The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 841 Yangcun Is About To Come Up (9.4K+ Ask For A Monthly Pass!)

Chapter 840 Yangcun is about to come up (9.4k+ ask for a monthly pass!)


After a while.

Zorua in Xia Yan's arms woke up slowly.

Feeling the familiar smell and warm embrace that still existed, Zorua subconsciously stretched out her pink tongue and licked Xia Yan's cheek.

"Are you awake and feeling better?"

When Zorua woke up, Xia Yan noticed it and asked with a smile.


Zorua's head connected.

Xia Yan's energy block effect is very high, and the sprayed medicine works very well.

Zorua was just tired, not badly injured, and immediately felt better after a good night's sleep.

"Your clan is waiting for you." Xia Yan said softly.


Only then did Zorua react, raising her head and looking at the Zoroarks beside her.

It desperately wanted to find Xia Yan, tried to cross the pure white permafrost, and met the violent King Avalugg, which caused the clansmen who followed it to be in a dangerous situation.

At that time, I was a little confused by Covet, and now I feel a little sorry for my clan.

"Go ahead. Have a good chat."

Xia Yan put Zorua on the ground.

Zorua also understood what she was going to do, and walked towards the clansmen, but she still turned back three times in one step, a little reluctant to bear Xia Yan's warm embrace.

Seeing that Zorua woke up and came over, the Zoroarks who were sitting on the ground stood up one after another.

A face to face like a leader.

This picture made Xia Yan a little stunned.

Bin Lian next to him explained: "Although I don't know the reason, the Zorua you were holding just now is the leader of this Zoroark clan."

The picture displayed at this time is not what it means.

"It did surprise me a bit."

Bin Lian nodded.

"After I became the field manager and took over the responsibility of taking care of the 'King', I was a little surprised when I saw them for the first time."

It seems that after Xia Yan's lectures, Bin Lian's attitude towards Zorua and Zoroark, who are in the form of washing green, has changed.

"Long, long, long. Is that what you mean?" Xia Yan lowered his head and muttered to himself.

Zorua's strength is not weak, even when facing King Avalugg, he can deal with him with his flexible body and small convenience.

At that time, Xia Yan felt a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, this Zorua is really the leader of this group.

"Maybe, for me, it's not too long, but for Zorua, it's years or even decades of waiting"

Xia Yan had a guess in his heart.

Just thinking about having a Pokémon, waiting so long for him in silence, softened his heart.

Even, in order to make himself remember what it looks like, he has always maintained the form of Zorua.

What a lot of perseverance and determination.

Xia Yan's look at Zorua softened a lot again.

He got up and walked towards Zorua and its people.

The group of Zoroark noticed Xia Yan's approach, and wanted to be alert and retreated subconsciously, but thinking of Xia Yan's attitude and relationship with Zorua before, they finally slowly put down their raised hands.


At the same time, Zorua has entered with the clansmen.

Although it is very reluctant to partake of the clan, it has decided to leave with Xia Yan.

It may have been hesitant before.

But it made a decision after seeing the scene of Xia Yan's Pokémon fighting King Avalugg.

Just now.

It entrusted the responsibility of the patriarch to Zoroark, the most powerful other than it.

"If you don't want to separate"

Xia Yan said slowly: "Actually, you can come with me."

"I'll provide you with food, shelter, and no more humans and Pokémon around you to reject you."

Hearing this, Zorua's eyes lit up.

But the Zoroarks on the opposite side shook their heads in unison.

Xia Yan feels good to them, but they have long been accustomed to their current life.

For human beings, we have always maintained vigilance and exclusion.

The favor Xia Yan gave them was not enough to make them all follow.

Attitude is firm.

Xia Yan knew that he could not change.

So he took out a few boxes of energy cubes and placed them in front of them.

"Take this as my meeting gift. I should stay in Jubilife Village for about a month. If you change your mind, you can come to me."

Several Zoroarks looked at the energy cubes on the ground hesitantly.

Several Zoroarks picked up some energy cubes until Zorua signaled them not to be restrained.

After nodding towards Zorua with reluctance, he turned around like a phantom Normal, quietly disappearing in the north.


Looking at the departing clansmen, Zorua lowered her head in disappointment.

Parting is always sad.

Xia Yan couldn't comfort him either, so he could only let time dilute these, and silently hugged Zorua.

