The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 842 White Fang Keith (Three In One)

Chapter 841 White Fang Keith (Three in One)

Grumpy Kricketune Boss Chief.

Has Elite level strength.

Even for Beedrill and Alakazam, it was a good Rival.

Xia Yan also knew that Togekiss and Covet could go further.

So he decided to take a little risk and see if these four little guys could work together to kill this Kricketune.


Xia Yan also wanted to try Zorua's strength.

The previous Pokémon were too weak for Zorua to test Zorua's true strength.

Together with Togekiss, we can also see if Zorua has the possibility of integrating into Xia Yan's team and system.

after all.

For a wild Pokémon like Zorua, who already has a certain strength, the process of being subdued and trying to integrate into the Trainer system is relatively difficult, time-consuming and labor-intensive.

If it was an ordinary Pokémon, Xia Yan might have given up.

But this Zorua is different.

It itself is ready to integrate into Xia Yan's team, and is willing to make double efforts for it.

Then Xia Yan can't let it be disappointed and sad.

the most important is.

It's just Zorua.

You can have what seems to be an Elite-level strength, and if you evolve it, the upper limit may be very high.

Whatever the reason, Xia Yan felt that it should be given a chance.

Of course, the main force of this battle are the four little guys, Togekiss, Aegislash, Latios and Sylveon.

"Are you all right?"

Xia Yan glanced at Stephanie, who was a little embarrassed behind him.

There was a little dirt on her face, but she could still be seen to be very delicate, with big blue eyes, a slender nose, short golden shoulder-length hair, and a red and white skirt, all of which showed a young girl. It's playful and cute, but also retains a certain flexibility.

She is the leader of the Pearl team, Zhu Bei, and she has a strong voice in Jubilife Village.

Zhu Bei wiped the dirt on her face without squeamishness.

Reminder: "Be careful, this is the boss, your Pokémon is still a little short."

Xia Yan nodded with a smile, did not refute, just said:

"Please help me stop those bosses, and I'll solve it."

Instead, focus on the red-eyed Kricketune.

Zhubei opened her mouth.

She wanted to talk to Xia Yan about what "leader" meant.

I want Xia Yan to just hold on.

Once her Pokémon is freed from the siege of those bosses, the boss will be handed over to her.

But seeing that Xia Yan had shot without hesitation, he couldn't help stamping the Stomping Tantrum, his mouth bulging slightly.

In my heart, Xia Yan felt a little arrogant.

But still do everything in their power to stop the growing number of boss Pokémon.

"Togekiss, Air Slash."

To start, naturally Togekiss.


It's been a long time since Togekiss was this excited.

It can clearly feel that the energy in its body is just around the corner, unable to hold back.

Two white arcs shot out with the vibration of its wings.

Kricketune's eyes were red, but the fighting instinct was still there.

The cyan energy gathered on the red arm that looked like a small scimitar, and took the initiative to meet Togekiss's two "Air Slash".

Fell Stinger!


The circular blade formed by the condensed air was slashed by Kricketune's slash and shattered in an instant.

Xia Yan frowned.

He's still familiar with "Fell Stinger," one of Beedrill's favorite moves.

"Technical Master Ability?"

The ability of this Kricketune was judged at one touch.

Skilled Master: When using an attack whose power is lower than 60, the power will be increased by 50%.

"Nasty Plot."

Xia Yan instantly changed his tactics.

Togekiss's eyes flashed with slyness.

"Grass Knot, Baby-Doll Eyes."

Latios' energy surged, and thick rooted vines burst out of the ground, wrapping around towards Kricketune.

Sylveon was lying on the ground, a pair of huge pink eyes slowly opened behind him, with all kinds of grievances and weak emotions in his eyes, which made the knife in Kricketune's hand a little slower.

However, Kricketune's strength is much stronger than them after all.

The arm glowed blue.

The "Fury Cutter" of "Swish" immediately cut off all the vines that were churning up by Latios.


While it was focusing on dealing with the vines, a dark shadow came quietly behind it.

Aegislash, Shadow Sneak!


Just as Aegislash was about to launch a sneak attack, Zorua at Xia Yan's feet suddenly snorted.

