The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 846: Xia Yan's Killing Intent (Three In One)

Chapter 845: Xia Yan's Killing Intent (Three in One)

Cinnabar Wetlands, Solaceon Ruins.

"Strange, where did the group of Unown go? Didn't they know I was coming, so they all ran away?" Xia Yan looked around the Solaceon ruins, secretly slandering in his heart.

The Pearl's field manager, Yuba, likes to wander around the Solaceon ruins.

Zhubei brought Xia Yan here to find Xipu.

When Zhubei pulled Xipu aside to talk, Xia Yan also simply strolled around the current Solaceon ruins twice.

I wanted to see if I could find Unown.

Although they don't have much combat power, they still have various special abilities.

Even Xia Yan felt that if he could gather all the Unowns, he could go back to the future without Arceus' help.

But a pity.

This group of cunning guys may have had a premonition of Xia Yan's approach, and immediately disappeared without showing up.

"Xia Yan, okay."

After communicating with Xipu, Zhubei found Xia Yan again.

Xipu was a ninety-nine-year-old old man, carrying a bamboo basket on her back, from which extended large leaves, covering the top of her head.

After looking up and down Xia Yan with her old and cloudy eyes, she didn't know what Zhubei said to her, and she didn't talk nonsense.

He took out a small leaf from the bamboo basket and blew lightly on his mouth.

Accompanied by a melodious and crisp sound.


A ferocious and huge Pokémon rushed towards their location, and the muddy wetland environment was like walking on the ground under its wide feet and sharp claws.

Seeing this Pokémon, Xipu's eyes flashed a little doting and helplessness.

And the ferocious Pokémon that roared was the Moon Moon Bear, who was taken care of by the field manager, Xipu.


Yueyuexiong heard a familiar voice coming, but the Contest Condition was not ideal, and it was a roar at the three of them.

The huge bear paws slapped the Ground continuously, accompanied by the ground shaking violently.

"This child has been like this since a few days ago, and Zhu Bei said you have a solution." Xipu's old voice sounded.

Xia Yan nodded silently.

I have an extra Poké Ball in my hand.

This Moon Moon Bear is not one of the five 'kings', although it is also violent, but it is not like the previous Avalugg and Axe Mantis, with golden light all over its body.

"Sure enough, just like in the game, this moon bear was influenced by the 'Shan Dao King' Lilligant."

Thinking so, Xia Yan threw the Poké Ball.


Alakazam, holding a spoon, appeared in front of Xia Yan.

Seeing the Moon Moon Bear on the opposite side, Alakazam immediately understood its Rival this time.

And the already violent Moon Moon Bear, after seeing Alakazam, became more violent, and the sound of roars came one after another.

Xipu's complexion changed slightly.

"Put the Pokémon away! Moon Moon Bear will get more irritable now when he sees Pokémon."


Zhu Bei didn't tell Xipu how to appease these runaway Pokémon.

But Xia Yan ignored her words, just turned to the side, looked at Xipu and asked:

"Has it been in contact with Lilligant recently?"

Xipu was stunned.

Before she could answer, the Moon Moon Bear on the opposite side moved his limbs as if he had sensed Taunt, kicking up a large swath of mud and rushing towards Alakazam.

Xia Yan also had to temporarily give up the inquiry.

Whispered: "Alakazam, Mega!"

Direct Mega Evolution.


The surging Mega Evolution energy is intertwined with Psychic, and the appearance of Alakazam has also become Mega Alakazam under the baptism of the Mega Evolution energy.

The Moon Moon Bear is an evolution of Ursaring. It assisted the evolution of the "Peat Block" unique to the Xizui period. It is a Pokémon of the Ground and Normal types.

The ferocious attack and outstanding defense are the advantages of the Moon Moon Bear.

The slowness is its downside.

This Moon Moon Bear's Ability is "Perseverance".

These are the information described in the Pokédex given by Professor Raben, which saves Xia Yan a lot of temptation.

So there are no reservations.

Mega Alakazam's eyes were surging with Psychic, and wave after wave of Psychic reacted to it like a tide of Normal.

Calm Mind!

Immediately afterwards, Mega Alakazam shot out the twisted Psychic and sank into the Moon Moon Bear's body.

However, the attacking posture of Yueyuexiong did not mean to stop in the slightest.