"In the future, please give me more advice, Zorua."


West of Mt. Coronet.

Roughly north of Poplar Town in Sinnoh Region and south of Jubilife City.

A quaint town exists here.

There are more than 90% of the people living in the Xicui region today.

The village is not big, but there are quite a few residents living in it.

Although everyone is busy, everyone has a plump face, a healthy complexion, and seems to be living a decent life.

Take the Pokémon and only hold Zorua's Xia Yan.

Under the "Teleport" of an Abra, I came to the entrance of this town.

The village is not as backward as Xia Yan imagined, and it is full of thatched cottages.

On the contrary, there are many well-renovated buildings.

At a glance, you can see that Ma Jiamu has spent a lot of energy for this village.

He brought all the skills of the region he originally lived in.

Although it is past noon now, the heat from the sun has not diminished in the slightest.

The towering building in the center of the village is the center of the village.

The row of Sootopolis shingles on the vermilion side wall is reflected in a brilliant light, dazzling and dazzling, revealing a little graceful momentum.

It's just that the more prosperous Cal is, the stronger the contrast, the row upon row of lanes and bridges, and the shadowy places that are hard to reach by sunlight are particularly eye-catching. They sneak deep into the texture of the village and outline an indescribable maliciousness.

However, on the edge of the village, there is still a gray border, which is just between the transition of light and dark, neither black nor white, quite ambiguous.

And at the gate of the village.

Xia Yan also saw a group of people carrying the sun behind their backs, repairing something nervously and busy.

Looking at the posture, it seems to be some kind of fortification.

Just when Xia Yan was looking at Jubilife Village, a middle-aged man with a wide body and a fat body in a white lab coat and a funny blue hat on his head greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, are you the foreign traveler Bin Lian said? I'm Raben."

Follow the sound.

Xia Yan saw the "famous" Laben Professor.

The authority of Pokémon in the Xicui Region, and the professor who is the leader of Jubilife Village and the leader of Team Galactic, Ma Jiamu.

Two letterheads in hand.

This is what Bin Lian wrote to the village.

Because he had to take care of King Avalugg, who was injured and comatose, he couldn't leave the pure white tundra, so he had to ask the village to pick him up.

And the Abra that sent him is almost the best "transportation" in Jubilife Village today, recording almost all the locations in Xicui.

Although it has no combat power, it specializes in "Teleport", and in terms of space teleportation alone, it is still very powerful, even comparable to Xia Yan's Alakazam.

One of them has already been launched.

Obviously, this letter was sent by Bin Lian to the receptionist of Xia Yan, and the other letter should have been addressed to the leader Ma Jiamu.

Xia Yan nodded slightly and smiled.

"Hello, Mr. Raben, I'm Xia Yan."

Facing the kindness shown by Xia Yan, the smile on Professor Laben's face was even greater.

"Don't be restrained, since we came to Jubilife Village, we will be family in the future."

Immediately, Professor Laben stretched out his hand to signal.

"I'll take you on a brief tour of the village, and then take you to see Captain Ma Jiamu."

"It's work." Xia Yan nodded.

"Professor Raben, is this coming to Rookie?"

Before Xia Yan and Professor Laben walked into the village, they saw a burly woman with crimson hair and a red security uniform, who came over with a few people who were also wearing security uniforms.

Professor Laben introduced with a smile: "Team Leader Berila, you came just in time. This is Mr. Xia Yan, a traveler from afar, who just came to the village under the introduction of the head of Binlian."

Raben seems to have a good relationship with everyone in the village.

Immediately, he introduced to Xia Yan: "This is the leader of Berylla, the leader of the security team of Team Galactic."

The security team is responsible for the security of the entire village.

The smile on Xia Yan's face remained unchanged, and he nodded slightly in greeting, "Team Leader Belila."

Belila waved her hand very boldly, "Professor Raben, I have something to do out of the village, you can take Brother Xia Yan to see the captain."

Hearing this, Professor Raben looked worried, "Team Leader Belila, is there something wrong?"

Bellilla smiled helplessly, "You know what's going on recently, a crack appeared in the sky for some reason, and the wild Pokémon around became very irritable. I heard that even the 'kings' were not spared. .

