The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 847 Goodbye Giratina (Two In One)

Chapter 846 Goodbye Giratina (two in one)

Wang Luo.

Ancient Sinnoh people.

In the Xicui era, there are very few people who know that Arceus is the real "Sinnoh Lord".

Team up with Giratina to rampage the Dialga and Palkia gods of space and time, drive the Five Kings out of control, and make the wild Pokémon of Xicui go berserk.

Trying to force Arceus out and subdue him.

To create a new world.

In the original book, he was the one who guided the protagonist to collect the slate, and finally appeared as the mastermind behind the Snatch slate.

Xia Yan even had doubts for a while.

Today's Team Galactic is clearly an organization whose purpose is to benefit the residents of the Xicui Region and build a better life for mankind.

Did Wang Luo play a role in the organization that later became an organization that tried to destroy with the power of Dialga and Palkia.


Pale-faced Wang Luo was lying on Garchomp's back.

Enter a world of destruction filled with annihilation and ruined buildings.

He is good at disguising, but he really can't understand where he is being seen as tricky.

the most important is.

He felt that he clearly had stronger strength than Xia Yan, but when he was inadvertently being calculated, he failed to react and was bad.

If Pokémon come out together, he doesn't believe that he can't beat Xia Yan.


But that's okay.

As long as you escape to Distortion World, you are safe.

"He got my 'Spooky Plate', he is a time traveler, not an alien traveler!" Wang Luo's eyes flashed with excitement.

Wangluo was originally curious about Xia Yan, an outsider who suddenly came to the Xicui Region.

Judging from the information from the Chamber of Commerce.

Xia Yan has already solved the 'Snow King' Avalugg and the 'Forest King' Axe Mantis.

And got "Icicle Plate" and "Buzz Plate" from them.

This made him even more curious about Xia Yan.

He is well versed in the history of Sinnoh, and also knows some secrets that others do not know.


Only "Time Travelers" can collect slates.

Even if the rest of the people can find the slate, they can only have one.

So Wangluo used the pollen of Lilligant, the king of the mountain, to make the moon bear run wild.

Send a message to the village to lure Xia Yan to solve the rampage of Moon Moon Bear and Lilligant.

He wanted to further confirm whether Xia Yan could really collect slate.


While he was waiting, he was suddenly sensed by Alakazam after Mega Evolution.

Xia Yan came directly to the door.

He was caught off guard.

But Xia Yan, who won the "Spooky Plate", has already made Wangluo 100% sure of Xia Yan's identity.

"Wait, wait for him to collect more slates and then."

The cold breath on Wang Luo's body disappeared in a flash.

All he has to do is collect the slate, then use the rampage of Dialga and Palkia to force Arceus out, and then assist Giratina and the power of the slate to defeat and subdue Arceus.


Feeling the entry of outsiders into her world, Giratina in her origin form came to Wang Luo with her tail waving.


Wang Luo looked at Giratina, the desire in his eyes seemed real.

When Giratina saw that the person entering was Wangla, she did not do anything.

Just suddenly.

Giratina seemed to feel something.

He turned sharply in the direction of destroying the world.

just see.

A young man holding a hat, riding on the back of a multi-dragon Barto, agitated the energy that Giratina felt very familiar, directly broke the space barrier that destroyed the world, and got into the Distortion World.

Under the dark brim, Sensen's eyes cast a cold gaze.

Xia Yan!

"how is this possible?!"

Wang Luo's eyes widened, and his body trembled with excitement, in exchange for more severe pain on his back.

Not to mention Wang Luo.

At this time, Giratina was also confused.

Distortion World is its territory, except for it, only a few Pokémon can enter and exit.

But they all know Giratina.

Besides, even if you gave those Pokémon a few more guts, they wouldn't dare to come in.

The point is.

Giratina can clearly feel that the way Doron Bartto enters the world of destruction is one of his unique tricks, "Shadow Force".

can its character.

It's impossible to teach this move to another Pokémon.

So. This Doron Bartto is

its child?

Because Duolong Bartto is also the Attribute of Dragon and Ghost, and it is exactly the same.

Just when Giratina was stunned, Doron Bartto didn't hesitate.

Not even a second glance at Giratina.

as if it didn't exist.


We are very familiar.

that's it.

When Wangluo and Giratina were a little unresponsive, Doron Bart waved his tail and rushed towards Wangluo.

at the same time.

Several red lights burst out from Xia Yan's body.

Beedrill, Alakazam, Togekiss, Zorua!

The four Pokémon sprinted towards Wangla together.