There was a white light on his body, his face was hideous, and he looked like he was going to kill Mega Alakazam in an instant.

Double Edge!

Xia Yan's eyes flickered, Mega Alakazam's movements were also very fast, and the surging Psychic covering his whole body suddenly flashed.

Bang! !

The huge body of the Moon Moon Bear slammed into the thick tree next to it.

A big tree that neither of them could embrace was directly broken by the collision of the Moon Moon Bear.

While Mega Alakazam slowly floated out of the twisted space behind it, "Teleport" deftly evaded the attack.

But Moon Moon Bear suffered the damage that "Double Edge" brought to himself.

Shaking his head, he staggered and stood up from the ground.

The severe pain made it a little dazed.

"It's only affected by Lilligant, not by special energy like other 'kings', so is the strength much weaker than those 'kings'?"

Xia Yan analyzed silently in his heart.

"No, maybe it's because there is no inheritance of the 'king'."

Whatever the reason, the strength of this Moon Moon Bear did not reach the strength that Xia Yan had guessed.

Then it's easier to beat it.

"Encore." Xia Yan said slowly.

Mega Alakazam understands.

The driving spoon, the strange energy, submerged into the Moon Moon Bear's body.

a time.

Yueyuexiong's eyes turned red, and the fierce aura burst out again.

Moving his limbs, he rammed towards Mega Alakazam again without hesitation.

"Future Sight" can predict Rival's next move, and "Encore" directly allows Rival to repeat the same moves. This combination has made Mega Alakazam invincible.

What's more, what Yueyuexiong was bound to with the "Encore" move was actually "Double Edge".

boom--! ! boom--! !

a time.

Outside the Solaceon ruins, in the swamp woods, there appeared a moon bear that rampaged and used its head to Tackle trees, mountains, and rocks.

This scene is almost equivalent to "self-mutilation" behavior, which makes Xipu feel distressed.

"It's almost there, let's solve it." Xia Yan's tone was calm.

Not being strengthened, let alone a 'king', Moon Moon Bear is not weak, but has lost his mind because of being affected. In front of Mega Alakazam, it can only be regarded as a toy.

see you.

The five spoons behind Mega Alakazam instantly burst into a dazzling halo.

The black ball of mental power that was condensed in an instant was smashed by the Moon Moon Bear, who was charging again.

boom--! !

The dull roar came not only from the outside, but also from within the Moon Moon Bear's body.

"Psyshock" and "Future Sight" broke out at the same time.

The Moon Moon Bear, which had a poor Contest Condition, fell directly under such an attack.

The huge body, swaying, fell into the swamp.

"Moon Moon Bear!"

Xipu exclaimed, broke free from Zhubei's persuasion, and ran to Yueyuexiong, her eyes full of distress.

And Alakazam's Psychic slowly pulled, and a khaki slap-sized slate floated out of Moon Moon Bear and fell into Xia Yan's hands.

"Earth Plate."

Xia Yan put away the slate expressionlessly.

Looking at the Moon Moon Bear lying on the ground and Xipu who was lying on it to treat it, he slowly said: "This Moon Moon Bear is not violent, it is just affected. Has the bear ever had contact with Lilligant?"

"Xia Yan, are you saying that Moon Moon Bear was influenced by Lilligant?" Zhu Bei was a little surprised.


But Xipu denied it seriously.

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Although Huo Xia did ask me to take care of 'Sandao King' Lilligant, because she found out that she recently liked a haircut, Yueyuexiong and I became irritable before I approached 'Sandao King' Yueyuexiong." Xipu explained.

Hearing this, Xia Yan frowned slightly.


"Then besides us, who else has been here recently?"

After Xipu determined that Yueyuexiong was just injured and comatose, and did not leave much impact, his mood gradually calmed down.

"There are quite a few people who have come here. Some of them came from the village to deliver supplies, some of the merchants from the Chamber of Commerce came to buy swamp specialties, and some came to worship the moon and moon bears."

"Wait." Xia Yan interrupted Xi Pu's words, "The foot dealer of the Chamber of Commerce?"

"You know, the Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce. It is said that they are businessmen from Xicui, and they are the Chamber of Commerce that Captain Ma Jiamu finally got in touch with.