There is news that a group of wild Pokémon suddenly came to Rototiller outside the village to attack and destroy Rototiller, and the leader of Caihua asked us to help. "

"Good. Good work."

Professor Raben nodded again and again, did not dare to delay, and watched them leave.

Xia Yan watched silently from the side.

The riots of the entire Xicui Wild Pokémon have made it more difficult to survive in the Jubilife Village, which was already established in the cracks.

But Xia Yan didn't say anything.

The rash shot may not only fail to gain the approval of the residents of Jubilife Village, but also lead to unnecessary suspicion.

after all.

The folk customs are simple Gotham City, and the neighborhood is friendly Jubilife Village.

It's famous.

In the game, the protagonist of the game Help Jubilife Village calmed down the turmoil of the five 'kings', but instead of being thanked, Ma Jiamu was suspicious of him and drove him out of Jubilife Village.

It was not until things became uncontrollable that the protagonist was invited back again.

That is to say, the plot in the game is fixed, and the protagonist has no option to slaughter the village, otherwise the village will be raised in minutes.

The smile on Professor Raben's face, which was originally full of smiles, also suddenly restrained a lot after learning the bad news from Berila.

All the way, Xia Yan was introduced to the various facilities of Jubilife Village.

For example, the canteen is full of taro, and there are also Yibao stalls, training grounds, barber shops, photo studios, grocery stores, dormitories for the investigation team, and the Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce building.

It can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs and everything.

Everything is involved.

Of course, the most eye-catching is undoubtedly the three-story small western building located in the center of Jubilife Village, Team Galactic headquarters.

On both sides of the Team Galactic headquarters building are the buildings of the Pearl team and the King Kong team.

It's just that whether it's the Pearl team or the King Kong team, the main people are active outside.

They are all aboriginal people after the ancient Sinnoh people, and all field leaders are members of both teams.

The Pearl team's settlement is in the pure white permafrost, and the King Kong team's settlement is in the Cinnabar wetland.

Of course, in Jubilife Village, both teams also have permanent staff responsible for communicating with Team Galactic.

Professor Laben introduced Xia Yan every detail.

At first glance, he is the ultimate good guy.

And through the introduction of Professor Laben, Xia Yan finally got a general understanding of Jubilife Village.

"Is this. Zorua your Pokémon, Xia Yan?"

When he reached the door of the Team Galactic building, Professor Raben asked hesitantly.

In fact, along the way, he has already turned his attention to Zorua in Xia Yan's arms more than once, but he patiently did not ask.

Since he didn't ask, Xia Yan wouldn't take the initiative to say it.

When he arrived at the most important Team Galactic headquarters in Jubilife Village, Professor Raben finally couldn't bear it any longer.

Xia Yan stroked Zorua's hair gently and said softly, "No, it's family."

"Family?" Professor Laben was taken aback.

Immediately, a strange and wonderful look appeared in his eyes, and even the look in Xia Yan's eyes changed slightly.

Treating Pokémon as a family member and partner may have been more common in Xia Yan's era.

But in today's Xicui Region, there are still relatively few.


Zorua was also a little distracted after hearing the word "family", but she quickly reacted and lifted her small chin proudly.

Zorua is very close and friendly to Xia Yan, but there is a kind of rejection from the bones to people other than Xia Yan.

Looking at Xia Yan's unpretentious appearance, Professor Laben nodded deeply.

"Okay, I'll show you the headquarters of our Team Galactic."

On the basement floor is the manufacturing room, which belongs to the team leader of Team Galactic, Momoha.

On the first floor, there is Professor Laben's laboratory, which contains a lot of experimental equipment that is relatively backward in Xia Yan's opinion.

But for now, it should be the most advanced.

As well as the investigation team room, the medical team room.

In the lobby on the first floor, there is a blackboard on which various tasks and large and small orders are recorded. Someone in the village who needs help will place orders here in exchange for rewards.

The second floor is the office of the team leaders of the remaining teams of Team Galactic, with the building team room, the guard team room and the farming team room.

There is only one room on the third floor.

That's the office of Team Galactic captain Ma Jiamu.

After entering Team Galactic's headquarters, Professor Raben brought Xia Yan to the investigation team room and met Xingyue, the team leader of Team Galactic today.

A woman with short blue hair, a serious face, and a dead fish eye that Xia Yan felt quite familiar with.