"Beedrill, Mega!"

Mega Evolution energy flashes away.

It wasn't until Mega Beedrill's cold long needle came to him with fierce energy that Wang Luo finally reacted.

To suffer!

Bang-! !

The first to respond was Spiritomb from Wanglao.

But it's just going to react in the end.

Running from a distance to the nearby Mega Beedrill, a cyan star point and Spiritomb's eyes are getting bigger and bigger.

Bang! !

The sudden burst of power directly blew Spiritomb away.

Immediately afterwards, a beam of moon swept down from its head, and the power carried by the "Moonblast" dealt another heavy blow to Spiritomb, which was knocked into the air.

next second.

In the shadow of the falling Spiritomb, little Zorua emerges.

Only then did Garchomp and Arcanine finally wake up.

But Alakazam, who was holding a spoon, appeared in front of them. His eyes were fixed on Wang Luo on Garchomp's back.

Take advantage of this effort.

Zorua's figure was blurred, and when it became frozen again, it was already a Mega Beedrill!

Fell Stinger!

The scarlet thorns burst out with all their strength.


Accurate hit.

The rising black-purple mist of Spiritomb dissipated abruptly, and only a keystone remained, on an unremarkable Topsy-Turvy island somewhere in the Ruined World.

The whole process is almost just a few blinks of an eye.

All in one go.

Zorua returned to Mega Beedrill in the shadows and raised her eyebrows at Mega Beedrill and Togekiss.

Seeing this, Mega Beedrill nodded slightly coldly, and Togekiss seemed more enthusiastic, giving it a thumbs up in its own way.

Zorua's adaptation process was much faster than Xia Yan and a group of Pokémon imagined.

On the one hand, it is because Zorua did not reject Xia Yan's system from the beginning to the end, it was very active and Covet wanted to integrate.

On the other hand, Zorua's fighting style is like a ghost and erratic, and Yu Xiayan's "infinite defense" system has the same effect.

In the end, Zorua actually took on relatively minor roles such as displacement and sneak attack during the entire battle process, so it did not require high tactical cognition.

Zorua is also very conscious and willing to take on such a responsibility without any complaints.

This will undoubtedly allow it to further accelerate the process of integrating into the Xia Yan system.


When Spiritomb lost his ability to fight, the wrong Wang Luo responded slowly and shouted.

With a serious face, Garchomp, who was holding him, carefully looked around at Xia Yan's Pokémon, daring not to move.

Arcanine also hunched over, her muscles tense and grinning, ready to pop like a loose bowstring at any moment.

But all they can do is Swagger.

The two Pokémons, facing Xia Yan's four tacitly coordinated Pokémons, and the Duolong Bartto who carried him into the world of destruction, were not Rivals at all.

"Giratina! What are you doing?!"

Wang Luo growled at Giratina who was hovering beside him.

The voice was full of reprimands and questions.

Why was Xia Yan able to enter Distortion World?

Why didn't he stop when he saw Xia Yan's Pokémon?

Why are you still indifferent?


Don't blame Giratina.

Anyone who sees what appears to be their own child has a limited ability to react.

Giratina glanced at Luo in dissatisfaction.

They are a cooperative relationship, not a subordinate relationship.

Wang Luo's tone made it uncomfortable.

But Giratina thought about it, and she was still in front of Wang Luo.

no way.

Its cooperation with this human being must continue.

In order to force Arceus out, the power of this human must be assisted.

Looking at Giratina who was intercepted between him and Wang Luo, Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

Its actions and behaviors made Xia Yan Pokémon's expression serious.

Xia Yan patted his forehead.

"Oh, sorry, forgot, you are not familiar with me now."

Giratina looked suspicious.

However, Xia Yan's Pokémons, including Duolong Bartto, also showed a sudden look at this time.

Oh right.

When I came to Distortion World all of a sudden, I only remembered that I was familiar with Giratina, but I forgot that Giratina did not know them now.

But that's okay.

Xia Yan knows too much what Giratina wants.

His palms spread out.

Two slates, one yellow and one gray, appeared in his hands.

It is the "Earth Plate" that was just obtained from the Moon Moon Bear.

And the "Spooky Plate" snatched from Wangluo.

At the same time, a faint cyan Cal appeared on Mega Beedrill's body.

The "Buzz Plate" is looming.

Three slates?

Giratina, who had finally raised her face again a second ago, was stunned again.

Xia Yan pointed to it.

"The man behind you, he doesn't have the ability to collect slate, and even his 'Spooky Plate' is in my hands."