Many advanced props and materials with special functions in the village were transported by them from places other than Xicui. They have many foot dealers who often walk around Xicui and sell props.

Captain Ma Jiamu also relies heavily on the Chamber of Commerce," Zhu Bei said.


Mega Alakazam, who had not yet released Mega Evolution, suddenly shouted, and his tightly closed eyes suddenly opened.

Xia Yan thought about it and said to Zhu Bei:

"Captain Zhubei, Chief Yuba and Yueyuexiong, please take care of them."

The voice fell.

Mega Alakazam's Psychic wrapped him.

next second.

One Pokémon per person.

Just disappeared in front of the two of them.

Zhu Bei opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but it was too late.

And the other side.

Somewhere on the back of a hillside in the Cinnabar wetlands.

The surging Psychic quietly emerged, and along with the distorted space, Xia Yan and Mega Alakazam slowly walked out of it.

And on the back of this hillside.

There was a businessman in the costume of the Ginkgo Chamber of Commerce sitting, enjoying his lunch leisurely.

Suddenly seeing Xia Yan and Mega Alakazam appearing here, I was stunned.

But quickly reacted.

He smiled and said, "This guest, do you want to buy something?"

Xia Yan's eyes looked up and down at this young man with a delicate face and a cap that couldn't completely cover it.

He asked tentatively, "Wangluo?"

Hearing this, the foot merchant was stunned again, and then quickly responded, "I'm Wangluo, and the guest is Mr. Xia Yan, right?"

Sure enough, this young man is Wang Luo.

Bamboo orchid her brother.

One of the reasons Xia Yan stayed in Jubilife Village was to find this man named Wangluo.

Because he is the real culprit who caused the turmoil in the Xicui Region.

Beneath the seemingly harmless surface, there is a huge ambition lurking.

Wangluo is a descendant of one of the few ancient Sinnoh people in the present-day Sicui Region.

It is also one of the few who really know the legend of Sinnoh and know that "Sinnoh Lord" refers to Arceus, not the Palkia and Dialga that the Pearl team and the King Kong team worship.

It's just that Xia Yan stayed in Jubilife Village for a few days, not only did not wait for Ma Jiamu, but also did not wait for this Wangluo.

But did not expect.

After Alakazam's Mega Evolution, the strength of Psychic increased linearly, and he sensed this Wangluo who was resting far away from the Solaceon ruins.

All I can say is that it was unintentional.

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't speak, Wangluo turned his attention to Mega Alakazam very spontaneously.

A little surprise flashed in his eyes.

"This is Alakazam? But it looks completely different, is it a new evolution?"

Showed great interest and curiosity.

But in this moment.

The Psychic on Mega Alakazam burst out suddenly and charged towards Wang Luo without any reservation.

Sudden change.

Wang Luo did not expect it at all.

He never imagined that Xia Yan would attack him at the first sight.

And looking at this posture, it is completely rushing to kill him.


On Wang Luo's body, a black and gray intertwined Ghost and evil energy gushed out. With the immunity of evil to Psychic, he resisted Mega Alakazam's unreserved attack.

Quickly pulling away, Wang Luo looked at Xia Yan with a stern look in horror.

"what are you doing?!"

Seeing that Mega Alakazam's attack was blocked, Xia Yan shook his head secretly.

"Yueyue Bear, you made it violent?" Xia Yan said solemnly.

Wang Luo's expression froze slightly, then slowly became calm.


"You made the five 'kings' out of control?"

Xia Yan continued to ask lightly.

Wang Luo's appearance became more and more calm.

The two just stared at each other, as if the attack by Mega Alakazam just now was just an accident.


Wang Luo denied again.

In fact, Wang Luo was very puzzled. He always felt that Xia Yan seemed to know a lot.

But he knew that no one could know what he did.

But Xia Yan's gesture of killing him just now was not a lie.

The doubts in my heart are increasing.

His tone gradually softened, and he said softly, "Mr. Xia Yan, you just came to Jubilife Village, have you misunderstood me or our Ginkgo Merchant? Captain Ma Jiamu may be able to give it to you."

boom! !

Mega Alakazam drives the spoon, and a wave of Psychic explodes in front of Wang Luo again.

This time, Psychic is not immune to evil, because Mega Alakazam's forehead has opened "Miracle Eye".