This woman is the ancestor of Cyrus, the future leader of Team Galactic. Her eyes are exactly the same as Cyrus.

This shows how powerful the genes of this dead fish eye are.

As soon as Professor Raben brought Xia Yan into the investigation team room, Xingyue stood at the desk with her arms in her arms, waiting for them.


Raben Professor shouted with a smile.

Xingyue just simply said "um".

After his serious and rigid gaze swept across Professor Raben, it fell on Xia Yan, with a strong sense of scrutiny.

As the leader of the investigation team, Xingyue has a lot of power, and can manage and intervene in everything.

And one of her important responsibilities is to find out every outsider to ensure the safety of Jubilife Village.

"You are the traveler Bin Lian said?" Xingyue's voice was a little indifferent.

Xia Yan didn't care.

Xingyue is strict as a human being, but she is actually not a bad person, even if she is the ancestor of Cyrus.

The Abra that brought Xia Yan back before was her Pokémon.

In Xia Yan's impression, Xingyue is a woman with an amazing appetite, cold outside and hot inside, upright, especially afraid of bugs.

That's right.

Xingyue, the leader of Team Galactic's investigation team, is not afraid of the sky and the earth, but is afraid of bugs.

"Patriarch Xingyue, you can call me Xia Yan." Xia Yan's face was still warm.

Xingyue gave him a deep look and picked up a few documents from the table.

"I heard that you calmed down the violent 'King' Avalugg?"

Rao Shixingyue's expression was serious, but she still couldn't stop the surprise in her eyes.

"What?! Xia Yan, did you calm down King Avalugg?" Professor Laben's reaction was more real, his face full of surprise.

He glanced at Xia Yan up and down, as if to re-evaluate him.

The status of the five "kings" is very high among the residents of Jubilife Village in Xicui today.

It is almost the existence second only to Sinnoh Great Venerable.

So Xia Yan comforted a 'king' alone, which was a great shock to them.

"Fuck, luck." Xia Yan said modestly.

"Bin Lian also said that you have a lot of Pokémon, and you are proficient in the art of combined strikes, so you can defeat the weak with the weak." Xingyue added.

"Exaggerated, exaggerated." Xia Yan waved his hand with a smile.

But Xingyue didn't eat his way.

She approached Xia Yan step by step and said solemnly, "Where are you from?"

Xia Yan also restrained his smile and looked directly into her eyes, "It's far, far, far away."

"Why did you come to wash Cui?" Xingyue asked.

Xia Yan pressed his forehead with some distress, "If I said I didn't volunteer, would you believe me?"

Xingyue stared into his eyes for a while.

Finally nodded and said, "Letter."

This time, it was Xia Yan's turn to be surprised.

Cyrus is a terrific leader, and his attraction to the members of Team Galactic is his charisma as a leader.

And it seems that this damn charm has existed since Xingyue.

"You go with me to see Captain Ma Jiamu, whether to stay or stay Ma Jiamu will make a decision." Xingyue decided to give Xia Yan a chance after thinking for a while.

Xia Yan defeated 'King' Avalugg and showed enough strength.

And such combat power is very important and attractive for Jubilife Village today.

But the premise of everything is that Xia Yan's arrival cannot destroy the security that Team Galactic and Jubilife Village have finally created.

Xia Yan nodded silently.

Are you finally going to meet the loyal Navy fan, Professor Rowan's ancestor, and now the captain of Team Galactic, Ma Jiamu?

In the current Jubilife village, it is not an exaggeration to say that Ma Jiamu is one thing.

clang clang-


A loud, melodious and rushing sound of the bell came, echoing in the small Jubilife village.

And hear this bell.

The expressions of Xingyue and Professor Raben suddenly changed at the same time.

"Damn it!" Professor Laben said in annoyance.

Xingyue even strode out of the office.

I forgot what I promised Xia Yan before.

Looking at Professor Laben beside him, Xia Yan asked, "Professor Laben, what's wrong?"

Professor Raben tapped his head, "Trouble, the Pokémon on the Obsidian Field are rioting again, and a large number of Pokémon in rage are rushing towards Jubilife Village."

Hearing this, Xia Yan was stunned.

Weird expression.

Monster siege?

so much luck?

Just came to Jubilife Village and encountered the wild Pokémon Beat Up Jubilife Village?