Aegislash paused slightly after hearing Zorua's words.

But next second.

A sharp arrow covered with black light slashed out from the shadow.

Although Aegislash's movements were a little slower because of Zorua's voice, the effect of "Shadow Sneak" this time was a little better than what Xia Yan expected.

Bang-! !

Kricketune stumbled.

Xia Yan looked at Zorua in surprise.

Zorua scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

It has progressed to the present with the Contest Condition that has not evolved, and can even deal with King Avalugg twice, and naturally has a very normal understanding of each move.

"Shadow Sneak" is one of its best moves.

A simple reminder gave Aegislash a new understanding of the "Shadow Sneak" move.

Suddenly attacked from behind, Kricketune was furious.

A sharp, piercing, sour-toothed voice came from its body, and it quickly turned around. The sharp blade drew an arc, and the green light was shining.


Before it could attack Smack Down on Aegislash, two pure white sharp blades suddenly fell from the air.

Air Slash!

Togekiss, whose cunning black light slowly subsided, gave him timely support.

It seems to be because Togekiss's Contest Condition is a little bit high today.

The "Air Slash" had very good luck triggering the add-on, and Kricketune sank into the "creeping" Contest Condition with a stiff body.

And this time is naturally the best chance for Pokémon to explode.


Latios' energy stirred, his mouth opened slightly, and a bright white beam quickly wiped a short distance, all leaning on Kricketune's body.

Luster Purge!

A black cloud appeared on Kricketune's body. Latios' luck was apparently infected by Togekiss, which lowered Kricketune's special defense.

Immediately after.

A full moon lit up from the top of Sylveon's head, and a bright and soft halo scattered.

Kricketune was in pain under the successive attacks, and finally regained his senses.

But it is Aegislash who is close to Rapid Spin!

Gyro Ball!

In terms of weight, not to mention that this Kricketune is two or three times larger than a normal Kricketune, even if it is ten times larger, it cannot be as heavy as Aegislash's dense body structure that is almost abnormal.

Bang-! !

So there's no doubt that Kricketune was blasted away by Aegislash before he had time to vent his anger.

Hit the ground hard.

Take advantage of this gap.

Togekiss restarted "Nasty Plot" at Xia Yan's suggestion.

A strip of vines broke out again.

Four Pokémon, none of them are very strong for Kricketune.

But the difficulty of their combination far exceeded Kricketune's expectations.

All kinds of moves that are not very harmful, but extremely humiliating, make it fall into the disadvantage all of a sudden.

far away.

The Jubilife village fighters stationed at the central gate all stared blankly at this scene.

They all know that Xia Yan's four Pokémon are not as powerful as Kricketune, the leader, but what did they see?

The leader, Kricketune, was suppressed.


Although they can't judge how much Xia Yan's command cooperates with his Pokémon, the various feelings given to them can be condensed into one word.


One ring plus one ring, one move on top of another.

No move is useless, and no move is redundant.

It seems very simple.

But you can find out by substituting it in.

If there is a star-point deviation in any link, this situation will not occur.

They were watching an art show rather than watching a fight.



For the residents of Jubilife Village, whose tactical conditions are very backward, the cooperation shown by Xia Yan and his Pokémon is art.

"Good, very strong."

Combatants with limited vocabulary can only utter the word with a sigh.

Even Pearl team captain Zhu Bei, who had reminded Xia Yan to be careful before, opened her teeth slightly and looked at Xia Yan with a different look from Mikey.

She had to admit that she underestimated Xia Yan a bit.

With this ability, he might really be able to defeat this Kricketune leader.

Of course, the one who pays the most attention to the battle here is actually Team Leader Xingyue who is in charge of this battle.

She hates bugs, almost the only weakness imprinted in her bones.

But she also knew very well that being able to stop this Kricketune would be the key to the outcome of this battle.

After seeing Xia Yan going to stop Kricketune, she was thinking.

Since Xia Yan could appease King Avalugg, it would be no problem to stop Kricketune.

It can be seen that the Pokémon summoned by Xia Yan has doubts about his ability again.

until just now.

Seeing the perfect cooperation of Xia Yan's Pokémons, the dangling heart finally let go.

I understand what the "perfect cooperation" written by Bin Lian in the letter means.