Wang Luo couldn't help but shattered a sentence and pulled away.

A keystone hidden on the body fell to the ground, accompanied by the churning of black-gray mist.

Appearing in front of him was a Spiritomb.

"What the hell do you want to do?!"

The calmness on Wang Luo's face disappeared, and finally he no longer concealed it, and his face became gloomy.

Xia Yan is here to resolve the riots between Moon Moon Bear and 'Shan Dao King' Lilligant.

But unexpectedly met Wang Luo.

So Xia Yan decisively changed his goal.

Now, there is only one thing he wants to do.

Solve the wangluo!

As long as he can solve the Wangluo in front of him, most of the tasks that Arceus gave him on this trip to wash green are solved.

His palms rubbed his waist.

Beedrill, Togekiss appear.

With Zorua in his arms, there are four Elite Pokémons in total.


Zorua whispered in Xia Yan's ear.

'This man hides a lot of grudge and hatred. ’

Zorua, who was very sensitive to Spite, told Xia Yan for the first time after Wangluo's expression became gloomy.

Xia Yan nodded silently.

He knows better than Zorua.

Seeing that Xia Yan summoned Pokémon again, Wang Luo finally knew that today's things couldn't be better.

Although the doubts in his heart were still very strong, he also clearly felt the killing intent from Xia Yan, as well as that resolute attitude.

"Since you rely on it!"

Wang Luo still wanted to talk nonsense, but Xia Yan didn't give him a chance.

Beedrill's wings trembled slightly, and in the flashing arc, he appeared in front of Wang Luo.

Foul Play!

There was a deep hatred in Spiritomb's eyes, and he appeared in front of Wang Luo, trying to resist Beedrill's attack.

At the same time, Wang Luo's palm also wiped towards his waist.

with red light.


A ferocious Garchomp appeared in front of Wangluo with a fierce and ferocious aura, and the sharp "Dragon Claw" ripped towards Beedrill.

Countless vines spread out from the soles of Wang Luo's feet, accompanied by dots of purple light.

Roserade, who also appeared in the red light, also appeared beside Wang Luo.

Beedrill's eyes flashed, and his body suddenly stagnated, and he quickly retreated.

Didn't get Spiritomb's "Foul Play" to work, and avoided Garchomp's "Dragon Claw" just right.

At the same time, Togekiss flapped his wings, and two bright white "Air Slash" fell suddenly.


There was another roar, and the surging flames swept in, not only shattering Togekiss's "Air Slash", but even having enough strength to fight back at Togekiss.


Arcanine in the form of a jadeite!



Wang Luo's heart trembled, his body almost subconsciously rushed forward, and Haze wrapped around Spiritomb also gathered behind him.

A petite and cute Pokémon appeared behind Wangluo at some point and emerged from his shadow.

The figure is like a mist, like an illusion, ethereal nothingness.

It's Zorua!

boom! !

Wangla staggered to the ground, and the vines driven by Roserade caught him and wrapped him.

But there was still a huge wound on Wang Luo's back, and the red blood was flowing, but it solidified in an instant.

Tight and strands of Haze wrapped around the wound, and some ice crystals slowly condensed.

It's Zorua's "retribution"!


Seeing that Wang Luo was protected by Spiritomb and Roserade, a look of pity flashed in Zorua's drooping eyes.

However, it didn't reluctant to fight. Facing Garchomp and Arcanine, it fell into the shadow again and returned to Xia Yan's side.

At this moment, Wangluo's face was pale, the sweat of the size of the beans covered his forehead, and the tearing pain from his back, mixed with the stinging pain caused by the stimulation of the cold air, made him almost fall into a coma.

If it wasn't for Spiritomb and Roserade's timely response, Zorua's sneak attack might have been dead.

But even if he survived, the negative aura of fear, hatred, etc. carried in Zorua's attack was enough to give him a headache for a long time.

His eyes full of hatred stared at Xia Yan.

This person really attacked when he didn't agree.

The two just exchanged a sentence and then started killing.

Xia Yan's expression was very calm.

From Zorua's hand, he took two ancient Poké Balls, and through the transparent glass of the Poké Balls, he saw what Pokémons were inside the two locked Poké Balls.

One Togekiss, one Lucario.

