The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 843 'Forest King' Splitting Axe Mantis (2 In 1)

Chapter 842 'Forest King' Splitting Axe Mantis (2 in 1)

Whoa-! !

See the fading Pokémon tide.

The residents of Jubilife village immediately cheered.

Everyone's eyes swept to the young man with a gentle smile and dressed differently from them from time to time.

No one has any doubts about Xia Yan, an outsider.

No matter where he came from, whether his identity was important, his actions in the face of danger in Jubilife Village, his command of the composure of the mid lane fighters, his decisiveness in saving Pearl's team leader Jubei, the face of the leader Kricketune The tactical performance at the time made the people of Jubilife Village recognize Xia Yan.

The friendship that carried the gun together is enough to wipe out many unnecessary suspicions.

Team leader Xingyue brought a group of team leaders, deputy team leaders and captains to Xia Yan.

As the leader of the investigation team, Xingyue's attitude towards Xia Yan also changed.

Although she still had a straight face, Xia Yan could clearly feel that Xingyue looked at him with a little less scrutiny and a little more recognition.


Xingyue didn't completely trust Xia Yan like ordinary residents, she was still more rational.

It's just that she does not reject Xia Yan as a member of Jubilife Village now.

"Xia Yan, thank you."

Before Xingyue spoke, Zhu Bei, the captain of the Pearl team next to her, smiled and expressed her gratitude.

In the blinking eyes as bright as Sapphire, there is a strong curiosity.

Xia Yan hugged Zorua, just smiled and shook his head silently.

"Although I still can't have 100% trust in you, after Captain Majiamu returns, I will truthfully report what you have done to him, and hope that he will allow you to stay in the village."

Xingyue's words are much more rigid and rigid than Zhubei.

But the way she spread everything out on the bright side didn't make Xia Yan feel any bad feelings.

Her character is a bit difficult to get in touch with, but at least she's not bad.

The rest of the group leaders and captains also greeted Xia Yan friendly one by one.

For example, the leader of the construction team has Stephanie Camellia with long blue hair, the captain of the King Kong team, a young diamond with a sunny smile and so on.

Xia Yan nodded and turned to ask, "Captain Ma Jiamu isn't there?"

"The crack in time and space appeared, and Captain Ma Jiamu went to investigate alone. In order not to worry the people in the village, he did not publicize it." Xingyue said truthfully.

No wonder the monster siege happened, Ma Jiamu, the captain of Team Galactic and the actual manager of Jubilife Village, did not show up.

If Ma Jiamu was there, the leader Kricketune shouldn't have a big problem with Ma Jiamu.

Xingyue continued: "Originally, the last wild Pokémon attack was not long ago. Captain Ma Jiamu and I both thought that this attack would take some time. We didn't expect it to come so quickly."

If Xia Yan was not there, Jubilife Village would have suffered heavy losses this time.

She didn't say this, but that's what she wanted to express.

That's why Xia Yan was recognized by so many residents of Jubilife Village all at once.


Xia Yan didn't think so.

Ma Jiamu still has the ability.

Although he left the village alone, he also stayed just in case.

For example, an old man who is hidden in the ordinary logistics group and does not look very conspicuous.

So in fact, even if Xia Yan is not there, Jubilife Village can resist this attack, it is not a big problem.

But Xia Yan didn't say it, anyway, this time the benefit was picked up by him.

"Clean up the venue." Xingyue said after looking around.

Most of the wild Pokémon escaped, and some of them were originally incapacitated, but slowly regained consciousness.

There are also some Pokémons who have lost their lives directly on the battlefield.

But some just fell into a coma.

And these Pokémon, after special training, may become Pokémon that can live peacefully with the residents of Jubilife Village.

Poké Ball is a relatively rare thing in Jubilife Village.

Quite a few vice-leaders and even team leaders don't have enough Poké Balls.

"That Kricketune"

Xingyue looked at Xia Yan.