In addition, Xia Yan's commanding ability and adaptability during the Zhongmen Battle.

There was only one thought in Xingyue's mind.

If all fighters in Jubilife Village can learn this tactical ability from Xia Yan, then the overall combat ability of Jubilife Village will be improved by more than one grade.

at the same time.

Standing in the crowd by the wall, as an old man with white hair and beard in the logistics team, he slowly put down the Poké Ball he was touching.

Grinning his mouth, he nodded secretly, "The little guy is amazing."

hiss--! !

The raspy Bug Buzz sounded again.

boom--! !

The vines that were about to wind up towards Kricketune were once again split by several sharp blades.

The tyrannical and ferocious aura seemed to be real.

Kricketune flapped his wings and jumped up.

"Watch out! It's completely out of control!"

Zhu Bei couldn't help but reminded.

And Kricketune, who rushed into the air, with his red eyes, had already locked On Togekiss in the sky.

It can feel.

Among Xia Yan's Pokémon, the one that threatens it the most is Togekiss.

Whether it is the power of the move or the special effects carried in the move, it is the Pokémon that threatens it the most.

The corners of Xia Yan's mouth raised slightly.


"That's right, this is what an Elite Pokémon should really have."

The hearts of the people who are watching here are tight.

Only Xia Yan seemed to have predicted this situation long ago.

Xia Yan's Pokémon also didn't have any nervousness.

Especially Togekiss, who was targeted.

It even gave Kricketune a playful wink.

Kricketune was stimulated by Togekiss' Taunt, his wings vibrated faster, and his mouth opened fiercely under the two black beards.

The rich Bug Type energy converges on the mouth.

Bug Bite!

He was about to hit Togekiss, but Togekiss remained unmoved.

"Get out of the way!"

People who are watching either speak out directly or growl in their hearts.

They didn't understand why Togekiss was motionless.

Even if the strength is not as good as the opponent, it should not be difficult to dodge and delay the time.

Just like just now.

Avoid the attack, then wait for the rest of the Pokémon to take hold, and spend it slowly, right?

As long as it can be contained, and when the rest of the team leaders and team leaders draw their hands, Beat Up will naturally be able to defeat the Kricketune leader.

Was it frightened by Kricketune's tyrannical breath?

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

If Xia Yan knew what they were thinking, he would have laughed even more happily.



That's not his character and fighting style, nor the way his Pokémon are used to fighting.

Kricketune seems to attack very fiercely. Once it attacks Togekiss, even if there is Attribute restraint, Togekiss will not feel good because of the blessing of "technical masters".

But they all overlooked one point.

Although this kind of reckless attack is the most dangerous enemy, it is also the easiest to defeat.

The current Kricketune, in Xia Yan's eyes, is full of flaws.

Just when everyone's heart was hanging in their throats, the playful figure of Togekiss suddenly blurred.

The next moment.

Appearing right in front of Kricketune is Aegislash with a shield, eyes full of contempt and Taunt!

King's Shield!

clang--! !

The collision of "Bug Bite" and "King's Shield" is like Kricketune using himself as a hammer to beat all kinds of seeds.

Sound waves shook the air.

Xia Yan felt that Kricketune's collision probably hurt her forehead.

But in the end, Aegislash didn't move at all, and it even used that quite signature move, the silk brushed the hard shield that didn't leave any traces, and Taunt hooked his hand towards the somewhat confused Kricketune.

The voice echoed on the battlefield, as if it was beating on the hearts of the people who were paying attention to this side.


what's the situation?

Also a tactic?

this time.

Before they could react, nor did Kricketune react.

Togekiss, who swapped places with Aegislash, slashed two more "Air Slashes".

With two "Nasty Plot" blessings and Sylveon's "Help", Togekiss's attack is unbearable for Kricketune, not to mention the fact that Latios has lowered his special defense.

boom! boom!

Two "Air Slash" hits Kricketune, who was still a little confused, accurately from behind.

"God" is triggered again, and Kricketune is once again caught in the "creeping" Contest Condition.


Latios flapped his wings, spit out "Dragon Pulse" and turned into a giant dragon, then dived into it, swaying and sprinting towards Kricketune in "Crinkle".