Are you going to raise Jubilife Village?

From Professor Raben's words, it seems that this kind of attack is not the first time.

Xia Yan suddenly became interested.

It's not that he is gloating about misfortune, it's really something like a wild Pokémon attacking a city. He has only seen it in some historical books, and has never witnessed it with his own eyes.

"I wanted to go see if I could be of any help."

Xia Yan said so.

He was still relatively euphemistic, and did not directly say that he was curious.

When Professor Raben heard the words, he looked at Xia Yan gratefully.

He didn't expect that Xia Yan had not yet become a member of Jubilife Village, so he was willing to help.

You must know that he is the person who calmed down the 'king', and his strength is strong.

"Okay! I'll take you there!"

Say it.

Professor Raben ran out of Team Galactic headquarters with Xia Yanchao.

As soon as I walked out of the headquarters building.

you can see.

In the originally peaceful street, the pedestrians hurried one by one at this time.

Although their faces were worried and anxious, they were not afraid.

These incompetent residents ran to the logistics team one after another.

None of them shirk their responsibilities or hide, they are all willing to pay for the village.

Those with a certain combat strength, under the command of their respective leaders, rushed towards the entrance of the village.

a time.

All kinds of Pokémon appeared.

Some of them have old-fashioned Poké Balls pinned to them, a technology that Majamu brought to the table.

But more people don't have a Poké Ball as a bond between them and their Pokémon.

These people more or less hold some beast-taming tools such as whips and sticks in their hands, and feed the Pokémon around them from time to time.

it's here.

There is no concept of Trainer yet, they are still calling themselves animal trainers more.

But obviously, those who can own old-fashioned Poké Balls are considered the strongest in Jubilife Village.

Follow the flow of people to the entrance of the village.

Xia Yan saw Xingyue, the leader of the investigation team, directing the villagers and fighters who came.

"Members of the security team, you are responsible for the west wall! Members of the investigation team, you are responsible for the east wall! The rest of the members are responsible for the middle gate!"

Xingyue's face was sullen, but the command was orderly.

"The medical team takes the last place and is responsible for treating the wounded at any time!"

It seemed that everyone was convinced of her, and faced her command without raising any objection.

"All the members above the deputy team leader, stay at the forefront with me!"

The voice fell.

There were quite a few people carrying old-fashioned Poké Balls, strode forward, and walked behind Xingyue.

Xia Yan followed Professor Laben to the fence.

The wall at this time is a little broken, and it is estimated that it was destroyed during the last wild Pokémon Beat Up, and it has not been repaired in time.


at the same time.

In that endless field, the roar is approaching.

In sight, all kinds of Pokémon rushed towards Jubilife Village like a tsunami.

Seeing so many Pokémons, everyone held their breath and looked serious.

Xia Yan also had a panoramic view of this scene.

"Is this a monster siege? It looks like a big one." He murmured in a low voice.

The loud footsteps made it impossible for anyone to hear him clearly.

Facing this battle, Professor Raben next to him subconsciously took two steps back.

Like most professors in Xia Yan's cognition, Professor Laben does not have combat power.

He just clenched his hands and glanced at the wild Pokémon who were getting closer.

His lips trembled slightly: "It's bigger than the last time, and there are more leader Pokémons."

The leader Pokémon is a type between ordinary Pokémon and 'king' Pokémon, a bit similar to the leader Pokémon in Xia Yan's cognition, with a special leader aura.

"Why don't you see Captain Ma Jiamu?"

Xia Yan looked around.

Raben Professor shook his head.

Ma Jiamu's is not here, but he will definitely pay attention to it. His actions and choices have his own intentions.


After the wild Pokémon got close enough, Xingyue raised one hand.

At this time, the logistics team members standing on the inner wall of the test had serious faces.

"Fling Town Treasure!"

Dropped with her order.

A special instrument similar to a trebuchet waved, and a large number of "zhen treasures" flew out.

Scattered all over the ground at a certain distance outside the village.

"Logistics team evacuate!"

Xia Yan stared blankly at the "Zhenbao" who drew beautiful arcs in the air.

Immediately after.

These "town treasures" played a role.

The rich fragrance is very captivate, making the group of wild Pokémon rushing in the front stop involuntarily.

But the wild Pokémon that came behind couldn't stop.

