The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 844 The Situation Is In Me (Three In One)

Chapter 843 The situation is in me (three in one)

Although the Pokémon are arguing.

But in the end it was Xia Yan's decision.

This Tomahawk Mantis is handed over to Beedrill to handle.

Mainly because of the identity of the Tomahawk Mantis Bug Type Pokémon, for Beedrill, who is also a Bug Type, it should be able to maximize the benefits.

Coupled with the characteristics of "king", it is also inextricably related to the special aura carried by Beedrill.

Seeing that Xia Yan has made a decision, the Pokémon no longer express any objection.

Now that the Axe Mantis has been handed over to Beedrill, it is their job to help Beedrill clear the field so that no other wild Pokémon will disturb them.

On the other side, the golden battle axe mantis, who was leading a group of younger brothers to attack, couldn't help but stunned when he saw Xia Yan and his Pokémon intercepting it halfway.


When the sharp and fierce eyes of the battle-axe mantis fell on Beedrill, the expression suddenly became serious.

The already violent aura became even more impetuous.

The Axe Mantis is another evolution of the Scyther.

Evolving requires something called a "Black Stone".

"Black stones" are very rare, and even in today's Xicui region, they are a very valuable resource, because they are not only very strong, but also extremely hard, and they are a very useful material.

Therefore, after excessive excavation, it will be difficult to find "black stones" in later generations.

Gradually, the evolution of Scyther, the Axe Mantis, slowly withdrew from the stage of history and was replaced by Scizor.

The Axe Mantis not only inherited Scyther's Bug Type Attribute, but also obtained the Rock Type because of the "Black Strange Stone".

Strong attack power and good physical defense ability are the characteristics of the split axe mantis.

But correspondingly, because the body is modified by Rock, the speed becomes slower than Scyther.

Of course, this is only compared to Scyther. In fact, the speed of the axe mantis is not slow among many Pokémons.

Xia Yan's mind flashed all the information he knew about the splitting axe mantis.

without hesitation.

"Beedrill, Mega!"

A strong burst of Mega Evolution energy bursts out, wrapping Beedrill in an instant.

Although Xia Yan's choice to face the Axe Mantis seemed very bold, he actually didn't mean to underestimate the Axe Mantis at all.

As Xingyue said.

This 'Forest King' Axe Mantis is more difficult to deal with than the 'Snow King' Avalugg.


The sharp long needle pierced the energy membrane, and Mega Beedrill stood proudly.

Inspired by the 'king', the aura vented freely.

The Axe Mantis also gradually slowed down, and it felt a strong threat from Mega Beedrill.

Just like Mega Beedrill, at this moment they only have each other in their eyes, as if at this moment each other is the Rival in each other's shadows.


The axe mantis shouted loudly.

The wild Pokémon, who was like a normal tide behind him, suddenly stopped.

Move tightly and slowly, surrounding it and the Mega Beedrill.

Circle a battlefield with Pokémon.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.


Although this axe mantis was affected by the inexplicable energy and became more violent, it still adhered to its own principles and chose to duel with Mega Beedrill.

The rest of Xia Yan's Pokémon surround Xia Yan, wary of the wild Pokémon around him surging at any time.

"Xia Yan!!"


The cry of Xingyue and others came.

They finally reacted.

It's a pity that they are now blocked by a group of wild Pokémon and can't get close.

He could only see Xia Yan's Mega Beedrill and the Axe Mantis standing in the center of the circled battle field from a distance.

"Axe Mantis wants to duel with Xia Yan's Pokémon?"

Zhu Bei's teeth were lightly opened, and her face was worried.

"Wild Pokémon has no riots for the time being, let's not act rashly."

Although Xingyue was also worried, she was a little reluctant to break this balance.

"Perhaps it will be more reassuring to look at it from another angle. Xia Yan's Pokémon has been recognized by the Axe Mantis, indicating that he does have the possibility to appease the 'king'."

Gang Shi, the captain of the King Kong team, is still relatively calm.

Could it really win?

Such an idea that was originally unrealistic in their minds arose in everyone's mind.

However, the situation at this time also shows that the wild Pokémon riots on the Obsidian Field are really related to the 'Forest King' Axe Mantis.