Hearing this, Wang Luo's expression darkened.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Giratina, there are three stone slabs on it, grab them!"

Hearing this, Giratina just wanted to show her fierce light.

But Xia Yan spoke immediately.

"And then? Can you collect other slates?"

Wang Luo's tone was stagnant.

Ignoring him, Xia Yan patted Duolong Bartto and slowly approached Giratina.

"Old friend, you may not know me yet, but in the future, we will be good friends."

Xia Yan pursed his mouth and gestured to Duolong Bartto, "Do you know why I can freely enter Distortion World? That's what you taught."

【future? I? 】

Finally, Giratina's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

The current Giratina doesn't seem to have been educated by Arceus, so she has a more grumpy temper.

But being able to communicate, Xia Yan was also secretly relieved.

As long as you are willing to communicate, everything is easy to talk about.

"It's useless to say too much, I'll show you something."

Say it.

A Psychic halo appeared in Xia Yan's eyes, trying to contact Giratina.

Giratina didn't worry that Xia Yan would do a lot of things, and accepted it directly.

Then Xia Yan selected some fragments of his communication with Giratina and projected them into its consciousness.

Among them, Giratina, who focused on recalling the future, took the initiative to drag Xia Yan to his back to highlight the "harmony" of their relationship.

read it.

Giratina was silent.

Is that my future me?

Why does it feel so awkward?

"Memory fragments can't be deceived." Xia Yan said.

After a while, Giratina's voice came out again.

[In the future, am I really being imprison? 】

This shows that it failed to challenge Arceus.

But why does it fail?

Giratina didn't want to believe it.


Would Giratina give up even if she knew she failed?

Do not!

It won't!

If it would give up, it would not be Giratina.

next second.

Giratina had a strong aura, and antimatter energy surged. The surrounding islands and buildings all turned into powder and annihilated under the impact of this energy.

"Sure enough, there is still a lack of enough beatings."

Xia Yan secretly shook his head.

Just like the "aspiring youth" who never knew the cruelty of society without being beaten up in society, Giratina is a child who is in a period of rebellion.

Xia Yan thought about its character quite well.

So he said:

"Yes, because you failed."

boom! !

Giratina's breath grew wilder, her scarlet eyes filled with destruction.

But Xia Yan hurriedly added.

"Do you know why you failed? Because you chose a useless person as your partner! He can't even collect slate, even Dialga and Palkia can't drive, just screaming to beat Arceus, he hit with his head ?!"

Listening to Xia Yan's unabashed demeaning and ridicule, Wang Luo only felt a lump in his chest.

Darker complexion.

Without holding one step one.

But Giratina really calmed down after hearing this.

Staring straight at Xia Yan, waiting for his next words.

Seeing a smile on Xia Yan's face, he shook the two slates in his hand.

"I'll collect all the slates and call Arceus for you." He looked confident.

【You want to help me deal with Arceus? 】

Giratina asked in a deep voice.

Xia Yan blinked twice.

Did I say?

Didn't we just say call Arceus?

But he didn't follow Giratina's words, just said: "Before you didn't have a choice, you had to cooperate with him, and finally failed. Now you have a choice, me and him, you choose one."

Xia Yan did not shy away from letting Giratina make a choice.

He has linked the word "failure" to the hope.

Giratina was silent.


Seeing Giratina's silence, Wang Luo panicked.

Silence means it is shaken.

His biggest trump card is Giratina. If even Giratina betrays him, how will he face Xia Yan who is ready to kill him?

But for the current Giratina.

Does it really matter who you work with?

it wants.

Just a good fight with Arceus.

Whoever can find Arceus, it is willing to cooperate with whomever.

After a long silence, Giratina suddenly said:

[I will cooperate with the winner. 】

After saying that, he swayed his tail and fled in a certain direction to destroy the world.

For the current Xia Yan, as long as Giratina does not help each other, it is the biggest help.

Looking at the distant dragon, a look of despair appeared on Wang Luo's face.

Curse said tightly and viciously: "You can't collect all the slates! You can't go back to the village again, I have already sent a message to Ma Jiamu, you can't go back!"

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows.

"Then you can say no."

A wave of hands.

The Pokémon attacked again.


As the victor, Xia Yan found Giratina, who was wandering the world of destruction, and asked her a question.

"Can you fulfill the promise you made in the future world?"

Giratina: ? ? ?

I have only heard that past prizes are redeemed in the future, and future prizes are redeemed in the past. This is the first time.


PS: 1.1w ask for a monthly pass~

(End of this chapter)

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