This was Xia Yan's defeat, and it was his credit. In theory, the right to dispose of Kricketune belongs to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan glanced at the aggrieved Kricketune leader who fell to the ground. His body seemed to be slowly returning to normal, but even so, he was an Elite-level Pokémon.

But he still waved his hand, "Leader Xingyue, please deal with it."

Hearing this, Xingyue glanced at him gratefully.

Such a Kricketune, if trained properly, will become a good living force in Jubilife Village.

But she still said: "I will take all the things you have done together, make a list, and exchange it for the merits of the village, allowing you to go to the warehouse to exchange what you need."

That's what I've been waiting for.

What Xia Yan wanted was all kinds of treasures in Jubilife Village, especially those treasures originally intended for five 'kings'.

"I also can."


At this time, the captain of the King Kong team, the handsome Gang Shi pressed his chin, and said.


Xingyue and several team leaders looked at him.

"Captain Ma Jiamu went to investigate the crack and it was normal. Why didn't the leader of the security team, Belila, come? She probably likes fighting the most." Gangshi thought thoughtfully.

Xingyue's expression remained unchanged, and she said slowly: "I took the time to ask the members of the security team before, and they said that Berylla just said she was out on patrol."

But because it happened so suddenly, Xingyue didn't have the time to care where Belila went.

"That." Xia Yan coughed and raised his hand.

When everyone's attention came to him, he said: "When I first came to the village, I met the team leader Belila with Laben Professor, and she went out with a few team members, saying that there was a situation in the farmland. ."

Hearing this, Xingyue's face suddenly changed.

"Leaving the village at this time"

"No wonder Cai Hua, the leader of the farming team, isn't there either."


Zorua in Xia Yan's arms suddenly raised her ears and looked towards the village gate.

The snow white was mixed with a little crimson hair turning waves.

Xia Yan also followed its gaze.

Eyes narrowed.

Tee, Tee, Tee

In the distance, the subtle sound of horse hooves goes from far to near.

I see.

A very embarrassed woman was lying on a galloping Rapidash, rushing towards Jubilife Village.

Accompanied by a faint roaring sound.

"That's Captain Belila, right?"

Xia Yan pointed in that direction.

Several people looked.

"She's injured," said Camellia, the construction team leader.

"Hurry up and ask Qi'er to get ready." Xingyue hurriedly said.

Pestle is the leader of the medical team, with superb medical skills, both for humans and Pokémon, and one of the most important personnel in the logistics support of Jubilife Village.

After all, Xingyue is ready to go forward to meet.

But was stopped by a hand.

It's Xia Yan.

Seeing him helplessly said: "Xingyue team leader, organize everyone to prepare for the battle."



That subtle roar gradually became obvious.

Immediately after.

Then they saw that, behind Belira's Rapidash, there were dense black spots.

We are going over the first hill outside Jubilife village, and we are approaching quickly.

Running on the ground, flying in the sky, all of them are full of energy.


The group of wild Pokémon besieging the city that was just repelled was just a vanguard, and this group is the real main force of wild Pokémon.

In front of the group of wild Pokémon, the most eye-catching is a fierce Pokémon covered in golden light.

This golden light is the same as the King Avalugg that Xia Yan defeated before.

Its overall outline is like that of a giant praying mantis, except that its body is made up of pieces of sharp Rock, whether it is the trunk or the limbs.

And the most frightening thing is the hideous structure of the ends of its hands like an axe.

The huge Rock axe is not only sharp but also heavy. If an ordinary human is hit by this axe, it is estimated that the body will be directly broken into two pieces.

Even a Pokémon with a special physique won't feel good when facing this giant Rock axe if they don't get enough exercise.

Seeing the group of wild Pokémon, although Xingyue and the others looked heavy, they at least remained calm.

But when they saw this mantis with a ferocious appearance in golden light, everyone's expressions changed.

"'Forest King' Splitting Axe Mantis!" Xingyue spat out the name with difficulty.