One by one, they slammed into the Pokémon in front of them.

a time.

Wild Pokémon Sucker Punch hasn't done anything yet, so he's just messing around.

Xia Yan pressed his chin and said thoughtfully, "It's interesting."

Jubilife Village is indeed the only village that can be preserved in the current Xicui Region.

But he quickly shook his head again.

"It's a pity that the symptoms are not cured."


Although Zhenbao has delayed the progress of the wild Pokémon's attack to a certain extent, the attack will not stop because of this.

Even if it resists this attack, judging from the previous situation, I am afraid that it will happen one after another in the future.

The real source is probably still on the 'King' of the Obsidian Wilderness.

"All members of the deputy team leader and above, calm down those boss Pokémon with me!"

After seeing that Fling's Zhenbao played a role.

The serious-faced investigation team leader Xingyue waved his hand, summoned his own Pokémon, and took the lead in charging towards the wild Pokémon on the opposite side.

The rest of the members saw this and followed suit.

Catch the thief first and catch the king, as long as these bosses Pokémon are dealt with, the rest will be relatively easy to deal with.

Because these people have had similar combat experience for a long time, they each perform their own duties, which seems to be quite standardized.

Xia Yan chuckled lightly.

He jumped off the fence and landed in the crowd standing at the middle gate.

"Try fighting together?"

He smiled at Zorua in his arms.


Zorua's head pounded with excitement.

The strength of this group of wild Pokémon that attacked was uneven, and it was a difficult existence for the residents of Jubilife Village to deal with.

But for Xia Yan, as long as it is not a quasi-Elite or Elite Pokémon appearing in a piece, he is as comfortable as a stroll in the courtyard.

At the same time, Xia Yan did not forget to throw the Poké Ball.

Summons the ice Vulpix along with Goomy and Bagon.

Give them a chance to exercise.

After the group of "leaders" headed by Xingyue collided with the leader Pokémon, the rest of the Pokémon also rushed to the door of Jubilife Village.

It was like a collision of war, imminent.

In an instant, various moves and means flew.

"Vulpix, Ice Beam."

"Bagon, Dragon Rage."

"Goomy, Dragon Breath."

Xia Yan commands three Pokémon.

Meanwhile, let Zorua fight on her own.

Xia Yan wanted to see Zorua's specific strength, and also wanted to see if its fighting style and habits fit in with his own rhythm to a certain extent.

But obviously he was thinking too much.

None of these wild Pokémons are Zorua's all-in-one enemies.

It looks petite, but when it comes to fighting, it's a quick one.

"Forget it." Xia Yan smiled helplessly and motioned for Zorua Solaceon to play.


The people stationed at the middle gate gradually realized that Xia Yan's existence seemed to be a bit buggy.

In the area where he stood, swathes of wild Pokémon fell.

On the battlefield, strength is the only measure of identity.

They moved towards Xia Yan almost subconsciously, and immediately felt the pressure relieved.

Xia Yan naturally noticed the behavior of these people, but he did not stop it.

But in such a large-scale melee, injuries are inevitable.

Some fighters from Jubilife village began to be wounded.

After Xia Yan Psychic swiped briefly, his brows picked up.

The inadequacies of these fighters in the village of Jubilife were found.

They seemed to be following orders, and the orders seemed neat.

Not so.

Sometimes, Fire-type moves will collide with Water-type moves, and Grass-type moves will collide with Flying-type moves.

Not only did not maximize the effect of each other's cooperation, but also reduced each other's lethality.

More and more people are injured.

After Xia Yan pondered a little, he decided to teach them a lesson.

So he shouted out, "People near the middle gate, listen to my command."

Because Xia Yan has shown enough strength, although everyone does not know him, his behavior to protect Jubilife Village is consistent with them.

Therefore, almost no one hesitated, and all eyes fell on him.

"All Water Pokémon, Prepare"

In Xia Yan's line of sight, several Rapidash, who were running very fast, rammed around in flames, and were about to rush to the middle door.

If they were allowed to charge, the guards at the middle gate would inevitably be injured a few more times.

"Water-based long-range moves, send it!"

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, calculated the distance and range, raised his arm and pointed in the direction.

a time.

All combatants with water Pokémon command the attack at about the same time.

