan, it was to hold a few people and wait until Moltres and Articuno moved in to rescue the soldiers.

Well now.

The results have exceeded his expectations.

So the appearance of this hole card became the last straw that crushed the burly man.


After seeing this group of Moltres and Articuno, the burly man instantly gave up the idea of ​​continuing to entangle with Xia Yan.

what he wants to do now.

is out of here!

Throws the Poké Ball with a sullen face.

A Braviary appears.



Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth.

Just go, I'm afraid you won't go.

If you stay and fight him head-on, you might end up overturning the boat in the gutter and taking a few Pokémon away.

But go?

You gotta leave something behind, right?

Just as Xia Yan expected.

Men just put away Kommo-o and Medicham.

Leaving Toxicroak to entangle Duolong Bartto, leaving Pangoro to entangle Xia Yan.

"Togekiss, Latios, this Pangoro is in your hands."

Xia Yan safely gave the Hydreigon an angry blow to the Pangoro, whose Contest Condition was not ideal, and handed it over to Togekiss, Aegislash, Latios, Infernape and Sylveon.

Although Pangoro is stronger.


Xia Yan's Pokémon not only has the perfect suppression of attributes, but also has a matching dual-core system.

Under the Psychic package of Mega Alakazam, Xia Yan took it and Beedrill and chased the burly man.

At the same time, he gave Doron Bart a look.

Fix this Toxicroak, soon.

Doron Bartto also motioned for them to go first, and it would soon catch up.

Seeing that Xia Yan dared to chase after Mega Alakazam and Beedrill, the burly man's face became more and more hideous.

But he dared not stop.

Demolition of the team made him afraid to face Moltres and Articuno at all.

Just escape.

leave this space.

He is alive.

The information about Xia Yan passed out is enough to make Xia Yan unable to live in the sun from now on!

This is the idea of ​​a burly man.

"Moltres, Flamethrower!"

Xia Yan's eyes flickered, Psychic agitated.


Moltres have not undergone professional training to be as neat as a real legion.

But the overwhelming flames also made it impossible for the burly man to face it.

He throws the Poké Ball.

"Medicham, Endure!"

Medicham, who was hovering in the air, became an existence that took damage and attacks for him.

"Articuno, Ice Beam!"

Xia Yan commanded again.

The Articunos also spit out Cianwood-colored beams without hesitation. The water vapor in the air instantly condensed into ice crystals Icirrus, and the temperature of the whole place plummeted.

It seemed to let the burly man feel the sourness from the heat to the cold.

The burly man gritted his teeth.

Only Kommo-o left.

Although very sad and unwilling.

But a little hesitation at this time was enough to make him lose his life.

Dragon-type Kommo-o, facing so many "Ice Beam".

This is probably its worst defeat ever.


Its sacrifices are worthwhile.

Created enough opportunities for the burly man and his Braviary.

In a flash.

Crossed the lines of Moltres and Articuno.

The cave at the exit is close at hand!

Resist the pain in my heart.

"Let me go out! As long as you give me a chance to go out and tell the adults, it is possible to get the original Pokémon, or get a stronger Pokémon!"

Xia Yan.

It has grown to the point where they have to pay attention.

Not only Tom Ritchie, but even he capsized in the gutter.

One after another hole cards, emerging one after another!

I thought to myself.




Coming soon!

Braviary carried him and rushed straight into the cave.

"Xia Yan didn't catch up!"

The man roared in his heart.

Rush to the altar!

But next second.

He was surprised to find out.

greet him.

Not the Pokémon world.

Not the same cave either.

Not even a connectable signal.


Space turbulence!

"Do not--!!"

This is not what he expected.

He still has trump cards that are useless!

He also has a desperate backhand!

Xia Yan walked out from behind the altar with Mega Alakazam and Beedrill.

With Xia Yan's cautious character.

How could it not leave a teleportation point at the altar.

The reason why he pretended to be in a hurry was to let the burly man abandon Pokémon himself, weaken himself, and finally rush into the trap left by Xia Yan.

Although the siege of Sanjueyi is a siege tactic in the art of war.

But it can also be used flexibly in various places.

If the burly man saw the way of life, he would not turn back and fight with Xia Yan, and his resistance would not be so strong.

And this seems to be a way of life, but it is actually a dead end that Xia Yan deliberately left him.

This is the three jue one, attacking the heart and mind!

The biggest danger of space teleportation is to be disturbed by another Psychic on the way to teleportation.

Mega Alakazam sent him completely into the unknown space turbulence.

As for saying.

Why not catch him.

Obviously, before he saw Moltres and Articuno, he had summoned Pokémon and Xia Yan to fight again.

Xia Yan didn't know if he still had any terrible cards hidden.

Sending him away directly is undoubtedly the safest and wisest choice.

Although I really want to ask some secrets and ask who is hiding behind them.

But the premise of all this is to ensure your own safety.

He only had Mega Alakazam and Beedrill by his side now, and he was so anxious that he might jump over the wall.


Xia Yan smashed his mouth.

So far.

Tom Ritchie's group was finally wiped out.

He let out a long sigh of relief, his exhaustion instantly healed, and he sat down on the ground.

Mega Alakazam also unleashed Mega Evolution.

Sit for a while.

Xia Yancai forced his knees to stand up.

Look at the roaring Sky.

"It's not quite over yet, what should I do with this dark Lugia? Hiss—has a headache."


PS: Today is 1.8w word~~ I promised you that the Contest Condition will explode when adjusted, so here it is! No way, who made us so honest (laughs), asking for a monthly pass is not too much, right?

(End of this chapter)

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