Eyes slightly picked.

Plus Garchomp, Roserade, and Spiritomb who now surround Wangla.

Except for an Arcanine in the form of a jade, your Pokémon are all copied from Cynthia, right?

Feelings, you are the Cynthia washing green form?

In addition to the two Poké Balls, there is also a dark slate.

Spooky Plate!

Seeing what Xia Yan was holding, Wang Luo's pupils shrank.

I see.

The two Poké Balls on his waist were gone, and the basket on his back didn't know when a big hole was cut, and a lot of materials and props were scattered on the ground.

It's Zorua just now!

Although the sneak attack was unsuccessful, it stole two Poké Balls, as well as the "Spooky Plate" that was full of Ghost-type energy in his backpack.

Now, not only has his strength been greatly weakened, but even the most precious "Spooky Plate" has been snatched away.

Looking at Wang Luo's unbelievable appearance, Xia Yan chuckled coldly.

Wang Luo was hidden so deeply that no one in the entire Jubilife village knew that a small foot dealer could have such strength.

That is Xia Yan.

Come up with a set of unexplained combos, first let Beedrill Feint in front, and then let Zorua sneak attack from behind.

Although he couldn't get rid of Wang Luo directly, he won two Poké Balls, plus "Spooky Plate".

Wang Luo's actual combat experience is not weak, but he is still a little behind Xia Yan.

With intentions and no intentions, Xia Yan established enough advantages for himself.

"Who the hell are you? Why?!" With the help of Roserade vines, Wang Luo resisted the pain on her back and stood up.

but now.

He just moved a little, and the muscles on his back were involved, and the pain almost passed out.

The severe pain continued to erode his consciousness, and it also made it difficult for him to insist on commanding the battle.

But he didn't understand.


But Xia Yan didn't answer his question at first, and it's even more impossible to answer now.

Psychic flashed in his eyes.

Beedrill dashed again.

Togekiss splits the "Air Slash" to create the output conditions for it.

Wang Luo gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, his Pokémon still has a certain ability to fight autonomously.

In the roar of Garchomp, the surging "Dragon Pulse" rampaged and met the golden arc that was rushing up.


Arc flashed.

Togekiss and Beedrill suddenly switched places, "Dragon Pulse" was baptized on Togekiss's body, and he enjoyed another "Dragon Pulse bath".

Suddenly, Garchomp and the rest of the Pokémon were briefly stunned without command.


"Air Slash" fell, Arcanine evaded with speed, but Roserade was hit because he didn't dodge in time.

Immediately fell into the "creeping" Contest Condition.

Spiritomb reacted, but as soon as the Ghost-type energy rose, it was intercepted by Mega Alakazam who suddenly appeared in front of it.

It can only choose to curl up to protect Wang Luo.

the next moment.

The sudden burst of Beedrill appeared in Roserade, and when it was unable to respond, the sharp long needle accompanied by the cross-edged blade smashed it hard.

The immobile Roserade was full of flaws and weaknesses in the face of Beedrill.

"Snipe Shot Hand" Ability Triggered!

at the same time.

The shadow appeared behind Roserade again.

Zorua took advantage of the situation, and "Shadow Claw" tore the rhizomes behind Roserade.

A sudden explosion one after another.

As a result, Roserade had almost no chance to react, and was instantly killed!

Wang Luo was full of sweat, and when he saw this scene, he knew he had lost.

When he was attacked by Xia Yan in the first step and didn't react, he was doomed to lose.

His dark eyes glared at Xia Yan deeply.

Suddenly Crush Grip what was in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, an aura of destruction erupted, wrapping him along with his Pokémon and pulling him into another dimension.

"Destroyed space, Giratina?"

Xia Yan was not surprised.

It is with the power of Giratina that Wangla tries to control Dialga and Palkia, and then capture and control Arceus.

The huge ambition has never been revealed, and it was detected by Xia Yan.

Looking at Wang Luo who disappeared in front of his eyes.

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth did not fall, and he threw the Poké Ball.

"Think you can run away by hiding in Distortion World?"

roll over.

Patting the smooth scales under his body, he whispered, "Duolong Bartto, chase!"


PS: I have something to do during the day today, so it's late, so I'll post it first and then change it~~

(End of this chapter)

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