The 'Forest King', one of the five 'kings'.

Xia Yan had suspected before that this wild Pokémon that was constantly besieging and attacking was driven by a powerful Pokémon.

Among them, the Axe Mantis, one of the five 'kings' living in the Obsidian Field, is his biggest suspect.

Now it seems.

He should have guessed correctly.

Pearl team leader Zhu Bei's pretty face suddenly changed, with disbelief on her face, "Where's Ju Yi?"

Ju Yi, the field manager of the Pearl team, is the same as Bin Lian that Xia Yan had met before, and the 'king' she was taking care of was the axe mantis in front of her.

Now the Axe Mantis is leading a large group of wild Pokémon Sucker Punch Jubilife village, and Juyi, who is taking care of the Axe Mantis, has not received any information.

Whether it was dereliction of duty or death, Zhu Bei, the captain of the Pearl team, would not look good.

"Quick! Everyone is on first-level alert! And the logistics team, hurry up to the warehouse to get the treasure of the forest!"

Xingyue was the first to calm down.

Although her face is still ugly, as the temporary backbone of her, anyone can mess up, but she can't mess up.

"That's too late."

Xia Yan shook his head and stopped them from going to get Zhenbao.

These 'king' treasures are all good things, use a little less.

He Xia Yan had already locked on one of his targets on these treasures.

Moreover, in the current state of the axe mantis, even Fling Zhenbao can only restore its physical strength, but cannot completely calm it down.

"Before in the pure white permafrost, the field manager Bin Lian also tried to use Zhenbao to calm down King Avalugg, but it was useless."

"Not necessarily, it may be able to calm down the 'Forest King'."

Xingyue is still a little reluctant to believe.

"If it's useful, Director Juyi will not have the slightest bit of news." Xia Yan said again.

Hearing this, Xingyue and the group leaders and captains were somewhat at a loss.

For the residents of Jubilife Village now, the best way to maintain their relationship with the "kings" is Zhenbao.

Once Zhenbao loses its effect, then

How to quell the wrath of the 'king'?

"Also, I think the wild Pokémon that attacked the village this time is probably driven by this axe mantis. As long as it can be defeated, there is a high probability that this Beat Up will recede." Xia Yan told himself guess.

"You want to appease the 'Forest King'?"

Xingyue looked straight at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan blinked twice.

Did I say that?

But Xingyue quickly shook her head.

"Your Pokémon is tired, and 'Forest King' is different from 'Snow King'.

'Snow King' Avalugg was originally a mild-mannered Pokémon, and his rage would only make him unable to exert his full strength.

But the 'Forest King' was originally a Pokémon with a very violent temperament among all the 'Kings', with very powerful destructive power, and now it will only become more terrifying. "

More terrifying?

Xia Yan rubbed his chin and looked at the golden axe mantis that approached quickly.

But it has a "Buzz Plate" on it.

Moreover, as a Bug Type Pokémon, Beedrill can get more benefits from it than from King Avalugg, right?

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't speak, but his eyes were eager to move, Xingyue couldn't help reminding again:

"And the 'Forest King' carries the 'Seed of Mastery'. This item will allow it to switch between swiftness and ferocity freely. It is very difficult to deal with. Don't be impulsive."

Mastering seeds?

Being able to switch Pokémon's moves freely between swift and fierce, isn't that a good fit for Beedrill?

The movement in Xia Yan's eyes became more obvious.

Xingyue subconsciously grabbed Xia Yan's arm.

looked at him in surprise.

Is there something wrong with this person?

Why is it that the more she talks about the power of the 'Forest King', the more she looks like she is just about to move?

Xingyue didn't realize it at all.

At this time, the 'Forest King' split the axe and mantis, in the eyes of Xia Yan.

Not only a mobile experience library, but also a mobile treasure house.

"Buzz Plate", "Mastery Seed", the urge to soothe it is getting stronger and stronger.