If Xia Yan can defeat the Axe Mantis, perhaps this crisis can be resolved.

Everyone looked at the center of the battlefield with a little hope, mixed with worry.

Xia Yan didn't have the heart to care about the thoughts of these people anymore.


Before they belonged to Mega Beedrill and Chopping Axe Mantis, the tit-for-tat auras had already condensed into reality.

The battle begins!


The axe mantis let out a low roar, the red light in his eyes skyrocketed, strode forward, holding the sharp axe, and charged straight towards the Mega Beedrill.

And Mega Beedrill is not to be outdone.

His wings trembled, his body shot out, and a golden arc came first.

The gigantic axe that crossed, and the sharp long needles that staggered, collided in the middle of the field without warning.

boom--! !

The same "X-Scissor", the same attack.

The aftermath of the collision overwhelmed the half-human tall weeds, and also blew to the nearest inner circle of wild Pokémon.

The first collision between 'King' and 'King' made these wild Pokémon feel a huge pressure.

Almost subconsciously, the wild Pokémon backed away, making the circle even bigger.

And in the center.

Mega Beedrill's long and narrow scarlet compound eyes met closely with the ferocious eyes of the Axe Mantis.

The two Pokémon did not have any temptation, and they burst out with the strongest power.


Mega Beedrill staggered slightly and stumbled back.

Purely in the competition of power, Mega Beedrill fell into an absolute disadvantage.

"Xia Yan's Pokémon is very strong." Gang Shi sighed.

"But it's still a little bit worse."

Xingyue was also surprised that Xia Yan was still hiding such a powerful Pokémon.

But the result of the first collision was obvious. The Mega Beedrill had a big difference in strength with the Axe Mantis, otherwise the stagger would not be so obvious.

Zhu Bei pouted, "But it's faster."

Xingyue nodded and did not deny it.

And the Mega Beedrill, who fell into the downwind and was ejected in the duel, had no time to stabilize his body, and the Axe Mantis swung a huge axe, inciting a tyrannical breath and instantly bullying him.

The heavy Rock-type energy covered the axe of the Chopping Axe Mantis.

Rock Axe!

Mega Beedrill's battle experience is rich, and it is not that he has never fought in a game where he falls into a disadvantage.

Xia Yan was calm, and so was Mega Beedrill.

In the face of the huge axe that fell violently, he parried with the Twineedle.

boom--! !

A powerful axe slashed above the Twineedle of Mega Beedrill, making a dull sound, and the axe splattered and cracked hard rocks.

Many of them were sputtered on Mega Beedrill.

The boulders were sharp, and some even sank into the Mega Beedrill's body.

"Rock Axe" is a move that can only be used by Pokémons such as Chopping Axe Mantis. It not only increases the probability of hitting the key point, but also makes Rival fall into the "Shard" Contest Condition, which will cause Pokémon to continue to take damage for the duration.

Mega Beedrill bared.

It doesn't feel good to have the boulders immersed in the body.

the most important is.

The axe mantis succeeded in one move, without any hesitation, raised the axe to Sucker Punch again.

A pair of attacks with absolute power and continuity, directly pressing the Mega Beedrill's trend.

boom--! !

Another axe fell.

This time, although Mega Beedrill had a certain preparation and was not disturbed by the cracked gravel, the axe, the axe, and even the stance that the axe was stronger than the axe made the Mega Beedrill a little uncomfortable. Good parry.

"'Rock Axe' combined with 'Fury Cutter'? There's something interesting about this chopping axe mantis."

Wild Pokémon still have very few combos.

Seeing that Mega Beedrill fell into an absolute disadvantage, Xia Yan still did not show panic.

Facts have proved that the "king" who can obtain the inheritance of the "king" has several brushes.

Also, because of the "Buzz Plate" to absorb, the Axe Mantis has a more solid base than other wild Pokémon.

"It's the ferocity of 'Mastering Seeds'."

In the crowd watching the battle, Gangshi said.

"I'm sorry, I've entered the rhythm that Chopping Axe Mantis likes most." Another said.

The people of Jubilife Village know best about the 'Forest King' mantis who lives in the Obsidian Wilderness of Jubilife Village.