Bang-! !

Kricketune, who was in a downward trend, was slammed into the sky again by Latios.

It was followed by two "Air Slash" with no missing bullets.

While wiping Kricketune, I knocked it unconscious again, which was about to wake up.

Togekiss itself is very lucky, but its luck belongs to the kind of waves.

Xia Yan has already reacted. Togekiss, the excellent and excited Contest Condition, today's Contest Condition is very good.

Since the Contest Condition is good, the controller can also serve as the main attack.

Control and attack with one hand.

Kricketune was blasted into the air, and this time it was greeted by a giant sword that fell from the sky.

Aegislash, who once again transformed into a sword-wielding form, attacked without any hesitation or holding back.

Kricketune, who flew to the sky, was severely chopped down.


This time, Kricketune still couldn't touch Ground.

It is unknown when the Infernape, which endangered the east wall of Jubilife village, has been dealt with, and appears below Kricketune.

A fist the size of a sandbag in the sky-rocketing flames smashed it into the air again.


Togekiss's energy surged, and the "Air Slash", which had accumulated for a moment, slashed out again.

His eyes were full of excitement.

And it didn't notice that its Contest Condition, its emotions, and the energy fluctuations driven by these made its breath a floating Contest Condition.

But it didn't notice, doesn't mean Xia Yan didn't notice.

Xia Yan was also a little surprised.

He was naturally all too familiar with this situation.

Shaking his head secretly, "The little guy who likes Slack Off just needs stimulation."

Being caught up by his younger brother and younger sister Latios and Sylveon, Togekiss felt some pressure too.

Immediately, Xia Yan's tactics changed again.

After his reminder.

The rest of the Pokémon also reacted.

So they decided.

Leave the stage to Togekiss!

"Air Slash" hits Kricketune again.

Togekiss' stature swapped with Aegislash again, slashing "Air Slash" in a row!

next second.

After the attack, Togekiss switched places with Latios.

Another "Air Slash"!

Porksky, who entered the special Contest Condition, does not seem to feel tired and has no worries about energy consumption.

Sylveon began to focus on supporting responsibilities.

It is only responsible for delivering "Help" to Togekiss.

Infernape also became the striker, responsible for blasting the falling Kricketune into the sky again.

And Latios and Aegislash became the coordinates for Togekiss to use the "Ally Switch".

a time.

Those people in Jubilife Village opened their mouths one by one, watching this scene in disbelief.

The leader, Kricketune, whom they regarded as the most troublesome leader, turned into a ball and was constantly being "smashed" in the air. The point was that he didn't have the ability to resist.

In their eyes, Togekiss is like one clone has become three.

Continuous output in the air tirelessly.


In the crowd, I don't know who swallowed.

This sudden change from the "artistic" style to the "blood abuse" style made them a little uncomfortable.

It turns out that fighting can be played like this?

That's right.

To them, Togekiss was just playing.

At this moment, there was only one thought in their minds.

Never mess with this Togekiss!

The Kricketune Boss Boss is the best example.

"Chucky! Chucky!."

Togekiss didn't realize that it had become a fear in the hearts of many fighters in Jubilife Village, and it had been labeled as "absolutely not to be provoked".

It just swipes "Air Slash" over and over again.

And every time it is swung, it feels more comfortable and accessible, more and more happy, more and more exciting.

And its sound, in Kricketune's ears, was an absolute nightmare.

Now as soon as it hears Togekiss's voice, its body shudders, because the next second there will be a Smack Down on it.

And this attack is more painful every time.

Its dignified leader, an Elite-level Pokémon, was treated like a toy by a quasi-Elite-level Pokémon?

The furious emotions are not only not vented, but are eroded by fear and fear.

Unable to bear this humiliation any longer, Kricketune rolled his eyes and lay down completely, finally losing his ability to fight.


Togekiss blinked, his movements sluggish.

That's it?


It's not even fun yet.

Xia Yan's attention has been on Togekiss.

Seeing that it stopped moving, but the fluctuating aura on its body did not remain stable at the highest peak, but instead had a tendency to fall.

Immediately understood.

"Isn't it enough?"

Xia Yan's eyes moved quickly.