"Leader of Xingyue, all the 'worm cones' in the village have moved here." The logistics team came to the front line with a fruit that exudes a special fragrance.

Boring Cone: It can slow down a Pokémon that eats it.

At first glance it looks like some sort of peeled tree fruit, with a fragrance that can lure Pokémon.

This thing was supposed to be for the first wild Pokémon to attack.

But because of Xia Yan's intervention, I didn't have time to use it.

Now it's time to deal with this pack of wild Pokémon led by the Axe Mantis.


Compared to the number of Pokémon on the opposite side, it's still too few.

But this is all the "boring cones" that the production team rushed out overnight.

Xingyue nodded, "Listen to my orders and be ready for Fling at any time."

The roar was getting closer.

However, before the Axe Mantis and the others approached, Rapidash, who was carrying the garrison leader Berila, arrived first.


Xingyue and the others hurriedly supported the woman who liked fighting the most in the village. At this time, she looked very embarrassed. The clothing of the security team was also covered with traces of splitting, and the gurgling blood was in the flames. It has crusted over under the burn.

Belila held her spirits strong, grabbed Xingyue's hand, and said hard: "Caihua and Juyi are both seriously injured, I, I'm going to save them."

But obviously, after saying those words, Bellira plunged into Xingyue's arms.

Pestle from the medical team led someone to carry a stretcher and immediately transported her to the temporary medical shed at the rear.

And the news from Berylla undoubtedly cast a haze on everyone's already heavy hearts.

Cai Hua, the leader of the farming team, Ju Yi, the leader of the Pearl team, and even the rest of the team and team members were all in very bad conditions.

But they couldn't find anyone to rescue.

Because now, the village of Jubilife itself is in danger of being destroyed at any time.

Xingyue had to forcibly suppress the heavy heart.

Abra, who signaled her to "Teleport", went to find Captain Ma Jiamu.

If you find it in a short time, maybe it's too late.

If not found.

She glanced at the ordinary residents who had no fighting power behind her.

The only option is to transfer.

It's just a pity that they have built the Jubilife Village with great difficulty over the years.

But as long as people are alive, there is hope for everything.

"Let me arrange the task. This time it will definitely be more heavy and dangerous, but since everyone believes in us, let us be the team leader and captain, and we must also shoulder the responsibility."

"First of all, Zhubei and Gangshi, you two take everyone to deal with the leader, as for the 'Forest King'." Xingyue gritted her teeth.

She was afraid of bugs, but at this time she had to stand up.

"And Xia Yan, you are more powerful and have commanding ability, so you are in charge? What about Xia Yan?"

Xingyue suddenly froze.

After looking around the crowd, I found that Xia Yan was gone.

"What is Xia Yan doing?!"

"Lord Xia Yan, what is this doing?"

The exclamations of various groups of fighters came from behind.

Xingyue looked in the direction the axe mantis rushed.

Xia Yan actually walked towards the menacing wild Pokémon group on his own, with a calm expression.

And by his side, except for the previous Pokémon.

There is also a Beedrill with golden lightning on his wings, and Alakazam with a spoon in his hand and a calm expression.

"What is he doing?" Xingyue murmured.

There are more little stars in Zhu Bei's eyes, and it has even been faintly transformed into worship.

"He seems to be going to appease the 'Forest King'!"

Xingyue: "."

With so many reminders she said before, it became useless?

But at this time, Xia Yan had ignored them.

Because of the Pokémon by his side.

The "quarrel" started.

Beedrill: It's mine.

Alakazam: It was yours last time, this time it's mine.

Aegislash: Two big brothers, give the younger brother a chance, I also want to learn from the big sister.

Infernape: Whoever sees it deserves it.

Zorua: Then why take me one?


PS: 1.2w today! Thank you "Xiaoyi Xiaolou" and "Yawn Han" for their great rewards~~ Ask for a monthly ticket~~嘤嘤~~

(End of this chapter)

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