They are well aware of the power of the axe mantis, and when they encounter it in the wild, if there is no treasure, they can only choose to avoid it.

"Ready to help at any time." Xingyue said.

The strength shown by Xia Yan has been recognized by them.

Although the battle between Mega Beedrill and the Axe Mantis is now on the downside, it's only one-on-one after all.

As long as Xia Yan can hold it back, he may be able to wait until Abra finds Ma Jiamu.

Zhu Beibei clenched her teeth, and her eyes fell on Xia Yan tightly.

Xia Yan looked calm and did not panic.

Although Mega Beedrill was the one who was parrying, Mega Beedrill's expression didn't change.

They are not worried about the current situation, and they are still very confident.

This is the result obtained in bead shell observation.

After parrying the two axes of the Chopping Axe Mantis, waiting for the third axe is also the time when the stacking power of "Fury Cutter" is the greatest.

Xia Yan flashed a little light.


Mega Beedrill's compound eyes also shine brightly.

The Twineedle is covered in thick Bug Type energy, and two parries are enough to get used to the rhythm of the Axe Mantis' fight and attack.

"Sword Dance!"

see you.

On Mega Beedrill's body, a dark red airflow floated, shadows and shadows were wrong, and a sharp sword with a sharp handle was clanging.

"Too impulsive, use 'Sword Dance' at this time?" Gang Shi frowned.

A team leader and captain hold the Poké Ball.

"Wait!" Zhu Bei's eyes widened.

I see.

The huge axe of the mantis splitting axe with a ferocious face fell with a fierce force, but the figure of Mega Beedrill was briefly blurred.

Immediately after.

Mega Beedrill's figure suddenly resembled a bubble Normal, and it dissipated the moment the axe fell.

Double Team!


The sound of the air vibrating was so abrupt at this moment.

After enough groping, training, and coaching with Giovanni's cheats, Beedrill has already mastered the "Sword Dance" move, and it is not difficult to be dual-purpose.

The golden arc between the flapping wings is reproduced.

The Axe Mantis is used to the parry of Mega Beedrill, so this third axe is not reserved at all.

Suddenly losing Rival, like taking a stool, a sudden stagger.

At this moment, Mega Beedrill appeared behind the Axe Mantis.

Long gun raised.

Cold star.

Aim at the gap at the shoulder blade of the splitting axe mantis arm.

Bang-! !

The burst of power and the accumulated Bug Type energy made the staggering Axe Mantis smashed straight out.

With a successful move, Mega Beedrill stepped back without hesitation, just right to avoid the axe that Mantis managed to control his body before he fell.

A smile appeared on Xia Yan's face.


For a trainer, rhythm is the most important thing.

And no matter how strong this axe mantis is, how can it be possible to completely suppress an extremely experienced Trainer in terms of rhythm?

"Next, it's our rhythm." Xia Yan secretly said in his heart.

next second.

The axe mantis slammed into the ground and bounced up, and it looked even more hideous in pain.

"King" Pokémon are not only larger in size, but also a bit too physically strong.

Take a hit from the Mega Beedrill Stockpile and look like nothing.

But that's okay.

The situation is with me.


Arc flashes.

The Mega Beedrill, who drew a rounded arc in the air, suddenly came to the side of the Axe Mantis.

So fast!

boom--! !

Although the Axe Mantis blocked this Sucker Punch with its axe, its body staggered uncontrollably under the huge impact.

But haven't waited to stand firm.


The air trembled again, and Mega Beedrill, who pulled away, did not know when, but actually appeared behind it.

hum - hum - hum -

The onlookers stared at each other, their mouths opened involuntarily, and they didn't know when to relax their hands holding Poké Ball.

The situation was changing so quickly that they were overwhelmed.

Mega Beedrill, who only had the power to parry in the first second, not only got rid of the opponent's rhythm in the next second, but even successfully suppressed the axe mantis and let it enter its own rhythm.

In their eyes, there is almost no trace of Mega Beedrill.

only visible.

The pestle was flying up and down the axe of the mantis chopping axe in place, making clanging sounds from time to time.

What's more, it is the staggering step by step of the axe mantis.

"Good, good speed."

"Like a yellow flash."