Zorua also understood Togekiss's Contest Condition and hurriedly reminded.

Its small hands swept across the field.

Xia Yan understood, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Yeah, the battlefield lacks everything, that is, there is no shortage of Rival."

Immediately, Psychic flashed in his eyes, and he gave the Pokémon an order.

next second.

All Pokémon except Togekiss, run in all directions.

Those team leaders and captains who were tired of dealing with the boss Pokémon, the battle was suddenly intervened by Xia Yan's Pokémon.

Before they could react, the Pokémon's stature blurred for a while.

Immediately after that, Togekiss, who had switched positions, waved his wings again.

boom! boom!

With two muffled noises, the leader Pokémon, who was also a little confused, fell to the ground under the attack of Togekiss.

And Togekiss, having done all this, did not stand still.

"Ally Switch" again.

In the blink of an eye, he has already appeared in another boss battlefield.

Two more "Air Slashes", then disappeared in an instant.

a time.

All the team leaders and team leaders including Xingyue slowly stopped their movements.

I saw a happy, excited, and tireless figure, shuttled back and forth on the battlefield. Every time it appeared, it was accompanied by two "Air Slashes".

While Xingyue breathed a sigh of relief, shock appeared in the dead fish's eyes.

"Leader of Xingyue, he seems to be able to end this siege alone"

Zhubei, who didn't know when she appeared beside Xingyue, couldn't restrain the surprise in her eyes. In her bright blue eyes, with a small star, she muttered.

More and more team leaders, deputy team leaders and captains stopped moving.

They all looked at this Porksky who could already be called a "pervert" in silence.

Although, Togekiss defeated these leaders of the harvest because of entanglement with them in advance, and the Contest Condition itself was not good.

But if you beat one or two, it's good to say that the harvest is like wheat, and they will be dumbfounded.

Even the team leaders are like this, let alone those ordinary combatants.

They were stunned one by one.

Xia Yan's Togekiss, once again refreshed their understanding of Pokémon battles.

So this is the real battle?

But Xia Yan ignored their reactions and completely forgot his original intention to be "low-key". Togekiss's Contest Condition is the most important thing for him now.


There are indeed enough wild Pokémons in this siege.

Giving Togekiss a big enough stage.

When the wild Pokémon also realized that something was wrong and began to fade like a tide, Togekiss's floating momentum finally reached its peak and gradually stabilized.

Xia Yan let out a long breath.



Xia Yan shouted.


Togekiss, who stopped moving, was still immersed in the joy of bullying the "weak".

After being woken up by Xia Yan so little, Togekiss reacted only after realizing it.

You seem to be making progress?


Before it could wait for it to feel happy about it, a wave of tiredness swept through its body and consciousness in an instant.

Xia Yan took a quick step and caught Togekiss, who was slowly falling from the air.

So unscrupulous output, for Togekiss, there is still a price.

It is estimated that a lot of materials will be needed to restore the Contest Condition.

But what Xia Yan lacked most now was supplies.

He smiled and rubbed Togekiss's head, "Have a good rest, and I'll prepare something for you when you wake up."


For Togekiss, nothing is more satisfying than a meal.

If so, it's two meals.

In front of eating, it takes a little bit of time to step into the Elite level.

Satisfied, Togekiss quickly fell asleep in Xia Yan's arms.

Xia Yan took out the Poké Ball and put it back.

He took a deep breath, his bright eyes filled the audience, and he just felt refreshed.

Another major Pokémon has reached the Elite level.

He is getting closer and closer to the position of becoming the agent of the Elite Four.

And also from this day, a new legend spread in the small Jubilife village.


Once a Pokémon like Porksky gets excited, it must not be provoked.

at the same time.

After Jubilife Village, all quests related to Pokémon like Togekiss will have a condition.

If you meet an excited Togekiss run! Do not hesitate!

Even tasks can not be counted as failures.

And Xia Yan, who learned about this "legend" later, gave Togekiss a new nickname. White Yagiss!


PS: I went to get vaccinated in the afternoon, so the update is a little late~~ By the way, the first group is full, and another one is created. If you want to join the group, you can read the introduction. Those who join the group are veterans~~

(End of this chapter)

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