Hydro Pump, Water Gun, Bubble and other moves, erupt together.

Several Rapidash failed to get close and lost their fighting ability.

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Quite exciting.

They felt the power of unity.

And it's not just the unity they talk about, it's the unity in Pokémon power.

However, Xia Yan's command kept on pointing in another direction, "Fire-type long-range moves, send!"

This time everyone obeyed his orders without hesitation and thought.

Pieces of flames swept like a wave.

The raging flames instantly overwhelmed a group of Parasects that were about to release spores and toxins.

Simply two commands.

Xia Yan was recognized by all the guards in the middle gate at once.

They stared at Xia Yan one by one, waiting for his actions and commands.

Although they were fearless before, at this moment, they seemed to have found a backbone.

The backbone that can give them complete peace of mind.

"Pokémon with Grassy Terrain moves, release!"

"Rock-type long-range moves, send!"

"Poison system, send it!"


Command words are getting simpler.

But the cooperation has become more and more tacit.

Xia Yan has shown results again and again, which has convinced them completely.

"Boss!! It's a boss! A boss Pokémon has crossed the line of defense of the team leaders!"

At this time.

The exclamations of the members of the investigation team stationed on the east wall came.

I saw a huge Onix, crawling towards the east wall Sucker Punch.

With this size of Onix, once it gets close to the wall, it is estimated that the defense line east of Jubilife Village will collapse in minutes.

Xia Yan throws a Poké Ball.

"Infernape, stop that Onix."


Infernape, who appeared in the red light, did not hesitate or stop for a moment, and immediately ran to Onix, ready to cut it halfway.

Some kind of sparkle, it looked quite excited.


This Onix boss crossing the line seems to be just the beginning.

More and more leaders appeared in front of the walls of Jubilife village.

The scale of this wild Pokémon siege seems to have exceeded the expectations of Xingyue and the fighters of Jubilife Village.

And this happens.

Naturally there are signs.

"team leader--!!"

Someone exclaimed.

"That's the boss! It's the boss!!"

"It's actually the leader!"

It is a Kricketune with red eyes, two or three times bigger than Normal's Kricketune.

It emits waves of continuous waves, driving wave after wave of wild Pokémon towards Jubilife Village.

"It's Kricketune!"

Professor Raben, who was standing on the fence, shouted loudly.

"It's over, it's actually a bug."

The appearance of the bug meant that Xingyue, the leader of the investigation team, whose combat effectiveness was particularly important at this time, was unable to exert his combat effectiveness.

And the captain who exclaimed in many people is a young Stephanie with a delicate appearance.

In order to hold back a few more bosses, her Pokémon couldn't pull away to rescue her.

The closest to her is Xingyue.

It's a pity that Xingyue, who was afraid of insects, stiffened as soon as she saw the insects. She can still stand now, and she has shown great perseverance.


It is not necessary to think about it.

"The boss is the Elite level, is the boss a quasi-Elite level?"

Xia Yan looked at the furious Kricketune and made a secret judgment.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Stephanie in front of Kricketune.

Squinting his eyes, he chuckled softly.

"The captain of the Pearl team? It's time for a good relationship."

next second.

Xia Yan's figure disappeared from the sight of the people in the middle gate.

Because of his command, the wild Pokémon in front of the middle gate was emptied out of a vacuum in a short period of time.

And the fighters stationed in the middle gate also got a short respite.

So his departure.

It still attracts a lot of people's attention.

"Togekiss, Air Slash!"

"Latios, Luster Purge!"

"Sylveon, Moonblast!"

"Aegislash, King's Shield!"

"Vulpix. Try the results."

Xia Yan.

Appeared between the leader, Kricketune, and Pearl, the captain of the Pearl team.

"That. That lord!" The person who was stationed at the central gate and fought side by side with Xia Yan exclaimed, because he didn't know Xia Yan's name, he could only call him "Sir".

"His name is Xia Yan!" Professor Laben hurriedly introduced.

Eyes tightly Lock On Xia Yan.

This person who can calm down the 'king' should have no problem facing a leader.


"Lord Xia Yan!"

After a short period of battlefield cooperation, Xia Yan has been recognized by the Zhongmen fighters.


PS: Today's 2w+, the outbreak of the reward for the leader of the "I am Ding Ding Ding" boss~~ Finally, ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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