At this moment, they finally understood why Xia Yan was able to calm down the 'Snowfield King' Avalugg.

Avalugg's gigantic body as a mountain Normal is simply impossible to hold the Mega Beedrill at such a speed.

Even the splitting axe mantis is now difficult to parry.

Zhu Bei's eyes were full of brilliance.

She seemed to see the space here, all serving Mega Beedrill.


Once again, the axe-splitting mantis roared and roared.

Blue light suddenly appeared on his body, and his momentum increased sharply again.

"Tsk, 'Insect's Premonition'? Or 'Buzz Plate'? It's really rough and fleshy."

There are actually ten Pokémons with this stamina.

It is no wonder that the clones of the alpacas were turned over by them in ancient times.

The energy consumption makes the alpacas miserable, right?

Chong——! !

In an instant, sparks flew everywhere.

The huge axe collided with the long needle, and the two Pokémon figures burst back at the same time.

Mega Beedrill's attack was finally blocked by the soaring axe mantis.

And it also took this opportunity to back up quickly, forcibly breaking free from the rhythm of Mega Beedrill.


At this time, its appearance is not as powerful as it was at the beginning, and its body is covered with large and small fine scars.

Each one is an unreserved attack by Mega Beedrill.

But the most exaggerated.

Or the green light rising from these wounds.

It is the power of "Buzz Plate".

Xia Yan's eyes twitched.

Brazenly open up, right?

Mega Beedrill also felt the change in the splitting axe mantis and took a deep breath.

The sword formation all over the body reappeared, surrounded by clang, and the fierce momentum also increased.

"It makes it seem like no one is hanging up."

Xia Yan and Mega Beedrill looked at each other.

it is more than words.


Feather wings flutter.

Mega Beedrill no longer does those fancy attacks, it decided to drop the Axe Mantis in seconds with this move.

Otherwise, the recovery ability of "Buzz Plate" is too perverted.


The Axe Mantis also seems to sense Mega Beedrill's intentions.

The red light in the eyes became more and more fierce, and the two axes swayed, facing the golden light, waving it brazenly.

And right here.

Xia Yan's body was surging with rich blue natural energy, which was poured into Mega Beedrill's body in an instant.

Z move!

When Poplar Town faced the championship-level Tyranitar of Hoshino Ryuichi, Mega Beedrill barely managed to gather the energy of "Z-movement" to one point.

This time.

It does the same, and is more skilled.

The dazzling blue halo condensed on the tip of the long needle held horizontally.

The dense and flocculent lightning suddenly dissipated, and the already extremely fast speed suddenly increased sharply again.

In a trance.

As if the space is folded, the speed continues to exceed its own limit.

The axe mantis only felt a trance in front of him, and the terrifying power came from the axe.

Fortunately, its response was fast enough, its arms suddenly tensed, and the whole body's strength suddenly exploded.

But at this time.

The axe mantis stared, and a stinging pain that penetrated into the bone marrow suddenly came from the junction of the right shoulder blade and arm and the body.

It was the wound left by Mega Beedrill when he fought back for the first time!

And after that, Mega Beedrill continued to attack that wound more than once.

The accumulated damage does not seem to be large.

But at this time, it became an obstacle to the full explosive power of the Split Axe Mantis.

The right arm, together with the right axe, suddenly lost the support of strength.

The first to survive this collision.

The axe-splitting mantis gritted its teeth, and it decisively gave up its right arm, concentrating all the strength and energy of its entire body on the axe in its left hand.

Block it!


The axe mantis roared.


Ka-! !

The crisp sound is like a broken string.

A crack appeared on the axe on the left arm of the splitting axe mantis.

This one sounded.

Not only did the Axe Mantis show an unbelievable look, but the people of Jubilife who were staring at this side were also full of astonishment.

The axe of the splitting axe mantis with the same quality as the "black stone", actually

Broken? !

next second.

Blue light suddenly appeared.

Thunder's momentum skyrocketed.


Accompanied by a Mega Beedrill drink low.

boom--! !

The golden light wrapped around the axe mantis dissipated like a Bubble Normal.

The axe mantis, standing proudly, also burst out like a cannonball, knocking down an unknown number of wild Pokémon along the way before it would stop.

Mega Beedrill stared at the figure with narrow compound eyes, his chest heaving violently, and the energy of Mega Evolution slowly faded away.

But at this time, not only the residents of Jubilife Village were stunned, but all the wild Pokémon were also stunned.

Their 'king'. Lost?

"Be careful, the 'Forest King' is defeated, and the wild Pokémon are going to riot." Xingyue was the first to recover, and hurriedly reminded, with a serious look.

But see.

In the Pokémon group, Xia Yan, whose face was slightly pale, walked towards the Axe Mantis with the undulating Beedrill and a group of Pokémon.

Wild Pokémon almost subconsciously get out of the way.

Looking at the axe mantis who fell to the ground and was completely unconscious, Xia Yan and Beedrill looked at each other.

Unanimously smiled.

The second one.

At this moment.

The wild Pokémon finally reacted, the sound of roaring gradually emerged, and the irritable mood gradually began to spread.

Ready to move, they began to become restless.


Beedrill, who hovered over the unconscious Axe Mantis, looked around with cold and stern eyes.

No wild Pokémon dared to look at it.

Even boss Pokémon.

The special aura that belongs to Beedrill seems to have benefited again, more intense and solid than when King Avalugg was defeated.

"Beer beer!!"

Its quiet voice, with an unmistakable tone, reached the ears of every wild Pokémon.

Feel the aura that makes them familiar and unfamiliar, the aura similar to the "king".

The wild Pokémon were suddenly overwhelmed.


Beedrill clanged again, holding up the broken axe on the ground and staring again.

next second.

The first wild Pokémon began to slowly retreat towards the Obsidian Field.

Then, just like dominoes, more and more wild Pokémon began to recede like a tide.

Beedrill defeated the "King" Axe Mantis, and was still one-on-one under the watch of all Pokémon, plus Beedrill had an aura that was not inferior to that of the Axe Mantis.

"This is the new king!" Xingyue murmured as she looked at Xia Yan's Beedrill.

The 'King' of Obsidian Wilderness has been replaced.

This is the first time they have encountered this situation.

The alternation of 'king' is normal.

The one who took over was not the Axe Mantis, which made them unexpected.

In the past, it is not without Pokémon who defeated the 'King', but I have never seen a new 'King' appear on the spot.

What about inheritance?

They also felt that Beedrill was somewhat different from the Axe Mantis, but it was impossible to say what the difference was.

But one thing is certain.

The crisis in Jubilife Village, lifted!

Everyone sighed in unison.

Many people even fell directly to the ground.

So many wild Pokémon, even if they are not very strong, can kill people just by the number.

After drinking all the wild Pokémon, Beedrill dazedly hovered above the Axe Mantis, and after a while, he slowly regained his senses.

When I came back to my senses, I saw Xia Yan's eyes.

"Have you felt it?" Xia Yan asked with a smile.

After a brief hesitation, Beedrill nodded.

A battle between fellow Pokémons, it's more rewarding than fighting King Avalugg.


In addition to experience and perception of these invisible and intangible things, there are substantial benefits.

Xia Yan smiled and took a green slap-sized brick from Zorua's mouth.

"In that case, this 'Buzz Plate' will be handed over to you for safekeeping."

Beedrill's eyes flickered, and he took it without rejecting it.

It feels that this "Buzz Plate" can give it a great advantage.

"There is also this 'Seed of Mastery', an item that has never been touched, but it should not be bad."

Xia Yan handed over another seed that looked like a melon seed, with two special lines, one red and one blue, representing swiftness and ferocity.

This is another reason why the Axe Mantis is so difficult to deal with.

After the Pokémon tide recedes.

The people from Jubilife Village, headed by Xingyue, also gathered around.

One by one looked at Xia Yan with complicated expressions.

Just based on what happened today, Xia Yan's reputation in Jubilife Village has not allowed their team leaders to decide whether to stay or not.


Even Ma Jiamu, the captain of Team Galactic, has to consider whether he can decide not to absorb Xia Yan because of public anger.

However, with the strength shown by Xia Yan, it is estimated that Ma Jiamu's brain is broken, and that kind of decision will be made.

He should be more entangled, how to place Xia Yan, and what identity to give him.

(End of this chapter)

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